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Heist Page 16

by Kezzy Sparks

  “Trust me, I'll do.”

  “Hope so.”

  “Don’t doubt me, sweetie. You know I always deliver.”

  “Nicest,” she says, “that’s what I want.”

  She perks up again, and that’s endearing. He pulls her toward him and kisses her right on the mouth. She nibbles him back.

  The easy feeling is only brief, and Megan’s brow soon furrows. “There’s still that thing...”

  Casey’s heart pounds out of his chest. “Good, which one?”

  “You know...that psychic”

  “I said don’t listen to her.”

  “Yeah, I heard you but...”


  “Her predictions.”

  “Just forget and kiss me.” He takes her into his arms again and hugs her hard. She puts a hand in his shirt. No, no, no, things are going too fast and that hand might wonder into his pants. A diversion will help. “I got a surprise for you.”

  “A what?” Megan’s dark brown eyes peer at him.

  “Dinner out, let’s go before it’s too late.”

  “That right? I would have wanted to fuck you first,” she says. “But, well, fine if you say so.”

  The needy look on her says it all: this escape is only temporary. The bed or the couches will still be waiting when they come back.

  “Let’s head to the Cracker Barrel,” he says gamely.

  “Cracker! Now that’s so nice of you.”

  He has gamed her for the moment, but another big hurdle is just starting to show itself. How is he going to dissuade her from coming back here after dinner? Because once she drives back with him, it will never be possible to hide the problem from her. Jesus, what can he do?

  Suddenly an idea creeps into his head. Use two cars to go to the restaurant! Then he can find a way to dump her.

  He seizes on the idea right away. “We take both...the Chevy and the Mazda. It’s finer that way.”

  “Why Casey, I want to test your Impala. Why in hell would we do such a dumb thing as taking two cars?”

  “It’s actually the smarter thing possible,” he says, gaining some confidence. “Look at it this way. If we’re in one car and have an accident, both of us will perish and then there won’t be anyone to live our love story, no one to continue the fires.”

  “Yikes, don’t be so pessimistic.”

  “No, I’m not,” he contends. “Actually there’s another angle. If both of us get seriously hurt or disabled, who then will take care of the other? One of us must always remain fit.”

  “Holly shit, this is pure crap.”

  “No, it’s not,” he says, while avoiding to sound smug. “Like I said, two cars are an insurance against simultaneous destruction. Now let’s go.”

  He leads her out of the house to her Mazda, then kisses her furiously as he seats her on the driver seat. He helps to start the engine. After she clears the driveway, he darts to his Impala and chases after her.


  Unlike what their driving order would have suggested, he is first to find parking and Megan brings the Mazda right beside. Together they walk into the Cracker Barrel like wife and husband.

  A restaurant greeter directs them to a small table for two in a romantic corner. The dive isn’t too busy, predictably so for a Wednesday.

  Candles are lit, and the mood seductive. The waitress has a look on her face that says she has seen a real loving couple for the first time today. She has hazel eyes and a genuinely pleasing smile.

  “I wish our lives could be like this forever,” says Megan. She laughs and seems to have forgotten her misgivings about the weird transport arrangement.

  For drinks, she orders herself a dry white. “He’s into Blue Moon, do you have that on tap?” she asks the waitress.

  It pains Casey that he will have to disappoint her after she has so charmingly second-guessed him. He is sworn off beer for the time. “Darling, we will only have a Blue Moon if it hasn’t any alcohol in it,” he addresses the girl while giving Megan a sideways wink.

  “Sorry, we don’t have that.” The waitress gapes.

  “Just give me a Perrier then.”

  Megan rolls her eyes at him. “Do I still know you?”

  “Of course, you do,” he says.

  Dinner is, for her: a fillet of chicken with a generous serving of salad, and for him: a grilled steak, with steamed brussels sprouts. They eat like a couple with a long future together, gazing at each other with longing eyes.

  The time to shake her off, however, shall come. For now, he dutifully picks the tab, tipping the waitress generously. They walk out of the Cracker arm in arm, his hold on Megan’s hand so tight like it’s she who wants to run away after all.

  At the cars Casey breathes a big sigh. The crunch is now here—how shall he send her away alone for the night?

  A thousand possibilities pop into his head, but none of them carry any weight. Eventually he sees a light in accompanying Megan to her home, where an escape might be easier.

  “I want to see my future mom-in-law,” he says. “I haven’t seen her in quite a few days.”

  Megan’s mother’s name is Karen. They live in Lackawana.

  “Let’s go get a small gift for her, a card or something,” he adds.

  “I’m sure Mom will be pleased.” Megan is unaware of the bait, but Casey still picks a hint she wouldn’t want to sleep home alone tonight.

  “And I will add some flowers,” he says.

  “Hey, why you spoiling her so much?” She sounds thrilled.

  “Because she is the mother of the bride,” he says. “She deserves it for having looked after my future wife, all this while.”

  Megan chortles. “A wife you won’t spend a night with.”

  “Shush, come on. Now start your car, the malls might close.”

  At the Walden Galleria Mall they pick up a big Harlequin card and a bouquet of violets.

  Karen isn’t too surprised to see them together.

  “Wedding bells already?” She glimpses the flowers in Megan’s hands.

  “For you,” says Casey. “Mom.” He gives her the card.

  Megan hands over the bouquet to her mother.

  “What’s the occasion, darlings?” She pays them wide smiles.

  “For a special mother-in-law-to-be,” Casey says.

  “Where is Daddy?” Megan asks.

  “Out drinking, does he ever stay home?”

  They sit on the same couch. Casey thinks about Karen. Will she ever be his mom-in-law? In the condition he is in?

  “Darlings, what can I make you? Drinks, tea, coffee?”

  Megan wants to say No, we are fine; we’re about to go. I’m not spending the night here, but Casey thinks sitting down and wasting a lot of time would work in his favor.

  “Tea will do, Mom, thanks.”

  Over the course of two hours, they sip Karen’s herbal rarities and munch on quite a few cookies. The time to say goodnight now approaches. Casey weighs a few possible escapes but soon zeroes in on a goofy vow.

  “I’m sworn to save your daughter till the honeymoon,” he says and pulls a lip. “Don’t worry, Mom, I won’t be taking her away from you tonight.”

  Karen cheerily grins. “Nice thought.”

  From then on, it’s easier to say the goodnights. He is saved today, but what of tomorrow? Isn’t a greater need to fuck building up in Megan?


  Tyler leans against a railing on a balcony of the Parkview Hotel in downtown Buffalo, looking out to the shimmering lights west. Somewhere far in that direction is Vegas. Everything is done. His brother will come drive him to the airport tomorrow, and then return home with the Saab. Lease canceling would be done over the phone. And during the notice period, his brother can remove the furniture and clothes he left behind.

  “Hello, Vegas,” he says to the twinkling lights.

  What he will only take with him is one big bag with shoes and clothes, and then a carry-on, plus of course the backpack.
/>   Nikki said she would pop in at ten. He checks his watch. It’s five minutes to the hour.

  “Hello again, Vegas.” He waves before he walks back in. He feels so big downstairs and that is the greatest thing ever.

  Momentarily, his phone rings, and his heart jumps one step. It’s Nikki.

  “I’m in,” she says, “and on my way up.” Her voice is soft, husky and sexy as usual.

  “Fine, and thanks for turning up.” He doesn’t hint to her the coming excruciating sexual marathon that he has planned. If she thinks it’s the usual Ty, she’s wrong by miles. At the thought, pleasurable tingling sensations start to tease his groin. A sleeping giant is waking up. It’s crazy, this dick is so discerning. It gets excited at the least hint of a female.

  Back inside he doesn’t wait for the knock, and simply opens the door. Nikki jumps in gladly. She has draped herself in a long but thin leather jacket, perhaps just to take the bite off May's sometimes chilly overnight lows. She takes it off and hangs it in the closet.

  Like the typical escort, she is dressed to kill. Her leopard print viscose blouse is tight on her, and the tan leather skirt is so short it exposes her nice round thighs. Her cleavage is enormous. She is beautiful in that porn-star way, with sexy red lips. He is getting real hard.

  As a welcome, he pecks her on the neck, then serenades her to the couches.

  “Where have you been, oh God, Ty?”

  He sits beside her, and he smells her perfume. It’s cheap, but he likes it, nonetheless. With her arrival, the whole atmosphere in the room changes—from uninspiring commercial, to decadently sexy and potent. He almost loves her now as he gazes desirously at her, drinking in her warmth and scent.

  “We’re going to shoot the mightiest video,” he repeats what he said. “Jesus, where is Keisha?”

  That videographer is the one who is going to record everything.

  “We have done it before, Ty, nothing new there. Where is the whiskey?” Nikki says. Just like him, she loves to first take one drink before the action. “I need to set the mood.”

  “Nikki hold on, how about a preview?” Ty’s hand hovers over his zipper. He would love to sip while she ogles his new self.

  “What preview? Come on, Ty. You act as if we have never done it?”

  “Just take your clothes off, girl; we will get to the drinks; it’s getting hot in here.”

  Not that it is, really; the room fan is paddling. Unable to hold himself Ty starts to undress. It’s his shirt that comes off first, and he does it fast, but when it comes to his pants, he opts for a little choreography. He dances and sings as he unzips. After the pants fall off, it’s the undies. Honestly, this is magical.

  “Oh my God, Ty. What have you done to yourself?” Nikki gasps and clutches her chin on glimpsing it.

  “Things change, don’t they, Nikki? Today is Wiener Wednesday.”

  “This is amazing. Just how the hell did you do it?”

  “Magic, girl. There’s magic in this world.”

  “Holy fuck.” She exhales. “If you really know how to make them enormous like this, you’re sitting on millions.” She angles closer, wanting to touch.

  His new self surges, growing bigger and harder as Nikki shows she is interested. She is well-endowed herself, and he sometimes wonders why a woman as nice as she would work for an escort agency. Her face is actually pretty, with bright, well-toned skin. Her eyes are a pale green, her nose straight, with ears small and almost flat against her head. It’s only when you upset her that her face goes tight, revealing that severity a fucked-up life often brings to its victims.

  Excited, Tyler wiggles it.

  Nikki gasps even more. “Jesus Christ. I can’t believe I’m with you, Tyler.”

  “Yes, Nikki, this is still me.”

  She touches him; her fingers are sexily cool. Now where the heck is Keisha and her video camera? This is all part of the show, and the tapes should be running by now.

  Mesmerized, Nikki peels herself out of the tight viscose blouse. Inside, she has no bra, and her breasts are huge, the teats taut. Getting harder, Ty can’t wait to get into her flesh and pound it. For the first time, he is really going to punish her. And for a long time, generations will see it, because the whole action will be carved on DVD.

  Just as he is thinking that, his phone beeps. A message has come through; it must be Keisha on her way. And yes, it’s her.

  Suddenly, and quite uncharacteristic of him at a moment like this, Tyler feels a big urge to poop. It’s almost like magic, and he can’t avoid going. It’s all okay, however, because the videographer isn’t in yet.

  “I’m going to take a quick shower before shooting starts” is how he puts it to the actress.

  He imagines to go like this, but momentarily decides against it. This dick could have a habit of detaching easily and might fall into the toilet seat. It’s just a caution, however—because it has held steady ever since he snapped it onto himself, that long time ago in his apartment. In fact, it will stay tight as he pounds into Nikki, whether in the mouth or between the thighs, the ass even. What further proof of solidity does he need, really? Hasn’t he already peed with it several times, and took a whole shower without any problems?

  Still, it’s just good to hedge your bets. A toilet seat is not the same thing as a urinary, or shower floor. Things could get messy if it detached and fell.

  “The magic show goes on,” he says and plucks the penis and balls off and holds them up to Nikki. “Play with it. Enjoy.”

  He throws the set onto her lap.

  Totally surprised, Nikki first nearly screams, then laughs at herself as she gazes at the newly disembodied phallus and its mates.

  Tyler is back to his usual modest self and runs to the bathroom. He poops a while, and then flushes and showers.

  When he returns, the room is just a space—wide and silent. Nikki is gone. And vanished with her…all the dreams of Vegas.


  Nikki Ziel is all smiles to herself, and already out of the hotel by the time Ty is back. After she saw that he was going to be long, and she had played with the wiener, she thought to capture it. The thing was wild in every sense and ought to be investigated.

  Having earlier on thought the filming tonight would go the usual way, she had, in preparation, brought some toys with her, one of them a rubber dildo in a chocolate brown case. She took out the synthetic thing and threw it under the couch. Then she inserted the real live parts into the case. Compared to this awesome prick, everything else was dead.

  Her car in the lot hasn’t even cooled. She jumps into it. “Goodbye, actor, see you again.”

  It’s truly Wiener Wednesday.


  Thursday morning I wake up early. My work activities will start sooner because I have that problem of Casey’s that needs urgent attention. It’s proving difficult to crack, but then I have been on it for only two days, and I can’t be expected to have come up with anything yet.

  Going back to yesterday, I almost had a lucky break when I visited that ex-girlfriend of his. Eve wouldn’t tell me if she played any role in the disappearance, but my gut instinct says she is one of those guilty. Seriously, had I had the power, I would have forced her to talk. Isn’t it a pity that our government doesn’t recognize the existence of black magic, and won’t allow us to openly confront wrongdoers? We certainly need to do something to educate the authorities on this glaring travesty.

  The weather today is not one to be concerned about, looks like it’s going to turn out great. Only the gentlest wind blows. The sky is crisp, and the blue hues are deepening as morning advances. Only in the eastern horizon is there a band of clouds turning orange in the coming sun.

  Given the urgency of Casey's case, I will charge the dropper wand even earlier this morning, in order that I don’t miss on doing a locate. The first few days in any black magic investigation are critical, and a miss for a single day owing to the dropper not charged is unwelcome. I am sure you already know how I
am blaming myself for that first day when Casey came to me with this problem, and I was caught with my pants down as far as charging was concerned. Certainly, I can’t repeat that.

  When it comes to the actual locate, though, I don't intend to rush. I will do it much later. Yesterday, I did a morning drop and ended up at the inn, where I got that little bite, but couldn’t do anything because I was inside a space open to people. The perpetrator I am dealing with is crafty—he or she decided to sleep away from home so to prevent me locating their address. Today I therefore must try when hotel guests have checked out. It will not only allow me to apprehend the suspect without violating codes relating to secrecy like my problem was yesterday, but also maximize the possibility that the perp is now at home and resting, making the locate far more reliable.

  I let the wand simmer in the backyard, absorbing all the power from the dawn.

  Sara is up when I get back in, which is a bit of a surprise given her usual practices. I am tempted to remark. “It’s too early, what’s the rush?”

  “Some extra school stuff to finish.” She yawns.

  “Right on,” I say. “It’s great; let’s get on with it.”

  Today, as far as her schoolwork is concerned, I am not going to assist her unlike what I did Tuesday. Helping here and there, I mean, is great, but direct spoon-feeding won’t do any good in the long run. I will instead use this time to go do my workout in the basement. Exercise is so important to us. We not only chase after ghosts and demons but also get to fight evil witches and warlocks, and you can imagine how much stamina that needs.

  After everything, which includes showering, having breakfast, and then dressing up, it’s time to go. Before I drive out, though, I text Casey to find out how he is.

  “I’m fine,” he texts back. “Just trying to be normal as it is.”

  “Be strong,” I type. “We will soon be over this.”

  There is a lot to tell him, but I will do it over an actual meeting rather than by phone. One good thing he is unaware of but might want to hear is how that dream reveal went yesterday. Snoozing on Eve’s couch I saw a greenish velvet lining contained in something that glowed pink. Really, that’s positive news. His organs are still there, and the person possessing them doesn’t wish to destroy them. It adds up to an increased chance of recovery, and that’s what we want.


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