Hunting Evil

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Hunting Evil Page 2

by Carol Lynne

  Vince stepped on the brake and put the car into park. Turning his body, he leaned forward until he was almost nose-to-nose with her. “Who gave you a copy of the file?”

  “I’m damn good at what I do, and what I’ve done is to gather every bit of information on Armand that I could find. You’ve been tracking Armand Dubois for eight months. In that time, he’s killed eight girls, one per month, and if my calendar is correct, he’s due to strike again.”

  She heard a low growl rumble through Vince’s chest. Too bad. “You may not like me, and you might think BVA had no business ordering you to work with a woman, but you’re stuck with me. And unless you want to continue wasting time by trying to scare me, I’d suggest you head east to the more affluent section of town.”

  Lauren couldn’t help but notice the way Vince’s dark eyes zeroed in on her lips as she spoke. When she finished, he leaned a hair closer.

  “Lady, you have no idea what you’re getting into.”

  “I might surprise you.” She smoothed her hair behind her ear. “I’m a third-degree black belt in two different forms of martial arts. I was a United States Marine for six years, and I could probably kick your ass. Now drive.”

  With a half-smile, Vince leaned back and reached for the thick file beside him. Turning on the overhead light, he handed the red folder to Lauren. “You may have seen the official file, but look at mine and tell me you’re still prepared to follow me into the mind of a monster.”

  Accepting the folder, Lauren took a deep breath. Inside were pictures of the deceased girls, close-ups of crime scene photos and morgue shots, one after another. She fought to keep her breathing under control as she carefully looked at each picture. Her arousal that had resulted from her heated exchange with Vince vanished. Armand was getting bolder and more skilled, his cuts more precise. She closed the file and handed it back.

  “Seen enough?” he asked. “Ready for me to take you back to your car?”

  Lauren shrugged. “I’ve seen worse.”

  Vince released a sharp bark of laughter. “Yeah, right. Where, at the movies?”

  Tired of dealing with the gorgeous Neanderthal in front of her, Lauren pulled the bottom of her black T-shirt up to her neck. “No, I see worse every time I look in the mirror. Now, put the car in drive, and let’s get busy.”

  Vince looked at the roadmap of jagged scars spread across Lauren’s torso and chest. Instinctively, he reached out to trace one of the raised areas of puckered skin that disappeared under the lace of her bra. They were old, at least twenty years old, but still seemed to pulse with pain. He looked up into the beautiful face in front of him. “Lauren? That’s your real name, right?”

  “Yes,” she said and removed his hand before pulling her shirt back down.

  “Can I ask?” He gestured toward her chest.

  “Armand Dubois, eighteen years, eight months, twenty-two days ago. And my full name is April Lauren Dubois.”

  Vince felt as if he’d been kicked in the gut. No way. He closed his eyes and fought the urge to turn, barely keeping his feral side dormant. He’d read everything about Armand he could get his hands on. He remembered reading about April Dubois, although there was little information about her. He always wondered what had happened to the girl, but after she’d turned eighteen, April had seemed to disappear off the face of the earth.

  “You’re his daughter,” he whispered.

  “No. I was his daughter. I’m now his hunter.”

  Chapter Two

  Looking out the passenger window, Lauren bit her bottom lip. She’d told Vince more in a ten-minute conversation than she’d ever told anyone. Well, with the exception of York. What was it about Vince that made her feel she could trust him?

  He grunted. “I’d like to go to the park and set up a stakeout in the trees. I have a feeling he spots his victims there before following them. If he stays true to his pattern, he should be selecting his next target soon.”

  Lauren nodded. “Girls are traveling in groups these days, but Armand won’t be deterred by that. He’ll pick one out and follow her. Learn everything there is to know about her before he strikes. He could’ve already found his next victim, which would make this whole thing a waste of time, but I agree, it’s the best chance we have.” She looked around the busy park. “It’s always been a hangout for high school kids.”

  Vince turned the corner and parked the nondescript car on a side street. “Do you have a bottle of water or anything? It could be a long night.”

  “I’ll be fine.” She slung her purse-like backpack over her shoulder and looked at Vince. “Do you have something to drink, or are you just planning to take a sip of me when you get thirsty?” She didn’t know why she said it. It was a cruel and prejudiced thing to say. “I’m sorry.”

  “No problem. I’m used to it.” Vince walked in front of her and headed for the trees.

  There were several groups of teens hanging out around the large, brightly lit gazebo. One of them had an iPod hooked to speakers and several of the kids were dancing. The music was loud enough that she and Vince wouldn’t have to be silent in their vigil.

  Lauren sat in the spot Vince indicated. She wondered if she’d hurt his feelings with her flip comment. For some reason, it mattered to her. “I really am sorry.”

  Vince turned his head to look at her. “I said it wasn’t a problem.” He exhaled and looked down at the patchy grass. “I’m sorry, too.”


  “Being an ass earlier. I feel guilty that I haven’t caught Armand. I know my time is ticking away, and I’m pissed.”

  Lauren looked at the large man beside her. Vince was definitely taking his job personally. She lived among a species of man that she basically knew nothing about. Jeez, her best friends were vampires, but she didn’t dare get close enough to see what made them tick. For York, Drone, and Benson, living was fighting and winning the war. They dropped their walls long enough to invite her into bed with them, but that was as far as she let things go. At least, she thought that was all to their relationship. After the phone conversation with York, she wasn’t so sure anymore.

  For years, Lauren told herself sex with them was enough, but she’d begun to wonder. After their last encounter, she’d decided to make a change and open herself to the possibility of a relationship. Maybe, she should stop daydreaming about Vince and hightail it back to York. Fuck. She needed to keep her head together. Catching Armand was the most important thing.

  Reaching out, she covered Vince’s hand with hers. “It’s not your fault you haven’t caught him. He’s devious. You should be as angry as I am that your system let him out of prison in the first place.”

  She felt a slight tremor running through his hand as she tried to soothe him.

  “He did his time,” Vince said with a shrug.

  “No he didn’t,” Lauren countered. “He was released early on probation. The review board thought he was reformed. Boy, did he have them fooled.”

  Vince seemed to study her for a few moments. “Did you speak against him at the review hearing?”

  “I didn’t know anything about it until it was over.”

  The look he gave her was typical. Lauren hated explaining herself, but if she had to work with Vince, she would have to do just that. “I was in Seattle on assignment at the time, but to be honest, I don’t stay in one place for long, so maybe the review board didn’t know how to contact me. I was working a job in Northern California when I read an article in the newspaper about a string of killings here in San Diego. I knew at that moment Armand wouldn’t stop until I came back home. So here I am.”

  Vince looked from the teenagers back to Lauren. “What are you saying? You came back to offer yourself up as a sacrifice? Does the BVA know that? And how did you get them to go to bat for you with the Police Commissioner?”

  “I’ve done some work for the BVA in the past. Toughest bunch of men I’ve ever known, most of them are ex-military. They owed me a few favors, and I cashed them in o
nce I read about the deaths of those girls. Besides, I’m used to playing decoy, and I’m actually very good at it.” She didn’t mention the fact that she regularly slept with the BVA’s top military team.

  Lauren thought about the men she’d considered friends for the past nine years and realized she probably knew nothing about them outside the bedroom. Vampires could fuck better than any human she’d come across, but that was as far as her knowledge of the species went. “Are you a typical vampire?”

  “Excuse me?” Vince looked shocked that she’d asked the question.

  “Sorry, I seem to be putting my foot in my mouth at every turn. It’s just that I served with vampires in the Marines, and I’ve worked with them since I got out, but none of them seem to have a conscience, and they never express guilt. You seem different.”

  Turning away, Vince once again trained his eyes on the group surrounding the gazebo. “I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I pretty much keep to myself, so I don’t know how others of my kind act.”

  “No friends?”

  “No. Why would I open myself up to heartache? Knowing you’ll outlive the people you care about is a heavy burden.”

  She could see it now, the loneliness that emanated from him in waves. Lauren gave his hand a slight squeeze. “I cut myself off for years after…” She blinked away the threatening tears. “I’ve found it’s not worth it. Being alone is a horrible existence. I still keep my emotions to myself, but being touched reminds me that I’m alive.” She leaned in to whisper in Vince’s ear. “You should try it.”

  Vince turned his head. Their faces were so close she felt his breath as he exhaled. Lauren was tempted to sample those perfectly proportioned lips.

  “Why do you care?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I’m not sure. I just do.”

  Lauren closed the distance and brushed her lips against his, testing the water.

  With a groan, Vince buried his fingers in her hair and took the kiss deeper, fucking her mouth with his tongue. He released her and hauled her onto his lap without breaking the kiss and pressed a hand between her legs.

  Lauren knew she should stop him—hell, she barely knew the vamp—but her body craved his touch. When the heel of his hand rubbed against her clit, she began to rock against him. “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  Vince used his free hand to grab a handful of her long hair. He tilted her chin back and took her mouth once again. He was mastering her, and she was letting him.

  When a loud laugh caught Lauren’s attention, she broke the kiss and looked toward the gazebo. There was a girl with long, dark brown hair. She stood on one of the tables, laughing and dancing along with her friends. Lauren’s skin broke out in gooseflesh, seeing herself years earlier in the girl’s body language.

  “She’s the one.” Lauren shot out of the bushes toward the crowd of teens.

  Vince was momentarily stunned by their interlude. He’d never been anything less than professional on the job, and he’d definitely never felt so passionate about someone, especially a human. Before he knew it, Lauren was up and running toward the group of partiers.

  Vince swore under his breath at the woman’s reckless behavior. If he ran after her, he’d risk exposing himself to Armand. A thought suddenly occurred to him. He knew if Armand was watching, he’d recognize Lauren. Was that her objective?

  Tracking her every move, Vince dialed his captain.

  “Bently,” the deep voice answered.

  “Hey, it’s Vince. I think we have a problem.” Vince went on to tell the captain what he’d learned about Lauren’s past and her connection to Armand. He left out the part about the kiss.

  “Sounds like you’ve got an eye on the next victim. I’d suggest you stick to her like glue.”

  Damn, he was afraid of that. How in the world could he keep a professional distance with someone whose lips were as soft as Lauren’s? She awoke feelings in him that had long lain dormant.

  Bently’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “You still there?”

  “Yeah, just trying to figure out how to accomplish that. She seems pretty headstrong.”

  Vince watched an animated Lauren talking to the girl. Evidently, she accomplished what she’d set out to do, because the girl nodded and called to her friends.

  “The group we’re watching is disbanding. I’ll call you after I get things settled with Lauren.” Vince hung up the phone without waiting for a reply.

  He studied Lauren as she walked back toward him. Yeah, she definitely knew what she was doing. The question was why hadn’t she let him in on it?

  “Sorry about taking off on you like that,” she said, standing over him.

  Vince rose to tower over her. “Would you like to tell me why you just voluntarily exposed yourself to Armand?”

  Lauren’s T-shirt had ridden up in the action, exposing several inches of her stomach, including a small, diamond, belly-button stud. The sight captured the attention of Vince’s cock. He wondered if she had any other piercings. They were a common adornment in the vampire species, but humans had stopped piercing their bodies after that fact had become known.

  Lauren made a disgusted noise and made a show of pulling down her shirt. Unfortunately for Vince’s cock, the action only drew his attention to those tits he couldn’t wait to suckle.

  “Eyes up here,” she said, pointing to her face.

  “Sorry,” Vince apologized. He shook his head, hoping to clear his lust-fogged brain and tried to remember what he’d been so upset about earlier. Oh, shit, yeah. “What the hell were you thinking pulling a stunt like that?”

  “I knew he’d set his sights on that girl. She didn’t deserve it. If anyone does, it’s me. I’m the one he wants, not them.”

  Vince knew there was a lot more to the story, but he didn’t like being out in the open while he questioned her further. “My orders are to keep you in my sight until Armand is caught. So, I guess the question is this. Your place or mine?”

  “No,” Lauren said and started to walk back to Vince’s car.

  Catching up, Vince grabbed her upper arm and spun her around. “Yes. My job’s to catch that psycho, and right now, you’ve made yourself his next target.”

  “Believe me. I can take care of myself.”

  When he continued to restrain her, a noise like none he’d heard before came out of her mouth.

  “You’re a shifter,” he said. He was stunned that it had taken him so long to realize the difference in her smell. “Armand? Is that why I haven’t been able to catch him?”

  Lauren looked around before nodding. “Not many people know. It’s one of the reasons I try to stay out of cities. Too many people with keen senses of smell.”

  “Does the BVA know?”


  “The Commissioner?”

  “No.” Lauren stared down at Vince’s hand.

  Vince released her. Things had just gotten a lot more complicated. “The scars. How?”

  “Not here.” She tilted her head slightly as if listening to something. “I feel him. He’s watching us.” Lauren grabbed her pack and slung it over her shoulder. “Let’s go to your place.”

  “Why are you so agreeable all of a sudden?” Vince asked.

  Lauren’s amber eyes stared back at him. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed him, sliding her tongue deftly into his mouth before withdrawing. “Because he’s seen you now, and you’re in danger. We’ll need a plan.”

  Chapter Three

  Vince parked outside Lauren’s hotel and accompanied her inside. “First floor? I bet the view is better the higher you go.”

  Lauren inserted her key card and opened the door to her room. “It’s also harder to get away.”

  Vince followed Lauren in and stopped just inside. His gaze landed on a thick notebook on the desk. “Your research?”

  “Yeah.” Lauren stuffed the binder into an already-packed suitcase. “Ready.”

  After his father’s death, Vince had lived out of a suitcase for
almost a decade, so he knew firsthand how lonely it was to never have a place to belong. The fact that Lauren was living such a nomadic existence bothered him. After all she’d been through, Lauren deserved a home where she could feel loved and protected.

  With a shake of his head, Vince opened the door. “That it?”

  Lauren nodded. “Doesn’t take me long to get out of a place.”

  “I see that.”

  * * * *

  Pulling up to a ranch-style house in the suburbs, Lauren looked over at Vince. “I pictured you more as a high-rise apartment guy.”

  Flashing a toothy grin, Vince reached over and ran his knuckles down her cheek. “Too many neighbors. Disappointed?”

  “Not yet,” she answered with a wink. She knew she was throwing out signals loud and clear, but she was sure he’d already scented her arousal, so why try to hide it.

  For the past nine years, she’d lived on the adrenaline sex provided. She had no real home and no family despite what her DNA claimed. She was expendable, and she knew it. So why bring her heart into sex?

  After shutting the garage door, Vince grabbed her bag out of the backseat and showed her inside. The door opened onto the kitchen. Lauren could tell Vince had lived there a long time. What would it be like to settle down? She shook the thought away and ventured further into the house.

  Why had she pictured a sleek, modern apartment with uncomfortable furniture? This place was cozy and warm, with a deep, well-worn brown couch and chair. The fireplace was dormant, but from the faint smell, she could tell he used it in the winter months.

  “Nice,” she commented.

  “Thanks,” he said, setting her bag down. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Tilting her head, she studied him. “I don’t suppose vampires drink Scotch? I’d do anything for a glass.”

  “Only on rare occasions, which means I have a very old bottle around here somewhere.” Vince started looking in cabinets before finally bringing out a bottle. He looked at the label and grinned. “How about a forty-eight-year-old single malt? What will that get me?”


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