Special Investigations Agency: Primordial

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Special Investigations Agency: Primordial Page 10

by Denise A. Agnew

She sniffed. “Right.”

  “Watch out. You’re starting to sound cynical.”

  “And you’re not?”

  “I never said that. I’m one of the most cynical people in the world.”

  She inhaled deeply and his gaze locked on the way her firm, plump breasts strained just right against her shirt. He echoed her breath, looking for control. He didn’t need a monumental hard-on as a distraction.

  As they rounded a sharp curve the aspirin bottle rolled and slid off the bench seat onto the floor. She unbuckled her seatbelt at the same time he did. They both reached for the bottle as it rolled toward the front of the limo.

  A tremendous force slammed them forward at the same time, a crunching sound mixed with rending metal, and the scream of burning rubber added to the noise. He went flying against the bench seat to the north side of the car, jamming his ribs and drawing a curse from his lips. Keira’s cry of surprise rang in his ears as she fell in a heap at his feet. The car titled slightly to the right.

  “Damn it!” He groaned as pain rolled through his ribs. He reached down for her and grabbed her shoulders from behind as she sat up. “Are you all right?”

  She turned to look at him, eyes startled and with her hair flopping over her face. She managed to say breathlessly, “Yes. My God, what—?”

  The partition drew back and Eduardo’s frantic expression filled the opening. Blood trickled from his forehead. “We’ve got big problems! The limo is surrounded by rebels!”

  “Maintain your position. We can’t afford to fight that many.” Zane looked through the windshield, then toward one of the side windows. All of Zane’s instincts went on high alert when he saw what awaited them. “Shit.”

  A deuce and a half military vehicle blocked the narrow road, and Eduardo had tried to swerve around them. Instead the soft shoulder crumbled and sent them straight into the jungle and face-first into a huge tree.

  Zane quickly moved off the bench seat and pulled on the drawer below it. Out popped a drawer containing a nice selection of weapons, including a handgun. “The bastards deliberately ran us off the road.”

  “What? Why would they do that? They look like military,” she said. “And why does this limo have a cache of weapons?”

  “No time to explain. The guys in the camie gear aren’t military.”

  “Who are they?”

  “Rebels. Probably enemies of Haan or anyone associated with him. They patrol this countryside sometimes when they feel a juicy need to pick up money or weapons from Ludwig’s cohorts.”

  “Then we’ll explain we’re not Haan’s friends.”

  He snorted. “I’d like to be able to say that would work, but there’s no guarantee. There are a couple of small factions running around in Puerto Azul that would like to destabilize the democracy here. There’s one group that wants to take down Haan, but they aren’t always gentle about their methods. From the looks of them, they could be any of those groups.”

  He saw the fear in her eyes, then her expression solidified into determination. “We’ll keep the doors locked. They can’t get in.”

  If he left the vehicle without a weapon, he would be sitting duck. On the other hand, he could still be in deep shit if he took a weapon. He made a command decision and yelled it to Eduardo. “We’re going out slowly. No weapons drawn or we’re dead.”

  He stuffed the weapon into the back waistband of his pants.

  “What are we doing?” she asked.

  The men piling out of the truck strolled down the small slope to the limo. “I think they’re giving us two options. Surrender and surrender. This limo doesn’t have bulletproof glass, and I’m not taking the chance one of those assholes is going to shoot through the door to get our attention. When we get out of this car, stay close to me. Keep quiet and let me do the talking.”

  “You’re the expert, Cochise.” She sounded cocky, yet he saw the underlying anxiety in her eyes.

  Eduardo’s driver’s door flew open and someone yanked him out. One of the men outside tapped on the window and shouted a command in Spanish for them to get out of the car.

  “This is it.” Zane moved toward the car door. “Follow me and don’t make any quick movements.”

  Zane opened the car door with the utmost caution and then someone jerked it the rest of the way open.

  “¡Vamomos, deprisa!” the man gestured with his automatic weapon.

  Zane exited the car and smiled. He switched to Spanish. “Gentlemen, we don’t want any trouble. It looks like there’s been a terrible accident.”

  The short, squatty man standing nearest the door moved back as another tall, bulky thug took over. His green camie gear had seen better days. None of the six men in front of them wore insignia or rank of any kind.

  The man holding Eduardo by the back of his shirt collar possessed a hollow eye socket. Cyclops cuffed the driver in the back of the head when Eduardo mumbled something in Spanish. Zane wanted to leap forward and kick the shit out of Cyclops for hurting Eduardo, but he knew better than to start trouble.

  “They have nothing you want. They are simple tourists,” Eduardo said in Spanish, his gaze hazy with pain.

  “Shut up,” Cyclops said.

  The tall creep said, “I am Paco Ortega. You were unfortunate enough to come into our path.”

  Ortega moved closer and Zane almost wrinkled up his nose. The stench alone assured Zane the man needed a bath at least two days ago.

  “We didn’t mean to cause a problem,” Zane said in English to see if they could understand him.

  Ortega’s eyes, a glacial bottle green, shined fiercely out of his tanned, harsh features. His pockmarked skin gave him a tortured, used up look. “You have no business being on this road in this fancy car unless you are on the way to see Ludwig Haan. That is a problem.”

  Ortega’s switch to English surprised Zane a little, although schools in Puerto Azul went to great pains to teach English along with Spanish.

  “You are friends with this Haan?” the shorter, stubby man asked, putting his gun over his shoulder in a very nonchalant fashion.

  Zane didn’t know which direction this fuck-up would go, but he would keep it in his favor or die trying. “We were invited to Rancho La Pas, but we hardly know the man.”

  Stubby man shoved the automatic weapon barrel under Zane’s chin. “You lie.”

  Behind Zane, Keira let out a gasp. “No.”

  Stubby turned his attention on Keira, exactly what Zane wanted to avoid. With a leer Stubby abandoned his assault on Zane and walked toward her. A burning need to cut off the man’s balls almost overwhelmed Zane. Damn it all to fuckin’ hell. If the douche bag laid one hand on her— He turned toward her and Stubby, even though he knew the gun in his waistband would be obvious.

  One wannabe soldier grabbed his arm and pulled him back, then removed the gun from Zane’s waistband. “He has a weapon, Manuel.”

  So, the stubby prick has a name.

  “No shit,” Manuel said. “So did the driver. Maybe we should frisk the woman.”

  Keira’s eyes widened a little, then she schooled her features into contempt. She backed up against the limo. Zane couldn’t run to her rescue without bringing death down on her and him. He would bide his time as long as they didn’t hurt her.

  Ortega spoke out as he strolled toward Keira and Manuel. “We have better things to do. Search the car.”

  While Manuel did what he was told, Ortega gestured toward Keira. “Give me that pack around your waist.”

  She complied.

  “Your vehicle is destroyed, no? You cannot drive it,” Cyclops said. “So we take it for parts.”

  Another man with a thick mustache and brown eyes strode up to the scene. He’d remained in the background and observed while his compatriots played this game. With his slightly lighter skin he looked a little different than the rest of these goons. Tall, with an air of command, the guy couldn’t be much older them Zane.

  “Welcome to La Selva Negra. This jungle is as it
is named. Very dark and very dangerous.” He lowered his automatic weapon. “Now that we are finished with the formalities, give me your wallet.”

  Hoping to keep the situation from boiling over, Zane did as told. When the man flipped through his wallet, he skipped over the money and went for the identification. “A California driver’s license and a temporary license to drive in Puerto Azul. Mr. Zane Spinella. What is that? Italian?”

  Zane thought the question strange, but he answered. “Yes.”

  “You are a rich man?”

  Shit, shit, shit. Did this bastard think kidnapping is a good idea?

  “I am,” Zane said.

  “An honest one, no?”

  Zane managed a smile. “Sometimes. Sometimes not.”

  The man laughed as he shouldered his weapon. “Manuel, what did you find in the car?”

  Manuel backed out of the limo. “Weapons, El Jaguar! Liquor. Food. Their luggage has nothing but clothes in it.”

  The man called El Jaguar took off his cap and thick, light brown hair sprang up as he raked his fingers through it. “Weapons, Señor Spinella? I think you are not an ordinary tourist.”

  Zane shrugged. “Eduardo keeps the weapons for emergencies.”

  El Jaguar didn’t look convinced. “Very suspicious.”

  He turned his attention to Keira and Zane felt every muscle in his body tighten for battle. El Jaguar wandered up to her, his gaze assessing with clear male appreciation. Keira looked unruffled and Zane admired her composure. So far she’d displayed as much courage as any agent he’d worked with in SIA.

  “Why are you here, chica?” El Jaguar asked.

  She took a deep breath and eased back against the limo; maybe she wanted to get as far away from the man as she could without being too obvious. “Zane is my fiancé. We’re here on vacation.”

  El Jaguar’s gaze was hidden from Zane as the man watched her. At least the rebel hadn’t made a step toward her since she’d retreated. He clasped her left hand and spied the huge ring. “I see. Very impressive.”

  Keira’s expression didn’t alter an iota. “If you want the ring, take it. Just let us go. All I care about is Zane.”

  The soft plea sounded authentic, a woman in love and concerned. Instead of taking her up on the offer, the man chuckled. The other men laughed with him, an edge of humorless cruelty in their tones.

  “A woman who values her man over diamonds?” Cyclops asked. “Not possible. I say he’s not her fiancé. His whore maybe, but not for marriage.”

  “Quiet!” hissed El Jaguar.

  While he appreciated El Jaguar defending Keira, fire raced up Zane’s spine at Cyclop’s assertion. “She is not a whore. We’re getting married tomorrow.”

  Manuel stood by the limo, his attention on the crushed front end. “Perhaps we take her ring to repair the front of this car, eh?”

  El Jaguar cleared his throat. “We will take the ring from the lady since she does not want it.” He drew the ring off her hand and held it up. “Exquisite.” He turned back to Zane. “The man…we will take his money.” He extracted money and credit cards from the wallet, including the bug tracking device. “You won’t need these.”

  “Leave me one,” Zane said quickly. “The Macon City Bank card. At least leave me that one.”

  For a moment El Jaguar looked defiant, then he smiled and slipped the card back into the wallet. He tossed the wallet back at Zane and pocketed the other items. “Leave the lady’s money. As a gesture of my respect.”

  Manuel leered at Keira. “There’s one thing I will take from the pretty Señorita.”

  He reached for her, jerking Keira into his arms with brutal force. His mouth slammed down on hers.

  Everything male and protective inside Zane curled into rage and he lunged toward Manuel. “Get your fucking hands off her!”

  Blinding pain shot through the back of his head and sent him down a black hole.

  * * * * *

  Keira thought she’d vomit as Manuel pressed his fat, stinking mouth against hers. She struggled and brought her knee up to jam him in the nuts. As her knee connected she heard and saw Zane rushing to help her. At the same time she cracked the asshole in the cojones, she saw Ortega bring the butt of his automatic weapon down on Zane’s head.

  Manuel went down with an agonized cry at the same time Zane hit the ground face-first. Eduardo shouted something in Spanish. Fear for Zane raced through her.

  A shot rang out and everyone stilled. Perversely she expected to feel pain somewhere, but then realized El Jaguar had shot into the sky.

  “Enough!” El Jaguar stomped toward Manuel and kicked the man in the ass while Manuel writhed and groaned. “I didn’t authorize you to touch her! Nothing is done without my permission. Comply or die!” He turned on Ortega and pistol-whipped the man across the jaw. Ortega fell on his back, moaning as he clutched at his face. “I did not authorize disrespect toward these people.”

  Jolted out of her shock, she scampered toward Zane with Eduardo following close behind. When she dropped down on her knees next to Zane, she could see he’d gone out like a light. She quickly grabbed his wrist and tried for a pulse. A trickle of blood ran down the side of Zane’s face, and she brushed his thick hair away to look for damage. Her heart pounded like mad, threatening to come up through her throat as fear cloaked her breathing.

  When she felt an instant, strong pulse she sighed in relief. “Thank God.”

  Eduardo started to check Zane over, searching the agent’s scalp. Eduardo’s efficiency surprised her; his serious expression said he knew what he was doing.

  Eduardo wiped Zane’s blood off his fingers with a handkerchief. “Señorita Jessop, I don’t feel a fracture. But we can’t say for sure until he sees a doctor.”

  Worry sliced through her as hot and deep as razor blades. The thought of this vital, strong man seriously injured scared the hell out of her. Tears sprang into her eyes and she let everyone see how she felt. She didn’t have to act. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Zane’s big shoulder.

  El Jaguar hovered over them. “Your fiancé may be seriously injured, Señorita. I apologize for these undisciplined pups. They will be punished.”

  From the harsh tone in his voice, the penalty would be nasty indeed. She sniffed and tears ran down her cheeks. “We’ve got to take him for medical treatment.”

  “There is none for miles.” El Jaguar gestured with one hand.

  “You’re just going to leave us here?” she asked, anger rising as more tears fell. “I swear, if he dies—” Just the thought made more tears come and she allowed them full power, dredging up the real pain as much as she could. “You can’t leave us like this.”

  Eduardo shook his head. Something in his face, a kind glimmer in his eyes, gave her courage. “We will have to manage on our own. We have a medical kit in the limo.” He glanced at the men surrounding them. “That is, if you don’t take it from us.”

  El Jaguar nodded. “We will allow you to keep your supplies. All we require is your weapons.”

  With a glare she said, “Take the weapons.”

  Within a few short minutes El Jaguar and his thugs loaded back into the big truck, including a semiconscious Ortega and a grumbling Manuel.

  El Jaguar remained longer, his gaze on Zane. “If I was you I would put this man into the limousine to keep the sun off him. Señorita, I wish we could have met under more pleasant circumstances. Perhaps another day.”

  He tipped his hat and returned to the truck.

  She threw dagger looks at the vehicle as it retreated down the road. “Come on, Eduardo. At least that bastard had one good idea. Let’s carry Zane into the limo.”

  “No one is carrying me anywhere,” Zane said suddenly, his voice sounding a little weak. A groan parted his lips as he flopped onto his back and shaded his eyes in the crook of his arm. “Fuckin’ A!”

  She gasped in relief. “Zane! You’re awake.”

  He kept his arm over his face. “I woke up a while ago. I hear
d a lot of the conversation.”

  Eduardo gasped. “You played…how do you say it in America? Possum?”

  Zane laughed, then groaned. “Eduardo, don’t make me laugh. You’re killin’ me.”

  She touched Zane’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “Damn it, Zane. You scared the hell out of me.”

  Tears returned and she didn’t understand why. She’d never been a weepy woman until now, never felt this vulnerable when she wanted to be strong.

  Eduardo said something in Spanish that sounded prayerful and he chuckled. “Spinella, you are one tough son bitch.”

  When Eduardo said bitch it came out sounding like “beach.”

  Zane removed his arm from over his eyes and laid still, his face a little pale. He groaned as he sat up slowly. “Yeah, well I don’t feel so tough right now. I feel like someone bashed me over the head with an automatic weapon.”

  A little surprised he would admit to any limitation, she pressed his shoulder and kept it there. “You might have a concussion.”

  He shook his head, then winced. “No, I don’t think so. My vision is okay and I don’t have any dizziness or nausea. I’ve got some medical training.”

  Doubtful, she watched him as he started to stand.

  Eduardo got on one side and helped him. “I’ll get the medical kit and we will check.”

  As Eduardo headed back to the limo, Zane reached for her. “Come here.”

  She didn’t expect his sudden embrace and eager touch as his arms slipped around her and he drew her close against his chest. Keira felt so grateful to have his solid muscles around her that she made a contented sigh. His warm scent enveloped and gave her a sense of safety she didn’t have around any other man.

  Silent and grim, she absorbed power and undeniable protectiveness from him. God, it felt good. Right. His fingers brushed through her hair and then he released her. Caution and relief mixed on his handsome face. Almost as if he regretted drawing her into his arms but couldn’t help it.

  Niggling suspicion made her ask, “Why do I get the distinct impression Eduardo isn’t everything he appears to be?”

  The mischievous glint in the special agent’s eyes turned into a full-blown grin. “He’s a man of many talents.”


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