Somewhere In Between (Madison Square Book 1)

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Somewhere In Between (Madison Square Book 1) Page 26

by Samatha Harris

  “Why do I have to move in to your place? Why can’t you move into mine?”

  He softly kissed my lips. “Because I have the good bathroom.”

  I smiled. He made a very good point.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’m moving in, but not for you, for the tub.”

  Drew smiled and kissed my cheek, pulling me tighter against him.

  “Good. Married couples should live together,” he said. My body tensed. Did he just say married?

  I turned my body slowly and faced him. A huge grin spread across his face. My eyebrows shot up. What the hell was he talking about? He gripped my hips and pulled me tightly against his chest.

  “Marry me, Red?”

  I searched his face. He was joking. He had to be. We had just agreed to move in together and now he wanted to marry me. I was speechless.

  Drew smiled. “I can see the wheels turning in your head. I know you think it’s too soon, but we were best friends for years. You know everything about me and I know you. That was all before we even got together. I wanted to propose when we were standing in that hospital room, but I knew you would need time. I love you and I want a life with you, so why not start now?”

  I just stared at him.

  “I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about yes?”

  He looked down at me with so much hope in those beautiful blue eyes. I couldn’t help myself. I nodded. He broke into an iridescent smile.

  “Now I can give you this. I’ve been carrying it around for weeks, waiting for the right moment.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet box. Then he opened the lid and showed me the most beautiful engagement ring I had ever seen. It was a platinum band with a large diamond in the center and smaller diamonds lining the sides. The setting was simple, but it had a bit of an art deco feel. It was perfect.

  He took it out of the box and slipped it onto my left hand as tears filled my eyes. He wiped a tear from my cheek.

  “I love it when you’re speechless,” he said with a smile.

  I laughed and kissed him hard, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. I had never been so happy in my entire life.

  “Get a room!” Sean called. We snickered but kept kissing anyway. Drew and I would have our chance at forever and it would start now.


  I would like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing people in my life who encouraged me through this entire process. Writing this book was not easy and without the support of my amazing friends and family, I never would have done it.

  First, I would like to thank my husband, David, for his support and patience with me while he attempted to sleep in the ambient glow of my laptop.

  Thank you to my daughter for her snuggle time and encouragement. Mommy loves you, boog!

  A big thank you to my mother for always believing I am far more talented than I actually am.

  Thank you to my dear friend, Ely, for reading each chapter and calling me fifteen minutes after I sent them to her, demanding to read more.

  Thank you to Adam for telling me that, in an earlier draft, he would rather hang out with Gwen. Thanks for forcing me to shape Alex into someone you would sit next to at the bar.

  Thank you to John for making sure I didn’t miss the little details that bring Alex and Drew’s world to life.

  Thank you to Tyler who helped me give Drew a voice. You didn’t have to read the book, but your input helped shape entire the story. For that, I am grateful.

  Thank you to Alan and Jen, my critique partners. Well, Alan’s wife, Karla, and Jen. All of your input helped more than you know.

  Thank you to Sharon, who has known me since birth, for making it through the “sexy” parts with only mild embarrassment.

  Thank you to Sounding Sea, Tracy, Kate, and everyone in my fiction writing workshop for all of your help and support. I have learned so much from all of you. You are all amazing people and phenomenal writers. I am blessed to have known you all.

  Thank you to all the wonderful people on Twitter who continue to offer support, answer questions, and host contests. Without all of you, there is no way I would’ve been able to publish this book.

  Thank you to my editor, Tiffany. God bless you for your patience and honesty throughout this process and for making Alex and Drew’s story shine.

  Last but far from least, thank you to all the Limitless staff and authors for taking a chance on my story and supporting my dream. Limitless really is like a family and it is a family I am proud to be a part of.

  About the Author

  Samatha “Sam” Harris lives near Baltimore, Maryland with her husband and daughter Ava. Born in Florida, she migrated north which most people agree was a little backwards. She has been an artist all of her life, a Tattoo Artist for more than ten years, and a storyteller since she was a kid.

  Sam has a slightly unhealthy love for Frank Sinatra, classic movies, and Jazz and Blues music, but her first love will always be reading. From Romance, to Thrillers, to Historical Fiction and everything in between, she loves to become a part of the story. As a writer she tells the stories that she would want to read.






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