Shadow Sun Survival

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Shadow Sun Survival Page 41

by Dave Willmarth

  “That alert message said we’d been given a library. This place is… it’s wonderful!” Allistor moved to the desk and touched the leather chair gently. Fuzzy began to sniff at the books curiously.

  Helen moved to the nearest shelf and began looking at the books. “This one says it’s about agriculture methods. And this one is called “Alchemy for Beginners.”

  Allistor sat down at the desk as Helen read off more titles. His insides fluttered and his legs felt weak as he realized what this library must be. Everything his people needed to know might be in these books. There were thousands of them. Maybe tens of thousands. If the books weren’t one-time use like the scrolls, he could educate all his people. And he could get Ramon making copies even if they were one-time use.

  “Ramon!” he muttered to himself. Looking around, he said, “Um, Interface? Can you hear me?”

  “I can hear you anywhere within any structure you own, Lord Allistor. How can I assist you?”

  Please open a channel to the Warren. Put it on loudspeaker like you did with the Silo.” He grinned, picturing all if his friends about to freak out.

  “Connection established, Lord Allistor.”

  “Hey, guys! It’s Allistor!” he called out, probably louder than he needed to. On purpose this time.

  A chorus of surprised voices echoed at him from out of thin air. Some cursing, some questioning. He held up a hand, then put it back down when he realized they couldn’t see him. “Quiet down, please. I can’t understand you when you all talk at once. How ‘bout all of you head to the dining area, and I’ll talk while you walk. Maybe I can answer all of your questions.”

  He waited for the murmurs to die down, then proceeded. “So first, I’m speaking to you through our new communication network. It was one of the perks of becoming the first to build a Citadel. Along with a castle that you guys have GOT to come see. In fact, you should all come. Lock down the Warren, leave a couple folks as guards, and the rest of you can come here via the new teeeeeleporter you’ll find out by the garage!” He drew out the word for emphasis.

  Again he waited as people reacted to that news. “Yup! We have our very own teleporter. And Ramon, I’m sitting in a library full of books about… well about everything. So bring your scribey stuff. We’ll buy you more when you get here if you need it. We actually got six teleporters, so we can establish more Strongholds!” He tried to curb his enthusiasm as his voice went up in pitch like a teen going through puberty. He heard Sam laughing. “Luther, that means could reopen your Stronghold with a teleporter, and you could travel back and forth instantly.”

  “That would be wonderful, Allistor. Thank you.” Luther’s voice sounded pleased.

  “If everybody is gathered together, pick somebody to talk first, and I’ll answer questions.”

  Sam’s voice replied. “Most of us are here. Nancy and Ramon were out in the greenhouse, but they’ll be here in a minute. We saw the notice about you establishing the Citadel. Michael says that’s a mixed blessing. Something about people targeting us now?”

  “Yeah, that is unfortunate. But I think it will be a good long while before anyone is strong enough to challenge us. A few like Evan might try, but our defenses are strong. And I intend to make sure our people are strong, too.”

  “We’re with ya there, boy. I mean…Lord.” Sam’s teasing was good-natured. “We’ve been out foraging and found a few good things for auction. We also found a couple other survivors. They’re here with us now. Nathan and Nick. Michael just brought them in about an hour ago. Say hi, fellas.”

  Two male voices spoke over each other, then one said, “Hello, Lord Allistor.”

  The other said, “Hiya, Lord.”

  “Please, despite Sam’s teasing, I’m just Allistor. Welcome to our little community. Sam will bring you along to the Citadel, and we can meet face to face shortly.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes, then agreed that the group, minus two or three who would remain to guard the Warren, would teleport over in the morning. Allistor signed off feeling pleased and quite hopeful for their future.

  Helen and Allistor spent the next few hours in the library. Allistor began by reading all of the Citadel information available on his interface, then doing the same for Strongholds. He spent a little time asking questions of the interface but soon grew tired of calling it by that name. He pulled up the tab for it and found that he could make several adjustments. He started by getting rid of the generic monotone voice. Then he gave it a name. After a few other adjustments, he spoke to it out loud.

  “Interface, I’ve decided your name will be Nigel. I hope you like that better than Sweetie.”

  “I do indeed, Lord Allistor. Thank you.”

  Helen looked up from a book about xenobiology to see Allistor grinning upon hearing the response. Nigel now spoke with a cultured accent she thought vaguely resembled an Australian, or maybe a New Zealander. “Nice!”

  “You are most welcome, Nigel. Now, I have more questions. How far from the outer wall do your sensors extend?”

  “An approximate radius of two miles around the citadel’s footprint, Lord Allistor. In every direction, including above and below.”

  “And can you monitor the sensors of the Strongholds and Outposts as well?”

  “I can monitor any facility you have claimed and attached to this Citadel. This includes the defensive measures, as well as other vital systems and statistics.”

  “Great! Please notify me of any intrusions at any of the facilities. Also, what types of other systems?”

  “For example, I can monitor the plant growth in the greenhouses, and adjust the sprinklers based on their need, or activate them on a given schedule. I can open and close doors at your command, construct or deconstruct buildings, monitor population, even track the skills and abilities of your citizens for you.”

  “Okay that last bit’s a little creepy,” Helen interjected, having abandoned her book to listen in. “Nigel, what do you know about me?”

  “Designation: Ranger Helen Rogers. Friend and advisor to Lord Allistor. Level 8. Current skills: Ranged weapon: Rifle – Level 5; Tracking – Level 3; Improvisation – Level 1; Animal Husbandry; Level 2; Horseback riding – Level 2; Title: Dragonslayer; Last remaining representative of organization known as U.S. National Park Service. Authorized access to all areas of the Citadel, both Strongholds, and both Outposts, excepting personal quarters of Lord Allistor.”

  Allistor grinned at her. “That’s not creepy. It’s not like Nigel told me what color undies you’re wearing or who you have a crush on. Just useful information any Viscount should know about his people.”

  Helen stared at him for a minute, her face completely blank. When Allistor began to wonder what he’d said wrong, she asked, “Who says I’m wearing undies?”

  “Ha!” He leaned back in his chair. “Seriously, do you have a problem with Nigel having that information? Are other people going to take issue with it?”

  “Nah, I don’t think so. A few might be embarrassed by certain skills or lack of them. But I agree that you need to know this information to properly manage a community the size of the one you’re trying to build.”

  The two of them returned to their research until Nigel informed them that dinner was ready. They took the elevator down to the ground level and walked over to join everyone for the meal. The whole group was abuzz with excited conversation. Some spoke about gains in crafting skills. Others planned foraging expeditions, recommending likely places to find useable loot. Campbell was instructing a small group of non-gamers on simple game mechanics and character builds.

  Allistor left them to it, making only a brief announcement that the folks from the Warren would be teleporting in to meet them in the morning. When the meal was done, he spent some time checking the market. The first thing he did was research the cost of a teleportation hub license. He quickly discovered that it wasn’t an ‘auction’ item, but was sold directly by the System itself at a set cost of fifty million klax. Eac
h of the substation licenses cost five million.

  When Allistor whistled in amazement, Andrea asked, “What’s up, boss?”

  He looked at his three advisors, who were all sitting nearby. “I just checked. Building the first Citadel got us some SERIOUSLY epic bonuses. The teleporters we got? The hub and six substations? Together they cost eighty million klax.” He watched as their eyes widened, and they did some quick math in their heads.

  “Yeah. So, I think you guys were right - it’ll be a while before anyone else on Earth has one. Even with a fleet of RVs to sell and a constant stream of cool antique guns and stuff, it would take me the whole year to earn even the fifty million for the hub.”

  Andrea nodded her head. “Yeah, so now we know that being the first to do things earns sweet rewards from the System. We need to figure out a few more achieves like that.” She tapped her fingers on the table for a few seconds. “I don’t suppose there’s a wiki that we can consult for some cheats? Like a list of achievements that’ll get us legendary loot?”

  Allistor laughed. He’d had the same thought. “Not that I’m aware of. But we have a whole library upstairs if you guys want to join me for some reading?”

  The four of them and Fuzzy said good evening to those who remained in the dining area, and Allistor led them back up to the library. After a short exploration of the rest of the Lord’s quarters and a good bit of teasing, they all sat down and spent the rest of their evening reading.

  None of them found a wiki, but they did learn a few useful things that they shared with each other before retiring to their chambers. Helen, not having chosen quarters at the mall previously, just selected one of the guest rooms in Allistor’s quarters and crashed.

  Fuzzy followed Allistor to his ridiculously luxurious sleeping chamber. It was almost uncomfortably large, with a massive bed placed on one wall facing a window on the opposite wall fifty feet away. There was a sitting area, two large closets, a fully stocked bar, and in the master bath, there was a tub set into the floor that was large enough for three people.

  Trying to ignore the opulence, Allistor stripped to his boxers and crawled into the bed. Fuzzy circled the floor a few times and plopped down right next to the bed, his snout resting atop the goblin doll. Allistor was still staring at the ceiling making plans when Fuzzy began to snore. He reached down and scratched the big teddy bear’s ears for a while, eventually falling asleep himself.


  Sam’s voice woke Allistor from a deep sleep, yelling. “Allistor! Are you there? We’re under attack!”

  Instantly awake, Allistor shouted back. “Sam! What’s happening?”

  “It’s not monsters. It’s people! The two guys Michael brought in. They killed one of Luther’s people on guard outside. Tried to open the gates. The alarms went off, and we have them pinned. There are more outside the gate trying to get in!”

  “I’ll be right there!” Allistor was already up and throwing on his clothes.

  “Nigel! Do not let anyone open the outer gates of the Warren. And please put me on loudspeaker here at the Citadel.”

  “Go ahead, Lord Allistor.”

  “Attention Citadel residents! The Warren is under attack, human infiltrators inside the walls and more outside. I need a few volunteers to teleport there with me to help defend the place. Anyone willing, meet me at the pad in five.”

  Helen met him in the sitting room as he dashed for the elevator with Fuzzy right behind him. When they hit the ground floor, they sprinted through the promenade and out to the pad. Citizens were running ahead and behind them, gathering quickly at the teleport. He looked around to find that nearly every one of his people was there, or on their way.

  His heart full, he was about to thank them all for volunteering when Nigel’s voice cut through the early morning darkness. “Lord Allistor! I regret to inform you that an intruder approaches the citadel. A drake, flying in from the south.”

  “Shit!” Allistor tried not to panic. He needed to get to the Warren, but he didn’t want to leave the Citadel to fend off a dragon without him.

  Andrea spun him around. “We got this. We’ll take care of this place. You go help your people at the Warren. You don’t need us for a few assholish humans.” She grinned at him.

  He pulled the .50 caliber rifle out of his ring, along with a box of ammo. “Who knows how to shoot this thing?”

  Dean whistled at him. “That’d be me, boss. I’ll take this bad boy up on the tower. That dragon won’t know what hit it!”

  Allistor handed over the weapon, then looked at Andrea. “You sure you guys got this?”

  “If we can’t kill it, we’ll hide inside somewhere safe and wait for you and the others to rescue us.” She grinned at him, making it clear she was in no way going to hide. Allistor snorted and stepped up onto the pad. Fuzzy and Helen followed.

  “Nigel! Please send us to the Warren.” He pulled an assault rifle with a night scope from his ring as he spoke. There was a brief flash, and he found himself standing in the dark next to the garage at the Warren. Sporadic gunfire rang out, and he heard shouting.

  “Nigel, show me where the intruders are,” he whispered. He crouched down on one knee and motioned for Helen to do the same.

  A map popped up on his interface. A series of green dots scattered around inside the cavern and up on the surface near the inner doors indicated his people. Two red dots near the outer gates must be the two saboteurs. Outside the gate were ten more red dots, mostly gathered right in front of the doors.

  “Nigel, can you share this map with the rest of my people? And link them in so they can hear me, but the intruders can’t?”

  “Of course, Lord Allistor. It is done.”

  “Hey, guys, it’s Allistor. In case you didn’t see the flash from the teleporter, I’m here. I’ve got Helen and Fuzzy with me. You should all be able to see the map with the bad guys as red dots.”

  “Glad to have you back, kid!” Sam replied. “We can see them. What do you want to do?”

  “They won’t get the gates open. So let’s take out the two inside, then get up on the wall and blast the others.”

  “Roger that! I’m in range. Get them to stick their heads out, and I’ll make them pay.”

  Allistor didn’t hesitate. He needed to get this situation dealt with and return to help fight the dragon. Turning to Helen, he said, “Stay here, find some cover and a line of sight on these guys. You see one of them, put one in their head.” She nodded, and he took off running.

  He dashed straight toward the front gates, whispering, “Nigel, loudspeaker please.”

  He waited a moment, then shouted, “You assholes are dead! You come into my house and eat my food, then try to kill all my people? I’m gonna eat your hearts!”

  As he had hoped, the surprise voice distracted them long enough for him to get close to the wall. Based on their red dots, they were actually inside the gatehouse. Probably above the gates trying to get ropes down to their comrades. He switched from the rifle to his shotgun, the one loaded with slugs. Running up the stairs as silently as he could, he cursed as the gatehouse door opened above him. A shadow moved slightly in the moonlight, and a gun fired.

  Allistor ducked as stone exploded just above his head. Immediately, shots from his allies rang out, and the shadow ducked back inside. Allistor finished his climb and ran for the door. Just before he reached it, he cast Barrier in front of himself.

  He kicked the door in, nearly knocking it from its hinges and sent a Flame Shot into the room as he stepped to one side to take cover. There was a grunt of pain, and two more shots rang out. Allistor stuck his head out long enough to see two figures, one of them with his clothes afire. The flames gave him enough light to hit the other man with Mind Spike.

  That man fell writhing onto the floor, screaming and holding his head. Allistor stepped in and fired point blank into the face of the man whose clothes were on fire. His head exploded even as his weapon fired. Allistor felt something tear at his side but ignor
ed it. He pumped another round into the shotgun, then slammed the stock into the other man’s nose just as he was sitting up. The intruder fell onto his back, still screaming until Allistor jammed his shotgun barrel into the man’s mouth. He felt several teeth break.

  “Tell me who sent you here.” He growled. Fuzzy, who had followed him into the room, put his snout inches from the man’s eye and growled as well.

  The man wet himself. He tried to speak around the shotgun, but couldn’t. Allistor pulled the barrel back a few inches. “Speak.”

  “Justin! It was Justin. He’s outside with the others. He made us pretend to be lost, so we could get in here and open the gates for him. He wants your head.”

  “Why does he want my head?” Allistor asked. Then he immediately said, “Wait one.”

  Pressing the shotgun back down against the man’s forehead, he said, “Sam! These two inside are down. Get our people up on the wall as quietly as possible. I want to surprise our guests.”

  Looking back to the man on the floor, he said, “Okay, why?”

  “You killed his cousin, Evan. Says you murdered him in cold blood when he wasn’t even armed.”

  “That’s a lie, but it doesn’t matter now.” Allistor looked at Fuzzy. “Eat his face.” He cast Mind Spike again.

  The man screamed as Fuzzy opened his jaws and roared. The scream became a gurgle a second later. Allistor had already turned toward the door and was on his way out, leaving Fuzzy to do what bears do.

  Out on the wall, he found Sam, Michael, Ramon, and one of Luther’s guys climbing the stairs, with George crossing the open area a ways behind them, puffing hard. Allistor cast Levitate on the old man then pulled him up onto the wall. He gasped out a thank you and put his hands on his knees.


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