Honeymoon With The Prince: A Modern Day Fairy Tale

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Honeymoon With The Prince: A Modern Day Fairy Tale Page 4

by Brill Harper

  For me? We weren’t even talking about sex. He must have just been sitting across from me thinking about it and …I made him this hard.

  Me? Really?

  I don’t know how to think. What to feel. The only way I’m used to feeling is a little uptight and a lot prissy. “It’s…morning. It’s not appropriate to have relations right now.”

  He chuckles. When he speaks it is with a new firmness—a deep, quiet, commanding voice. All confidence. “Appropriate? Nothing I intend to do to you over the next seven days is appropriate, Violet. I’m going to fill you with come, over and over. I’m going to learn every inch of your body, what pleases you and what makes you shiver. If something frightens you a little, I’ll push even harder, making you face every dark and depraved fantasy we have.”

  “You shouldn’t speak to me this way.”

  “I think you like the way I speak to you. And I know you like the way I made you come last night.” His hand is still outstretched. “I can’t wait to taste you again.”


  “I licked your sweetness off my fingers last night. Every last drop. Have you ever tasted yourself, Vi?”

  I shake my head quickly. I feel ashamed but I don’t know if it’s because I’m embarrassed by his words or by the fact that it never occurred to me to taste myself.

  It’s such a raw thing to hear. To imagine.

  “You’re sweet. And tangy. And if you’re a very good girl, I’ll let you taste yourself from my cock after I use it to make you come over and over again.”

  The words are like a swift punch of primal intensity. I never thought I would do such things. That anyone would want me to do something so wicked. “You’re the devil.”

  “I’m your devil. There is no shame in anything we do together.”

  “I don’t know if I can believe that.” It feels like my whole life has been spent hiding from the kinds of things he is making me want. “I feel like I’m being broken into pieces.”

  “Passion is going to break us both into pieces. It’s supposed to. It will shatter us and then put us back together again, stronger than before. You’ll see,” his voice rasps, sounding even thicker and deeper, the sound inflaming the growing warmth that had begun building inside me.

  But I don’t know what to do with the warmth inside me. The growing awareness of not just the prince, but myself. “Why don’t you want someone who already knows this? Wouldn’t it be better? For you? Don’t you want someone who has experience?”

  “You misunderstand. I’ve never experienced these feelings before either. The honeymoon is sacred here. I have training, yes. But I don’t give my seed indiscriminately. You are special. This between us is special. Take my hand. Let me show you.”

  An acceptance starts happening inside me. Something that feels hopeful for the first time in my adult life. Maybe fairy tales don’t really come true, but this man has gone through an awful lot of trouble to make me believe they do. There’s no reason I can think of that he would do this all for me unless I truly am what he wants.

  I let him help me up, and he pulls me right into his massive body, cushioning his hard, throbbing erection into my soft body. I do something that surprises us both when my arms loop around his neck. He gifts me with a slow, arrogant smile before he crushes his lips against mine.

  He isn’t just kissing me. He’s claiming me. He takes my mouth, licking and nipping. He slants my mouth and deepens the kiss, slow and long, and I ache deep where he touched me last night. He groans a savagely masculine sound and his kisses change. Urgent. Punishing. Hard.

  And I love it.

  He rips away from me, the look in his eyes promising dark pleasures and an edge of danger. “Do you wish to leave? Now might be your last chance. If you stay, you will come to my bed now and not leave it until my seed is planted deep inside you. Several times. Do you understand?”

  I nod.

  His nostrils flare. “You’re wet, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “My kisses make you that way, Violet, because you are mine.” He uses my hand to cup his erection. “And this is what your kisses do to me. Because I am yours.”

  I gasp in shock, but my hand cups him harder. He’s throbbing there, pulsing. For me.

  The fat, mushroom head pokes out from the top of the waistband. The tip is kissed in wetness, and I don’t think, I just run my fingertip in the dew. He hisses as I swirl it around. He pulls me tighter to him, grinding into me. “You’re going to make me forget all my training if you keep touching me. I won’t be able to stop myself.”

  I raise my eyes to his and cover the head of his erection in my hand. “Are you going to ravage me, Your Majesty?”

  Heat flares in his eyes at my bratty tone. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? My sweet, pure Violet wants me to fuck her like a feral beast, doesn’t she?”

  Hungers from deep inside me pull to the surface, drowning me in desire for things I can’t even name. But he can. He can take this ache away. He knows what I need, and I can make him give it to me. I let the prudish tone seep into my next words, hoping to fire him up. To make him take me. “Markellan, how do I know what I want? I’m completely innocent, remember? You’re going to have to show me everything.”

  He growls and drags me to the floor, pulls open my robe, and bares me to him. He pins my hands to the floor near my head and growls into my mouth while kissing me, taking my own moans into his. His erection is leaving a trail of wetness on my stomach as he pushes into me. Out of instinct, my legs wrap around him and my hips thrust up.

  “Do you need to come again, Violet? Is your little wet pussy greedy for me to make it come again?”

  “Yes,” I say, urging him to drive into me instead of holding himself above me the way he is.

  “Tell me your pussy is wet for me.”

  I bite my lip and stare up at him. “I don’t think I can say that. I’m too…”

  “Do not tell me you are too shy. Not now when I can smell your desire. Tell me how wet your pussy is. Tell me,” he demands.

  “My pussy…I’m so wet for you, Markellan. I want you so badly. My pussy is wet. So wet.”

  “Good girl.”

  With that, he moves down my body and before I can protest his absence, he pushes my legs wide open and stares at me. At my pussy. I said the word, now I can think it.

  He’s staring at my pussy with a fierce expression on his face. One that is brutally masculine. He makes me wait, exposed and vulnerable, while he stares. “You are fucking perfect. I’m going to fuck you with my mouth. I’m going to taste how much you want me.”

  My hips jolt at the first touch of his tongue. In the back of my mind, the inner prude is putting up a fuss. This is wrong. Wrong to let him use his mouth on me there. Wrong to be with a man not my husband. Wrong to enjoy the silky slide of his tongue like a wanton whore. But when he groans his pleasure and the sound vibrates on my …on my clit, I ignore the prude. I am allowed pleasure, and this is pleasure like nothing I’ve ever felt.

  He drags his tongue up and down, slurping as he does, the sound of it so lewd. So filthy. His hands slide under my bottom, pulling me into his mouth. I think I might be dying. It’s too much. And then he pushes his tongue inside my channel.

  He’s literally fucking me with his tongue. I become a wild thing, bucking and trembling under his face, and he has to squeeze my ass to keep me in place for his relentless tongue.

  I twist to move away. It’s too much, but he holds me harder.

  “I can’t.”

  “You will.” He licks me from the bottom of my slit to the top, curling his tongue. “You will. You are mine. Mine to eat and mine to fuck.”

  My blood roars in my head, and I can’t get a deep enough breath. I thought last night in front of the mirror was intense, but that was nothing compared to this. There is no mercy here. He intends to use my body to unlock things I had no intention of giving him. There is terrible danger in pleasure. And terrible pleasure in da

  My body clenches in need. Release from the torture dangles in front of me, but only if I jump headlong off the cliff into the abyss. Markellan reaches up and palms my breast, pinching the nipple, and I leap over the edge, screaming as the pleasure explodes in sonic waves.

  Breath is sawing in an out of my lungs when he rises above me, his dark eyes searing me, a wicked grin curling his glossy, wet lips, his voice, strong and commanding demands, “Again.”

  Chapter Seven


  I can’t get enough of this woman. The sweet, mouth-watering taste I had of her pussy only makes me want more. She was so responsive to me, coming so hard and flooding my mouth with her intoxicating juices, I have to have more.

  I make my way back down to where I need to be, sucking on her skin as I go.

  She is languid with desire, spreading her thighs for me, welcoming my mouth. Her back arches, ready for me to taste her again. I part her swollen lips and lick as if I were starving. As if I hadn’t just made her come. Her body melts into me as my tongue pushes deeper into her slit, wetness flooding between her thighs and down my chin.

  Again she arches her back, pulling my tongue in deeper. I become a man possessed, eating her sweet cunt, lapping at her feverishly. Her body begins to shake. “That’s it, angel. Come on my face again.”

  “Oh…that sounds so dirty. So filthy…so oh, so good.”

  I smile into her pussy. She’s the perfect partner for me. Making her want to be depraved is my goal. And I am succeeding. “Such a dirty girl. You fooled everyone, didn’t you? They all think you’re a good girl, but I knew. I knew right away what this little pussy needed, didn’t I?”

  She screams in pleasure when I take her clit inside my mouth, sucking and tugging, as another orgasm rolls through her. She thrashes beneath me, and I do know what she needs.

  My cock. Pumping inside her.

  God knows I need it too.

  All that training, and I’m going to take my princess on the floor next to our breakfast table? Conceive my first child on the carpet? When there is a perfectly good, large bed in the other room, too.

  I steel my reserve. No. Not like this.

  I roll off her, my breath heaving. I need a moment to compose myself. “Go, get in my bed,” I demand, used to getting my way and knowing she needs me to be in control in order for her to submit to her own desires. To my desires. Some women need to be control, and some, like Violet, need to be in submission in order to fully engage in passion.

  “Hmm?” she says fuzzily, as if her brain is not connecting all the way. Good.

  “Now, Violet. Go get in my bed before I take you like an animal on the floor.”

  She scampers up and into the other room while I collect myself, breathing through the pain of my desire.

  And then I follow.

  She’s sitting on the bed, watching me warily. I take my time, lighting all the candles, letting her anticipation build. I pull the honeymoon chest out and open it slowly, watching all the thoughts flit across her face in succession.

  I don’t put any music on. I want to hear every rasp of her breath, gasps, and moans.

  I kneel in front of her, wanting her to feel my reverence. “Your body is my playground now. I am going to do whatever I want to you. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “Good girl.”

  “Take off the robe and lay down.”

  Her breath hitches, but she shimmies out of the robe and does what I say. I pull out the scarves and her eyes go round. “This will enhance your pleasure, lamb.”

  I decide against restraining her legs this time. I want to feel them wrapped around me later.

  I pour some massage oil onto her skin. It’s a very special blend, and as the aroma fills the air, she moans before I even touch her. “My people have spent centuries perfecting this fragrance, love. Can you feel the scent working already? The air you breathe is an aphrodisiac. The oil of a very special flower found only here in Kentigen. The scent will help relax you. My hands will do the rest.”

  I begin to rub the sweet-smelling oil into her breasts, massaging them firmly. God, I love her tits. "So gorgeous, so responsive," I murmur before my mouth descends on one taut peak, my warm, wet tongue moving in deliberate circles as my hands continue sliding down her skin. My slick hands glide over her hips and stomach. I force myself off her breast and massage up and down her legs until she is languid and relaxed.

  “Close your eyes.”

  She does so with no hesitation, and my need for her clutches me like a vice.

  Not yet.

  I pull another vial out of the basket and some of the liquid onto the tip of a toy, then a few drops onto her wet folds. She twitches against the restraints as the lubricant tingles icily along her sensitive lips. “That feels cold, doesn’t it, love? We call this oil ‘frosty kiss.’ Keep your eyes closed.” I push the button on the toy and a soft buzz fills the room. Her skin blooms with goose bumps and then her body convulses when I touch the toy to her pussy. “Open your legs.” I use the small tip of the toy to explore her, watching her face as pleasure dances across it almost uncomfortably. I push it inside her, causing her to yank and pull at the restraints, as she cries out and her eyes fly open.

  Then I find it. The single point inside her. Her eyes roll back as the vibrations shoot through her in waves. Her back arches and the bedposts creak in resistance. A series of feral moans fly out between gasps of air. “You’re perfect, Violet.”

  She only moans in response. My cock is so hard I could drive an iron spike into the ground with it, but watching her come is addicting. I bring out the feather as she comes down from her orgasm, tickling her lightly as her body continues to spasm. I slowly bring her down, down, down. Back to earth. Her eyes are glassy and she’s so goddamned beautiful I have to put a hand over my heart to keep it from beating right out of my chest.

  “That was…” she says, dazed.

  “It certainly was. Are you ready for me?”

  She nods, but as I slide my pants all the way off, my large, angry, ready-to-do-some-damage cock springs out, and her eyes round with shock and maybe a little horror.

  That little bit of fear is intoxicating. “You’re going to like this, Vi. You’ll come to take my cock whenever and wherever I tell you. Surrendering to me will be the easiest thing you ever do.” I ease back up her body, letting my dick settle on her stomach between us, my balls nestled against that soft pussy, and kiss her until she relaxes again.

  "Spread your legs more, angel.” I rub the thick slippery head of my dick up and down between her lips. When she gets slicker, I push the fat tip of it against her opening. Slowly, I ease inside her. Just the tip, but it feels so amazing.

  Her eyes roll up in her head as she pants. I fight every barbarian instinct I have to shove all the way inside. I need to fuck her like I need to breathe.

  I grit my teeth, dying to move. She’s breathing slower, I can feel her adjusting to my size. She’s so tight. Too tight.

  I need to go back down on her. She’s too tense.

  I start to pull back but I’m stopped by Violet’s hard thrust up into me. She gasps as I bottom out inside her. I hold very still as she breathes through the shock.


  “I just wanted you so much,” she explains. “I needed to feel you inside me all the way.”

  Well, I’m inside her all the way now, for damn sure. Poor angel just took her own virginity using my cock. That’s actually fucking hot. I untie her wrists, needing to know she can hold me if she needs to.

  I feel her all around me. Her flesh is pulsing, stretching around my shaft. “You feel better than anything I have ever felt in my life," I tell her, kissing her again. “Your hot pussy is gripping my cock so tightly.” Wet, hot silk. “How do you feel?”

  Slowly, I start grinding and rocking into her, and she moans.

  “Stretched. Full.” I pull halfway out and thrust back in. “Oh!”
/>   “Are you mine, Violet?” I ask, knowing the answer from the glazed look in her eye.


  I thrust again, a little harder this time. “Is this my pussy, Violet?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes. All yours.”

  “That’s right. You’re taking every inch of me now.” There’s a bit of the cooling lotion left inside her, and it mixes with her hot, wet heat. The sensation is incredible, and I don’t know how much longer I can hold out. “Be a good girl and make that pussy come all over my cock.”

  “I don’t think I can come again—” She cries out when I move my hips in a figure eight and grind my pelvis into her clit.

  “Yes, you can. I won’t come in this pussy until you give me another one. You want my come, don’t you? You want me to fill you up and give you a baby?”

  Oh that did it. She’s gasping, gripping my biceps. “Yes.”

  “I want to empty myself into you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? All my come, all for Violet. Filling you up. Mating you. Breeding you. All you have to do is come one more time, love. Squeeze that pussy around my cock. Drain me.”

  Violet bucks, arching her back. Close, so close.

  “Violet, I’ve never come inside a woman before. I’ve never felt another person this way. Just like this. Bare and raw. I want to give you my baby. I want to fuck my baby right into you, right now.”

  Her pussy floods with lubrication and then starts contracting around me. Squeezing me. Milking me. Her orgasm pushes me over the edge, and my dick starts pistoning in her hard. I’ve never felt this way before, so untamed and animalistic. I drive into her deep and roar as my hot come releases inside her. Filling her up just like I promised. My seed is leaking out of her, and I keep thrusting, coming longer and harder than I even thought possible.

  I nearly collapse on top of her but don’t pull out. “Do you feel all my come inside you, angel?” My hips weld to her and I keep grinding her into the mattress, forcing all that semen into her channel. “I need you to come again, draw it all up inside you.”


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