Heart of the Pack

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Heart of the Pack Page 11

by Kristen Banet

  Thomas was actually disappointed the lion didn’t.



  Abigail picked up the bowl of potato salad from the counter and headed out to the backyard. She grinned at Thomas at the grill with James as Antonio brought out chairs for the guests, who were due to arrive any moment.

  “Excited?” Antonio asked as she put out the last bowl on the food table.

  “It’s a gorgeous day and we’re having friends come over,” Abigail replied. “So yes.”

  “They know about us,” Antonio reminded her. “Are you ready to go public?”

  “Well, I’ll tell the truth if they ask but I don’t see any reason to make an announcement,” Abigail said, shrugging.

  “I can roll with that.” He unfolded the chair he was carrying and gave her a kiss before moving to get more. Abigail didn’t know how many people were coming over, but she knew this started because Thomas invited the Pride. That was six people, and Riley would bring her dad so he got out of his apartment more. Jessie and her bun would show up for food. Abigail wondered if that lioness could smell things cooking from across town. Phoebe was a hard maybe. Finn…

  “Has anyone asked Finn to come?” Abigail called out to Thomas and James.

  “I’m picking his raggedy ass up once James takes over for me here,” Thomas called back. “Has anyone seen him since you had him at the mansion while we cleaned?”

  “No, unless he’s been working at the mansion, and I wouldn’t know about that,” Abigail sighed. “Make sure his space is still clean while you’re there?”

  “I will, don’t worry.” He handed his spatula to James, who glared at it.

  “I’m still working on the hotdogs,” James growled. “Burgers are your problem.”

  “It will take me twenty minutes to get Finn. Abigail can help you. Right, Abigail?” Thomas looked back to her.

  “I’ll help,” Abigail giggled. “Thank you for getting him. There’s no reason we shouldn’t include him in this.”

  “Still hoping your last patient will pull through?” he asked softly, concerned as he got closer.

  “I have hope that some of these things will stick and help him in the long run,” Abigail answered, patting Thomas’ chest. “I’m just doing what I can and hoping it helps make even a little progress.”

  “I’ll go get him,” Thomas repeated, kissing her forehead. She looked up a little higher and he placed a second kiss on her lips. She deepened it, enjoying the taste of him for just a moment. He pulled away and raised an eyebrow. “Do that again and I’ll cancel this barbecue.”

  “Oh, we don’t want that, do we?” Abigail asked sweetly.

  “And people think you’re shy,” Thomas growled, grinning. “I’m going. Torture James.”

  She watched him leave, shamelessly looking at his butt in those jeans. Her wolves all had such cute asses.

  “Abigail.” James narrowed his eyes on her. “You were told to come help. Come help.”

  She took the spatula from him when she got there and flipped the burgers before they started to burn. Fenrir marked the arrival of guests with a howl that shook Abigail’s bones and caused James to jerk to look in the dog’s direction.

  “Abigail!” Riley called out. “This thing is huge!”

  “Fenrir?” Abigail looked over to see Antonio leading the Pride over as Fenrir bounded around them, excited but not jumping on anyone.

  “Yeah! Thomas said he was a wolf-dog but he’s massive. I didn’t think he would be this big,” Riley replied, coming closer. “What are they feeding him?”

  “Trash from behind Rocker’s,” James answered gruffly, looking down at Fenrir.

  “Now he eats whatever Antonio bought for him. He’s a good boy,” Abigail noted, reaching down to scratch the big thing behind his ears. A couple of days with him and she felt easier. Only once did James actually snarl at him to get him to quit sniffing the trash can, but she noticed that Fenrir really did treat them like a pack. He waited for one of them to tell him he could eat. He didn’t get pushy when he wanted to do something, like jump on the couch.

  And she liked him. Fenrir loved to cuddle with her, his head in her lap when she was watching movies on the couch. He looked big and mean with his nearly black coat, but he was a pushover, really. He just wanted her to scratch behind his ears and give him a treat.

  “He’s huge,” Zachary grunted. “Healthy, which is good for a stray. I expected you guys to have caught some mange-covered thing.” He knelt next to Fenrir who warily sniffed him. “Hey, buddy.” Zachary was patient as Fenrir checked him out. Abigail was a little nervous. Zachary was much bigger than anyone Fenrir had met yet. James watched carefully as well. These were also the first other shifters Fenrir had met, so it was tense.

  Finally, Fenrir pawed Zachary’s leg, asking for a treat like Antonio taught him already.

  “His biscuits are inside,” Abigail groaned. “Antonio?”

  “I got it. Come on, Fenrir. You too, Zachary. I’ll show you how to become his best friend,” Antonio waved them to follow. Fenrir ran off to him and Zachary laughed as he stood up to follow.

  “He always so keen on the animals?” Abigail asked Riley, who nodded.

  “Yeah, he loves them. Except Star. He and Star don’t get along,” Riley chuckled. “Not sure why. I think it’s because he growls at her.”

  “Your fucking cat hates everyone except you,” Troy laughed. “Stop making it sound like Zachary is the bad guy there.”

  “Lies. She’s wonderful with me,” Riley replied innocently as Troy growled at her.

  Abigail looked between them and laughed.

  “Fenrir loves everyone,” James cut in.

  “Fenrir is a dog. They almost always like everyone,” Gabe mumbled. “Star is a nightmare on three legs.”

  “She is not!” Riley huffed. “Whatever. Abigail, I have news!”

  “Do tell.”

  “My gallery will be opening on April twenty-first!” Riley grinned at her and Abigail gasped.


  “Yup! Invitations have gone out and everything is set up. I’m finishing up two more paintings and that’s it.”

  “You know what? Abigail, you go talk to Riley. Troy and Gabe, you guys can help me.”

  “I can do you one better,” Troy laughed. “Andrew will come help you.”

  “That is better,” James noted. Abigail didn’t hear the rest as she dropped the spatula into James’ hand and left with Riley. Antonio and Zachary were leaving the house already with Fenrir and a ball went flying. Abigail watched Fenrir take off after it.

  “I thought you would bring your dad.”

  “He’ll be here. I’ve put him and Sheriff on Jessie duty. They can argue and be dads over her.” Riley chuckled. “She hates it, but my dad needs to baby something again and I’m not down for the overprotective dad thing. Sheriff likes taking care of people and he’s a positive influence on my dad.”

  “You have thought this through.”

  “Got to. Between everyone in this town, I needed to learn how to divert people into not bothering me constantly.”

  “People say Brenton runs this town,” Abigail teased.

  “People are wrong,” Riley replied with a devious smile.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Abigail brought her eyebrows together, staring at Riley for a long time.

  “Kind of. Brenton is my Alpha, always and forever. But he really doesn’t want to get involved with other people. Me? I love people. I love having friends and a small social circle and a community past just my men. I didn’t realize how much I loved it until I had one again. A group of friends.”

  “So, you meddle,” Abigail giggled.

  “I meddle. Brenton does too, on occasion. We’re meddlers. And Andrew? Good Lord, don’t get him started.”

  “You do realize that meddling is very much a feline trait, right?” Abigail crossed her arms, smiling at her best friend. “That everyone else expects it from you?”

  “I have figured that out, thanks,” Riley laughed, pushing Abigail playfully. “Are there any deer or prey traits like that?”

  “We’re skittish. Once something spooks us once, we tend to hold on to that. We’re more prone to anxiety, in the same vein. We settle with humans easier, though. We’re not as aggressive so humans aren’t naturally uncomfortable with us or feel like we’re a threat based on instincts.” Abigail shrugged. “We are animals in our souls. That affects who we are.”

  “I feel you there,” Riley mumbled, nodding.

  A howl interrupted them again and Abigail groaned.

  “More people are here,” she whispered to Riley.

  “You have, like, a living doorbell. I love it. He’s a gorgeous dog, by the way.”

  “He is,” Abigail agreed. “I’m quite taken with him and I was afraid the moment I met him.”

  “You like your wolves,” Riley taunted. “How’s that going?”

  “We’re…now in a relationship. Thanks for all your advice on the matter.” Abigail answered carefully, hoping Riley wouldn’t want to gossip too much. “I wonder who is here!” Abigail changed the topic quickly, pointing to Fenrir running in circles around Antonio as he went to see who drove up. Abigail could see the cute little car from where she was with Riley.

  Even Abigail, over a football field away from the car, could see the bubblegum pink flash of hair.

  “She. Did. Not.” Riley gasped. “Oh my God, she did.”

  “Is that Phoebe?” Abigail asked, wide-eyed.

  Right behind Phoebe’s small car, Thomas’ truck was coming back. Phoebe was petting Fenrir as Thomas and Finn got out.

  “She dyed her hair fucking pink,” Riley said with dismay. “Why pink?”

  “It suits her, honestly,” Abigail mumbled. “Between the tongue piercing, her attitude and now pink hair, everyone should know what they are getting when they meet her.”

  “Her nipples are pierced too,” Riley muttered. “Wild thing. She’s my age.”

  “Twenty-four?” Abigail frowned. She would have put Phoebe a little younger.

  “She turned twenty-five in February.” Riley sighed.

  “She’s still young,” Abigail laughed. “So are you. Why don’t you add some crazy color to your hair to go with the several tattoos and piercings you have?”

  “I’ve already shaved off a lot of my hair.” Riley chuckled as she pulled her hair back. “Started doing this last summer.” Abigail looked over what Riley was showing her. The shaved off sides of her hair and even some off the back showed that Riley had already done something crazy with her hair. “With as much hair as I have, it’s just lighter, and it feels great. Plus, no one notices when I part it so hair falls on both sides.”

  Abigail looked down at herself: oversized knit sweater for the chill, a knit hat on her straight brown hair. Some comfortable jeans versus the slim, neat ones Riley was wearing with a patchy leather jacket.

  “Hey!” Phoebe called, and Abigail looked up.

  Riley shook her head. “She’s not looking for us.” She pointed at Finn trying to slink away. “She’s got a crush.”

  “That might be my fault,” Abigail guiltily watched Phoebe and all her curves stop Finn in his tracks. He was red in the face as the human got closer to him. Abigail was privately very happy she sent Phoebe to deal with Finn at the diner opening.

  An hour into the barbecue, everyone had shown up. Sheriff had brought his wife, Patty, along with Keith and Jessie. Riley and Keith got talking about something private. Sheriff was making sure Patty had enough food. Jessie just kept sneaking over and snacking on everything. Abigail started taking pictures on her phone of everyone, wanting to capture it. When she got to Antonio, he snatched the phone and got a picture of him kissing her, leaving her blushing. Her phone started ringing when Antonio handed it back to her, and she didn’t recognize the number.

  “I should get this, just in case it’s a job thing,” Abigail whispered to him.

  He nodded and planted another kiss on her cheek. “It’s quiet inside,” he informed her.

  She answered the call and ran inside to make sure she could hear whoever was speaking.

  “Abigail Harris speaking.”

  “Miss Harris, this is Caleb Jones from the Shifter Special Task Force. I’m calling about a job. I saw your resume was up again and was hoping to talk to you before someone else grabbed you.”

  Abigail nearly dropped the cell phone. “Are you remaking the therapy unit?” she asked, swallowing. It had been her dream job.

  “We’re considering it, and I wanted to get you in line to run it if it comes back. We’re also thinking about opening another wing, but that’s something I would rather talk to you about in person.”

  Abigail’s hands were shaking. This was her dream job come back. She had adored working with victims through the SSTF. And there was a secret thing they were considering?

  “When do you want me in DC?” she asked, trying not to sound desperate.

  “I’ll be able to see you on the nineteenth and twentieth. I’d love if you came and did a few days, talking to myself and my colleagues about some of this.” Caleb chuckled. “Can you get here on short notice?”

  “I can!” Abigail replied, smiling at nothing. “If you can send me an itinerary, I’ll schedule my flights and hotels privately around it.”

  “I’ll have a schedule for you by the end of the week,” Caleb informed her. “I still have your email on record. Is AbigailHarrisPhD at gmail dot com still correct?”

  “That is correct,” Abigail confirmed.

  “Thank you for talking to me, Miss Harris. I’m looking forward to seeing you later in the month. Have a nice day.”

  “You as well,” Abigail replied and hung up. The call had lasted only a few short minutes. Life-changing minutes. She had a business trip to plan now and a possible job doing what she loved. Her work with the SSTF had let her live anywhere and just travel when they needed her.

  This was perfect.

  “You look insanely happy,” Thomas chuckled. She was distracted by the phone call and hadn’t heard him come in after her. She just grinned in his direction.

  “That was someone from the SSTF!” She nearly screeched like Phoebe did. “They want me to visit in a couple of weeks and talk about reopening their trauma therapy unit and some other things.”

  “And, I’m assuming, a job for you,” he commented, getting closer. She nodded slowly, still smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. “I’m happy for you.”

  “I wasn’t expecting it. James told me to make my resume viewable nationwide, so I did, but…I wasn’t expecting anyone to get back to me through that, especially not my last job.”

  “You’re good at what you do.” Thomas shrugged. “They must have realized what they were giving up.”

  “It’s only been a few days, too,” Abigail continued, shocked by the sudden chances she had. “This is great, Thomas! If I get my old job back, I’ll settle here in Wild Junction and only leave to do temporary travel for work when they need me.”

  “It sounds perfect,” Thomas murmured, spinning them slowly until her back hit the wall. “I’m glad to hear this is working out,” he continued, leaning down to kiss her slowly.

  She moaned as he growled and turned passionate on her. “We still have guests,” she whispered between kisses.

  “We do,” he grumbled, looking less happy after she said it. “Why did you have to remind me?”

  “Because you invited them.” Abigail giggled. “Remember?”

  “Shit.” Thomas groaned. “All right, back to the barbecue before I stop caring about them and take you to a bedroom anyway.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Abigail laughed, patting his chest.

  “I’m a wolf,” Thomas growled playfully. “You know I would.”

  “Back to the barbecue it is!” Abigail laughed harder, pushing him in front of her. She wanted more time with the group and she didn’t want to test Thomas on hi
s ‘threat’ just yet. Later. They could celebrate like that later.

  When she got back outside, she went straight for Riley and told her the news, which meant the entire Pride knew in only moments. Troy and Gabe just shook her hand, but Andrew took a moment longer.

  “You deserve it,” he told her quietly. “Really.”

  “Thank you.” She patted his hand in hers and smiled at him. “I don’t have the job yet, but I’ll still be here if you need to talk.”

  “Thank you,” he whispered. She felt for him. Andrew had it hard.

  “I guess this means I don’t need to feel bad,” Brenton cut in with his mild, bored tone.

  Abigail smiled over at him. “You never needed to feel bad,” she reminded him.

  “He needs to talk to you.” Riley groaned. “And refuses to. Him and Zachary.”

  “At this point,” Brenton muttered, a bit of annoyance coming through, “I think I can get away with saying I’m fine.”

  “I’m not getting in the middle of this,” Abigail mumbled, stepping away. She was walking over to the food when Finn stepped up beside her.

  “So…you’ll be staying in Wild Junction?” he asked softly, his hands shoved into his pockets. He was nervous and anxious, and she could smell it all over him. She didn’t react to it, though, letting him just exist. She filed the scents away in the back of her mind for a later talk with him.

  “I should be,” she answered him kindly. “I’m also willing to keep talking to you pro-bono.”

  “I can pay you,” he said quickly, looking angry. “I’m not poor. I just…” He shrugged. “Don’t care about the money I have.”

  “I don’t want your paycheck, Finn,” she sighed, stopping to look at his face.

  “No, I have a small account of inheritance from grandparents and…um…life insurance from Huck,” he mumbled, so quietly even she had a hard time hearing it. “I’m…supposed to invest it at some point. It’s enough to pay you, though.”


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