The second series in the ongoing Star Crusades saga and follows the expansion of the newly formed Alliance seventeen years after the end of the violent schism known as the Great Uprising. Harnessing technology discovered in the war, the Alliance makes first contact with alien civilisations, as well as drawing the attention of the mysterious enemy, known simply as the Biomechs, begins. The heroes of the Alliance Navy and Marine Corps unite with their alien kin to participate in the greatest and most violent struggle in history.
Star Crusades: Mercenaries
Set in the year 2472AD and beyond.
The third series in the ongoing Star Crusades saga, and is set in the aftermath of the apocalyptic Biomech War. The war may have been won, but after nine long years the future still looks bleak. Entire planets remain devastated, and millions of citizens are homeless. Charismatic leaders and their warriors vie for power, while new regimes rise to great heights, threatening all around them. It falls on the military, and the growing numbers of mercenaries and freebooters to keep the peace between the great empires and ensure the survival of the overstretched Alliance.
The official Star Crusades website:
The official Facebook Page:
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