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Star Wars - A New Hope

Page 8

by George Lucas

  locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to


  Ben studies the data on the monitor readout.

  BEN I don't think you boys can help. I must go alone.

  HAN Whatever you say. I've done more that I bargained for on this

  trip already.

  LUKE I want to go with you.

  BEN Be patient, Luke. Stay and watch over the droids.

  LUKE But he can...

  BEN They must be delivered safely or other star systems will suffer

  the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path

  than mine. The Force will be with you...always!

  Ben adjusts the lightsaber on his belt and silently steps

  out of the command office, then disappears down a long grey

  hallway. Chewbacca barks a comment and Han shakes his head in


  HAN Boy you said it, Chewie.

  Han looks at Luke.

  HAN Where did you dig up that old fossil?

  LUKE Ben is a great man.

  HAN Yeah, great at getting us into trouble.

  LUKE I didn't hear you give any ideas...

  HAN Well, anything would be better than just hanging around waiting

  for him to pick us up...

  LUKE Who do you think...

  Suddenly Artoo begins to whistle and beep a blue streak.

  Luke goes over to him.

  LUKE What is it?

  THREEPIO I'm afraid I'm not quite sure, sir. He says "I found her",

  and keeps repeating, "She's here."

  LUKE Well, who...who has he found?

  Artoo whistles a frantic reply.

  THREEPIO Princess Leia.

  LUKE The princess? She's here?

  HAN Princess? What's going on?

  THREEPIO Level five. Detention block A A-twenty-three. I'm afraid

  she's scheduled to be terminated.

  LUKE Oh, no! We've got to do something.

  HAN What are you talking about?

  LUKE The droid belongs to her. She's the one in the message.. We've

  got to help her.

  HAN Now, look, don't get any funny ideas. The old man wants us to

  wait right here.

  LUKE But he didn't know she was here. Look, will you just find a way

  back into the detention block?

  HAN I'm not going anywhere.

  LUKE They're going to execute her. Look, a few minutes ago you said

  you didn't want to just wait here to be captured. Now all you want to

  do is stay.

  HAN Marching into the detention area is not what I had in mind.

  LUKE But they're going to kill her!

  HAN Better her than me...

  LUKE She's rich.

  Chewbacca growls.

  HAN Rich?

  LUKE Yes. Rich, powerful! Listen, if you were to rescue her, the

  reward would be...

  HAN What?

  LUKE Well more wealth that you can imagine.

  HAN I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit!

  LUKE You'll get it!

  HAN I better!

  LUKE You will...

  HAN All right, kid. But you'd better be right about this.

  Han looks at Chewie, who grunts a short grunt.

  LUKE All right.

  HAN What's your plan?

  LUKE Uh...Threepio, hand me those binders there will you?

  Luke moves toward Chewbacca with electronic cuffs.

  LUKE Okay. Now, I'm going to put these on you.

  Chewie lets out a hideous growl.

  LUKE Okay. Han, you put these on.

  Luke sheepishly hands the binders to Han.

  HAN Don't worry, Chewie. I think I know what he has in mind.

  The Wookiee has a worried and frightened look on his face

  as Han binds him with the electronic cuffs.

  THREEPIO Master Luke, sir! Pardon me for asking...but, ah...what

  should Artoo and I do if we're discovered here?

  LUKE Lock the door!

  HAN And hope they don't have blasters.

  THREEPIO That isn't very reassuring.

  Luke and Han put on their armored stormtrooper helmets and

  start off into the giant Imperial Death Star.


  Han and Luke try to look inconspicuous in their armored suits

  as they wait for a vacuum elevator to arrive. Troops,

  bureaucrats, and robots bustle about, ignoring the trio

  completely. Only a few give the giant Wookiee a curious


  Finally a small elevator arrives and the trio enters.

  LUKE I can't see a thing in this helmet.

  A bureaucrat races to get aboard also, but is signaled away by

  Han. The door to the pod-like vehicle slides closed and the

  elevator car takes off through a vacuum tube.


  Several Imperial officers walk through the wide main

  passageway. They pass several stormtroopers and a robot

  similar to Threepio but with an insect face. At the far end of

  the hallway, a passing flash of Ben Kenobi appears, then

  disappears down a small hallway. His appearance is so fleeting

  that it is hard to tell if he is real or just an illusion. No

  one in the hallway seems to notice him.


  Luke and Han step forward to exit the elevator, but the door

  slides open behind them. The giant Wookiee and his two guards

  enter the old grey security station. Guards and laser gates

  are everywhere. Han whispers to Luke under his breath.

  HAN This is not going to work.

  LUKE Why didn't you say so before?

  HAN I did say so before!


  Elevator doors open. A tall, grim looking Officer approaches

  the trio.

  OFFICER Where are you taking this...thing?

  Chewie growls a bit at the remark but Han nudges him to

  shut up.

  LUKE Prisoner transfer from Block one-one-three-eight.

  OFFICER I wasn't notified. I'll have to clear it.

  The officer goes back to his console and begins to punch in

  the information. There are only three other troopers in the

  area. Luke and Han survey the situation, checking all of the

  alarms, laser gates, and camera eyes. Han unfastens one of

  Chewbacca's electronic cuffs and shrugs to Luke.

  Suddenly Chewbacca throws up his hands and lets out with

  one of his ear-piercing howls. He grabs Han's laser rifle.

  HAN Look out! He's loose!

  LUKE He's going to pull us all apart.

  HAN Go get him!

  The startled guards are momentarily dumbfounded. Luke and

  Han have already pulled out their laser pistols and are

  blasting away at the terrifying Wookiee. Their barrage of

  laserfire misses Chewbacca, but hits the camera eyes, laser

  gate controls, and the Imperial guards. The officer is the

  last of the guards to fall under the laserfire just as he is

  about to push the alarm system. Han rushes to the comlink

  system, which is screeching questions about what is going on.

  He quickly checks the computer readout.

  HAN We've got to find out which cell this princess of yours is in.

  Here it is...cell twenty-one-eight-seven. You go get her. I'll hold

  them here.

  Luke races down one of the cell corridors. Han speaks into the

  buzzing comlink.

  HAN (sounding official) Everything is under control.


  INTERCOM VOICE What happened?

  HAN (getting nervous) Uh...had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh,

  everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here,

  now, thank you. How are you?

  INTERCOM VOICE We're sending a squad up.

  HAN Uh, uh, negative. We had a reactor leak here now. Give us a few

  minutes to lock it down. Large leak...very dangerous.

  INTERCOM VOICE Who is this? What's your operating number?

  Han blasts the comlink and it explodes.

  HAN Boring conversation anyway. (yelling down the hall) Luke! We're

  going to have company!


  Luke stops in front of one of the cells and blasts the door

  away with a laser pistol. When the smoke clears, Luke sees the

  dazzling young princess-senator. She had been sleeping and is

  now looking at him with an uncomprehending look on her face.

  Luke is stunned by her incredible beauty and stands staring at

  her with his mouth hanging open.

  LEIA (finally) Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?

  Luke takes off his helmet, coming out of it.

  LUKE What? Oh...the uniform. I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue


  LEIA You're who?

  LUKE I'm here to rescue you. I've got your R2 unit. I'm here with Ben


  LEIA Ben Kenobi is here! Where is he?

  LUKE Come on!


  Darth Vader paces the room as Governor Tarkin sits at the far

  end of the conference table.

  VADER He is here...

  TARKIN Obi-Wan Kenobi! What makes you think so?

  VADER A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the

  presence of my old master.

  TARKIN Surely he must be dead by now.

  VADER Don't underestimate the power of the Force.

  TARKIN The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe.

  You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion.

  There is a quiet buzz on the comlink.


  INTERCOM VOICE Governor Tarkin, we have an emergency alert in

  detention block A A-twenty-three.

  TARKIN The princess! Put all sections on alert!

  VADER Obi-Wan is here. The Force is with him.

  TARKIN If you're right, he must not be allowed to escape.

  VADER Escape is not his plan. I must face him alone.


  An ominous buzzing sound is heard on the other side of the

  elevator door.

  HAN Chewie!

  Chewbacca responds with a growling noise.

  HAN Get behind me! Get behind me!

  A series of explosions knock a hole in the elevator door

  through which several Imperial troops begin to emerge.

  Han and Chewie fire laser pistols at them through the smoke

  and flame. They turn and run down the cell hallway, meeting up

  with Luke and Leia rushing toward them.

  HAN Can't get out that way.

  LEIA Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route.

  HAN (sarcastically) Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, Your


  Luke takes a small comlink transmitter from his belt as

  they continue to exchange fire with stormtroopers making their

  way down the corridor.

  LUKE See-Threepio! See-Threepio!

  THREEPIO (over comlink) Yes sir?

  LUKE We've been cut off! Are there any other ways out of the cell

  bay?...What was that? I didn't copy!


  Threepio paces the control center as little Artoo beeps and

  whistles a blue streak. Threepio yells into the small comlink


  THREEPIO I said, all systems have been alerted to your presence, sir.

  The main entrance seems to be the only way in or out; all other

  information on your level is restricted.

  Someone begins banging on the door.

  TROOPER VOICE Open up in there!

  THREEPIO Oh, no!


  Luke and Leia crouch together in an alcove for protection as

  they continue to exchange fire with troops. Han and Chewbacca

  are barely able to keep the stormtroopers at bay at the far

  and of the hallway. The laserfire is very intense, and smoke

  fills the narrow cell corridor.

  LUKE There isn't any other way out.

  HAN I can't hold them off forever! Now what?

  LEIA This is some rescue. When you came in here, didn't you have a

  plan for getting out?

  HAN (pointing to Luke) He's the brains, sweetheart.

  Luke manages a sheepish grin and shrugs his shoulders.

  LUKE Well, I didn't...

  The princess grabs Luke's gun and fires at a small grate in

  the wall next to Han, almost frying him.

  HAN What the hell are you doing?

  LEIA Somebody has to save our skins. Into the garbage chute, wise


  She jumps through the narrow opening as Han and Chewbacca

  look on in amazement. Chewbacca sniffs the garbage chute and

  says something.

  HAN Get in there you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell! Get

  in there and don't worry about it.

  Han gives him a kick and the Wookiee disappears into the

  tiny opening. Luke and Han continue firing as they work their

  way toward the opening.

  HAN Wonderful girl! Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to

  like her. Get in there!

  Luke ducks laserfire as he jumps into the darkness. Han

  fires off a couple of quick blasts creating a smokey cover,

  then slides into the chute himself and is gone.


  Han tumbles into the large room filled with garbage and muck.

  Luke is already stumbling around looking for an exit. He finds

  a small hatchway and struggles to get it open. It won't budge.

  HAN (sarcastically) Oh! The garbage chute was a really wonderful

  idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered! Let's get out of

  here! Get away from there...

  LUKE No! wait!

  Han draws his laser pistol and fires at the hatch. The

  laserbolt ricochets wildly around the small metal room.

  Everyone dives for cover in the garbage as the bolt explodes

  almost on top of them. Leia climbs out of the garbage with a

  rather grim look on her face.

  LUKE Will you forget it? I already tried it. It's magnetically


  LEIA Put that thing away! You're going to get us all killed.

  HAN Absolutely, Your Worship. Look, I had everything under control

  until you led us down here. You know, it's not going to take them long

  to figure out what happened to us.

  LEIA It could be worst...

  A loud, horrible, inhuman moan works its way up from the

  murky depths. Chewbacca lets out a terrified howl and begins

  to back away. Han and Luke stand fast with their laser pistols

  drawn. The Wookiee is cowering near one of the walls.

  HAN It's worst.

  LUKE There's something alive in here!

  HAN That's your imagination.

  LUKE Something just moves past my leg! Look! Did you see that

  HAN What?

  LUKE Help!

  Suddenly Luke is yanked under the garbage.

  HAN Luke! Luke! Luke!

  Solo tries to get to Luke. Luke surfaces with a gasp of air

  and thrashing of limbs. A membrane tentacle is wrapped around

  his throat.


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