Hollywood Princess

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Hollywood Princess Page 33

by Dana Aynn Levin

  Rachel sat down in a huff and only then noticed that I was alone.

  “Where’s your wife?” she snarled. Her voice was filled with rancor.

  “In the infirmary with the flu,” I snapped. Between Rachel’s rudeness and worrying over Eli, I was in a sour mood.

  “Infirmary! I had no idea…” she said contritely. “I thought…”

  “Thought what?” I exploded. “That I was off getting wasted? Or maybe I was having sex with my girlfriend? I thought you knew me better than that! Screw you, Rach!” I slammed my plate down hard for emphasis.

  “Danny! I didn’t mean that.” But of course she did.

  “Then what did you mean?”

  “I, I thought,” she stammered.“ I was angry because you didn’t call or text.”

  “Use your brains! Maybe I couldn’t call because there are some things that are even more important than that damned film!”

  “I’m sorry. I know how dedicated you are. How’s Elizabeth?”

  “Nice of you to ask. She’ll be fine. Once she spends the week in bed. I’ve hardly seen her all week and now it will be another week,” I grumbled.

  “Poor you,” Rachel said, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

  “Yes, poor me. I don’t like being without Elizabeth.”

  “This is not about you, Danny. Elizabeth’s really sick.”

  “No shit, Rachel,” I said curtly. “I WAS the one who caught her when she fainted. I simply prefer my girlfriend healthy and with me.”

  Rachel gasped. “You are so self-centered. You could have seen her all week but whenever I suggested quitting early you wouldn’t hear of it. But now she’s unavailable, so you’re angry. I can’t believe you.”

  “You are so wrong. Eli understood I wanted to work as much as possible. She knows I’m a perfectionists, and Eli understands this life. But damn it, I miss her.”

  “Where’s Elizabeth?” Chloe cheerfully asked. She seemingly appeared from out of nowhere with her dinner plate in hand.

  “Infirmary. Flu,” I answered sharply.

  “Oh. I half expected that,” she said as she sat down.

  “Why did you half expect it?” I grilled her.

  “Don’t you ever speak to your girlfriend anymore?”

  “Of course I speak to my girlfriend,” I snapped. “I’ve been working late and Eli’s stubborn and doesn’t want me to worry. So why did you half expect it?”

  “Elizabeth looked awful last night. She even went to bed before nine.”

  “Why didn’t you call me?” If Eli wasn’t feeling well, Chloe should have called.

  “Was I supposed to?”

  “Yes!” I answered emphatically.

  “You never told me that was my job,” Chloe countered.

  “Of course that’s your job. Chloe, you’re her roommate. If Elizabeth is sick, you call me. It’s that simple. Eli can’t be alone if she’s sick.”

  Chloe and Rachel starred at me with wide eyes. Why didn’t they understand? I had to take care of Elizabeth.

  “What?” I asked angrily.

  “This is too weird,” Rachel muttered.

  “Hey, guys.” It was Shane and behind him was Cam.

  “Where’s Mrs. Newman?” Cam asked playfully. Rachel put her finger to her lips and gave them a warning glare.

  “I wish you hadn’t asked,” Chloe groaned.

  “Why?” Cam asked. Then he stopped in his tracks, alarm spread across his face. Cam looked at me, then at Rachel and back to me. “Danny, you haven’t gotten divorced, have you? Is that why I haven’t seen you with your wife all week?”

  “I’m so out of here,” Frustrated and angry, I bolted. “Eli is not my wife nor are we getting divorced. Oh, and Cam, she’s in the infirmary.” I bolted from the cafeteria.

  I was sick of this! Just because I loved Eli, and we were living together, that did not make her my spouse. Until that day in the future when I proposed, Elizabeth understood I was not being serious when I called her Mrs. Newman. Why didn’t our friends?


  Before Rachel or Chloe returned from dinner, I entered their suite. I found Eli’s overnight case atop her wardrobe. She needed clothes and toiletries. When Eli’s health improved, she would want her books. I quickly packed and returned to my room.

  My mood tempered as my thoughts turned to Eli. This afternoon was scary. I’d never seen a sober person pass out before. And Eli’s head had been on fire. The nurses would take good care of her, but I wanted to make her smile.

  Opening my closet, I pulled out two cotton shirts that were ready for the laundry. They weren’t really dirty, but I’d worn them each a couple of times, and that made them perfect. I dabbed the collars with a drop of my cologne. Eli would love wearing these.

  The infirmary was hospital quiet when I arrived and a security guard directed me to the elevator. The ten-room second floor looked like a miniature hospital. Room Seven was at the end of the hall. My heartbeat increased as I reached the door. I hoped to find Elizabeth awake and alert. I hoped her fever was down.

  Eyes closed, Elizabeth was lying in bed. Her face was pale. Was she even awake? There was only one way to know. I set down the case, went to her side, and kissed her hot forehead. Green eyes fluttered open. Her usually bright emeralds were dull. She smiled demurely.

  “Danny?” Elizabeth whispered. I sat down and clasped her small hand.

  “I’m here, baby.” My heart broke. It was unbearable seeing her so ill.

  “I’m tired.”

  “Have you been sleeping?”

  “Yes. I’m thirsty.”

  “Let me sit you up. I’ll get you some water.”

  Carefully, as though she were made of crystal, I helped Elizabeth to sitting. I poured water from a carafe into a glass with a straw in it. Eli drained the glass.


  “Much,” she said in a stronger voice. “I feel awful.”

  “I can tell,” I said, but I smiled affectionately.

  “That bad, huh?”

  I laughed, unable to mask the truth. “But you’re always beautiful to me.”

  “Right answer,” Eli chuckled. “Such a liar.”

  “So you’ll keep me around?”

  “For the time being.” Sick as she was, Elizabeth still had her humor.

  We smiled at each other as I played with her fingers. It wasn’t necessary to speak. Eli’s smile, filled with love and tenderness, spread warmth throughout me. I felt the best I had all day.

  The nurse entered, interrupting. “Time to take your temperature,” she announced.

  I backed away and let the nurse place the thermometer in Eli’s mouth. It was one of those digital models that didn’t take long. The nurse frowned.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Elizabeth’s fever is still over 103.”

  “I won’t stay long,” I assured the nurse.

  “Yes, you will,” Eli protested.

  “E, I need you better.”

  The nurse handed Eli a glass of water and some pills. I assumed they were fever reducers.

  “I’m tired of water. Can I please have some apple juice?”

  “I’ll be right back,” the nurse said. And she was, bringing two small plastic bottles of juice.

  “I’ll check on you later.” She smiled and left the room.

  I opened a bottle of juice and handed it to Eli.

  “Shouldn’t you be with Rachel?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Not tonight.”

  “Won’t she be angry?”

  “Elizabeth you’re more important,” I said trying to sidestep the issue. Eli’s eyes opened wide. She figured it out anyway.

  “You’re fighting! Danny, you and Rachel had an argument, didn’t you?”

  “Yes,” I confessed. “But I’d be here even if we hadn’t.”

  “Of course you would.” Eli smiled. “What happened?”

  “Nothing, really. Rachel thought I blew her off this afternoon so I got pissed
that she doubted my dedication and then she got pissed at me for missing you.”

  “Huh?” Eli crinkled her eyes in confusion.

  “Then I got pissed at Chloe for not calling me last night when she knew you were sick.”

  “Was she supposed to?”

  “Yes. How am I supposed to take care of you if no one tells me anything is wrong?”

  “I’m an adult. I can take care of myself, Daniel.”

  “No you can’t. Otherwise you would have been up here seeing a doctor instead of muddling your way through a Political Science class.”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.”

  “Well guess what?”

  “You’re worried anyway.”

  “And I’m pissed at Shane and Cam for calling me on it.”

  “I think I’m the one you’re really pissed at.”

  “How can you say that? You’re lying in bed, sick in the infirmary.”

  “Exactly! So you’re taking it out on everyone else. Daniel, I love you, but you’re behaving like a petulant little boy.”

  “Eli!” I protested.

  “All week you’ve been working late. On any evening you could have slept with me. It would have been nice, but I understood. If you were getting only three or four hours of sleep you wanted it to be solid. You have a very tight post schedule.”

  “I love that you understand. It takes the pressure off me. So why would I be angry?”

  “Because you feel guilty. And second, you missed your chance to play and now my spoiled love, I can’t play.”

  “I’m not angry, Eli. You’re sick.”

  “That’s why you’re taking it out on everybody else. How would it look if you were angry with a sick woman?”

  “Eli!” I flushed. My guilt showed through. But Eli was right. I was angry with her.

  “You know I love you, Eli,” I said contritely.

  “Of course. Daniel, that’s why you’re embarrassed.”

  I moved in to kiss Elizabeth but she held up her hand to stop me.

  “Danny, I don’t want you to get sick. Then you’ll be lying here when I’m ready to play again.” Elizabeth spoke with such innocence I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Eli, I’m not angry anymore,” I said, and I smiled. Before Elizabeth could protest, I pressed my lips against her parched ones for a very chaste kiss.

  “Danny! I’m contagious!”

  “I swear to take full responsibility. If I catch the flu, I will not get angry with you. It will be completely my fault for not being able to resist you.”

  We both laughed.

  “I hate this. I really do,” I complained.

  I took Eli in my arms wanting so badly to kiss her. She sensed it too.

  “Daniel, you’d better go. I should rest and I need to protect you from yourself.”


  I should have gone to the gym. Instead, The Cellar beckoned.

  Now that Eli had exonerated me, I was hyper. I needed to do something physical. Chances were Chloe or some other girls I was friends with would be at The Cellar. I could dance with them. Eli wouldn’t mind. Eli was cool with me having friends who were girls.

  I hadn’t considered the early hour. The Cellar was nearly empty. On the assumption that a group would materialize, I took a seat at a round table meant for six. Then I ordered a shot of Jack Daniels, plus a pitcher of beer.

  The pitcher came with four glasses, for the friends I anticipated, and to avoid looking like an alcoholic drinking alone. As soon as I was served, I threw back the J.D. Instant mellow. Then I slowly poured out a glass of beer; foamless, golden perfection. The beer’s frosty smoothness was just what I needed. Heaven in a pilsner glass.

  “Where’s mine?” Phoebe exclaimed as she bounced onto the chair to my right.

  “Me, too,” Amelia purred as she slid onto the chair to my left. Shit!

  “Ladies. Good to see you, too,” I greeted them. Phoebe and Amelia were not exactly my first choice, but at least I was not alone anymore.

  I poured from the pitcher and the girls happily took the beers.

  “Talking to me again, Amelia?”

  After she accepted that our fling had been just that, Amelia had turned toxic, and I avoided her. Rumor had it that she had been ready to call things off with her pompous boyfriend James over me.

  “I can afford to give you a break. I’m out of here once finals are over. I’m transferring to Dartmouth.”

  “To be with James?” I asked with a raised eyebrow, though I knew the answer. “Sweet.”

  “So you see, you don’t matter anymore.”

  “Amelia, you’re breaking my heart.” I laughed as I poured myself another beer.

  “Where’s Mary Poppins?” Phoebe asked cheerfully.

  “Mary’s so stiff.” Amelia added. “I don’t know how you stand it.”

  “If you’re insulting my girlfriend, go drink someone else’s beer.”

  “Touchy, touchy!” Phoebe chimed in playfully.

  “You love making me uncomfortable,” I laughed as did the girls.

  “All I’m saying,” Amelia explained, her chin lifted defiantly, “Your girlfriend’s frigid and you’re, well you’re not, Dan.”

  “Does she float up into the clouds when the wind changes and gets under her designer mini-skirts?” Phoebe teased.

  “Not funny, Phoebs. And my girlfriend is certainly not frigid.” Then I chugged the rest of my beer and poured another. “Besides,” I added, now feeling the buzz,“ I know what’s under those designer mini-skirts.”

  “I’ll bet,” Amelia responded caustically.

  “She’s an ice princess, Dan,” Phoebe added.

  “Eli is no ice princess, Phoebs. Eli’s hot.”

  “But she’s a princess. She spends more on clothing than my father makes in a year.”

  “I doubt that. Your father’s a CEO. He must earn at least seven figures.”

  “That’s my point, Dan.”

  “Forget it. I am not discussing Elizabeth with you vultures.”

  “So where is Mary?” Phoebe asked. “Trouble on Cherry Tree Lane?”

  “Not at all. Total bliss. Eli’s in the infirmary with the flu.”

  Phoebe ran her fingers along my cheekbone and jaw. “Poor baby,” she said sarcastically. “Sleeping alone tonight?”

  “Have you ever?” Amelia’s voice also oozed with sarcasm.

  “Very funny ladies. I can go a few nights alone. I’m a big boy.”

  “Dan, you sure are.” Amelia grinned and winked.

  I groaned, regretting my choice of words.

  After additional pitchers, and dances with the girls, it was time to go. Even I realized, if I spent any more time in The Cellar I would not be functional in the morning.

  I needed to be more than functional. I had classes, studying, editing, and now the burden of visiting Elizabeth. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to see Eli, but this late in the semester time was my enemy.

  Today had been a wasted day. I had accomplished nothing. Visiting Eli twice a day was a luxury I didn’t have time for. There was nothing I could do for her, but staying away would break Eli’s heart.

  This was what Cam and Shane meant about me being married. I hated the obligations. If only Eli had found out about Reggie. She would have had no choice but to dump me. Then I could do what I really wanted; spend the night with Amelia who was being so flirty she was difficult to resist. Worse, Amelia knew it.

  “Time to go,” I announced.

  “Drive us home?” Phoebe asked though it was more a statement.

  Amelia perched her hands on my shoulder and smiled into my eyes.

  “Pleeeeze?” she asked, and Amelia boldly kissed my lips. For a girl who had stopped talking to me for three months, Amelia was awfully playful tonight. Still, we were in public. If any of Eli’s friends saw this, I would be in big trouble.

  “Amelia!” I brushed her back. “I have a girlfriend, remember?”

  “Oh pooh! Why
does she have to spoil all the fun?”

  “What about James?” I asked.

  “He’s in New Hampshire,” Amelia answered matter-of-factly. “I told James the only way I would stop being naughty was if I spent every night with him. So we’re spending the summer in Europe. Then it’s off to Hanover. James and I will be like you and Mary.”

  I laughed caustically. Amelia would never be like Eli. I was unable to imagine Amelia being true to any man, but you never know. Maybe James was really a stud.

  Buzzed as I was, I shouldn’t have considered driving. But I wasn’t leaving Donnelly. As the girls were clinging to me in an attempt to stay upright, I had no choice.

  Halfway to The Village, Phoebe pulled out a joint and lit it. After inhaling she passed it forward to Amelia in the front passenger seat, as though in their states the girls needed any additional intoxicants.

  If I crashed my car tonight, I would be in major trouble. Eli would be devastated upon learning the identities of my passengers. Dad would hang me for driving with however high my blood-alcohol level must be. And the Dean would probably suspend me.

  I was not too drunk to understand the even hotter water I’d be in if illegal substances were found in my blood. This was upstate New York, not L.A. Steven Newman’s name would probably be a detriment.

  Phoebe and Amelia could barely walk. I helped them from my car and up the path to their house. Amelia was all over me as we stumbled through the door.

  “Good-night,” Phoebe slurred, and she winked as she staggered upstairs.

  Amelia re-lit the joint and passed it to me.

  “Amelia…” I protested. “It’s late.”

  She brought it to my lips while pressing against me. “Dan,” she ordered, “I want to party. With you.”

  Amelia starred at me until I took a hit. It had been a few weeks, and boy, had I missed it. I took the joint from Amelia’s fingers and this time I inhaled deeply. Yeah, this was divine.

  Loose from the effects of the joint, I smiled at Amelia and rested my arm on her shoulder. Her breasts pressed against me, soft and tempting. Mmm, Amelia.

  After a few more deep hits, my brains were floating, completely detached from my body. Amelia kissed me, holding me tight. I kissed her back, responding to her lips and eager fingers stroking inside my now opened jeans.


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