Dark Curse 19

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Dark Curse 19 Page 25

by Christine Feehan

  It was the last thing she wanted to do, but he was looking at her with his incredible eyes and she found herself nodding. In her heightened state of awareness, the slide of his mind against hers was almost sexual, a caress, much like the brushing of his fingers against her skin. Her breathing turned ragged. There were so many erotic fantasizes playing through his mind, and each one was more shocking than the last.

  He certainly wanted to sweep the items off the table and lay her across it, peeling back her dress one inch at a time until he could see and touch her hot satin skin. Lara touched the tip of her tongue to her lips, fighting for breath when her lungs refused to work. His gaze held hers captive, never blinking, never looking away, until she felt consumed by him.

  I think that will do. I cannot wait another moment. Can you walk out of here?

  She blinked and looked down at the empty soup bowl. While she'd been examining the images in his

  mind, he'd been feeding her, but as she had looked and fantasized herself, her rising desire had obviously affected him. She smiled at him and this time a good deal of the shyness was gone.

  I can make it to the door if you can.

  He held out his hand. Lara placed hers in it. The black eyes held hers a heartbeat longer.The moment I get you out of here, I'm stripping every last bit of clothing off of you. I want to feel you and see you, not just in my imagination, but the real thing .

  There was a warning and a promise in his tone. He was back to being the dangerous predator and this time, she was his prey. The knowledge should have frightened her, but instead, her entire body reacted with heated anticipation. Along with that shiver of anticipation that crept down her spine, she felt the flush of arousal sweep through her body at the drawling caress in his voice.

  He yanked open the door and they stepped out into the night, his hand on the small of her back, just at the base of her spine. His long fingers caressed the curve of her bottom under the thin material of the dress he'd fashioned for her. The fabric was heavy and burning against her sensitive skin. They hurried down the stairs into the street where snowflakes drifted down to melt against their hot bodies.

  Nicolas didn't wait, impatient to touch her. He swept her up into his arms, cradled her against his chest, barely remembering to mask their presence when he took two running steps and leapt into the sky.

  Lara looked up at his face, almost savagely beautiful, the lines so sensual, the dark eyes hooded and possessive. His arms were enormously strong, his body hot and hard. He buried his face against her neck as if he couldn't wait, not even until they were safely in their underground lair. His teeth scraped over her skin, his lips feathered back and forth, his tongue took small tastes that drove her crazy with every touch.

  His breathing roughened, his black eyes filled with torment and shadow as he found her mouth with his. He kissed her like a man starved for more-as if she had become a craving he couldn't resist and he was desperate to have her. Their tongues danced, long, open-mouthed kisses she drowned in. The hot, sweet taste of him was addicting and Lara wrapped her arms around his neck, tunneling her fingers in his thick mane of hair.

  The night sparkled. Above, the moon gleamed silver through the fluff of the gray clouds. Snowflakes drifted down, tiny white diamonds that floated lazily to the ground below. Beneath them was a white carpet of dazzling crystals spread across the meadows and draped over the tall trees. Even the shadows had a silvery shine to them.

  Lara turned her face up to the night. She'd always felt so out of place unless she was caving, hiding by day so the sunlight couldn't touch her skin, and trying to keep others from noticing. Now, here in the mountains, with night closing her in, she felt truly alive for the first time. She turned her face up again for another kiss, melting against Nicolas, into him, burrowing as close as she could get.

  Hayfields and crystallized bogs passed below as he swept her away, floating through the clouds, the flakes brushing her hair and skin and she turned her face up to try to catch the snow on her tongue. She laughed softly, happy and excited. Her body pulsed with heat from the slow, sultry teasing of his teeth and tongue driving her mad with desire.

  I love this feeling. And she did. She wasn't in the least bit afraid when he set her down on the firm rock at the entrance to his lair.

  Nicolas could barely breathe with wanting her. He stripped away her long, flowing dress before they were inside the cave, unable to wait one moment longer to be skin to skin. She stood at the entrance with the snow falling softly all around her, the moon sliding in and out of the gray clouds to illuminate the wealth of satin skin.

  His lungs burned for air. A fire raged in his belly and spread to his groin. «Lift your arms over your head and turn around,» he instructed, his voice roughening.

  Lara felt the power of being not only a lifemate, but a woman, in that moment. She stretched her arms above her head, a slow, graceful movement that lifted her breasts. She heard him growl, a deep rumbling that only added to the slick heat gathering between her legs. Her hair spilled around her face and flowed down her back, a silky, sensual slide that added to the gathering heat.

  His gaze burned over her, making the ache in her body grow with each passing second. She began a slow turn, just a little self-conscious, watching the tension in his face, watching as each muscle tensed, grew taut. He stepped toward her and her mouth went dry.

  «You are so beautiful, Lara.»

  He made her feel beautiful whether she was or not. He made her feel sexy, the only woman alive that could make him burn. He crowded her close to the cave entrance, his body aggressive. Her hands came up to press against his chest. He caught both wrists and slid her palms down the heavy muscles of his chest. As he did so, his clothing was gone, leaving behind hard, hot skin. Beneath her palms, his stomach muscles tightened and knotted in anticipation.

  Her breath caught in her throat. She gasped at the heat pouring from him. Her gaze slid down his taut body.

  «Look at me.»

  At the rough command, her gaze jumped back to his eyes. The dark arousal caught and held her there as he continued to press her palms down his body to his heavy, aching erection. Her lungs burned as he closed her fingers around the thick, hard shaft, pulsing with life, with hunger, with such need. The naked lust blazing in the dark depths of his eyes nearly had her body rippling with shock. She felt her deep response, slick hot heat, her inner muscles contracting and spasming, desperate for him.

  «Do you know what I want from you?»

  She shook her head, unable to look away from the demand in his eyes.

  «Complete surrender,fel ku kuuluaak sivam belso . Beloved, nothing less. I want everything you are. That is who I am.»

  She had known all along he would want that. Her fingers stroked caresses along the thick shaft. He felt like velvet-encased steel, so hard, jerking and pulsing compulsively beneath her exploration. She traced each beloved line with the tips of her fingers, wanting so many things.

  «Taking my blood is a part of Carpathian lovemaking.»

  He refused to release her from his black, demanding gaze. «There can be no compromise here, Lara. Not for either one of us. You have to trust me with your body or we can wait until you do.»

  She was suddenly afraid. She shivered with need, her body desperate for release, her mind craving him, wanting the experiences his hot gaze promised. He would accept nothing less than total surrender, putting herself into his hands and trusting that he wouldn't do anything she couldn't cope with. His mind was left open to hers, allowing her to see every erotic image, everything he wanted from her. Color swept up her neck, into her face, but she didn't look away. She wanted whatever he would give her, but along with the hot kisses and his body possessing hers, she saw clearly how he planned to seduce her into accepting his taking of her blood.

  «If I can't?»

  He bent his head to hers, holding her gaze captive. «Then we will certainly enjoy ourselves along the way.»

  She didn't pull back, instead,
she turned her face up to his. His mouth was hard and hot and demanding, sweeping her into a storm of desire so that she shuddered beneath his kisses. His lips moved over her face, tracing each detail, her high cheekbones, her smooth jaw, the small dimple in her chin and then took possession of her mouth again.

  He lifted her into his arms again, never breaking the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing as close as she could get, rubbing her body along his, desperate to relieve the building pressure deep inside of her. She was so wet, so hot, so frantic to have him.

  Nicolas took her through the tunnels fast, straight to the chamber where the large bed stood. As he lowered her to the mattress, he waved his hand toward two soft candles, wanting to see her face, to see the need there for him. She reached for him and he caught her hands and pinned them to the mattress.

  «Do not move.» It was a hiss of a command.

  He bent over her, drinking in her body, sprawled across his bed, open for his exploration. He actually trembled, hot lust clawing at his stomach and pouring into his groin. He knelt on the bed, still locking her wrists to either side of her head. Very slowly he lowered his head, forcing himself to be patient, to slowly savor the texture of her skin.

  He nibbled his way down her throat to the curve of her breast. She writhed beneath him, her hips bucking, a flush spreading across her body.

  «I'm so sensitive.»

  He smiled as he flicked his tongue over her nipple. «You are supposed to be.»

  Lara gasped, unable to comprehend anything but the feel and need driving her. The sensation of his tongue and teeth rasping against her nipple sent electricity arcing to her belly and thighs, and sizzling deep within her feminine core.

  He took her breast deep into his mouth, suckled strongly, teeth scraping with deliberate intent along her nipple. She cried out, arching her back, unable to remain still as he ordered. The combination of pain and pleasure sent shock waves rippling through her system. His mouth was relentless, driving her wild. He took his time, dividing his attention between her breasts, flicking his tongue fast and hard, then suddenly using slow, long licks as if savoring each stroke.

  His fingers slid down her arms to caress the sides of her breasts before cupping the soft weight in his palms. His fingers tugged until she came off the bed with frantic little whimpers of mindless pleading.

  She wasn't holding back at all. She left herself, mind, heart and body open to him and it was humbling. She trusted him with her body and her trust was a priceless, overwhelming gift. After everything he had done, she gave herself wholly into his keeping, trusting him to know what he could and couldn't do, trusting him to stretch her limits without going too far. More than anything, he wanted to be worthy of her faith in him.

  His mouth moved over her skin, down her flat stomach to dip and play in her belly button. He felt a rush of desire for her so strong it shook him. He had always known that when he found his lifemate, he would want-no, need-to rule her until the dawn broke, yet never once had it occurred to him that he would feel the intensity of love. It shook him as nothing else could, the need to worship her body, show her with his body without words, how he felt.

  His need was no longer about the lust driving him so hard. It was no longer about sating his own appetite for her. He needed to love her with every touch of his hand. Every stroke of his tongue. Every thrust of his body. He wasn't a gentle man. He didn't have pretty words to tell her how wrong he'd been. He only had his body and the terrible love that shook him beyond anything he'd ever known.

  Her skin was warm silk, so soft he wanted to burrow deep. She tasted like the night, clean and perfect and so damned beautiful it made his heart ache. He caught her thighs in his hands, pulling them apart, stopping for a moment just to drink her in.

  Lara's face was flushed, head tossing side to side on the pillows, her breasts heaving, her hips bucking. She didn't try to hide her reaction to his touch and her stark need of him made him want her even more.

  Lara looked at him, his expression almost savage as he lay between her legs. His black eyes glittered, even glowed a little. More than once she'd felt the scrape of his teeth over her skin-over every pulse point. Her heart had thundered in alarm, but he never broke the skin or took advantage of the frantic desperation building inside of her. Now he looked a conquistador, his midnight-black hair spilling around his face, lines etched deep, his sensual mouth set in firm, ruthless lines. He slowly bent his head and she stopped breathing.

  His mouth clamped over her, tongue stabbing deep and she heard her own keening wail. He licked her like a tiger, almost an attack, not the gentle lapping of a kitten, but long, rasping strokes that stole her mind. He held her down when she tried to crawl off the mattress, black edges around the exploding stars in her mind. She felt the edge of his teeth nipping and scraping at the pounding beat of her pulse, so deep inside of her-and somehow fear added another dimension to her pleasure.

  Lara shuddered, the firestorm in the center of her body building until it was out of control. She couldn't think. Couldn't breathe. Couldn't stop the pressure. She thrashed beneath his marauding mouth, the wicked tongue and teeth that drove her higher and higher. And then his finger slipped into her channel and her hips bucked wildly as every muscle tightened to the point of pain. His tongue fluttered against her most sensitive spot.

  She cried out his name, her hands fisting in his hair, holding him to her as her body flew apart, the flames scorching her from the inside out, burning white-hot and spreading like a storm from her center to her breasts and down her thighs.

  Before she could catch her breath, Nicolas knelt between her thighs, lifting her legs over his arms, the

  thick head of his erection pressed tightly against her entrance. He felt hard and hot, yet velvet encased, adding to the building inferno. Her breath caught in her lungs and she stared up at his face, carved deep with sensual lines as he began to invade her. He slid deeper, slow inch by slow inch, stretching her tight muscles, forcing his way through the stranglehold of hot slick wails, sending lightning whipping through her body.

  Lara gasped when he halted, coming to the barrier of innocence.

  «Breathe for me, han ku kuulua sivamet . Take a breath and relax.»

  Keeper of my heart. The words in his native language were beautiful when he uttered them, soft and tender, turning her heart over. She forced her body to relax. Nicolas surged forward, the bite of pain increasing her sensitivity so that her nails bit deep into his shoulders as she tried to anchor herself.

  He began to move, long hard strokes that sent flashes of heat spiraling over her body, searing her thighs and scorching her belly. Her muscles tightened more, clamping around him as he plunged even deeper, angling her body so the friction on her most sensitive spot was hot, demanding and never let up. She felt the pressure gathering and building until she was afraid she might lose her mind.

  He picked up the pace, pistoning into her, the sound of flesh meeting flesh loud in the silence of the cave. Her breath came in gasps as the fire continued to build, stretching her beyond her ability to cope. She could only plead for release in between breathing raggedly. She was going to burn from the inside out, just go up in flames or die from sheer pleasure if he didn't stop.

  She heard his heart thundering in her ears. Her mouth filled with the taste of him and her teeth lengthened, pressing against her lips. Before she could think, before she could fear her own reaction, he reared back, then began a harder rhythm, pounding into her, that drove everything but pleasure from her mind. She was burning alive, screaming, as her body nearly convulsed, clamping down on him to squeeze and milk.

  He yelled hoarsely, emptying himself into her, leaning over her, his eyes glowing hot with flames, his teeth in evidence. He made no attempt to hide from her dazed, shocked stare. Aftershocks rocked her as he bent slowly to her neck. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe, even with her body still shuddering with pleasure. A part of her screamed inside, another part wanted to feel his teeth
sink into her neck.

  His lips feathered over her pulse. She felt the teasing scrape of his teeth, but he never penetrated her skin. He kissed his way up her neck to the corner of her mouth and when he smiled at her, his teeth had receded.

  Still buried deep, he moved and sent electricity arcing through her all over again.

  «I can't move.»

  «You do not have to move. It is going to be a long, pleasurable night,parafertiilm ,» he promised softly.

  Chapter 13

  Lara stood at the wide entrance to the cave, listening to the soft melody coming from within. Women's voices. The faint sounds produced instant memories of her aunts singing to her when she was alone and distressed, deep in the maze of caves beneath the ice mountain. For a moment, she stopped to listen.

  «I know this song. It's a lullaby,» she said. «It sounds beautiful in the Carpathian language. I used to sing it for the children in the camps where I lived. When I realized no one understood the language I switched to the English version. I was never certain exactly what the last line meant, but the melody and lyrics always comforted me, and also the children I sang to.»


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