Stolen Fate

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Stolen Fate Page 28

by S. Nelson

  His voice cuts into my thoughts as he reaches out and grabs my hands, his touch already setting me on fire. “Baby, the day I met you was the day I started to live again. I didn’t know it right then, but you were destined to be mine. Your feistiness and cunning were something I wasn’t used to, but I’ll be damned, you sucked me right in. Mind, body and soul. We’ve been through a lot in the time we’ve known each other, but we’ve weathered the storm, only to come out the other side stronger and better people. I love you more than words can express and I’m only too ecstatic to be the man who gets to spend the rest of his life with you, loving you and cherishing you.”

  I’m incredibly nervous and excited, the two emotions waging battle to outdo the other. I squeeze his hands as I recite my own vows to him. “I never imagined my life would lead me to you, and although it was kind of a rocky start, we pulled through, got to know each other, good and bad, and fell deeply in love.” I inch closer to him, staring up into his loving eyes, and say, “Drayden Warner, you are the love of my life. I cannot wait to start our journey together. In sickness and in health, our love will cure all. For richer or poorer, our love will gift us treasures beyond imagination. Until death do us part, even in the afterlife we will be joined as one, forever and ever.”

  As I’m looking up at him, his eyes have become glassy. He’s trying his hardest to remain the stoic, strong man I know him to be. Now, me on the other hand, my tears are free to make a public appearance, and I’m only too happy to welcome them with open arms. These are happy tears, something I’m sure will grace me time and time again during my long life together with my new husband.

  After we vow our love and devotion to one another, it’s time for the best part, the announcing that we’re officially husband and wife. That, plus it’s time for us to kiss. We make sure to keep it clean because it’s in front of family and friends, but there is no mistaking the passion which lies just underneath, begging for release.


  We’re halfway through the celebration when all the conversation is brought to an immediate halt. I glance to my left and notice Drayden has risen from his chair, drink in hand, and asks for everyone’s attention. Reaching down, he encourages me to stand up next to him.

  “First, I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate this glorious day with my wife and me. Boy, I like the sound of that,” he says as he leans over and gives me a quick kiss. I’m startled by all the cheers which erupt from his little display of love. “Anyway, as I was saying before my wife distracted me with her beauty, we’re both so grateful you could be here to celebrate this day with us. Not a lot of people know how Essie and I first met,” he taunts, which causes me to instantly tense up, “and I’m not going to tell you, either.” The statement is met with a lot of groans, which we both ignore. “All you need to know is the universe and fate were having some sort of wager. And it just so happens, we were the result of that bet. And I couldn’t be happier.”

  He turns fully toward me, circles his arm around my waist and pulls me in closer.

  He brings his mouth down on top of mine, subtly running his tongue oh-so-lightly over my bottom lip. He does it in such a way it looks like he is simply giving his wife a kiss, but in reality I know what he’s doing. He’s relentlessly teasing me, in a subtle way, but in a way which is nonetheless driving me crazy with desire.

  His friends and family applaud, interrupting our little display of affection. He draws back a little bit, knowing if he keeps it up we’re going to be giving everyone quite the show. And while I want to ravish my new husband, I don’t want to do it with an audience.

  I have something I want to do but I need to make sure he’s okay with it first. I lean into his ear and whisper something to him. He simply nods and kisses my temple, tugging me closer into his body once again.

  “Isn’t there something you wish to say, baby?” He nudges his hip into mine, causing me to sway a bit before returning back to his side. I love this playful side of Drayden, and I hope he shows it more and more. “Something you want to share with everyone?”

  I play along right with him. “Well, now that you mention it. Yes…yes, there is something I want to tell everyone. But now, if I could only remember what that something is,” I tease as I tap my finger on my lips, pretending to have forgotten. “Ah, yes, I remember now,” I chuckle as I face everyone who has come today to witness our love being joined. “Drayden and I would like to share the wonderful news that we are expecting a baby.”

  We’re so happy, the grin on both our faces will be plastered there for months to come. As we look out among the sea of friendly faces, all of whom are now mirroring our look, we know we’re truly blessed in every sense of the word.

  I have the love of a great man, a new family whom I adore and soon…soon I will have a child who I will cherish beyond the stars and back.

  I’m truly the luckiest woman in the world.

  { Epilogue }

  “Come on, babe; hurry up. Everyone is going to be here any minute!” Drayden yells to me from the bottom of the stairs.

  “All right, all right. We’re almost finished!” I yell back, even though I’m not quite sure if he even hears me. As I’m about to say something else, I hear the front door open and then a barrage of voices, excitement filling the air.

  Today is our twins’ third birthday party. That’s right, we had twins. Twin girls, to be exact. Turns out the doctor who told Drayden the chances of him having children were one in a million was way off. In fact, Dr. Higgins told him there was nothing wrong with him at all. He could have as many children as he wants.

  But, let’s not get carried away here.

  When we found out, we were both thrilled beyond words but then reality set in for us, in different ways. I was a little nervous about carrying two babies this time, especially when a lot of twin pregnancies don’t make it to full-term. With everything that happened with our son, I was always worrying about my precious bundles of life. But thankfully, our prayers were answered, and we were gifted with two beautiful, healthy baby girls.

  Isla and Emma Warner.

  Isla is the older twin by two minutes. She was quiet and reserved right from the start. She hardly cried, only making a noise when it was time for her to eat or be changed. Now Emma, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. She was always making a fuss, more for attention than anything, I believe. She is the more outgoing one of the two but they are both loving and precious, the apples of their parents’ eyes.

  They physically take after me with their dark hair and similar facial features. But the one thing they got from their father is his piercing blue eyes. We’re forever getting compliments on what beautiful children they are.

  And they are. We’re truly blessed.

  Once the excitement wore off for Drayden, he did nothing but worry about having to raise girls. Two girls. He told me as soon as he held each of them in his arms, no boy was ever going to enter the picture. He would protect them from guys like him.

  I just rolled my eyes, thanking my lucky stars that kind of craziness is many years into the future.

  I’m just about done putting on their birthday outfits when Drayden comes into the bedroom, searching for us to see what is taking so long. Before I can secure her buttons, Isla runs out of my arms and flings herself at her father.

  “Daddy, look at my dress!” she yells as she hugs her father tight and kisses his face. “Isn’t it pretty?”

  “You look beautiful, baby girl.” He kisses her cheek and looks over at Emma. “You both look like princesses.”

  “Daddy, we’re not real princesses,” Emma whispers as she stands still, allowing me to finish dressing her.

  “Well, you’re our princesses,” he says, as he walks over and grabs Emma from my hold. He picks her up while still holding Isla and blows against their cheeks, making them giggle and squirm in his strong arms.

  “Daddy!” they shout in unison. “Your hairs are tickling us.” They’re laughing so hard I t
hink they’re going to start hyperventilating.

  “Well, your mommy likes them, so I’m gonna keep ‘em.” He winks over at me with a sexy grin on his face. He can still make me breathless with a single glance.

  “Okay, okay. Drayden, put them down so I can finish getting them ready.” I look over at the girls and say, “Who is ready for a party?”

  “Me, me!” they yell as they wrestle for Drayden to put them on their feet.

  Once they hit the ground they take off running, but we quickly catch them before they escape our sight. With a quick button here and there, we’re all ready to greet our guests and celebrate the day these two miracles graced our lives.


  After all the festivities have wound down for the night and the girls are tucked safely in bed, I decide I need some alone time with my dear husband.

  My dear, sexy-as-sin, loving husband.

  He’s tucked away in his office, working on some last-minute bid he’s just about to write up, when he sees me enter the room.

  “Hey, babe,” he says as his eyes quickly rake over my body, my white silk robe loosening with every step I take toward him.

  “Hi,” I manage to respond in what I hope is a come-hither voice.

  His eyes light up.


  He knows what my intentions are, and he backs up a few inches from the lip of his desk. No sooner am I standing directly beside him does his arm jut out and grab hold of my hip, pulling me so I’m standing directly in front of him. He pushes me back so I have no choice but to lean against the edge of his desk.

  “Did you miss me, sweetheart? Is that why you’re down here tormenting me?”

  “Whatever do you mean?” I bat my eyelashes at the same time I undo my belt the rest of the way, allowing him to feast on my naked form.

  “You are such a tease, Essie. You know I’m working on a tight deadline here.” He growls and grips the sides of my waist, raising me up and setting me back down on top of his papers.

  “I’m not a tease if I’m offering myself to you, now am I?” I ask, cocking my head to the side as if that is one of the most serious questions I have ever asked him.

  He stands up abruptly, knocking me backward so I have no choice but to spread my legs wider to balance the rest of my body.

  When his fingertips trace my skin, drawing goose bumps to the surface, I know my wish is going to be granted. Work be damned; I need my husband and I need him now.

  Bringing his face close to mine, he whispers, “And words cannot remotely express how truly grateful I am you’ve offered yourself to me. For life.”

  But what he doesn’t understand is he offered me my salvation. He offered me a new way of life, something I had only dreamed of.

  He’s made all my dreams come true, and I’m the one who will be forever grateful.


  About the Author

  Stolen Fate is S. Nelson’s debut novel, but she has many more stories in the works.

  She grew up in Pennsylvania and it’s where she currently resides with her husband and two furry little children.

  She grew up with a love of reading and a very active imagination, never putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, until just one year ago.

  And it’s been a wild wide ever since.

  If you would like to follow or contact her please do so at the following:

  Email address: [email protected]



  { Chapter 1 }

  { Chapter 2 }

  { Chapter 3 }

  { Chapter 4 }

  { Chapter 5 }

  { Chapter 6 }

  { Chapter 7 }

  { Chapter 8 }

  { Chapter 9 }

  { Chapter 10 }

  { Chapter 11 }

  { Chapter 12 }

  { Chapter 13 }

  { Chapter 14 }

  { Chapter 15 }

  { Chapter 16 }

  { Chapter 17 }

  { Chapter 18 }

  { Chapter 19 }

  { Chapter 20 }

  { Chapter 21 }

  { Chapter 22 }

  { Chapter 23 }

  { Chapter 24 }

  { Chapter 25 }

  { Chapter 26 }

  { Chapter 27 }

  { Chapter 28 }

  { Chapter 29 }

  { Chapter 30 }

  { Chapter 31 }

  { Chapter 32 }

  { Chapter 33 }

  { Chapter 34 }

  { Chapter 35 }

  { Chapter 36 }

  { Chapter 37 }

  { Chapter 38 }

  { Chapter 39 }

  { Chapter 40 }

  { Chapter 41 }

  { Chapter 42 }

  { Chapter 43 }

  { Epilogue }




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