A Wolf's Journey

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A Wolf's Journey Page 12

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Alright, boys and girls, you all know why you’re here,” he said, his tone firm as he put his arm back down. “Believe me; looking like you do is not going to win you any favors from Damian or any other bloodsucker for that matter. Vampires are notorious for a lot of things. Charity isn’t one of them. Okay, going to battle is hard, especially with the grief for our two brothers so close. But, I think I should remind you that, before Hines and Morton sacrificed themselves, we took out five of those bastards. You hear me? Five,” he repeated, leaning forward. “Now, the wizard we’re up against is not some…” he paused… “amateur, like Donna was. Helena took her out pretty easily. He’s harmed us a lot so far, and he won’t hesitate to do it again. I know how bad you want to rip Bethels’ throat out. So do I; but, when we go out there, don’t engage him, until my signal. Helena?” he added, casting a sideways glance down at the witch.

  “Your Alpha is correct,” she stated, her eyes sweeping the large space. “Muscle and teeth will not avail you against Bethels. You might kill him, but only at the cost of many casualties. Don’t forget that Damian’s clan will be out there as well. If he kills ten of you before you put him down, you will be outnumbered. My plan is simple. We pretend to hand Kate over to him, bound and gagged as he requested. I will strike just then, try to take him by surprise.”

  “What about your eagles?” Ray interjected with his question. “They worked just fine against McIntyre.”

  “Oh, Ray…” Helena shook her head sideways as a bitter smile formed on her face. “Bethels has studied us all. He is aware of the stunt I pulled against Marianne. He’ll be expecting that move. I could use some of my other agents, like bears, but they’re much too slow. Plus, the vampires will smell their scent from a mile away. They’ll be dead, long before they get close to Bethels.”

  “Why don’t we leave now?” Martin wondered, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s five after eleven. It will take us, what; ten minutes to get there? We go in, strike hard and fast. They won’t even know what hit them. Helena and Kate preoccupy Bethels, while the rest of us finish Damian’s clan off.”

  “A bold move,” Raul commented, throwing a satisfied nod over at his scout. “Still, it depends on their readiness. We can’t be sure if they’re waiting for us as we speak. What happens if they are? Chaos: we’ll be lucky to escape with our lives.”

  “Excuse me,” Olivia raised her hand in the air. “I like the plan; I believe in Helena. She’s come through for us before. How do we do this? I mean, we can’t just drive up to Shandaken, without drawing attention to ourselves.”

  “We run,” Raul assumed a bass-deep tone as he folded his arms across his chest. “We cross Lockhart forest, approach Wolf Mountain from the west. Do you all remember what Bethels did to our brothers?” The Alpha tapped his fingers impatiently onto his skin, in anticipation of a response. However, he got none. All his pack did was glance at one another in confusion. “He killed them!” His stentorian voice roared like thunder. “I don’t know about you, but I’m dying for some payback. I can’t wait to tear that fucker to pieces. So, I’m asking you, remember what he did to them. Honor them, by sending him and those vampires where they belong: Hell. Who’s with me?”

  The pack’s battle cry rocked the diner and hope sparkled in the shifters’ eyes once more. Whatever emotions had overwhelmed them earlier had disappeared, giving their place to a stone-cold determination, a massive drive to fight on, until they drew their last breath. Dean felt his blood pumping faster through his veins, upon his brother’s speech. He had ever marveled at Raul’s ability to inspire his pack, and this case was no exception. This was one of the qualities that separated the Alpha from everyone else. Still, as Dean’s fellow warriors strode out of the diner, a mere glimpse of Kate, standing near the exit, made his heart flutter. A rush of anxiety swept through him. The sensation was no stranger to him, but, now that they were both going to war, it was infinitely more intense. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing her.

  “I guess this is it,” she stated in a calm voice, taking two steps closer to him as Raul eased the door shut behind him.

  “Siren…” he sighed, running his gaze up her body as he tried to keep his anxiety hidden. “I never thought you and I would be going to battle together.”

  “Me neither, Wolfy,” Kate confessed, her lips curving into a hesitant smile. “I thought fighting was your territory, not mine. It’s a little bizarre, but I’m okay with it, really. I’ll get to see you in action again, and I’m sure we’ll protect each other.”

  “Keep your eyes open,” Dean urged, lowering his tone. He reached his hands up to her face to cup her cheeks. “You know how dangerous they are. Please, don’t do anything reckless out there.”

  “Don’t worry,” she whispered, snaking her arms around his waist as he leaned over her. “I know exactly what to do.”

  Her last sentence puzzled him. For an instant, he wanted to ask her to elaborate. However, with her mouth not more than an inch away from his, he wouldn’t dare. Moreover, debating about her actions would cost time, time they didn’t have. Dean tilted his head further down as he held her near. Their lips joined in a gentle, passionate kiss while he stroked her skin. Her rich scent, the delicious cinnamon that had enthralled him ever since he laid eyes on her, flowed within him, pulling him away from the real world, and into the realm of her glorious touch. The tip on his middle finger brushed her earlobe as his thumbs traced the lines of her cheekbones. His Siren was singing to his soul. Her kiss was the ballad, and her warm body the lyrics as she held him tightly in her embrace. There was no chorus, no start or end to it, just her constant passion that enveloped him, from head to toe.

  “Show them who you are,” he whispered, laying a tentative kiss, just below her lower lip.

  “You, too,” she breathed as her eyelids slowly opened. “Go. Give them hell.”

  Dean didn’t dignify her encouragement with a rebuttal. A quick nod served as her answer. Moving around her, he strutted out of the hall. He spotted the pack, gathered in the parking lot. Helena was pacing up and down, wielding her staff, while Raul stood in front of everybody, accompanied by Ray, staring up at him when Dean rushed down the stairs. Without wasting any more time, Dean jogged ahead of his comrades, eagerly anticipating his Alpha’s signal.

  “Sons and daughters of the mountain!” yelled Raul, the vein on the side of his forehead bulging as his brother approached him. “Let’s send those vampires to the abyss!”

  At that, multiple sounds, resembling gunfire, tore through the atmosphere. At last, the wolves of Paxton were shedding their human skins. Their legs thinned and shortened, paws replaced their toes, their ears reshaped and their faces lengthened into muzzles. Fur shot out of their bodies while blunt claws sprang out from the tips of their paws. The Alpha’s tremendous howl resounded through his town as he tossed his head back. He flipped around, and then turned right, his tail straight out behind him, Dean and Ray’s beasts following right behind him. A glance into the woods ahead of him brought back the memory of their last fight against Redfield’s clan. This time however, they would not engage anybody there. The venue was Wolf Mountain, the holy ground of their forefathers. Damian’s clan had made the same mistake: they had trespassed. Now, the wolves of Paxton were running up the road outside “Joe’s” diner, burning with determination to dispense justice.

  Upon reaching the crossroad that led to his old Alpha’s house, Raul turned right and into Lockhart forest, letting out a frantic yip. Dean’s gray beast glanced up at the residences to his right as his paws squashed a small pile of brush. The white color on the outer walls reflected in his blue eyes as Kate’s saddened face popped into his mind. The wretched individuals who had fed her with false hope were still at large, and, despite their scheme, they had threatened them directly. The mere thought of Bethels’ deadline sent shot after shot of adrenaline, rushing through his veins, spurring him on, turning his desire for revenge into sheer lust for blood. A fierce snarl rattled in his thro
at as he sped past a towering elm tree. By then, dust was rising from the forest floor as the twenty-five wolves galloped towards their destination. The ground shook beneath them as their large bodies brushed past the bushes.

  The moonlight showed in numerous, dim patches through the trees as they hurtled towards the clearing, outside the Bradford estate. Unlike earlier, Dean would not venture a glance at his home. He had no need for it. The tragedies that had occurred there were still too fresh. Lengthening his strides, he left Ray’s wolf trailing behind him as they went deeper and deeper into the woods. A mix of balsam fir, elm and cedar dominated his sense of smell as he peeked through the trees up ahead of him. An uphill course, filled with even thicker vegetation awaited them. To the right, and on top of the hill, lay the town of Shandaken. A few, flickering lights filled his view while louder snarls and growls rose above the sound of the gallop. The Alpha jumped up and through the fork between two, thick trunks where the ground became steeper. Feeling every muscle on his body flex steadily, Dean’s beast chose to duck under one of them, settling his gaze on his brother.

  A wider patch of forest stretched out before them as they loped across the trees. Raul’s beast glanced at his brother, over his right shouldder. The familiar, yellow glaze that spread over his eyes forced a deep bark from him. It was his way of telling him that he was right there, loyal and dedicated to their cause. The Alpha returned his gaze up ahead as they galloped up the hill. Only seconds afterwards, the few lights of the homes parallel to the forest lit their way. Ray’s wolf quickened his pace, finding himself beside Dean. He nudged his muzzle against the back of his neck as a happy yip escaped him. Even now, in this critical hour, he had worked up the courage to tease his brother. Dean wouldn’t complain; on some level, he was expecting this.

  As soon as Raul bypassed the last house, the ferocity in their growls increased, sending chills rippling across his skin. The reason for that change was simple: they had caught the vampires’ scent. The foul stench of death was lingering in the air, making Dean’s stomach churn. And, just as he ran up a short hill that blocked his view, he saw their exact location. A bright, blue glow spread across the scorched patch of forest less than fifty yards away from him. Raul shortened his strides when they spotted Damian’s clan, behind Bethels, and Damian himself standing next to him. A red glow shot down to the ground as the pack ranged out facing towards their rivals. Helena and Kate emerged, their backs turned to their foes. Kate’s hands were bound, whereas her mouth had been taped shut. She nodded to Dean’s wolf as he and his comrades halted among the trees, a moment before she and Helena turned around.

  “Perfect timing,” Bethels remarked with a smirk. “I see you’ve done as I requested. You have just spared your town and Shandaken from a tragedy. Come forth, Kate,” he beckoned, his gaze locked on Dean’s mate.

  “Not so fast,” Helena grumbled, narrowing her eyes at him. “First, you tell us why you want her so badly. Why is she so important to you?”

  “She’s one of the great ten, you sneaky, little bitch!” Bethels ground out as his deep-brown eyes darkened with anger. “Something you will never be. Now, let her come.”

  “Nonsense!” shouted Helena, the redness in her eyes deepening as she took a short step forward. “It’s written, isn’t it? She’s the one who kills you,”

  “Maybe,” Bethels spoke, his voice coming out lazy. “But not if I kill her first.” Then, right as he finished his statement, the wizard thrust his arm out, his palm facing Kate. Helena snapped her fingers. Kate’s bonds and her gag vanished into thin air just as a blue sparkle shot from his hand.

  “Now!” shouted Helena, her eyes opening wide when she saw the wizard’s dangerous energy rocket across the forest. In a split second, Kate’s brown eyes narrowed and her face hardened. A blinding, yellow glow sprang from the ground, and shot up her sides. Helena pulled her staff from her cloak. Hundreds of tiny, silver particles were thrown across the forest floor once the energy bolt crashed onto the force field, bringing a cunning smile to Kate’s face. Still, it didn’t stay on for more than a few moments. Assuming her previous, stiff expression, she advanced towards him as his face fell in disbelief.

  “You tried to have me killed,” she stated in a commanding tone, slowly lifting her right arm using her confident footsteps to close the distance between them. “You plotted against me,” she emphasized, the shade of her force field dimming to a darker, golden tone. “You blinded my friend,” Kate added as she rolled her fingers into a fist. Just then, his body blurred closer to her as she brought herself to an abrupt halt. He stopped, hardly two inches away from her as she unfurled her fingers. “You’re wrong,” she spoke through gritted teeth, grabbing him by the sides of his black coat. “I won’t kill you. They will,” she continued, casting a swift, sideways glance down at the pack. Flexing her arm muscles, Kate pushed him upwards and a deep grunt fled her lips. Before Bethels knew it, he was flying across the woods. Dean’s gaze followed him. His body tumbled to the ground, and then spun to the right. Raul raised his upper lip in a terrifying grimace, while he watched the wizard passed him by. A ferocious snarl rose up in Dean’s throat, his eyes glazing orange when Bethels turned onto his back. With a few, quick pads, he closed in on him, catching a glimpse of his approaching brother, out of the corner of his eye. He stared down at him and the thought of ending Bethels with a bite to the neck crossed his mind. But, he would do no such thing. He had caused way too much harm to his family to deserve a fast, clean death. The wizard had to suffer. Parting his jaws, he ducked and brought his gaze down to his rival’s wrist. Bethels’ cry of excruciating pain echoed in the wilderness; the beast snapped both bones with a hard bite. His Alpha’s jaws closed around the wizard’s right shoulder when Dean felt warmth in his mouth. One more, quieter moan left him as a third bone crunched under pressure. Letting out one more growl, Raul released him, amid a chaos of snarls, and growls. He stepped onto his chest, and thrust his snout down, stifling out any more noises. Bethels began to thrash underneath him as the wolf’s teeth sank further and further into his flesh. The pulse in his wrist weakened. Dean let go of the wizard’s forearm, hearing the sound of their enemy’s heartbeat fade. Bethels’ body twitched one last time, before his heart ceased beating altogether.

  Raul stepped off the lifeless body, lifting his gaze up to meet Damian’s, drops of crimson rolling down his fur. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he burst forward. The vampire blurred nearer as Dean exploded towards him, desperate to finish him and his clan off. Within seconds, the clan was right behind them, galloping towards destiny, their foes’ eyes glowing yellow in the dark. The Alpha leapt onto Damian, knocking him off his feet as the vampire reached his arms out in front of him. Raul thrust his snout down as he found himself in his adversary’s tight embrace. Sadly though, his jaws smashed shut, just next to Damian’s throat. In a quick move, Damian squeezed Raul hard in his arms, and turned them over. A painful yip left the helpless Alpha when the vampire’s grip tightened around him. Nevertheless, Dean was not going to sit by and watch. Craning his neck, he snapped his jaws shut around Damian’s elbow. His teeth ground against the fabric of his coat as he bit down. The sensation of the stiff limb, cracking in his mouth relit his hope. Unwilling to stop, he put more force. The vampire cried out in agony because the powerful jaws shattered his arm. Rapidly releasing it, Dean’s lupine moved around him. He raised his front left paw, and pressed it down on his throat, letting out yet another, vicious snarl. His jaws closed around Damian’s skull as he squirmed beneath him. Filled with a massive urge to punish him even further for his crimes, he yanked his head back. He felt the coldness of his flesh while his foe’s bones crackled. The vampire uttered no more sounds, just before shards of his skin and his hair dropped onto the forest floor. Dean pulled him towards him violently once more, ripping his head off his body.

  Panting for breath, he averted his gaze from the dead vampire and looked up. The sounds of mayhem had subsided. Helena and Kate were standing in each ot
her’s arms a few feet behind his Alpha and Ray. A fast sweep of his surroundings told him that each and every vampire had been destroyed. They lay dead on the ground, among their comrades’ limbs and heads. This time, none of his brothers in arms had been killed in action. Raul’s appraising yip sounded like the sweetest reward. The three brothers threw their heads back, almost simultaneously. Their tremendous howls tore through the night, declaring their victory to every world around them, human, shifter or otherwise. Once again, the undisputed kings of the valley had triumphed over the malicious creatures who had meant them harm.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  The return of the Paxton pack to their birthplace seemed more like a victory parade. Padding proudly alongside one another, and also taking their time, they strolled down the hill. Dean might have enjoyed this more, but he would much rather have gone back home with his mate. Unfortunately, however, as soon as the battle was over, she chose to disappear in a plume of yellow smoke. However, that minor detail was not enough to ruin his fantastic mood. He could rejoin with Kate later on. For now, he would savor the fruit of his and his pack’s endeavors. They had earned this moment, these few minutes with one another. They could roam the forest freely, proud of their accomplishment, without fear that anything might be lurking ahead. So, that was precisely what they did. In spite of their exhaustion, the wolves kept yipping throughout their promenade down the hill, barking or playfully biting each other. The four females in particular chased one another as the ground leveled out. But, their games did not last long. Upon reaching the clearing outside the Bradford estate, they all went their separate ways, leaving the siblings alone.


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