Sully: An Irish Mafia Romance (The Brotherhood Book 3)

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Sully: An Irish Mafia Romance (The Brotherhood Book 3) Page 10

by Penelope Black

  “Speaking of high school, did you two work your shit out?” Wolf asks around a mouthful of pancakes.

  I feel the muscle in my jaw tick as I stare at my brother, plotting all the ways I can pay him back for this shit. I glance at Alaina, bracing to see her ire, but to my surprise, she’s smirking at him.

  “We’re working on it,” she says with a casual half-shrug.

  “Aye, we’re doing something alright.” My words are meant to be casual, but proving that this girl always keeps me on my fucking toes, she swings a glare my direction. I lean back in my chair and raise a brow. “Something to say, princess?”

  “Ah, there he is. I was wondering when the moody bastard would come back.” She mimes, looking at a watch on her wrist. “You lasted like an entire day. I’m impressed,” she says with both brows raised and a smirk on her lips.

  I cross my arms over my chest, irritation prickling along my neck.

  Rush pushes his chair back and stands up from the table, stealing my attention. “I have a few calls to make.”

  “What about Da? Did anyone talk to him?” My words stop Rush.

  He glances over his shoulder to look me in the eye. “Aye, we talked to him last night.”

  Insecurity prickles along the back of my neck, and I grit my teeth to stop it from spreading. I narrow my gaze on him and snap, “Without me, you mean?”

  Rush’s eyes flare as he turns around to regard me. Ah so he picked up on my irritation then. Good.

  Rush grabs the back of the chair and leans over the table, staring at me with a smirk. “You were a little laid up, brother. And Da didn’t tell us anything new.”

  I tip my chin up and lean back to look at him. He’s my brother in every way but blood. I’ve killed for him—both of them—and taken hits meant for them. And I’d do it all again.

  And I know they have my back—I know that in my bones. But it burns my gut a little that she wants me and them. And I’m doing my best to reel in the jealousy that flares up. I have half a mind to toss her over my shoulder—injury be damned—and stalk out of here.

  The only thing stopping me is our conversation last night.

  But what the fuck kind of twist of fate gave me back the one thing—the one person—who wanted me and just me. And then made her fall for two other dudes—my fucking brothers.

  I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks about that.

  I don’t break his gaze, but I intentionally relax my muscles. I didn’t realize how tense I’d gotten. “Enlighten me, then.”

  “Da seemed shocked about Lana’s . . . involvement in the events. We didn’t feed him details, but he reacted genuinely when we gave him the abridged version. So, I dunno, man.” Wolf blows out a breath and runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t want to think he’s involved, but . . .”

  “We just don’t know,” Rush finishes Wolf’s thought. “So, we continue as if everyone is a potential enemy.”

  “Matteo’s not.” I shake my head. “There’s no way he’d knife me and then take me to Jack.”

  “Diesel and his guys are good too. They’ve given us intel that we weren’t privy to. It doesn’t make sense for them to flip,” Wolf says while drumming his fingers on the table.

  “We can trust my cousins. And before you say anything, I know Mary fucked-up, but it was a one-time mistake. And I think she learned that lesson the hard way,” Alaina says with a hand up, palm out.

  “What about the Kings?” Rush looks between the three of us. “Which way are we falling on them?”

  Alaina’s the first to talk. “I trust them.”

  “You barely know them, princess.” I raise a brow at her.

  “Sometimes you just know these things,” she says with a shrug of her shoulder.

  “Enough to bet your life on? Because that’s what we’re talking about here—our lives,” I counter, leaning forward and placing my arms on the table.

  She looks at me, eyes solemn. “Yes. I do.”

  I nod and lean back, placing a hand over my bandage. The little power play I’ve been doing today doesn’t agree with my recovering wound. “Good. I’m sure too, but I wanted to make sure you were too.”

  “Ass,” she grumbles under her breath, loud enough for all of us to hear.

  “Aye, I trust them too. So, we let them in then, yeah? Everyone else gets bare-bones information only if it’s necessary. Otherwise, don’t give anyone shit.” Rush pushes away from the table and walks away.

  Alaina and Wolf stand, push back from the table at the same time, and work together to clear the table. Meanwhile, I’m still stuck on everything she just laid out for us. It’s obvious to me that she hasn’t processed everything, not yet. But she will, and I have a feeling she’s going to crash when she does.

  But there’s something missing here. And I intend to figure it out.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The phone rings as I settle in the plush oversized armchair in the corner of Sully's room. Tucking a leg underneath me, I lean into the corner of the chair, resting my head against the back. The sun shines in through the windows, warming the room and my cheeks.

  This view really is beautiful, but I think I'd miss being able to prop open a window on those perfect cool nights to let the breeze in. When you're up this high, there aren’t any windows like that, just a few patio doors in the kitchen and living room.

  I run the pad of my index finger along the broken cuticle of my thumbnail and curb the impulse to pick at it.

  Despite the delicious breakfast Wolf made, my stomach feels hollow except for the guilt-sized boulder at the bottom.

  I guess if she doesn’t answer, then I get to postpone this conversation. But then I know I’ll be obsessing over it until we can talk.

  I'm about to end the video call request when Maddie answers. Her face is too close to the camera, and all I can see is one eye and half of her nose.

  "Hey, Lainey," she says around a yawn, adjusting the phone so I can see her whole face.

  “Maddie? Oh, thank god you’re okay. You are okay, right? Wolf said you were, but you didn’t answer when I called you earlier, and I was worried. I’m so sorry I didn't call last night. Once Sully was patched up, we came to their apartment here in the city, and I just . . . crashed. But Maddie, I'm so, so sorry for dragging you into my mess." The words come out in a rush, and my eyes well up. I don't bother wiping the tear away as it rolls down my cheek.

  "Oh, Lainey, it's not your fault," Maddie says, voice thick with unshed tears.

  "I think it is though. I don't understand what's going on, but I—I'm pretty sure they were trying to get me but took you by accident." I clear my throat when my voice cracks. "It was the same guy who took me on my birthday. And I just . . . You have no idea how sorry I am that you got hurt."

  "I'm not mad. Maybe just a little scared though." Maddie shrugs a shoulder as she swipes a finger underneath her eyes, catching a stray tear.

  I nod and grimace. "I know, and I'm sorry for that too."

  "Lainey," she says on a sigh. "You're not responsible for something someone else does, and you're not responsible for my feelings. Besides, if they actually got you, I don't think we'd be talking right now. I think they would've done something horrible to you, Lainey. And I—I'm worried about you."

  A small smile tips my lips up as something warm settles over me. "Always the mother hen. I'm okay. I have people watching over me."

  She nods and sniffles. "And how are those Fitzgerald boys? Are they treating you good? Because if they aren't, they have to answer to me. And my new friends." She waggles her eyebrows at me, and I can't help but laugh a little.

  "New friends, you say? Where are you?"

  "I'm—" Her voice cuts off, and someone grabs the phone, their hand covering the camera.

  "No locations, Madison. Do we need to go over this again?" His voice is firm, if not a little exasperated.

  "Oh, come off it, Dante. That's my cousin we're talking about! She's the one who
saved me."

  "I don't care. If you can't stick to my rules, then I take your phone privileges away."

  I hear her gasp, but I still don't see anything but the close-up view of someone's hand.

  "Give me my phone back, or I'm calling Matteo.” Her angry growl is unmistakable through the line.

  My lips twist in amusement as I prop my legs up on the ottoman and wait for them to sort it out. A moment later, I hear rustling, and then my cousin's beautiful face comes back into view.

  "Sorry, girl. Dante's a bossy asshole," she yells the last few words, no doubt taunting this Dante guy.

  “Who’s Dante?”

  She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Just some asshole Matteo’s friends with.”

  I quirk a brow. “Girl, I felt that sexual tension through the phone line however many miles away I am from you.”

  She doesn't answer except for a half-shrug, but the blush creeping up her neck says more than her words could.

  My eyebrows shoot up. "What about Matteo?"

  Maddie tips her chin up and looks down her nose at me. "Yeah, well, maybe I picked up a reverse harem novel last week after you told me all about your situation. And if you can do it, I thought I might try it. And what better time than when I'm cooped up in a safe house with a bunch of hot guys?”

  Her confidence has always been one of my favorite things about her. Once she sets her mind to something, she stops at nothing to achieve it. There's no doubt in my mind that she’ll actually end up making her own reverse harem.

  Now however long that lasts is another thing.

  "It's unconventional. And . . . Sully and I, we're"—I shake my head and bite my lip—"complicated. It's not clear between us yet, but I'm hopeful."

  "Damn. I'm sorry. Does that mean there haven't been any group activities yet?" At my intentionally blank look, she continues, "You know. You and at least two of them—oh my god! Has the bed seen all four of you at once yet?"

  Before she can really work herself up, I hold up a hand. "No, no. There hasn't been much of that . . .”

  "That sounds like a but statement," she says with an eager grin.

  I chuckle. "But I wouldn't be opposed to it. We haven’t exactly had a lot of time lately.”

  "Ah-ha! I knew it! Yes, girl. Damn the patriarchy!" She fist-bumps the air and then brings it toward the camera. I oblige her and bring my closed fist to the camera for a virtual fist bump.

  "I don't think I was thinking about the patriarchy, Maddie." I roll my eyes. "But I'm not ashamed. All three of them are incredible."

  "Even when Sully's being an asshole?"

  "Yeah, even then." I sigh, a small smile playing along the edges of my lips.

  We're both quiet for a moment, but it's a comfortable silence. I look away from the phone and stare at the morning sky.

  "I'm sorry about your mom, Lainey." Maddie's voice is soft.

  I look back at the phone, my sinuses tingling. "Me too. Me too."

  "When you're ready, I'm here, okay?"

  "Love you, cousin." My heart feels both full and empty at the same time. I’m so grateful to have her in my life—Mary too.

  "Love you too."

  I sniffle, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. "It's weird, you know? I never, uh, never really spent a lot of time with her. In some ways, I didn't know her at all. And yet, I already miss her. Maybe just the idea of her, I don't know . . ."

  "I can only imagine. I know Auntie Lana hasn't ever been the best mother to you, but you know my mom is always there. She's good for the kind of disapproval only a parental figure can inflict too."

  A chuckle escapes my lips. "Always bringing some joy to the conversation. I don't know what I'd do with you and Mary. I pray that I'll never have to find out." My chest gets tight just at the thought.

  "Well, I can speak for the both of us when I say you'll never have to find out!"

  "Where is your sister, anyway? I haven't had a chance to talk to her since the diner, and I want to check-in."

  "Didn't you hear? She's with some biker dudes. Apparently, Wolf vouched for them, and she didn't want to stay here with me. Said she needed 'space' whatever that means,” she says with a roll of her eyes.

  I jerk my head back in surprise. Biker dudes? "No, I . . . must've missed that somehow. I'll call her after we hang up."

  "Don't bother. Her cell reception is nonexistent where she is. But I talked to her before she left, and she was okay. Told me about that creep she met online. Honestly, it's probably a good thing that none of us are in our usual routines right now." She shudders. "That Max guy sounds like a creep."

  "Yeah, I'll have Wolf look into it. We have to stop by your mom soon. For arrangements and things."

  That sobers both of us quickly, the smile slips from my face.

  "Give her a hug for me, and call me later, okay? Don't leave me hanging, or I'll worry!"

  "Always. Be safe, Maddie."

  She smiles, and I end the video call. I tap the end of the phone on my bare thigh, debating on calling Mary anyway. I check the time and realize it’s a little before noon.

  “Screw it. I can always leave a message,” I mumble to myself.

  I’d rather try to get a hold of her now. I have a feeling she isn’t in the best headspace, and I feel like some of that could be from me. I wince as I remember the look on Wolf’s face when I told them about Benny.

  Yeah, she’s definitely hurting right now.

  I video call Mary, holding up the phone to my face as it rings and rings. After the sixth ring, my thumb hovers on the end button when it connects.

  Crunchy static comes through the line, and only frozen flashes of color are on my screen.

  “Mary? Mary, can you hear me?”

  “Lainey? Hey, girl, I didn’t know you were here too.” Mary’s words are so slurred it’s hard to understand what she’s saying.

  “Oh, shit. Are you drunk?” My jaw slackens as the picture clears up.

  Mary’s face is upside down, and she’s taking a seriously long pull from a bottle of tequila. Her hair is wild, and she’s wearing a cream peasant shirt and cutoffs.

  Familiar thick bass beats fill the line, but I don’t see anyone behind her. She’s somewhere dark, but I can just make out the outline of a desk in the background.

  I wince as she swallows and wipes the back of her mouth with her hand.

  “Who’s drunk?”

  “Mary, turn the phone around. I can’t see you.”

  “Whatever you say, Lainey. I always do whatever little miss perfect Queen Lainey says.”

  My mouth falls open at the bitterness dripping down her slurred words. My shock is quickly replaced with anger. “What the fuck, Mary?”

  “Ooh, the princess is swearing. You must be mad now,” she says in a singsong voice that does nothing to conceal her sarcasm.

  I blow out a breath and tip my head back for a moment to gather myself. She’s obviously drunk and hurting, so I’ll give her a pass on this bullshit today. Guilt feels like acid inside my stomach at the situation both of my cousins are in because of me.

  “I’m sorry, Mary. I’m sorry for dragging you into this mess. I still don’t understand everything, but I promise that I’ll do my best to keep you safe, okay?”

  “Whatever, Lainey. I’ve got like ten hot as fuck biker dudes keeping me safe, so Ima have to let you go now.” Mary hiccups before tipping the bottle back for another sip.

  “Yeah, okay. Just . . . stay safe, okay? And call me in the morning when you’re done nursing the hangover you’re going to have from that,” I say on a sigh.

  Mary doesn’t say anything else as she ends the call, and I’m left staring at my phone.

  Restlessness stirs inside me, and I feel like I’m a blender, and all my insides are just swirling around. I press a hand to my stomach and focus on taking a few deep breaths.

  I'm still dressed in last night's oversized shirt and rolled-up boxer briefs. Tipping my head to the side, Sully’s bed taunts me with a nap.r />
  I plug my phone in the nearby charger with a vow to check-in on Mary when I get up and crawl into bed. The last thing I remember is how soft the pillow is when my head hits it.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Consciousness comes quickly. One minute, I’m dreaming about beach vacations, and the next moment, I’m opening my eyes to a dark room, wondering what woke me up.

  I’m overheating, and then my bladder screams its protest. Blinking a few times, I see the reason for the heat. I’m in the middle of Wolf and Sully on Sully’s bed.

  After some careful maneuvering and a bout of déjà vu, I wiggle out from under Wolf’s bare, tattooed arm.

  “Everyone knows monkeys love pineapple pizza . . .” Wolf mumbles as I slide off the bed.

  I cover my mouth to stifle the laugh as I check on Sully. He doesn’t look pale, and he’s not sweating—all good things.

  One of these days, I’m going to record all the funny things Wolf says while sleeping. They’re just too good not to share.

  I take care of business in the bathroom with the lights off, letting the late afternoon sun spill through the window. And then I let this magnificent shower tempt me with its built-in benches, tile walls, and three showerheads.

  A quick peek inside the bedroom shows Wolf and Sully in the same position, but no Rush. If I had to bet, I’d say he’s off in another mini command center in this apartment somewhere. I’m not sure he knows how to let go.

  Stripping out of my borrowed clothes, I take a few minutes to play with the shower settings and adjust them. I turn on all three showerheads, set it to just shy of scalding, and step inside, directly underneath the waterfall showerhead.

  A shudder works its way down my body as the warm water rolls down my body, hugging my curves. I adjust one showerhead on an angle, so the water falls directly on my body, a soft sort of spray.

  Tipping my head back under the spray and closing my eyes, I let the water slide down my face, over my lips, and down my neck. My shoulders loosen as the water holds me in its warm caress.


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