Falling_A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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Falling_A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 6

by Cali MacKay

  “Do you want to play with some of the other dogs?” It was always nice to get them out to play, though even if we didn’t get to it, the other volunteers would. “Or check out some of the cats?”

  “Is it bad that I want to take them all home with me?” She bit her bottom lip, looking so fucking adorable, it made it impossible to resist her, even though I knew I should be keeping my distance. Yet I couldn’t. With each passing moment, it became more obvious to me that I was falling for her. Hard.

  “Not bad at all. In fact, I’d say it’s perfectly normal.” I tipped her chin up and brushed my lips over hers in a tease of a kiss as I fought off the urge to drag her back to my apartment.

  “Maybe I could meet Winston.” A smile tugged at her lips, and it became clear what she was thinking.

  Bringing Izzy to the shelter felt like I’d taken a page out of the Blackthorn brothers’ handbook, since more than a few of them had won over their girl by softening them up with a furry friend. I figured why the hell not? It had worked for my brothers, and clearly Izzy could do with a bit of unconditional love and loyal companionship.

  “There’s no pressure, love.” I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her close when my phone buzzed. A quick look at the screen told me it was work related, so I answered the call. “Emerson…what’s going on?”

  “The police caught the shooter—and they have enough evidence that a judge will keep him from getting out on bail, especially since he could still be a threat to Isabelle. It was some guy named Ray Billings. He was an employee at one of the Rutherfords’ companies. Looks like he had some mental health issues and had recently been fired from his job. He’d tried to sue, claiming he’d been fired wrongfully, but his case got buried under legal fees and he was forced to drop the lawsuit. He felt he’d been wronged, and…you know the rest. The threat’s over.”

  “I’ll let her know. Call if anything changes.” Fucking hell…that was a relief. I hung up and kissed Izzy, unable to keep from smiling. “They caught the shooter, Izzy. A guy named Billings. Looks like he was mentally ill and had recently been fired. The police already have him in custody, and he won’t be getting out on bail with the amount of evidence they have on him.”

  “Oh. Are they sure it’s him?” Her brow furrowed in question, and I could imagine that the constant fear she’d been living with had taken its toll. “And he didn’t have anyone else he was working with?”

  “No, love. The police don’t believe so, though they’re still questioning him. They’ll let us know if there’s any reason to think that there’s still reason to be worried. But for now, there doesn’t seem to be any additional threat.” I leaned in and kissed her, needing to distract her from concerns. “I don’t want you worrying about this. The shooter is behind bars, and you’re now free to live your life.”

  “It just feels so odd not to have the threat hanging over me.” Her smile was tentative—but it was still there. “It’s great news that they figured out who was behind the shooting, though… I do hope they’ll get him the help he needs.”

  Always such a kind heart.

  “I’m sure they’ll make sure he gets some help, though I don’t think he’ll be getting out anytime soon. And if, for some reason, they do let them out, the authorities will contact you well in advance.” Yet she still looked hesitant and worried. I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb over her skin, hating that something was still bothering her when she should be feeling relieved that the threat to her life had been eliminated. “What’s going on? What are you worried about?”

  She let out a sigh and chewed her bottom lip before looking up at me, her eyes darkened with worry. “Does this mean you’ll be leaving?”

  “Well…I guess that’s up to you, and whether or not you feel safe. You likely don’t need around-the-clock protection any longer, so it doesn’t make sense to keep us on the payroll. That said, you could also simply cut back on the amount of security you have—maybe until this goes to trial?” Not that there wasn’t one more option. “Or maybe, you could just let me take care of you.”

  “You mean hire you as my sole bodyguard?” Her eyes avoided mine and her freckles disappeared against the blush of her cheeks. “Wouldn’t you need to go home? Not to mention, take time off away from me?”

  “I don’t want to be your bodyguard, Izzy. I want to be your boyfriend—and your lover.” It might be forward of me, but I didn’t care. I needed her to know how I felt about her.

  If I thought I’d seen her blush before, it was nothing in comparison to the heat that was now flaming her skin. “Oh! I…um…”

  “I’m not trying to pressure you, love. I just wanted to make it clear that I like you. You know…in case you hadn’t already figured it out.” I slowly slipped my arm around her waist, reeling her toward me until she was in my arms, her curves pressing against my body. And fucking hell…she made it damn hard for me to behave myself, even though I knew I had to take things slow with her.

  “Slater… I really like you. But…” She blushed yet again, even as my heart sank.

  I let her go, trying not to feel heartbroken, since I wasn’t giving up. I knew she liked me—or she wouldn’t have kissed me. Repeatedly. But…clearly my timing could be better, given all she’d been through. “I know you’ve been through so much as of late. It was stupid of me…”

  Fucking hell, I hated this. What had I been thinking? Not to mention, she was a client. And I was clearly an idiot.

  “No, it’s not that. I like you, Slater. A lot. But…” She took a deep breath and let out a long sigh, looking defeated.

  “Hey, love…what’s going on? What has you looking so down? Because if you need more time, I get it.” I might be an asshole, but I wasn’t completely dense.

  “I can’t do this, Slater—not because I don’t want to. But because…I don’t know how.” She squeezed her eyes shut, as if unable to look at me. “I’m a virgin. A clueless and pathetic twenty-six-year-old virgin.”


  Now it all made sense.

  Fucking hell…

  A virgin.

  She should run. Far, far away from me.

  “Would you bloody say something, Slater?” There was panic in her eyes, even as I took her by the hand.

  “First of all, you’re not pathetic, and even if you’re not that experienced, I’m happy to help—but only if that’s what you truly want.” This was such a bad idea. “There’s no pressure here, love.”

  This was all going to go horribly wrong.

  I was the sort of guy you went to if you wanted crazy sex. Or a threesome. Or a bit of tie you down, pull your hair, and slap your ass sort of action.

  Not the type of guy you went to for slow and sweet and innocent sex.

  Though for Izzy? I didn’t want anyone else touching her—and I wanted her first time to be perfect.

  I just hoped I didn’t fuck this up for her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I couldn’t believe I was actually having this conversation—with Slater, of all people. He was my first real crush—practically my first real kiss, since I wasn’t counting the quick pecks I’d gotten before I panicked on what few dates I’d been on.

  And panicking was once again exactly what I was doing.

  No wonder I was still a virgin.

  But I swore to myself that this time would be different, since I liked Slater too much not to give this a try. So I took a deep breath, steeled my nerves, and decided to be brave. “It’s what I want. And not just because I’m tired of being a twenty-six-year-old virgin. I really like you, and there’s no one else I’d rather have as my first. Though I completely understand if you’d rather not deal with someone so inexperienced.”

  I’m sure it would freak some guys out—and then others would probably want me just for that reason alone, which was no better. But I wanted someone to want me because of who I was. Not because I was a virgin or for my money. And I didn’t think Slater wanted me for either of t
hose reasons.

  “I’ll admit, you probably deserve someone a hell of a lot more wholesome than me, if this is going to be your first time. But call me selfish, because I want you all to myself and the thought of another guy touching you and taking you to his bed is enough to make me crazy.” The intensity in his voice and in his gaze sent my heart racing. And when he tangled his fingers in my hair and bent his head to mine, it was all I could do not to lean into him, my body desperate to know what it would be like to be at his mercy.

  Yet there were complications, and the last thing I wanted was for Slater to get in any sort of trouble because of me. “This is definitely what I want, but what about your job? Isn’t that against your company’s policy?”

  “It is.” He let out a ragged sigh, his eyes distant as if mulling something over. “And though I’d happily have Emerson move me to a different job, I don’t like the idea of leaving you unguarded. Not until we know for sure that you’re safe, and they haven’t let this psychopath out on some technicality.”

  Even as I tossed the ball for Lola, I tried to ignore the disappointment that settled deep in my chest, wondering if this would ever happen. “I guess that means I’ll have to wait.”

  “I don’t want to, love. But…we probably should.” He let out his breath in a huff, looking a bit deflated, which at least made me feel like that he wanted this too. “Not that I can guarantee that I’ll manage to keep my distance. Even if it means I need to quit my job—or Emerson fires me. ’Cause I’ve been trying damn hard to resist you, and it hasn’t exactly been working all that well.”

  “I don’t want you to lose your job, Slater.” Why did everything always have to be so complicated? “But if the guy who murdered my mother is in prison, and there’s little chance of him getting out on bail, then I don’t really need an official bodyguard, right?”

  “Technically, yes. Though I’d rather take a more cautious approach when your life might be at stake.” Gripping my hips, he pulled me to him, his fingers firm with a barely controlled passion.

  My body brushed against his, coming to life with a need I’d never experienced before, so that I couldn’t resist slipping my arms around his neck, desperate for so much more.

  “But you’ll still be around to keep me safe. Right?” I brushed my lips against his, feeling bold for flirting with him, and even bolder for kissing him. “Though if it’s the money and you need to get paid…I can hire you directly.”

  Slater tipped my chin up, a serious look in his eyes. “Sweetness, I don’t need, nor do I want, your money. But I will take care of you. I don’t want you worrying.”

  Something about his declaration made me fall for him even more.

  “Does that mean we can actually be together?” I didn’t care if I was being forward, especially when I was rewarded with one of his heart-stopping smiles.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want?” He nuzzled me, his lips just a breath away, teasing me and making it damn hard not to kiss him, even as Lola waited patiently for one of us to throw the ball. “’Cause I’m not sure it’s such a smart idea—though I’ll be damned if I can let you go.”

  “Then that sort of settles it, I would think.” I smiled at him, ecstatic and nervous that this might actually happen, and even more excited that Slater would be my first. “Maybe I could even take Lola and Winston home for added protection.”

  He pulled back to look at me, his brow furrowed with curiosity. “Really? You’d adopt both of them?”

  “I don’t see why not. I mean…I haven’t met Winston yet, but Lola is amazing and if Winston’s her buddy, then I can’t imagine separating them. Besides, I’ve always wanted to have a dog and a cat, so this is perfect.” Especially after losing my mother. The mere thought already made me feel less alone.

  He bent down and gave Lola a big scratch, his voice touched with an emotion I hadn’t expected. “Did you hear that, girl? You’re going home.”

  It felt so right, I knew my decision was a good one. “Can we go and meet Winston?”

  “Yeah, of course. But…just a bit of a warning on Winston. He’s a great cat—but he’s been through some stuff.” Slater hooked Lola’s leash to her collar, leading the way as my curiosity got the better of me about my new cat. Not that it mattered.

  I’d made my mind up, and I wanted to take them home with me. “I guess that makes him an even better fit then. We’ve all been through some stuff, right?”

  “We have.” He cupped the back of my neck and kissed the top of my head as we headed indoors and he quickly spoke to the woman behind the counter, handing her Lola’s lead and letting her know that I’d be adopting Lola and was going to meet Winston.

  Though the cat area had cages, the enclosed room was like a cat jungle gym, with ladders, walkways, and sleeping nooks that gave the cats the opportunity to play and socialize. Except that Winston was one of the few cats still in a cage. “He doesn’t really play too nice with the other cats, so…”

  Just like Lola, Winston was huge. And fluffy. And he looked like he’d seen his share of fights: parts of his ears missing, along with a chipped fang, and scars that crisscrossed his face. I had to laugh at myself. “I have to admit, I’m kind of scared and intimidated.”

  “Now you know why Lola’s still here. But honestly, Winston isn’t bad. He warms up to people nicely if they just give him a chance.” Slater opened the cage door and put his hand in, letting Winston take the lead. The scruffy cat head-butted his hand and let Slater pet him and even pick him up. “Here we are.”

  With Slater holding him, I pet Winston, marveling at how soft his thick tiger-striped fur was—though when he purred, I was caught off guard. “He’s so sweet.”

  “He is. But…when he’s had enough, he lets you know and it’s usually best not to press your luck at that point.” Slater’s crooked smile made my heart beat just a little faster. “Are you still sure this is what you want to do?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  The rest of the day seemed to go by in a whirlwind of activity, which included Izzy donating a small fortune to the shelter, adopting Lola and Winston, buying them everything they could ever need or want at the local pet store, getting them home and settled, while I wandered off to call Emerson to update him on what was going on.

  Needless to say, he wasn’t too happy. “Look…I wasn’t expecting her to keep us on once they found who was behind her mother’s murder—and I’m glad that you’ll still be there to keep an eye on her. But you know I think you’re overstepping. Even if she’s no longer a client, this is a bad idea.”

  I certainly didn’t think so. Not when I was truly starting to care about her. “If this is what she wants too and I’m no longer working as her bodyguard, then I don’t see how I’m overstepping. As for bad ideas, you can’t tell me you’ve never gone done that road.”

  That got me a groan. “I have—which is why I’m telling you this is a bad idea.”

  “I appreciate your concern, but I think I need to see this through. I’ll keep you updated.” I hung up and wandered back to find Izzy and Colton playing with Lola while Winston wandered about the room, scoping it out.

  I pulled Colton aside with a tilt of my head while Izzy was busy with Lola. “We’re basically off the job, unless something changes and there’s a new threat or if the asshole who shot her mom gets out on bail.”

  “But…you’re going to be sticking around, right? To keep an eye on her. Among other things.” Colton’s eyes were bright with mischief, since he knew me all too well, and if anyone had seen the progression of my relationship with Izzy, it was Colton.

  “It’s not like that, and you know it.” This wasn’t just about sex. If I was simply looking to get laid, I could accomplish that easy enough without complicating my work life. As my gaze wandered over to Izzy, who looked over and smiled at me, I couldn’t ignore the feelings that stirred deep inside me. “Fucking hell, Colton…I like her. A lot.”
  “Can’t blame you there. There’s a lot to like. A bit out of your league, though. No?” Colton’s eyes wandered around the luxurious residence, making his implication clear. Though my family had money, Izzy’s money was different. It was old money, with titles, and wealth, and vast fortunes.

  I knew I was more than a little rough around the edges, and I would never really fit into her world. But if she didn’t care, then neither did I, and at the moment, I just wanted to get to know her better. It’s not like I was asking her to marry me and bear my children.

  Not yet. But I chose to ignore that little voice.

  I shrugged. “Maybe she feels like slumming it for a little while. And if that’s the case, then I’m happy to oblige her.”

  “I bet.” Colton laughed with a shake of his head. “Call me if you need anything. Since you clearly don’t need me around anymore, I’m going to get going.” He wandered over to Izzy and gave her a hug good-bye. “Stay safe. It’s been a real pleasure, Izzy.”

  “The pleasure was all mine. You both took a situation that could have been dangerous and scary, and you saw me through it. For that…I’ll always be grateful.” Izzy saw him out, but by the time she returned, she was looking nervous. “Guess it’s just the two of us now.”

  “It is, love.” I crossed to her side and knotted my fingers with hers, though I didn’t pull her close. “But I don’t want you stressing about any of this. You get to set the pace. Okay?”

  She nodded, looking a bit more relaxed, even as she closed the distance between us, shy yet seductive so that it was damn near impossible to resist her. “Is it bad that I don’t want to take things slow? I feel like I’ve been waiting for this my whole adult life—and then some. Not to mention these last few weeks…”

  I groaned, knowing exactly how she felt. And now? It was all I could do not to strip her gorgeous body naked and ravage her. “Whatever you want, kitten.”

  Grabbing her hips, I pulled her close, loving it when she slipped her hands up my chest and around my neck, her green eyes looking up at me expectantly. “I think I may need you to take the lead, Slater. I know you want me to set the pace, but I’m too clueless to really do that.”


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