First Class to Portland

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First Class to Portland Page 13

by Aj Harmon

  “Physically, maybe.” Mark would never forget the look in her eyes. He had never seen anything like it and hoped he never would again.


  The women didn’t speak on the ride to the hospital. Their hands just clung to each other and they rode in silence. Once inside the ER, Janie was taken to one room and Katy to another. A nurse came in to examine Janie and said the doctor would be in shortly. Janie sat in the cold, sterile room and tried to keep it together, but now that she knew Katy was okay, she burst into tears and ran to Matt as he entered the room.

  Mark stood back and watched his brother soothe and calm Janie and watched him kiss her with such tenderness and love. He was very happy and relieved that she was okay and Matt was with her now. He sat in the chair outside Janie’s door and buried his face in his hands. How could a man ever do that to a woman? How sick would he have to be?

  Officer Robbins came and sat next to Mark.

  “I need to ask you some questions,” he said.

  Mark nodded and did the best that he could, recalling the events as they happened not more than two hours earlier. Officer Robbins was satisfied but told Mark he would need to speak to the prosecuting attorney before he left town. He thanked Mark for being instrumental in Katy’s rescue and shook his hand, and headed in to talk to Matt and Janie.

  Mark rubbed his face and took a deep breath. But he couldn’t close his eyes, because when he did, he saw her.


  They had been at the hospital for almost six hours when both women were finally discharged. Katy’s physical injuries were minor; just a few scrapes and some rope burns on her wrists. Janie’s x-rays and MRI came back all clear. She had two small stitches in her scalp and was good to go. She would need to follow up with a doctor to have them removed in ten days. Matt explained they would be on their honeymoon and the doctor calmed their nerves by telling them they could go to any clinic or hospital and have it taken care of.

  Janie and Matt headed to Katy’s room. Janie wanted to help her get dressed. She touched Matt’s shoulder as they stood outside the door, hesitant in what she was about to say.

  “Matt, maybe we should postpone the wedding. I’m not sure I can do this with Katy….”

  “Don’t you even think about it!” came the scream from inside. Janie was startled and looked in the room to see Katy sitting on the edge of the gurney. “You are NOT postponing anything, you hear me? I’m fine. You two are getting married on Saturday! No more discussion!”

  The intense fear was finally gone from Katy’s eyes and she was starting to get some color back in her cheeks. Janie went to Katy’s side and the women hugged and cried.

  “I’m serious,” she said looking at Janie. “You are getting married in five days!”

  Janie managed as weak smile. “Are you sure?”

  “Do I not look sure?” she said as she stood. Katy was dressed in a pair of scrubs, her hair in a ponytail. Her face clean of makeup.

  “Okay,” said Janie. “Let’s go home.”

  They left the ER, Matt and Mark behind them.

  “I’ll take the ladies,” said Matt. “Mark, can you follow in Janie’s car?”

  Mark nodded and they walked out into the parking lot.


  When they all arrived at Katy’s, Matt suggested the women pack their bags and they all stay at the Monaco, his preferred hotel in Portland. Katy declined, explaining she just wanted to be home. Janie immediately said she would stay with Katy, and Matt said if Janie was staying he was staying too. Janie offered to make up the couch for Mark.

  It was late and they were all tired so Janie suggested they just call it a night. She went with Katy into her room to get make sure she was okay and came out a few minutes later explaining that Katy was taking a shower and then she would be okay.

  “I need a drink,” said Matt.

  “I’ll find you something,” offered Janie. “Mark?”

  Mark shook his head and leaned back on the couch. When Janie came back with a beer for Matt, she went and sat next to Mark and took his hand.

  “I need to know,” she whispered.

  “You don’t want to know,” he shuddered.

  “Did he…was she…” Janie couldn’t even say the word.

  “I don’t know,” he sighed. “But I would guess so.”

  Janie’s bottom lip trembled and her eyes filled with tears as she thought of the ugliness Katy had lived through. Mark squeezed her hand and Matt ran to her other side.

  “It’s all gonna be okay, my sweet Janie. Katy’s going to be fine, okay?”

  Janie nodded, unable to speak. She stood and fetched linens and a pillow for Mark, and Matt gave the house the once over, making sure all windows and doors were locked up tight. He nodded at Mark and took Janie to bed, where he held her tight all night, afraid of letting her go.


  Other than a pretty good headache, Janie awoke on Tuesday morning feeling relatively back to normal. Sleeping in Matt’s arms all night had done wonders for her emotional state and hopefully a few aspirin would fix the physical pain. She crept into Katy’s room and found her sitting in bed, wide awake.

  “Did you sleep at all?” asked Janie.

  Katy shrugged, “Sleep is overrated.”

  “Katy? If you want to talk, I mean, if you need someone,” Janie began.

  “It’s okay. I’m good,” Katy cut her off. “It’s over and I need to put it behind me.”

  “But Katy, it’s not going to be that easy.”

  “Watch me,” she said.


  The women were scheduled to fly out of Portland on Thursday, so Matt and Mark decided to stay and fly back with them. They would just stay at Katy’s, which was only slightly awkward for the men, but necessary, as Janie wouldn’t leave.

  Officer Robbins called first thing and needed all of them to come down to the station so they could take statements and they needed to talk to the DA’s office before they left for New York.

  Each of them was questioned individually and each had to make their official statements. Sarah, the ADA who had been assigned to the case, had them all together, trying to piece together the timeline.

  “He called me and said the new neighbors had found a couple of things of Janie’s in the garage and would I come get them because they were things of Robert’s. So I said I would drop by on my way to work. When I got there he sprayed me with pepper spray and the next thing I knew I was gagged and my wrists tied and he was dragging me down the hall.”

  Janie was horrified as Katy retold her story like she was reciting a grocery list. Shock can do strange things, she guessed.

  By the time they left and headed for dinner, they were all emotionally spent.

  Janie suggested The Red Star Tavern, her new favorite place to eat, but Katy just wanted to go home.

  “Pizza, beer and a DVD?” asked Mark.

  “That sounds good,” smiled Katy, the first smile Janie had seen all day.

  “Comedy?” asked Mark.

  “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” said Katy.

  “Great choice,” grinned Mark.

  “Done,” said Matt.


  Wednesday was spent mostly at Katy’s house. The women sorted and packed and the men spent most of the day on the phone working. In the evening, they all met up with Patty and Adam for dinner. Tyler had already returned to Eugene for football and would come up to Portland on Friday and the boys would fly to New York together on the red eye.

  Adam picked the restaurant, so a chain restaurant it was. Matt still enjoyed dinner anyway. As he looked around the table, these people that were so important to Janie were becoming increasingly important to him. He could see in his future sharing holidays and celebrations with them and the thought didn’t freak him out at all. He had come a long way in a short period of time. He reached for Janie’s hand and kissed her palm. She turned to him, eyes questioning, but he just smiled at her, ready to be married.


  Janie laughed as she realized, while sliding into her seat on the airplane that once again she was flying on the same flight on the same airline, in the same seat, on a Thursday, to New York City.

  “How does Angela do that?” she grinned.

  Matt slid in beside her, laughing. “She’s brilliant! That’s why she can never leave me!”

  Mark and Katy sat across the aisle from them, Katy quiet but seemingly doing okay. Janie had tried to talk to her several times over the past couple of days but Katy did not want to share anything. She kept insisting she was fine and Janie hoped she was telling the truth, but highly doubted it. Mark would not divulge what state he had found Katy in and Janie feared the worst. But until she would open up about it, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do. So Janie sat back in her seat and tried to breathe normally, her fairytale wedding to Matt just hours away now.


  The limousine drove them all to the Central Park Ritz Carlton. Janie was booked in a suite on the thirtieth floor. Katy and Patty had rooms down the hall and Adam and Tyler would also stay on the same floor when they arrived, although they would only be there for one day.

  Matt escorted the women through the hotel and safely delivered each of them to their respective rooms, finishing with Janie in her suite.

  "I don't need a suite."

  "Of course you do. You're the bride. And besides, my mom said so," he laughed.

  Matt drug her suitcases to the bedroom and Janie followed.

  "I need to take a shower," she grinned. "Are you available to do some back scrubbing?"

  "Oh, God! Don't tempt me, please!" he frowned.

  'You don't want to shower with me?" she pouted.

  "More than anything," he sighed. "But I promised myself I wouldn't make love to you until our wedding night. A little waiting will heighten the desire. Although I'm not sure I could ever desire you more."

  He pulled her to him, the length of their bodies touching. He kissed her passionately but pulled back before he couldn't stop.

  "Plus we have the rehearsal dinner tonight and then I am at the office all day tomorrow so we can be in Hawaii for three weeks with my phone turned OFF! If I get you undressed now there is no guarantee we will ever leave this room," he grinned.

  Matt had not made love to her at Katy's. He had just wanted to hold her and he didn't want Janie to feel uncomfortable in any way. He desperately wanted her but kept his hands and penis in check.

  "The limo will bring you ladies over to the restaurant tonight and then I will bring you back here and then that's it till Saturday at three o'clock." Matt smiled at his fiancé, counting down the minutes till she would be his, officially.

  "Okay. I'll see you tonight then."


  Full of nostalgia, Janie wore the same black dress and leopard print pumps to the rehearsal dinner that she had worn to dinner with Matt on her first night in New York in April. Matt had decided that the same Italian restaurant was the perfect location for the family dinner that evening, one that Maureen had not initially approved of. Janie agreed that it was perfect and the owners were closing to the public so they could have their celebration in private. After all, Matt and Janie were very good customers. It was one of the very few wedding details Matt had insisted on. The only things Janie added to her appearance for the evening were the Tiffany bracelet on her wrist and the engagement ring on her finger.

  She met the other two women and headed down to the limousine. Patty was duly impressed with the new life that lay ahead for her daughter; first class and limousines. She couldn't have hoped for more. And the fact that she adored her future son-in-law only added to her joy.

  They were the last to arrive at the restaurant and the crowd erupted in applause as Janie entered. She blushed and Matt rushed to her side to escort her to the empty seat beside him. She looked around the table at the faces smiling back at her. There was Peter and Maureen and Mark and Katy and her mom and Father Todd. There was Andrew and Rory, and Ryan and Courtney Little. David, Ben and Tim were there. And then there was Ray and Angela and her husband James. The only faces missing were her boys and her sisters, and they would be arriving in the next thirty-six hours. And, of course, Matt’s brother, Paul. He had managed ten days at home during July so Janie had been able to meet him. But now he was back in the Middle East somewhere on a mission with his Navy Seal team.

  Peter stood as the champagne was being poured into all the glasses and he proposed a toast to his son, whom he was extremely proud of, and to Janie, the daughter he and Maureen had longed for.

  Janie wiped a tear as it fell and Matt's arm pulled her into his side. Mark stood and offered his toast as the best man. It was short and sweet. Matt feared he was saving all the embarrassing stuff for the reception. The waiters began filling the long banquet table with bowls and bowls of food served family style.

  Matt leaned in to Janie and whispered in her ear.

  "You're making it very difficult to keep my hands off you. You are stunning."

  Janie giggled and passed the linguine to Matt.

  "Don't you want any?" he asked.

  "I'm waiting for the ravioli," she grinned.


  After a couple of hours, everyone was full of delicious food and a little tipsy on expensive champagne. Matt helped Janie up from her chair and said their goodbyes. The limo would take Patty and Katy back to the hotel but Matt escorted Janie through the front door to the sidewalk. There stood the horse and carriage ready to take them back to the hotel. It was just like the one they had ridden in those many, many weeks ago on their first date.

  "Oh, Matt!" Janie squealed.

  He lifted her into the carriage and the driver handed her a magnificent bouquet of white lilies.

  "Your favorite flowers for my favorite girl." He kissed her forehead and smiled.

  "Oh, Matt, they're beautiful."

  The ride to the hotel was exactly as she remembered. The sights, sounds and smells of New York were overwhelming and she was so full of joy she couldn't stop smiling.

  "This was such a wonderful surprise," she said as they pulled up in front of the hotel.

  "Good," he smiled, very pleased with himself. He had never thought of himself as the romantic type but Janie just brought out that side of him.

  "So, Saturday," he said. "Three o'clock. St. Luke’s. I will be waiting for you."

  "I will be there," she smiled.


  Friday was spa day at the hotel! Janie, Katy, Patty and Maureen were going to have massages, pedicures, manicures and whatever else they fancied. They were all meeting for brunch at ten o'clock in the hotel restaurant and Janie was the first to arrive. She was escorted to their table and she perused the menu as she waited. Maureen joined her and sat next to her and patted her hand.

  "I'm glad I caught you alone," she smiled. "I wanted to ask you something."

  Janie kissed her on the cheek. "Of course, anything," she smiled.

  "Don't feel like you have to or anything, but these were my mother’s that she wore on her wedding day and I wore them on my wedding day. I know I'm not your mother, but I do consider you my daughter and I wondered if you would like to wear them tomorrow when you marry my son and make me the happiest woman in the world."

  Maureen opened the small box to reveal a pair of earrings. They were blue diamonds surrounded by a circle of tiny white diamonds.

  "Oh, Maureen! They're beautiful. I would be honored to wear them. Thank you."

  The two women hugged and each of them couldn't believe their good fortune in finding the other.

  Katy joined them as Janie put the small box in her purse, thrilled at the thought of being part of such a sweet tradition.

  When Patty arrived, they ordered brunch and the women chatted and laughed and ate and then left the restaurant for luxurious and well deserved pampering.


  Everyone had left for the church except Janie and Katy. They sat in Janie's s
uite, just minutes before it was time to leave.

  "You look beautiful," sighed Katy. "There has never been, nor ever will be, a more beautiful bride."

  The wedding planner had arranged for a stylist to come and do Janie's hair and make-up and Janie had to admit that she’d done a great job. Her hair was swept up into an elegant bun, with fresh tiny blue forget-me-not flowers tucked in, that made her neck look long. And the two small stitches in her scalp were well hidden. She wore Maureen's earrings in her ears.

  Something old, something borrowed and something blue, she smiled. She looked down at her hand and removed her engagement ring and placed it on her right hand. Now she was all ready.

  Katy looked equally beautiful and Janie took her friend's hand in hers.

  "Are you sure you're okay?"

  Katy humphed and twisted to look at her friend.

  "Janie, I'm fine. Really!"

  "You're sure?"

  "He didn't hurt me. Well, the rope wasn't comfortable, and the pepper spray wasn't nice, but physically I'm fine. He would have raped me, he tried, but he couldn't get it up. And then you rescued me and he's in jail and Sarah, the ADA, says he will be for a long time. But we should not be talking about this now. This is your day!"

  Katy's mouth smiled but Janie could see her eyes were sad. She felt incredibly guilty about leaving her for three weeks for their honeymoon, but Katy would not hear of their plans being changed. She is one tough lady, thought Janie.

  There was a knock at the door and Katy answered it. Ray stood at the door.

  "Ray!" Janie ran to the door and hugged him. "Thank you for agreeing to take me to the church," she smiled.

  "I'm honored you would ask," he said. "Are you ready to go?"

  "I am so ready to be married," she squealed. "Let's go!"


  Ray cautiously helped Janie into the backseat of Matt’s BMW. Maureen wanted a Rolls Royce with ribbons all over it, but Janie had graciously declined. Since her first visit to New York in April, Ray had driven her all over the city, sometimes with Matt and sometimes without. She had gotten to know Ray and loved to hear about his family. He had two daughters with his ex-wife, and she had recently moved to Detroit with her new husband so he rarely got to see his girls, but he Skyped with them as often as possible and while Matt and Janie were on their honeymoon, he was going to visit them. She loved to hear about his ‘mama’ and their big, lively family. He had even got a couple of recipes from her for Janie to try. So when it came to how Janie would get to St. Luke’s, there was no other choice for her. Ray!


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