once upon a romance 08 - making a splash

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once upon a romance 08 - making a splash Page 12

by Laurie LeClair

  Annabelle cringed. Found out. But being this close to Max, inhaling that fresh, clean scent of his, made her trail her lips along his jaw. “Hmm…” she whispered, wanting to soak in his essence, drink it all in. A shiver shot through him and she felt it clear to her toes.

  At the far end of the restroom, a door slammed shut and the metal lock was shoved into place. There were sounds of rustling. “Oh, for the love of…” Gigi muttered, loud enough to carry over the water. “Of all the…whoever thought of these shapers never took into account bathroom issues.”

  Max suppressed a chuckle; Annabelle felt it rumble in his chest. He dropped his head and pressed his lips along her neck. A rush of desire swept through her.

  He hit the spot.

  She flexed her fingers in reaction, lightly scraping his sides. He sucked in a sharp breath.

  “Ah…” Gigi sighed long and loud.

  Annabelle stilled. “I can hear her going,” she said under her breath.

  “Me, too,” Max agreed in an equally low voice.

  “Cover my ears.”

  “Mine, too.”

  They clamped hands over each other’s ears with their faces inches apart, trying to drown out the noise. His grin made her smile, as if they shared a secret.

  “How do they expect me to get these back up after that meal? I’m bloated as all get-out.” Gigi’s voice carried.

  Seeing Max holding back a chuckle caused Annabelle to start giggling. She buried her face in his shoulder.

  He gave in. “Just take them off, Gigi,” he called out.

  “But my hose.”

  “Them, too. Just be free.”

  Annabelle joined him in muted laughter.

  “Why not, right?” Gigi said. More rustling sounds came and knocks and bangs as she must have shimmied out of the clingy garments. “Finally.” Flush! The bang of the door and then the click of her heels echoed. “I’ll be out of your way in a flat New York minute.”

  Still so close, Max ran his fingers through Annabelle’s hair. His sparkling eyes met hers and they shared a grin. A warm, delicious sensation buzzed in her blood.

  “The faucet won’t shut off!” Gigi cried, fumbling with what surely was the knob. The pressure increased. “Mayday!”

  Max’s groan matched hers as Annabelle nudged him aside. Together they shifted and opened the door and rushed out.

  Out of the corner her eye, Annabelle caught her reflection. Her cheeks were bright pink and she avoided looking at her mother-in-law. “Gigi, stand back!” She dropped down to her knees and stuck her head under the row of sinks. Finding the shut-off valve, she twisted it and popped her head up to see. The last blast hit her square in the face and dripped down to soak her blouse.

  “Annabelle,” Max said, reaching out to haul her to her feet. “Let’s get you out of harm’s way.”

  The water gurgled to a stop, but it was too late; she’d already been doused. Again. Talk about a cold shower.

  “Paper towels.” Gigi rushed to get some and came back with a hand full and thrust them at Annabelle.

  She took them, trying to mop up the mess. Max helped and then froze.

  “Ah, Irish. There’s something showing. A couple of somethings. Are you wearing a bra?”

  “What?” Glancing down, she realized her white blouse and white camisole were soaked through, baring her to him. “Eek!” She wrapped her arms around herself, not daring to look at him.

  “Your hair, too, honey. It’s plastered to your head in front.” Gigi tried to pull drenched strands off her.

  “Looks like we’re back at square one all over again, Whitfield!”

  She’d been so close to kissing him, so close to letting her guard down. For one kiss. One last kiss. The powers that be were warning her. No, in fact, they were shouting at her to not go there.

  Why didn’t she want to listen?

  Chapter 19

  Max Whitfield still couldn’t shake the image of Annabelle in that see-through blouse nights ago. He had dreams of her, soft and willing, in his arms.

  But the days were filled with thoughts of how close they’d been, how incredible it felt to be smashed in that tiny bathroom stall and so highly aware of everything about her.

  An innocent request for one last kiss turned into an erotic play of teasing and tempting. Never had he gotten so little, yet it seemed as if they connected on such a deeper level.

  “Irish,” he whispered, the longing throbbing in him. He missed her.

  “Yo, Max,” Bruno called, tapping Max’s crossed feet on the guard’s desk. “Edward’s here. Shake a leg.”

  He roused himself. “Thanks, buddy.” He dropped his feet to the floor and stood, shoving aside the delicious hum in his blood every time he thought of Annabelle. “Enjoy that.” Max pointed to the oversized cupcake from his favorite bakery.

  “Will do. Hey, you come back anytime and tip me with food, you hear?”


  Still grinning, Max halted at the door. Turning back to his friend, he asked, “Can you deliver something for me?”

  “Sure. What you got?”

  “A note.” Suddenly, he wanted to reach out to her, let her know he still thought about her. He scribbled the brief message on a pad Bruno handed him and folded the paper. “To Annabelle.”

  “The lady re-doing the rooftop?” He set his cap back on his head and raised his eyebrows.

  “That’s the only one I know.” He smiled. “You’ll do it then?”

  “You’re sweet on her. I’m a sucker for romance.” He leaned forward and said in a conspiratorial whisper, “Don’t say anything, understand? But I read the wife’s romance novels. I like the happily ever after part.”

  “Why, Bruno, you tough guy. You have a soft spot in you after all.” He crossed his heart. “Secret’s safe with me.”

  “Yours with me.” He dug into the lemon cupcake stacked high with buttercream frosting and moaned.

  “There’s more where that one came from.”

  “You do that, Max, and I’ll deliver all the notes you want.”

  Max whistled as he walked out of King’s and onto the sidewalk, an idea hatching in his mind.

  The limo waited at the curb. The back door opened and Charlie got out. He rushed to her, giving her a hand. “Hey, little momma, you can’t be overdoing it.”

  “Max, good to see you. Don’t worry, I’ve got everyone watching me. Sometimes, too close.” She added the last as Edward raced around the car.

  “Now, Miss Charlie, you need to wait for me.”

  “I’m preggers, not helpless,” she scolded them. She sighed. “Thank you for your concern. The doctor says I’m doing much better this time around.”

  “I’ll walk her in,” Max said to the chauffeur, sticking out his elbow for her to take. “Be right back, Edward.”

  “Thanks, Max,” Edward and Charlie said in unison and they all chuckled.

  “Everything all right?” she asked as they walked toward King’s.

  “Usual stuff.” He shrugged it off.

  “She’s doing a great job.”

  “Who?” But he knew who.

  “Annabelle is working from Saturday nights through Monday morning when we’re closed. She comes in before dawn and works until the store opens in the morning and comes back after we close and works until midnight. Not much of a life for her, though.”

  He’d read the contract, knew the deal. However, to hear how much and how hard she worked sent a bolt of pride straight through him. “Coming along?”

  “You saw the terms. Even added a few in her favor. So why did you cross off your commission slash finder’s fee in her contract?”

  At the door, he halted, turning to her. Her hand fell away from his arm and she looked him dead in the eye. “I didn’t do it for the money.”

  “Yet, Jay insists you take something for his.”

  “I wouldn’t take it from him, if he’d listen, but he says either that or an allowance from him. At least this way, I fee
l like I contribute something.”

  “We would have paid you, nonetheless. You’re good. You’re fair. You should think about joining our new legal department. Why not have legal experts on the payroll instead of paying enormous, outrageous fees to a firm, right?”

  “Good idea, Charlie.”

  “That and a new all-round security force is in the planning phase. I’m afraid King’s and the King family need more protection. The more we grow, the more concerns for all of our safety. Cyber security for family, employees, and customers, too. Of course, Bruno will head it up. That’s if he wants it. And between him and Edward they’ll handpick the team.”

  Something in him jolted alive. “Now, that’s a great idea. I’ve been telling Jay that for a while now, too. Can’t ever be too safe.”

  “Think about the job offer, friend. Now, I must get going. But, to answer your unasked question, she’s outstanding at what she does. I think my stepmother would love a water fountain in her front yard, so the sisters and I are giving it to her for a birthday present. Don’t worry, we’ll warn Annabelle before she takes on the job.”

  Her laughter trailed after her as she met Benny, the doorman, and he ushered her into to her store.

  Max jogged back to the limo. He tapped on the passenger side window and Edward rolled it down.

  “Back?” Edward nodded over his shoulder.

  “Are you kidding? I’m riding shotgun with you.”

  The older man’s face split in a smile. “Now you’re talking.” He unlocked the door.

  Max jumped in, dragging on the shoulder seat belt. “Where to, Edward? On the phone you said you’d show me around.”

  He checked the mirrors and pulled out into the street, easing behind a car. “You sure about this? I mean, you wanting to be a cop and all?”

  “Absolutely.” His answer rolled out of him without thought. In the back of his mind, though, he had this niggling sensation over Charlie’s offer. His brothers would love it and most likely Annabelle, too. Could he be a sellout? He’d tried for a while, pleasing his brothers by going to college and then law school. But his heart just wasn’t in it, even though he loved the law and justice system.

  “I’ve got friends in all kinds of places.” Edward shot him a grin. “But can’t get you to some of those places in this rig.”

  “Too flashy.”

  “You could say that.” He turned at the corner and zoomed down the street. “Today, you get to meet with the guys. Old, broken-down retired and disabled cops. They’ve got stories that will make your hair curl.”

  “Nice place to start.”

  “I thought so.”

  “Thanks for doing this for me, Edward.” He’d taken a chance and called, hoping he’d get a little support. Thankfully, he had.

  “Sorry to put you off at first. You heard about Dolly and her long-lost daughter?”

  He patted the man on his shoulder. “Congrats, Dad! Who would have known your sweet wife had that kind of secret?”

  “I get a step-daughter and a son-in-law in just a few weeks.”

  “Madison and Dex getting married so soon?” They’d only known each other for a short time. Could love hit you that hard and fast? Images of Annabelle sprung to mind. His heart hitched. No, don’t go there.

  “She wants her adoptive mom to be there before it’s too late. And she said she’s finally found her Mr. Just Right, so we’re going to Austin, pack her stuff up, and move her here into Dex’s house. Dolly’s over the moon with everything. Happy wife, happy life.”

  “Good man, Edward.” He recalled how his dad would wink at his boys and dance with their mom, twirling her around until she laughed. Keeping her happy and smiling seemed like his dad’s mission. In doing so, he’d made them all happy.

  Talk dwindled as Max stared out the window, gazing at the landscape. He spotted familiar places, yet saw some changes. His mind worked overtime, noting the businesses, people hanging around, vendor trucks, and the usual.

  “You got the eye for it,” Edward said. “Watching, assessing.” He turned into a decent looking diner parking lot, pulling away from the other cars and parking near the side.

  In less than five minutes, Max walked in behind Edward, to the muted voices and clinking glasses of the place. He followed to the back where at a round table sat five older gentlemen.

  “Finally, you’re here, Eddie!” They seemed to speak all at once.

  “Fellas, meet Max. Max, the guys. He’s going to be one of us soon, so give it to him straight up.”

  “Did you hear about the perp who tried to slice and dice me?” the balding guy with the black patch over his eye asked and then picked up his coffee mug and sipped nonchalantly.

  Taking a seat, Max checked their smiles and some smirks, wondering what he’d gotten himself into.

  “Hey, hey now! Don’t start without me,” a guy called out, as he rolled toward them in a wheelchair. He was young—maybe in his thirties—skinny body, and with a Texas Rangers baseball cap on.

  “Yo, Ralphie, how you doing?” the guys greeted him warmly. They shifted to give him and his chair more room.

  “This the guy?” Ralphie asked, nodding to Max. “I heard you wanted to join the force.”

  “Heard right.”

  “Got a strong stomach?”

  “I grew up with three brothers. What do you think?”

  Something didn’t seem right as a hush came over the men. Eddie patted Max on the shoulder as if preparing him.

  “Are you setting me up, Edward?”

  He dropped his hand and reached for the water glass in front of him. “Maybe. It’s not like it used to be, Max. Different world out there. Right, Ralphie?”

  Ralphie stared at him long and hard, making Max grow uncomfortable.

  “What’s going on?”

  Silence grew.

  With a grim set to his features, Ralphie began, “I was a cop for nine years. One night I got a call. Domestic violence. My partner goes around the back. Front door’s ajar. I kick it open, call out the warning. Suspect charges me. I get him down. Wrestling to get the cuffs on. And never saw it coming.” He put his hand to the bill of his cap and began to lift it up.

  Max’s breath stayed trapped in his chest as inch by inch the big angry red scar on the guy’s forehead was slowly revealed.

  “The vic hits me upside the head with a bat…” He tugged the hat off all the way, the stubble of hair couldn’t hide the long, wide wound that went from the front to the back of his head.

  “Never saw it coming. His girlfriend, the one he beat up, didn’t want me to hurt him. The one who I was trying to protect, turned on me. Took me out.” His voice hitched. “Perp is free as a bird. Vic is doing time for what she did to me. Wife left me last year when she found out this is as good as it gets. I was the burden she never wanted. Me? I’m handicapped for the rest of my days.”

  A huge block of ice dropped, hitting Max in the gut.

  Visions of his mother and brothers weeping as he walked into the house with the nice police officer who brought him home the night his father died sprang to mind. Later, he recalled, finding his mom sitting on the floor in her closet, clutching his father’s shirt to her and rocking as she sobbed uncontrollably.

  His thoughts shifted to Annabelle, now knowing how she must have ached with the loss of her husband, too.

  “I get it,” Max whispered, realizing how much these men and their families had sacrificed.

  A chill went over him as he could only imagine the pain he’d cause if anything happened to him.

  His brothers. Joey. His Irish.

  The ones he longed to protect the most, would end up suffering the most because of him.

  What the hell was he going to do about it?


  “Delivery!” Bruno said, holding out a paper.

  “Me? Is it a bill?” Annabelle asked, hauling more gear from the back of her truck.

  Darkness closed in and she’d parked her truck under one of the street
lights outside King’s. Most of the heavy equipment had been deposited via crane to the rooftop already. Now, she was yanking out the items from the bed of her truck that she’d need tonight.

  “Take a look.”

  Reluctantly, she set aside the tool belt and then took the white slip from the friendly night guard. Her hand shook at his serious expression. Unfolding it slowly, she read the one word.


  Max, I miss you! She answered silently.

  But I can’t chance it. You’re too much of a risk to my safe life! To my heart!


  Annabelle glanced down at her work boots and jeans, hoping she’d brushed off most of the dust clinging to her as she walked through King’s.

  Two weeks on the job and she’d forgot the time, ending after the store opened. At least there weren’t many customers here at this early hour.

  She came upon the women’s department. Neat white cubbies along the back of the wall held an array of colorful clothes. Nearby racks were filled with beautiful dresses. She gulped, thinking of that frothy green number she’d worn the day she met Max.

  “Max,” she whispered his name. An ache of longing shot through her, gripping hard. It had been days since she’d seen him.

  Shaking her head, she tried to dislodge the want in her. Failed.

  He’d strummed to life something she’d rather not face. Gingerly, she stepped onto the carpeted area and brushed her hand over the fabrics of the dresses.

  “Can I help you?” a woman’s voice asked from behind her.

  “Eek!” She squealed and jumped at the same time. Turning and pressing a hand to her chest, she faced the elegant older woman. “No. No. Just looking.”

  “Lovely coloring you have.”

  “Really?” She reached for her hair, patting it down on the top and hooking a strand behind her ear. Just as quickly, she flicked the strand back out again and smoothed that side down.

  “Come back anytime and I can select some things for you to try on.”

  Annabelle gulped. “I’ve never done anything like that before.” Scrimping and getting by had been her usual mode. She’d rather give Joey and Gigi the extra for a treat.


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