I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5)

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I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5) Page 11

by Shanade White

  “Oh, Michael it’s wonderful, our own little hide away.” She said, hugging him.

  “I wanted to do something special for our first New Year’s together.” He said, slipping her coat off. “Are you hungry? I have dinner too.”

  Annabelle was a little hungry, but wanted Michael more than food. “I’m not really all that hungry. Are you?” She said, giving Michael a look that told him what she was thinking.

  “Well, the food can always wait, we haven’t been alone in almost a week.” He said, pulling Annabelle over to the cushions.

  Annabelle had been thinking about this night all week, she’d assumed that they’d end up at his apartment, but this was so much more romantic. She’d been reading her romance books and knew that there was so much more to sex than what she and Michael had done so far and was ready to try something new. Michael always brought her so much pleasure, but she wondered if he felt the same, to make sure she’d decided to take a risk tonight.

  In the past she’d always let Michael take the lead but tonight she was going to be the leader. Heart pounding in her chest, she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders, then trialing kisses down his chest, she sunk to her knees. Michael’s breathing began to get faster when he realized what she was planning to do.

  She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down his legs freeing his erection. Taking him in her hands she stroked him until he was hard and throbbing, a single drop of pre-cum leaking out. Still holding him in her hands, she used the tip of her tongue to lick it off, making Michael’s knees buckle a little, forcing him to place his hand on her head.

  When his fingers encountered the pins that held her hair up, he pulled them out then threaded his fingers into her hair. Feeling brave, Annabelle opened her mouth and took as much of him as she could into her mouth. Michael reacted by tightening his grip on her hair, moaning and thrusting his hips forward to drive himself deeper into her mouth.

  Annabelle could hardly breathe, but the feeling of his hard throbbing cock in her mouth was as much of a turn on as anything he’d done with his hands, she could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. There was no doubt in her mind that Michael liked what she was doing, his moans and groans enough to tell her that.

  With one final thrust of his hips, Michael pulled her to her feet. Through clenched teeth, he said, “Oh, sweetheart if you only knew how good that feels, but now I think it’s your turn.” Then slowly removed her clothes, caressing and kissing her as he did.

  She’d known that this might be the result of her bold move, but was still nervous, sex was still so new to her. But as soon as Michael had laid her down on the pile of cushions, his mouth found hers and she stopped thinking. He kissed her until she was breathless, then began to nibble her neck, his hand roaming over her body, then finally parting her legs.

  But instead of touching her, he stroked the inside of her thighs, teasing her but never touching her pleasure center. Annabelle was wild with desire, wanting him to touch her, arching her hips in a desperate attempt get closer to his hand.

  Michael slipped between her legs, continuing to kiss her as he slid down her body until his face was inches away from her hot, dripping core. Annabelle was suddenly very conscious of being so exposed to him and tried to slide up on the cushions, but Michael grabbed her hips and held her in place.

  Any misgivings Annabelle had were quickly replaced by pure sensation when his tongue penetrated her folds and slid across her swollen nub. She grabbed his head, threading her fingers through his hair, needing something to hold onto as wave after wave of pleasure left writhing and breathless under Michael’s gentle ministrations.

  His tongue alone had been enough to send her flying, but when he slid first one then two fingers inside her, the pressure was more than she could take and her orgasm burst through her like a tidal wave hitting the beach. Before she could catch her breath he was inside her, in one hard thrust he buried himself as deep as he could, moaning as her body clamped around his swollen cock.

  Michael was anything but gentle with her now, slamming into her over and over, his muscles trembling with the effort. He slid his arms under her legs and lifted them to her shoulders, then continued to pump himself into her, deeper and deeper with each powerful thrust of his hips.

  When Michael’s orgasm crested, he was only aware of Annabelle beneath him, her brown eyes locked on his. He ground his hips into hers as wave after wave of pleasure took him higher than he’d ever been before. The feel of Annabelle’s body responding to his, dragging the pleasure out until everything but their joined bodies ceased to exist.

  Finally, their bodies stopped convulsing and they were both completely drained. For long minutes he lay on top of her hardly able to breath, let alone move, but finally he was able to roll them over. They were both sweaty and sticky but neither minded, the need to be close overpowering any discomfort.

  Michael lay there thinking about what he’d found in Annabelle, a woman who was not only intelligent, but brave and very passionate. “Not that I minded, but what brought that on?” he finally asked when he could speak.

  “I just wanted to make sure you got as much pleasure out of that as I always do.” She said, blushing.

  “Do you know how much I love it when you blush like that?” He said, kissing her. “It’s like you’re this sweet little thing on the outside, but there’s a tiger inside.”

  Annabelle smiled up at him, “You know you’re the only who’s ever made me blush like that.”

  “That’s good to know, I’ll be sure to remember that. And just so you know, no matter what we do when we’re together, bringing you pleasure brings me pleasure. I think you got a taste of that tonight.” He said, running his hand up and down her hip.

  Annabelle thought about that for a few minutes and realized that what he said was true, bringing him pleasure had certainly turned her on. “It was very hot.” She said, burying her head in his chest.

  He pulled her head up so he could look into her eyes. “I loved every minute of it, any time you want to explore just crook your finger at me and I’ll be happy to let you have your way with me.”

  “You mean like this.” She said, crooking her finger at him.

  “Exactly. But might I make a suggestion?” He said, turning to her.

  “I’m always willing to listen to a good idea.” She said, grinning.

  Before she knew what he was doing, he’d picked her up and slid her onto his lap so she was straddling him. She could feel his erection pressing against her clit and the throbbing deep inside her began to build. When his finger slid between them to stroke her clit, she was lost again, swirling on a cloud of pleasure that only intensified when he pulled her up and slid inside her.

  They toasted the New Year with glasses of champagne and the meal that Michael had brought, the next year seemed full of possibilities. Annabelle knew that she was in love with Michael but didn’t know if he felt the same, too afraid to be the first one to say it, she guarded her secret carefully not wanting to blurt it out in a moment of passion.

  Michael knew that he loved Annabelle as well, but didn’t want to push her. She still had demons that needed to be dealt with and he’d already promised himself that as soon as he’d completed his contract with his cousins, he was going to dedicate some time to finding those men who had hurt her and her family.

  He’d spoken with Garrett briefly about the problem, but Garrett had been distracted by his new son and not much help. Michael knew that when the time came he could depend on the entire family to help. More and more he realized that his father’s choice to split the family up had been a mistake, he’d been trying to persuade him to come for a visit. Jonathan was all for it, but Nicholas was still reluctant.

  Michael had a lot on his mind as he fell asleep on that first day of the New Year, but Annabelle was firmly wrapped in his arms, the one thing he felt confident about. They were meant to be together, that much was clear to him, now he just had t
o be patient until Annabelle realized the same.


  By the beginning of March, winter was beginning to release its hold on the mountains, and signs of spring were everywhere if you looked carefully. Annabelle had learned to love the cold and snow, skiing at least once a week and learning to snow shoe with Michael. Neither had much free time during the day, but they always spent at least part of the night together.

  At first Annabelle had felt guilty spending the night with Michael but then she realized that as long as she was home and ready to work in the morning it was her choice where she slept. Of course, she didn’t spend every night with Michael, they both still needed their space, but she was there more often than not.

  The babies were growing like weeds, the house constantly full of the sounds of them laughing and crying. Allison and Sebastian had finally agreed to move into the main house after the others had moved out after the New Year, leaving only two babies in the house. Annabelle was happy with her life at the ranch and over joyed with her relationship with Michael, but in the back of her mind she was still worried about her dad’s formula and the trouble it could still cause.

  Michael had promised to look into the situation, but the renovations on the building down town had been occupying all his time so it would have to wait. She didn’t know why but she was beginning to feel an urgency to have the situation settled once and for all, it might have been because to truly move on with her life she needed to know that her father’s legacy was in good hands.

  She was happy that in only a few weeks Michael be back at the ranch working on the last cabin for at least some of the time. They’d be able to sneak a few minutes alone when he was at the ranch. She was on her way to the down town property to meet him for lunch, a rare treat since most of her days were spent working. But today all the babies had been taken to the doctor, giving her the day off. She’d packed a lunch for them and was planning to drag Michael away whether he liked it or not.

  When she walked through the back door, she could hear a woman laughing and wondered who it could be. All of Michael’s crew were men, most of whom she’d met over the winter, but to finish the restaurant he’d had to call in some specialized craftsmen. They’d discovered that some of the old molding and the textured ceiling could be restored instead of replaced and they were willing to spend the money to make that happen.

  Coming around the corner, she spotted Michael standing across the room with a beautiful woman, she had blonde hair and the kind of body that often graced the cover of fashion magazines. She had her hand on Michael’s arm and was leaning into him, her cleavage clearly on display. Michael seemed transfixed by what she was saying, leaning into her as well.

  She cleared her throat, not quite sure what she was seeing, but jealous none the less. She’d never felt that she had to compete for Michael’s attention, but this woman had clearly captivated him. Turning at the sound of her cough, it took him a minute to realize she was standing there.

  “Annabelle, what are you doing here?” He asked, crossing the room to give her a quick kiss.

  “I thought I’d surprise you for lunch, but it looks like you’re busy.” She said, looking from him to the woman standing across the room.

  “Oh, Annabelle I’d like you to meet Carolyn, she’s my ace in the whole to get the renovations done. She’s done some amazing work all over the west.” Michael said, pulling Annabelle over to meet the woman.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Carolyn said, her eyes clearly evaluating Annabelle as an adversary. “I’m so excited to be working on this job with Michael.”

  “We’re happy to have you here. I think we’re done for now, why don’t you go get settled and we’ll start bright and early tomorrow morning.” Michael said, then added, “Looks like I have a lunch date.” Flashing Annabelle a smile that made her stomach clench with desire.

  “Then I’ll see you in the morning.” Carolyn said, purposely walking between them and running her hand from Michael’s shoulder down his arm on her way by, making Annabelle want to hit someone for the first time in her life.

  Chapter 11

  Once Carolyn was gone, she picked up their lunch and stomped out of the building, Michael following her confused. “Annabelle, what’s wrong?”

  She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk amazed that he didn’t know what was wrong. “Did you not notice that woman coming on to you? It was so obvious even a child could have seen it.”

  Michael stared at her for a moment, thinking back to his encounter with Carolyn, then realized that he’d been so distracted by the discussion they were having about crown moldings that he hadn’t even noticed if she was coming on to him.

  He took a couple of giant steps and pulled her into his arms, laughing. She was stiff at first but then he said, “Belle, I didn’t even notice that. I guess you’re right, but let me make this very clear, I don’t want anyone but you and especially not her.”

  Annabelle looked at him skeptically, what man could resist a woman like that, but then she looked in his eyes and knew that his words were true. “I’m sorry I guess I just got jealous.’ She finally said.

  “Do you trust me?” He asked, searching her face.

  “Yes.” She said, with no hesitation. “I just don’t trust her. Women like her will do anything to get what they want.”

  “I promise I’ll be on my guard.” He said, kissing her right there on the sidewalk until her knees went weak.


  Not a week later, Annabelle walked into the bar where they were supposed to meet to find Michael and Carolyn seated at a table together. Her chair was pulled up close to Michael’s and she was leaning as close as she could without touching him. She was not pleased to find Carolyn there, they hadn’t seen each other since the day of the lunch picnic, a round of a nasty stomach virus keeping Annabelle occupied helping take care of the sick children.

  She shot Michael a dirty look when she approached the table and he quickly got to his feet and kissed her. He held her chair for her, then moved his closer before he sat down. Carolyn didn’t look happy, but she squared her shoulders and pasted a big smile on her face.

  “I’m sorry to intrude on your date, but I’m tired of sitting in my room all alone.” She said, sweetly.

  “Just as long as you’re not planning on going home with us.” Annabelle, said equally as sweet.

  “Carolyn's just going to join us for dinner and then she’s going home.” Michael said, pointedly.

  “Yes, as soon as we’ve eaten I’ll make myself scarce.” She agreed. “But I just hate that lonely room.” Then sighed as if her life was over.

  Annabelle had just opened her mouth to say something very rude, but Michael’s phone rang, stopping her. He looked at the screen then said, “Shit. I have to take this.” Looking from one of them to the other, he debated trying to take the call right there, but finally kissed Annabelle and went outside, phone to his ear.

  The two women stared at each other for a few minutes before Carolyn said, “I bet you think he’s all yours. That you’ve finally found the happily ever after you’ve been searching for.” Then leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for Annabelle to take the bait.

  Annabelle was all too familiar with people like Carolyn, she was nothing more than a bully, a bully who wanted her boyfriend, but a bully none the less. Ignoring her, she took a sip of her drink, hoping that Michael wouldn’t be too long.

  After a few minutes Carolyn tried again, “You know you’re just something to keep him entertained in this crappy little town, once the jobs over he’ll move on to the next town and the next conquest. Trust me I know men like him.”

  When Annabelle still didn’t take the bait, she said, “Besides do you really think a woman like you could hold a man like Michael. He’s probably just looking for a little variety, wanted to see what it was like to fuck a black woman.” Then she laughed nastily when Annabelle couldn’t help but react t
o her crude words.

  “Here’s my advice, crawl back to the classroom you escaped from, it’s only a matter of time before I’m going to be sharing Michael’s bed. You’ll only be something we laugh about after he’s made love to me.”

  By that point Annabelle knew that Michael wasn’t going to save her from this woman, she’d have to save herself from her poisoned words. “Carolyn you may be good at your job, but you’re nothing but a slut. Look at yourself, I can see your nipples from here. You should be ashamed of yourself. Michael won’t have anything to do with you, he’s got more taste than that.”

  “Well, if he wants to get his building done, he might just think about it. I always get what I want, so move out of the way because I want Michael.” Carolyn snarled at Annabelle.

  “I dare you to try. Let’s just see who wins this one. Michael is mine and he always will be, the only way you’re going to get rid of me is over my dead body.” Annabelle snarled back at Carolyn.

  “Let me make this very clear to you. The only thing that matters to that man is that building and making his deadline and I hold the key to that. He’s going to drop you so fast you’re not going know what happened.” Carolyn leaned back again, triumph on her face. “I’ll just tell him it’s your fault when I can’t finish the job.”

  Neither Annabelle nor Carolyn realized that Michael had been standing just a few feet from the table listening to their conversation. He stepped up to the table just as Carolyn finished speaking and pulled Annabelle out of her chair. She screamed a little in surprise and because Michael had a grip like a vise on her arm.

  With his teeth clenched he said, “Annabelle and I are leaving. You do whatever you want tonight, I’m sure there’s a cowboy out there who would be happy to entertain you.” Michael looked at her cleavage spilling out of her dress with distaste. “But tomorrow pack up and get out of town. Nothing is more important to me than Annabelle and I don’t want her exposed to trash like you for even one minute more.”


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