Falling_A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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Falling_A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 13

by Cali MacKay

  I choked back a sob, struggling with my memories.

  The officer jotted things down in their notebook. “Do you remember what happened next?”

  I shook my head no. “Not really. I think I blacked out when we hit the tree. But…I remember gunshots. Slater must have been protecting me…shielding me so I wouldn’t get hit.”

  He took the bullet meant for me.

  The female officer flipped through her notes before turning her attention back to me. “We can confirm that Ray Billings was at the scene, and he was shot. A weapon was found near him, which likely confirms your take on what happened, though we’ll still have to go through the evidence.”

  “Is that bastard still alive?” Because if he was, I’d murder him myself with my bare hands, and it didn’t matter that I’d never had a violent thought before this.

  “No. He’s not. He was found dead at the scene.”

  Not that it changed what Slater was going through.

  The officers asked me to come to the station to give a formal statement once I was feeling up to it, and then took their leave, leaving me to wait once more for news on Slater.

  Yet this time around, I didn’t have long to wait.

  Slater was out of surgery—and he was going to be okay.

  Yet when I finally got to see him, my heart shattered and I was drowning in guilt.

  He was unconscious, hooked up to a breathing tube, with an IV and monitor lines running in every direction. And though the doctor reassured us that they’d be removing his breathing tube soon, and he’d likely be awake as soon as the sedation wore off, the realization that he could have easily died hung heavy on my conscience.

  I could have lost him.

  And it would all have been because I couldn’t think past trying to find my brother.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Being shot fucking sucked. Yet I’d take a bullet again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping Izzy safe, especially if it meant I’d wake up to find her by my bedside.

  Luckily, I was young, and the bullet had missed most of the important stuff, so that within a few days I was more than ready to head home. Of course, convincing Izzy and my mother that I was fine was no easy task when they’d joined forces.

  And I was fine. For the most part.

  I just needed some time to finish healing, though I’d rather do that from the comfort of my home—especially since I had business to take care of, and getting Izzy alone had been close to impossible.

  I needed to talk to her, needed to hold her in my arms without other people around or constantly wandering in—without IVs stuck in my hand and monitors beeping in the background. Because I could tell something was wrong.

  She seemed distant. And it was killing me.

  Yet she had stuck around, which meant she cared.

  It didn’t take a genius to figure out that she felt responsible for what happened, even if there was only person to blame, and that murdering, psychotic asshole was dead—which meant Izzy was safe. And that was all that mattered.

  I let us into my home after too quiet a drive. But the moment I closed the door behind us, I snagged Izzy’s hand and pulled her to me, desperate to have her in my arms once more. “I’ve missed having you all to myself.”

  “Slater…I’m so incredibly sorry.” She looked away, her gaze avoiding mine. “You almost died.”

  “But I didn’t. And the only one responsible for what happened to us has already paid with his life.” I tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at me. “I love you, Izzy—and I know you love me, even if this has been a bit of a rocky road. Just don’t push me away. Not when we can finally be happy.”

  She had to know we were meant to be together. And I’d do whatever it took to make her realize it.

  Leaning in, she pressed her lips to mine, her body brushing against mine, my cock rock hard and straining against my jeans. I tangled my fingers in her hair, my tongue clashing with hers as I ignored the dull pain that had been plaguing me since my surgery. And though I knew I needed to take it easy, there was no way I wouldn’t be fucking Izzy tonight.

  But first there was something I needed to take care of. I pulled away just enough to look at her, cupping her face in my hand as my gaze settled on hers with a love that overwhelmed me. “I’ve got some good news, love. Dane found your brother.”

  Tears of joy sprung to her eyes as she looked at me in disbelief, a smile springing to her lips. “Did he really? I can’t believe it, Slater. Where is he?”

  “He now lives in Vermont. Looks like he went to culinary school, and now runs his own restaurant not far from Dartmouth College.” Which meant we’d soon be heading out to the East Coast.

  “Does he know about me?” Her voice wobbled with uncertainty, and I couldn’t blame her for feeling unsure. I had no doubt some people wouldn’t take too kindly to having someone show up in their life unexpectedly, especially when someone’s adoption could be emotionally fraught.

  “Given everything that you were dealing with, Dane thought it would be best to verify your brother’s identity, and get more information for you.” I cupped her face in my hands and brushed my lips against hers, kissing her sweetly. “Turns out he knew he was adopted, and would like nothing more than to meet you. That said, Dane didn’t tell him who you were—or rather, he left out some of the bigger details, like the fact that you are the heir to the Rutherford fortune.”

  “I can’t believe he wants to see me…” Her tears spilled over as I held her to me and kissed the top of her head. “Please say you’ll come with me to Vermont. I don’t want to do this without you. I need you in my life, Slater. I nearly lost you once—and I can’t bear to have it happen again.”

  “I’ll always be by your side, love.”

  It took several more weeks for us to finally get to Vermont, which worked out just fine, since I was now fully recovered—or close enough to it. And it also meant that I was able to prepare for this trip properly, since I had every intention of leaving Vermont engaged to Izzy. The ring may have needed to be rushed, but it was a custom design that I knew she’d love, and with one more surprise up my sleeve, I was hoping she’d say yes and agree to marry me.

  But first, I wanted to see her through what would no doubt be an emotional trip since she was finally going to get to meet her brother. They’d emailed briefly so she could introduce herself and figure out when would be the right time for this trip, but for the most part, she was going into this blind. It was easy enough to look up details on the guy, but it didn’t tell you a person’s true character.

  Andrew may very well be a nice guy but I knew how much this meant to Izzy, and I didn’t want to see her get hurt in any way. After her mother’s death and the attempt on her life, I was worried she was in a vulnerable place.

  We pulled into Andrew’s driveway, his red farmhouse looking like it belonged on a Christmas card, a thick layer of snow shimmering in the light of the setting sun as snow-covered trees and the distant mountains framed the landscape. I reached over and took her hand, giving it a squeeze before bringing it to my lips. “How are you doing, love? Are you ready for this?”

  “What if he hates me because our mother kept me, but put him up for adoption? What if he had a horrible life? What if—”

  “Hush, love…no one could hate you. And chances are good he had parents who loved him dearly, and were happy to have a child when they thought they may not be able to have a family. You saw the pictures of him. He looked happy, and well cared for.” I cupped her face and stole a quick kiss. “And now? I think he’ll be ecstatic to meet his sister.”

  She nodded, pushing a deep breath through her parted lips before giving me a hesitant smile. “Okay. I can do this.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  With my heart hammering inside my chest, I headed toward Andrew’s front door, incredibly grateful that I had Slater by my side. My hand shook as I knocked on the front door, my gut in knots as my puls
e raced like crazy. But the moment the door opened and Andrew pulled me into a huge hug without a moment’s hesitation, my tears slipped down my cheeks as I held onto my brother—my brother—hugging him back and never wanting to let him go.

  “Isabelle…” Andrew gave me one final squeeze before letting me go and taking a step back, swiping at his own tears, a smile on his face. “I’m so sorry…come in. It’s freezing out there.” He then reached over and shook Slater’s hand. “You must be Slater.”

  “It’s a pleasure. Izzy’s really been looking forward to finally meeting you.” Slater shot me a smile that had my heart racing yet again, but for a completely different reason.

  I couldn’t believe how much I loved Slater, nor could I imagine my life without him. And I knew he’d been worried about me rejecting him because of his past, but the truth was, I knew his heart, and he was a good man.

  Andrew led the way to the living room, where I sat down with Slater at my side and my brother in the chair right next to me, so we could easily talk. I had so many questions, but I tried my best not to bombard him.

  I reached over and held his hand, taking him in, looking for any features that we might share. He was tall and strongly built, even though I was relatively short, and though his hair was dark, it was still red, even though mine was brighter—the same color that could be found in his stubbly beard. But our eyes were the same shape and the same shade of green, and his smile was the same as mine. “Tell me everything, Andrew. I want to know everything about your life.”

  “Honestly, it was a good life. My parents loved me and did all they could to give me an amazing childhood. They’re still amazingly supportive—and when I told them about you, they were so happy that I’d finally have a sibling, and that I would get to meet you.” He gave my hand a squeeze, his green eyes meeting mine. “As an only child, things could get a little lonely.”

  “I know exactly how you feel.” If only we could have grown up together. Yet there was no point in dwelling on what could have been when we could finally make up for lost time. “Did you know all along that you were adopted?”

  “No…I didn’t find out until I was about fifteen. It was a bit of a shock, honestly. I had so many questions…and no answers.” He let out a sigh. “Our mother…does she know you’re here?”

  I swallowed down the lump in my throat, hating that I had to be the one to tell him about our mother’s murder. “I’m sorry, Andrew. She passed away just a few months ago. But if you have any questions about her, I’ll do my best to answer them.”

  “Did she tell you about me? Did she say what happened?” He looked both heartbroken and hopeful.

  “I’m afraid she didn’t tell me about you, and it was only after she’d passed that I found out I even had a brother. I can only guess at how it all played out based on the information I have, but…it would only be speculation.” I wasn’t sure how to tell him the truth when I knew it would likely make things worse for him. Yet he deserved to know the truth, and at the very least, I could tell him all I knew. “From what I know, I believe she was having an affair and got pregnant with you. My father…I swear he’d have welcomed you into the family if he’d known about you, but Mother…she never told anyone.”

  I wouldn’t add that it was because she didn’t want to risk losing access to my father’s fortune, since it wouldn’t do anything but hurt him.

  “I suppose she did what she thought was best. And I had a wonderful childhood, so I can’t complain.” He let out a sigh and managed a smile. “I’m just glad you found me, Isabelle.”

  “I am too.”

  My evening with Andrew and Slater couldn’t have been any more perfect. He’d cooked us dinner, and over food and wine we managed to ask each other about a million questions as we quickly got to know each other.

  “That went well, don’t you think?” Still smiling, I shrugged out of my winter coat, grateful that the cabin we’d rented for the week was toasty warm, though it’d be even cozier once we got a fire going in the fireplace.

  “I don’t think it could have possibly gone any better, love.” Slater grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me into his arms, stealing a sweet, lingering kiss. “It was as if the two of you were long-lost friends and had known each other your whole lives. And fucking hell…the guy can cook. It’s no surprise his restaurant is doing so well.”

  “I know we still have a week here in Vermont, and I’ll get to see Andrew again, but I’m already dreading having to leave him. I know it’s easy enough for me to hop on a plane but…” I shrugged, feeling silly, yet at the same time, I had no doubt Slater would understand where I was coming from and wouldn’t think it silly at all. Years of my mother’s constant criticism had left me always second-guessing myself, but with Slater around, I was finally starting to feel more confident about myself. “I can always come and visit. And he can come out to Seattle, right?”

  “He can—and I’m sure he will.” Slater quickly got a fire going before sitting us down on the sofa in front of the fire and pulling me into his arms. “Vermont is a quick enough flight. And we can stay here whenever you’d like.”

  “I love this place, Slater.” It was a gorgeous stone-and-timber-frame cabin tucked into a wooded mountainside with massive windows so you could catch the amazing views. “But as gorgeous as it is here, I’m sure this home is booked solid during most of the year.”

  “Not anymore, love. The home…it’s ours.” He shifted me out of his arms as I turned to face him, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that had my heart bursting with love for him. “I knew you’d want to see your brother fairly often, and if he owns a restaurant then chances are good he won’t be able to get away easily. But I want more than anything for you to be happy, so I figured having a place in Vermont would make sense.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, still stunned by the gesture. It was the last thing I expected, and it was so incredibly thoughtful… I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have him in my life. “I don’t deserve you, Slater.”

  “No—you deserve so much more. But I swear I’ll do all I can to make you happy, every day of our lives, if you’ll say you’ll marry me.” He slipped down off the sofa onto one knee, holding out a stunning diamond ring nestled in a box. “I love you, Isabelle—with every beat of my heart. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes. I’d like nothing more, Slater.” I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, my heart bursting with the love I had for him. Yet there was something I had to tell him, and I just hoped he’d be as happy as I was. “I love you so much. But…there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “What is it, love?” His brow furrowed with worry as he cupped my face in his hand, his touch gentle.

  I took a deep breath, my heart skittering out of control as I held onto him, stealing a kiss before letting my words tumble out. “I’m pregnant, Slater. I’m going to have your baby.”

  “Sweetness…” He kissed me, and then kissed me again, his tongue finding mine in a heated dance before he finally broke from our kiss, though he didn’t pull away, his head bent to mine. “I love you so much, Izzy. You make me so fucking happy. I can’t believe I’m going to be a father. I swear, I’ll do right by you and our baby.”

  “I know you will. You’re everything I could want in a man…in a husband…in a father. And I know you’ll always do right by us. I love you, Slater—so much, it makes my heart feel like it might burst.”

  “I know the feeling, love. And with a baby on the way, it just means there’ll be even more love for us to share.”

  We were going to have a baby—and we were going to be a family.

  A family filled with love, laughter and happiness.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I couldn’t believe I was getting married. Yet as I stood there in my tux waiting for the only woman I’d ever loved, I couldn’t help but take it all in. We were getting married in the reception hall of our disti
llery, which was rustic yet elegant, with vaulted ceilings and rough-hewn beams crisscrossing above, while fairy lights added a magical touch. I had wanted everything to be perfect for Izzy—and it was. I couldn’t have asked for anything more on this day.

  With all five of my brothers at my side, I knew how lucky I was, even if I was a nervous mess as I waited for Izzy. I’d never been happier, especially as I looked around me. I was surrounded by my friends and family…my mother, my brothers, their wives and their children, my cousins and friends. Yet it was hard not having my father here, taken when he still had so much life to live, just like I knew Izzy would be missing her father and mother on this day. At least she now had her brother in her life, and he’d soon be walking her down the aisle.

  As if the mere thought of her was enough to call her to me, I spotted her among her bridesmaids as the music started, her arm linked with her brother’s, and Lola leading the way wearing a collar of flowers, her tail wagging happily.

  Izzy looked so beautiful, her red hair swept back from her gorgeous face, and her gown elegant and sophisticated, the white silk shimmering in the light like liquid silver. She stole my very breath, and I knew I was the luckiest man alive, to have someone so loving, sweet, and smart in my life. And though we all had our flaws, to me, she was perfect—and in just minutes she’d be my wife.

  Nearly at my side, she smiled at me, her eyes already shimmering with tears when her brother kissed her cheek and let me take her hand. My gaze locked with hers, and it was if we were the only two people in the whole world, our love for each other overwhelming me.


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