Hollywood Princess

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Hollywood Princess Page 44

by Dana Aynn Levin

  “Elizabeth, calm down,” I urged her.

  Eli glared straight at me. “Daniel!” she snarled, “You were behind this. That’s why you insisted on gelato.”

  Furious, Eli turned toward me, hands on hips. I took advantage and wrapped my arms around her body to still her.

  “Shush, Eli. Calm down,” I murmured.

  Elizabeth relented and began crying. “This is our home,” she whimpered.

  I stroked her back. Elizabeth clung to me. She sobbed against my chest. I let her hysteria subside and gradually her grip softened.

  “Is Elizabeth having a nervous breakdown?” Teddy chuckled. I glared, fed up with him.

  “She’ll be fine,” I snapped. “Teddy, excuse us. Elizabeth and I need our privacy.”

  Without waiting for either to respond, I scooped Eli up in my arms and threw her over my shoulder.

  “Daniel!” she protested, arms and legs flailing against me. But I didn’t care, and I grabbed the chenille throw to wrap around her.

  Once outside, I slid the door closed against Teddy’s prying. I gently placed Eli on a chaise and tucked the throw around her.

  Eli reached for my hand, her ire gone. A tear rolled down her check, and I leaned forward to brush it away.

  “You were acting like the old Danny,” she complained.

  “Can’t I be immature? Sometimes?” I tried to make Eli smile.

  Instead Elizabeth dropped my hand, drew up her knees and tucked in to hide her face. Eli was crying again, but softly.


  “Danny, if I say I’m scared, would you be angry?”

  “Angry? Never. What are you scared about, honey?”

  “Vancouver. This summer. Us.”

  I pursed my lips in contemplation. This was not unexpected.

  Eli sat up straighter. “Maybe I should move out,” she said sadly.

  “Of course not! That’s the last thing I want.”

  I slid down. Eli moved over, allowing me to lie on my side facing her. I took back the hand she’d dropped and laced my fingers through hers. Eli’s face, Eli’s body, her entire being froze, fearful.


  “I can’t live like this, Daniel. This limbo is killing me.”

  “I can’t live like this either.”

  Panoply of emotions crossed Elizabeth’s lovely face. One moment there was disappointment, the next there was hope, and lastly, there was plain confusion. I put my finger up to her lips to signal quiet.

  I continued holding Eli’s hand, letting our twined fingers rest upon her thigh. I closed the gap between us and quickly kissed her. Eli didn’t react. I felt her inner debate. Would remaining true to herself equate to leaving me?

  “E, you’ve been waiting a long time for me to settle down.” I smiled warmly and Eli rewarded me with an upturn of her lips. “I’m almost there, baby.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means if I weren’t leaving, I would give you what you want. Without hesitation.”

  “I don’t understand. Are you setting me up so if you cheat this summer you’ll say ‘don’t be mad, I never made you promises?’”

  “God no, Eli. I love you.” I twinkled my eyes at her. ”Three months is a long time to be apart. You might get tired of the flying. You’ll find other things to do on the weekend. I don’t want you feeling obligated.”

  “Do you really think that?”

  I shrugged and smiled impishly. “It could happen.”

  Eli reached for my cheek. Her hand was cold from the night air.

  “I could never tire of visiting you.”

  “Eli, you’re being naïve,” I whispered, my forehead touching hers.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Lots of guys work at the studio. One of them might ask you out.”

  Elizabeth burst into a fit of giggles.

  “It could happen, Eli. You are gorgeous.”

  Elizabeth smiled as she rubbed her nose against mine.

  “I would turn them down. I have a boyfriend, remember?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Elizabeth, you might want to say yes.”

  “Daniel, anyone who would ask a girl out who lives with her boyfriend is a cad. Besides, they’ll know who my dad is and be intimidated. What about you? Lots of girls work on a set.”

  “Any girl who would want a guy who lives with his girlfriend is a slut.” I mischievously raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. Now that I put it that way…”

  “Daniel!” Elizabeth feigned annoyance. She knew I was teasing.

  “I will be too busy working to notice any girls. Besides, when they see how amazing my lady is, they’ll know they have no chance.”

  And I flashed Elizabeth my flirtiest grin. She blushed.



  Eli reached her hands around my neck and kissed me.

  “Some ambitious young suit might try taking advantage because of your parents. Dating Elizabeth Jacobs could be very attractive for their careers.”

  “I’m taken, Daniel.”

  Elizabeth’s breath tickled my cheek as she spoke.

  “It could happen, Eli.”

  Elizabeth pressed her lips to mine while her hands held my face to hers as though we were glued together. I delicately ran my hand down Elizabeth’s pareo-covered thigh. A shiver ran through her.

  “I’m taken, Daniel,” Eli repeated in a whisper.

  “I hope so,” I whispered back.

  My breath on Eli’s face made her shudder.

  “Why are you being insecure?” Eli asked. “I’ve never seen you like this.”

  I gave Eli a quick lip nibble.

  “I don’t want to lose you. Any of these scenarios could happen.”

  “Daniel?” Eli knew I was hiding something.

  I inhaled deeply. “I’m acutely aware that I’m the only boyfriend you’ve ever had. Being apart, you’ll have time to think about it. Maybe you’ll decide you’re too young for this.” I gestured toward the house. “ Maybe you’ll decide you want to experiment with other men.”

  Eli laughed. “That would be disappointing.”

  “I’m serious, Eli.”

  “So am I.” Then Elizabeth smiled. “Daniel, you’re right. I am too young to settle down, but I couldn’t be happier.”

  Eli pressed her lips to mine for another heart-felt kiss. “I love you Daniel. That’s not going to change.”

  I touched her lower lip with my finger. “I love you too. That’s why I want you to have options.”

  Eli took my hand and pressed it to her cheek. Then she kissed my palm. Eli’s laughing emerald eyes never left me.

  “You didn’t move me in here to give me options. So cut the crap, Newman. This is the most bogus conversation I’ve ever had.”

  My mouth opened wide, then closed. Elizabeth’s directness took me completely by surprise. I loved it! She was so hot!.

  “You’re right. This is bogus. I don’t want to give you options. I felt obligated because I’m leaving.” I kissed the top of Eli’s head.

  Elizabeth pulled back a few inches to make eye contact. “Daniel, you are a very complicated man. That’s part of why I love you. In this case, there’s something in your head, something intangible that even I can’t comprehend. I don’t know if you even understand it. But if that infinitesimal fraction of one percent is telling you to hold off until you return in August, I can live with that.”

  “You can?” Elizabeth understood!

  “Yes, I can,” Elizabeth smiled. Her delicate fingers cupped my face. “Because I’m getting what I want, so what’s three more months when I’ve been waiting nineteen years.” Eli laughed.

  “You’re so confident.”

  “Completely.” Eli wrapped her hands around my neck. Through my hair she pulled me to her. My arms clutched Eli’s body against mine, my hands resting on her upper thigh.

  Elizabeth’s full lips parted. Our tongues met, caressing. She had never tasted s
weeter. Her leg curled around mine, gripping me in a vise. The pareo slipped open exposing Eli’s thigh. My hand stroked her thigh, enjoying its smooth softness. Eli responded by moving as close to me as possible, sliding her leg up to my hip. My desires rose hard against her, probing, wanting entrance.

  Eli abruptly uncurled her leg and stopped kissing me. What the…?

  “Teddy,” she whispered. “He can see us.”

  We both laughed having forgotten our houseguest.

  “One more kiss,” she said, not wanting us to end.

  I grabbed Eli and attacked her lips again. My hand caressed her thigh. Teddy be damned! He could avert his eyes. Elizabeth was right. I was spoiled.


  Call me selfish, but I was looking forward to my brother’s departure. With so little time left before Sunday, I didn’t want to share Danny a moment longer than necessary.

  Hearing Teddy in the living room, Danny and I decided we’d better get out of bed. While he took a quick shower, I threw on yoga pants and last night’s hoodie. Grubby, with my hair a tangled mess, grooming could wait. I wanted Teddy gone.

  But first Teddy had to be fed. I raced to the kitchen to get breakfast started. Being boys, Danny and Teddy virtually inhaled the scrambled eggs I cooked. They gobbled up bagels too.

  Normally a raised eyebrow from me got Danny to slow his pace, but not today, no raised eyebrow. I wanted Teddy out of here so badly I didn’t care if I finished eating my meal alone.

  Danny was a study in motion. Whether he was taking the quickest shower and literally throwing on shorts, or wolfing down breakfast, Danny was operating in warped speed hyper mode this morning. He wanted Teddy gone too.

  Danny fairly ran in from Teddy’s room, my brother’s backpack slung over his shoulder. I was starting on the second half of my bagel but Danny grabbed my shoulders and smacked a loud kiss on my cheek.

  “Gotta go, babe. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Don’t get a speeding ticket,” I warned.

  The way Danny was moving, I was afraid to see the speedometer.

  “What will you be doing?” Danny managed to stop long enough to ask.

  “I’m feeling lazy. I’ll just lie on a lounge chair and bake in the sun.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll join you late, but we won’t have long. We’re going to the stadium later. The Braves are in town.”

  “Can I come too?” Teddy piped in, having quietly arrived from his bedroom.

  No! I wanted to be alone with Danny, even if we were with 50,000 strangers.

  “Eli?” Danny asked, his eyes pleading Teddy’s case.

  I sighed loudly. Danny gave me no choice.

  “Teddy can come but we’re dropping him at his house after the game.”

  Danny hugged my shoulders and kissed the side of my forehead.

  “Thank you, Sweetheart,” he said and rushed off to the garage.

  “Thanks, sis,” Teddy called while running after Danny.

  I didn’t like it, but I understood. I would see Danny every weekend. He wouldn’t see Teddy again until August if not later.

  “Mind if I come too?” Dad asked, as we were getting Teddy. “I wouldn’t normally ask, but as you’re already taking Teddy….”

  “Sure, Dad.” I frowned. How could I answer otherwise? “What about Mom?” Or all of Santa Monica for that matter?

  Danny opened the front passenger door. I hesitated. Did Dad expect to sit there?

  “Go ahead Elizabeth. We’re intruding on your date.”

  I climbed into the car while Dad and Teddy settled into the back.

  “Where’s Mom?” I asked again as we headed east on San Vicente.

  “She’s meeting friends for an early dinner before going to a screening,” Dad replied.

  “What’s she seeing, Mike?” Danny asked.

  “Some weepie chick flick. Don’t ask. I didn’t pay attention.”

  “E, why didn’t you go with her?” Danny asked.

  “You know me better than that,” I snapped. “I resent ‘weepie chick flicks.’ It’s so sexist to think all women like movies that make them cry. I don’t.”

  “Sorry I asked,” Danny relented.

  “Mom didn’t invite me,” I awkwardly admitted.

  “Kids, thanks for letting me and Teddy tag along,” Dad interjected.

  “Yeah, Dad. It’s not like Danny and I ever get to spend time alone anymore.”

  “Tomorrow we will,” Danny announced. Seeing my disappointment, he picked up my hand. “Tomorrow will be Eli’s day. Nobody else is invited, okay?”

  “I have witnesses, Daniel.”

  “I promise. Tomorrow is about you. We’ll do whatever you want and then we’ll have a nice, quiet dinner at Geoffrey’s. How’s that?”

  I immediately cheered up. A day alone with Danny, followed by a romantic dinner – works for me!

  If only the Dodgers would score a couple of runs early and then settle into a low-scoring pitchers’ duel. Then the game would end quickly and we could shed my father and brother.

  At least Dad understood. When we reached our seats, he insisted that Teddy sit with him in the row in front of Danny and me.

  “Enjoy,” Dad said, and he kissed my cheek before sitting down next to Teddy.

  In the top of the second inning, just as the Dodgers completed a double play, a familiar voice interrupted us.

  “Can I join you?”

  Danny and I stopped our celebration kiss mid-stream.

  “Steve!” I exclaimed, thrilled to see him.

  “Dad! This is unexpected.”

  I jumped up and enthusiastically hugged Steve. He was forced to balance his tray carrying two loaded hot dogs and a beer, on the seat so he wouldn’t drop them.

  Steve and Danny warmly embraced. By this time Dad was standing too.

  “Steven, glad you made it,” Dad said while clapping his hand against Steve’s shoulder in a brotherly greeting.

  “Thanks for the text, Michael. My driver dropped me off. Is there room in your car for me?”

  “Should be. We came in Elizabeth’s Range Rover.”

  “Dad, I thought you weren’t coming home until tomorrow,” Danny said.

  “I thought so too, but I’m meeting with the studio in the morning.”

  Steve sat down beside Dad and turned to him. “Personnel issue,” he said quietly as though it were a code.

  “Talent?” Dad responded just as softly.

  I had a feeling Dad and Steve didn’t want anyone listening. So I tried as hard as possible to block out all the other stadium noises to hear them.

  “You’ll be there, right?” Steve asked Dad.

  “Yeah. It’s my film too. I want a happy director.”

  “But it’s their money. And they want her.”

  “You may be stuck, bro.”

  “If I can give them another name by tomorrow.”

  “I hear you,” Dad said empathetically. “But there are three problems.”

  “Curiosity because of my insistence...”

  “Main one. Plus she’s perfect for the part and it’s been publicized.”

  “A beautiful, young bitch. Nobody can play bitch better,” Steve groused.

  Were they discussing Vanessa Rogers? She was Steve’s announced star, and Vanessa was young, beautiful and an infamous bitch.

  Dad snapped his head around and caught me. He must have felt my ears boring into their backs. I tried to look innocent but I’m sure I failed.

  If I was correct, why was Vanessa so disliked by Steve?

  Dad turned back to Steve. “Come by early for breakfast. We’ll talk then when we’ll have privacy.” He emphasized the word privacy.

  It wasn’t until we had dropped Steve, Dad and Teddy off that I could reflect on the overheard conversation. Dad must have thought I knew whom he and Steve were referring to. In reality, I was far from certain and was guessing.

  Nearly my entire family was involved in this project. Prior to now I hadn’
t paid much if any attention to it. Would Steve’s ‘personnel issue’ impact Danny? I hoped not.

  And poor Dad! If Steve couldn’t get an actor replaced, Dad would be under a lot of stress. We could all be in for a long, hot summer.


  Eli’s Day was here! I had the morning planned, and I knew Elizabeth would love it.

  A sleepy smile played upon Elizabeth’s full pink lips. Thick auburn waves flared in all directions. I smiled in memory of the mess I’d made of them last night. Then I slid over, closing the inches-wide gap. The comforter covered most of her, though a lightly tanned shoulder attached to a slender arm faced me.

  Careful not to wake Elizabeth, I smoothed the waves off her neck and shoulder. I reached my arm around her, pressing my body against hers. Elizabeth’s narrow frame was soft and fragile.

  Ever so gently, I kissed her neck and shoulder. Eli’s squeezed-tight closed eyes didn’t fool me. The silent, laughing smile and delightful squirm told me all I needed to know. She was awake. I leaned over her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I whispered.

  “Good morning,” Elizabeth whispered back.

  Her voice was musical; the sound of Eli’s smile. I held her securely, pleased that Elizabeth enjoyed my touch on her bare skin as much as I did.

  “It’s Eli’s Day. How do you want to spend it?” I asked while stroking her thigh.

  “Daniel Martin Newman,” Elizabeth said in a devilishly seductive trill.

  “Am I in trouble?” My question was light and teasing.

  Eli rotated in my arms to face me. Her hands went around my neck. An infectious grin lit her face.

  “You sure are,” Eli pronounced, and she joyously pressed her lips against mine.

  Yep, I was in trouble. And I planned on enjoying every minute of it.

  “What’s next?” Eli eagerly asked while we lay in each other’s arms relishing the warm afterglow of making love.

  I smiled at her childlike curiosity, a complete contradiction of her very womanly behavior.

  “It’s your day, babe.” Then I kissed her parted lips before she could reply. Elizabeth’s hand on my cheek held us together and she smiled.


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