Stolen Fate

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Stolen Fate Page 3

by S. Nelson

  With my hands still restrained, his mouth descends to my breasts. He takes a nipple into his warm mouth, teasing and straining my tender peak before moving to the other one. I have to be sure not to make any noise indicating I’m enjoying any of this.

  But I am. Thoroughly.

  But, to keep in the role, I yell at him. “Drayden, get off me! Stop touching me.” I try to wriggle free but his hold intensifies on my wrists, pushing me further into the mattress. He never even budges. Not once does he even flinch from my outburst.

  Instead, he lifts his mouth from where he is relentlessly teasing me and slams it down onto my mouth. However, I’m successful in breaking away from him, twisting my head to the side. He growls. “Kiss me, Essie. Now!”

  “Get off me!” I cry out again.

  He transfers both my wrists into one hand, freeing the other to grip my jaw. He pushes my face back to the middle, right where he wants me. He lowers his mouth and licks at my lips, trying to gain entrance. When I won’t open for him, he squeezes my jaw tighter, making me gasp. He finds his opportunity and takes it but not before telling me, “If you bite me, I’ll hurt you. Do you understand?” He’s right to caution me because that’s exactly what I would have done. He was already pre-warned to my antics when I slapped him in the face.


  I nod before he claims my mouth. I’m trying not to kiss him back, but my resolve is too weak. Our tongues are grappling, sucking and tasting the very essence of the other. Drayden groans his approval and desire, punishing my lips with his need. He breaks the kiss soon after it starts. “I have to fuck you, Essie.”

  I try to escape again but again, it’s of no use.

  In one motion, he rips my panties from my trembling body. Spreading my legs, he forces a finger inside me and is pleased with what he discovers. “You’re so wet, baby. This is going to be so much fun.”

  He wiggles his eyebrows at me and bites down on his lower lip. I have to remember this is all just a fantasy he’s acting out for me. And he is superb, but there are times, times like this that I see the real him. And the real him just wants to have sex with me. The real him wants to enjoy tonight and bring me pleasure. The real him is cocky and sure of himself. The real him has mixes of sweetness and caring inside, as well. I just know it.

  I’m kicked out of my thoughts when his hand pushes my legs further apart. Before I can brace myself, he lines himself up and thrusts deep inside me.

  My back arches off the bed at his assault. I saw what he was working with when he stripped bare of his clothes earlier and sure enough, he feels as large as he looks.

  There is actually a bite of pain which accompanies his attack on my body, adding to the drama of the game. However, it’s quickly replaced with a throbbing ache which needs to be satisfied. He’s doing a great job at hitting every sensitive nerve nestled deep inside me, teasing and tormenting my poor body.

  “Oh, my God, baby. You feel so fucking good. I can feel you gripping me.” He leans down and tries to kiss me, not thinking before he does it. As soon as his mouth gets near my own, I bare my teeth, catching a corner of his lip. He backs up immediately and shakes his head, a clear warning for me to stop pushing my luck.

  His thrusts are increasing in speed, delving in and out of my sweet entrance with such expertise. There is something to be said about this man’s proclivities. He certainly knows how to work with what God has gifted to him.

  He hitches up my hip, throwing my leg over his waist. My wrists are still gripped in his hand because he isn’t stupid enough to let me go, but he only needs one hand free to work his magic. He’s able to go in deeper at this new angle, and he takes full advantage. My breathing is giving away what he’s essentially doing to me, making me climb higher and higher to the ultimate destination. I can feel the fire being stoked with every thrust of his massive arousal.

  “Drayden…” I don’t say anything but his name. I don’t want to give too much away, but one look into my eyes and he knows exactly what my cry means.

  “Come for me, Essie. Release yourself. Do it.” He pushes harder and faster, chasing his own climax while stoking mine into oblivion.

  “I don’t want this.”

  “Yes, you do. Just fall, Essie. Just fall.” His words push me over the edge and my orgasm wracks through my entire body, sending me shooting off into the heavens. With a few more strokes on his end, Drayden lets out an animalistic sound as he releases himself inside me. He’s so damn sexy, it truly is a shame this is the only time I’m going to be able to enjoy this man.

  I start thinking about how fun it would be to meet up with him here and there just to release any pent-up aggression both of us are carrying around. We’re obviously well-suited for one another in the bedroom department. Then I start thinking about the fact he probably doesn’t hook up with the same woman more than once, and I’m instantly disappointed. I do my best to rid myself of these crazy thoughts because quite honestly, they don’t make a lick of sense. But as I’m narrowing in on the issue at hand, a thought comes barreling at me so fast I think it’s going to crush me.

  Something hits me like a ton of bricks.

  Oh, fuck! We forgot to use protection! Shit! Shit! Shit! The last thing I need is to get pregnant. I’m not on the pill because it caused horrible reactions when I was on it years ago. Damn it! How can I be so stupid?

  He must have seen the look of pure horror on my face, because it doesn’t take him long before it clicks what the problem is.

  He instantly withdraws from my body, leaving a cold absence with his retreat. He jumps up from the bed and starts pacing back and forth, running his hand through his dark-brown tresses.

  “Son of a mother-fucking bitch!” he hurls out faster than I think humanly possible. “I was so wrapped up in what we were doing that I fucking blanked on slapping on a condom.” He moves closer to the bed, closer to me. “Please, please tell me you’re on the pill.”

  There is such desperation etched across his face that I have to put him out of his misery. I’ll take care of whatever happens later on, but right now, I just want him to release his anxiety.

  “Yes, of course I’m on the pill. And I’m clean, too. Are you?” Damn it, I didn’t think about that, either.

  “Yes, I am. I’ve never forgotten a condom before. But then again, I’ve never encountered someone like you, either. I guess I got lost in the whole charade of it all.”

  He seems to calm down before moving back onto the bed. As he’s making his way to where I am, I quickly get up and head for the bathroom.

  “Where are you hurrying off to, Essie? I thought we could try it my way the second time around.” Looking back at him before closing the bathroom door does something to me. He looks so hopeful in that moment. He really does seem to be a decent guy.

  Once I’m all cleaned up, I stroll out into the bedroom, still naked, and gather my clothing. I dress rather quickly, gathering my long hair into a messy knot on top of my head.

  Drayden puts his boxer briefs back on, realizing there’s no reason for him to be in the nude still. He walks around the bed and stands next to me, pulling me in close. “Are you sure you can’t stay a little bit longer? I swear I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “You already made it worth my while, Dray.” My lips meet his in a sweet but passionate kiss.

  “No one has called me Dray in a long time.” He looks lost for a moment, suspended in a time far away. “It’s nice,” he says when he looks back down at me.

  Yeah, I better leave now before I do or say something stupid.

  “Well, I have to go now. Thank you for an incredible evening.” As I grab the rest of my stuff and open the door to leave, he comes up behind me and shuts it, essentially trapping me.

  “Wait. How are you going to get home?” he asks before swooping up his jeans and hastily pulling them over his thighs.

  “I’ll call a cab.” When I see the look of concern on his face, I simply say, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine

  “The least I can do is give you a ride myself and make sure you get home safe and sound.” He spins around, grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head. There is no way in Hell I’m going to let him give me a ride and find out where I live. When he realizes I’m not going to waver, he offers to pay for the cab ride. I’m not stupid. I don’t have much money, so I take what he offers.

  “Can I see you again, Essie?” He’s chewing on his bottom lip, trying to discern why I seem to have a hold over him. Like I said, I’m sure he never double-dips from the same pool, so the fact he actually asked to see me again does strange things to me.

  “I really don’t think it’s a good idea.” I reach to open the door again but he keeps it closed with his forearm.

  “Are you sure? Because I think we can have a lot of fun together.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. But thank you for everything tonight. I’ll never forget it.” Seeing as how he isn’t going to change my mind, he lets go of the door and watches me walk down the hall and get into the awaiting elevator.

  It takes everything in my power not to look back at him because if I do, I will undoubtedly falter.

  { Chapter 3 }

  When I arrive home, if that’s what you can even call this place, I’m relieved the hardest part is over with now. I live in constant fear of what life is going to throw at me. And the fact I just took the first step to controlling my future from here on out is amazing.

  I barely survived my childhood, enduring indescribable things—things which should never happen to anyone, let alone a defenseless, trusting young girl.

  I grew up bouncing from one foster home to another. I never knew my parents, and I wasn’t sure how I even felt about it. Sometimes, when I thought about who they were and what they were like, I longed to know them, to ask them why they threw me away. But other times, I hated them, hated that my childhood was fucked up all because they didn’t want me. Would I have been better off with or without them in my life?

  I guess I’ll never know.

  Rounding the living room and heading toward my bathroom, I hear my neighbors through the very thin wall of the apartment. They’re going at it again. He’s probably drunk and she’s undoubtedly taking the brunt of his anger. I’m not sure why she sticks around. Maybe she’s scared shitless there isn’t anything better out there for her. Or maybe she likes the abuse. Some people need drama in their lives to feel alive. Not me; I want to get as far away from it as possible.

  Ironically, I’m about to create some Earth-shattering drama in my own life very soon. But the outcome will be so worth it.

  I turn on the shower, giving it time to heat up before I jump in to wash Drayden’s scent off my skin. He really did a great job of playing the part I set up for him but now…now, I want tonight’s reminder to be gone. But before I bring the body wash up to my chest, I smell him on me one last time and for a brief moment, I smile.

  He really is glorious, in every way. But he’s a notorious playboy, taking home different women night after night. I know; I’ve been watching him for some time. But I can’t blame them. Drayden Warner has a way of drawing you in and making himself the answer to your very fantasy.

  I was lucky enough to find out for myself tonight. And looking back on it, it was the best night I’ve had in a long time, all things considered.

  After my shower, I make my way toward the kitchen, searching for the cheap bottle of wine I picked up the other night. I bought it hoping I could celebrate what I set out to accomplish. Well, the first part of it, anyway. There is still one more treacherous step to take before I’m home free.

  Mr. Drunken Rage-aholic is still going at it, yelling at the top of his lungs at that poor woman. I hear a thunderous crashing sound and then….nothing. Silence. I learned early on to never get involved in other people’s business. It only serves to turn its ugly head in your direction, messing with you until you reap the dreaded consequences. No, I’m staying out of other people’s drama. God knows, no one interfered for me. Ever.

  Even though this wine is cheap, it’s definitely doing the trick of making me feel a little numb. And numb is what I need right about now. After a little while, I stumble back toward my bedroom, crawl into bed and succumb to the night, replaying the events of the evening over and over in my foggy head.

  His eyes.

  His smile.

  His body.

  His touch.

  It’s all too much. I have to remind myself silently he’s an arrogant, man-whore who doesn’t deserve all he has at his disposal. Why is it fair he doesn’t have a care in the world when I barely survive day to day?

  For as much as I hate to admit it, my past hampers my present life, strangling out my future before it even has a chance to exist. I can’t hold down a job. I don’t have anyone I’m close to, fearing all types of relationships. I’m in constant worry everyone I encounter is going to use and hurt me in any way they deem fit. I just want a chance to live, not to have to worry where my next meal is coming from or if I can afford to pay the rent for one more month so I don’t go back to living on the streets. Out there, I’m wide open for all sorts of casualties.

  No, never again. What I did tonight had to be done. I’m justified. I deserve this. After the shit life I was exposed to, a life I didn’t choose, I deserve a sliver of happiness, even if it’s fleeting.

  I drift off to sleep dreaming of a happier time. And that time has to be in my future, because it sure as hell isn’t in my past.

  { Chapter 4 }

  It’s been two weeks since my encounter with Drayden. I hesitated going forward with my plan at first, not knowing the full scope and all it would entail if I approached him with my offer. I flitted back and forth between feeling bad for the man and ultimately trying to convince myself he deserved it, simply for being wealthy.

  But today is the day I do it. I know all about him from doing extensive research, so I know where he works and where he lives. But for something like this, I think it’s best to go to his place of business, just in case. That way I’m ensured nothing will happen to me, that he doesn’t fly off in a blinding rage and attack me. I know he said he’s never struck a woman, but nonetheless I didn’t want to take any chances.

  I put on my best dress, a simple yet alluring black and white polka-dot number. It accentuates my curves but not in an overly obvious way. My makeup is simple yet brings out my best feature: my amber eyes. They really pop, which is a great thing since I’ll need him to focus on them to realize my seriousness. I leave my hair down because it is the most enticing that way.

  I saunter out the door, continuing to berate myself for my reservations. No one cared about me my whole life, so why should I care about some philandering rich man? I shouldn’t. I don’t. I keep repeating this to myself. It becomes my own little fucked-up chant.

  It’s just past noon when I make my way through the front door of his office building. Yeah, he owns the whole building. He’s the CEO and owner of Warner Builders Inc., which is a high-end construction company. His firm holds the bids and contracts for some of the wealthiest homes in California. His estimated worth is somewhere around three hundred million and counting. He’s very young, all of twenty-eight years old, to have built such an impressive empire. But he did it with hard work and determination. He started out in construction himself, laying the groundwork early on, becoming familiar with the actual art of building a home. Then he worked his way up from there, branching off into his own company, with his own crew. He lucked out and caught the bid for a local developer. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  I know he’ll be in today because I follow him enough to know his routines. When I approach what is most likely his secretary’s desk, I exhale a pent-up breath, stand up tall and make eye contact with the elderly woman.

  “Can I help you?” she asks.

  “Yes, I’m here to see Drayden Warner.” I hope she doesn’t detect my uneasiness, because I’m sure I’m going to pass out any minute if I don’t get th
is whole thing over with already.

  “Do you have an appointment?”

  “No, but if you tell him Essie Smith is here to see him, I’m sure I won’t need that appointment.”

  She reaches for her phone and dials a number. “A Miss Essie Smith is here to see you.” There is a small pause as she listens to whatever he’s saying. “Okay. Fine.”

  She gives me an annoyed look after she cradles the receiver. She continues on by, rolling her eyes at me before telling me to take a seat.

  What the hell did I do to her?

  Thankfully, he doesn’t keep me waiting long before he opens his massive office door, strolls out and positions himself right next to me. He’s wearing a suit similar to the ones I have seen him wear before. He looks so serious and professional, but I know better. I know what lies beneath his designer fabric. I know what he’s like out of his clothes. The smile he gifts me with is almost enough to shatter my reserve. In an instant, I’m back to questioning my entire reason for being here, for doing this.

  “Essie. What a pleasant surprise,” he says through bated breath. He reaches down to take my hand and pulls me upwards so I’m now standing in front of him. I forgot how tall he is, looming over me in that domineering yet placating way. His warm, sweet breath whispers across my face as he leans in close to me. “I’ve been thinking about you, woman,” he whispers in my ear. Backing up to see my reaction to his words, he isn’t disappointed; my body tenses, and my breath catches deep in my throat. Looking up into his eyes, I’m rewarded with the sight of his desire laced deep within, reflected back out toward me. He places his hand on the small of my back and ushers me toward his office. “Come with me.”

  How can he incite such a primal reaction with just his mere touch and a few insignificant words? Don’t lose focus, Essie.


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