It Had to Be Fate (An It Had to Be Novel Book 3)

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It Had to Be Fate (An It Had to Be Novel Book 3) Page 6

by Tamra Baumann

  Mandy’s eyes grew wide. “Shoots people?”

  “Yes.” Casey couldn’t hold back her smile at the fear in Mandy’s expression. “But luckily, we need Zane to sing at my sister’s wedding, so I think he’ll be safe until then at least,” she teased.

  Zane threw an arm around her shoulder, giving her a friendly, companionable hug. “It was a good thing I agreed then. Thanks for being flexible about this, Casey. I know it’s a pain for you.”

  Mandy frowned at Zane’s arm on Casey’s shoulder. “Maybe you should consider staying at my parents’ ranch house in Montana, Zane. It’s quiet, secluded, and the views are to die for.”

  “Nope. I’m liking the view here just fine.” Zane’s fingers softly squeezed Casey’s shoulder before he returned his arm to his side.

  Ignoring the blatant innuendo, and Mandy’s distressed looks, Casey said, “Here we are.” She pulled her key ring from her pocket and found the right one. Then she unlocked the door to the mini version of her grandmother’s house, complete with a matching front porch filled with Adirondack chairs, and stepped aside as Zane and Mandy passed by her.

  Zane stood in the middle of the large living room nodding. “Yeah. This will work great.”

  Casey pointed to the closed door. “There’s a bedroom and bath through there, and we can have Dax stock the kitchen for you.” Maybe that way Zane would eat in the guesthouse more often than at the hotel. Could be just the solution they both needed.

  Grandma called out, “Whoever is sneaking into my guesthouse better have a darn good reason!” Casey’s grandmother stepped inside, pulling off her gardening gloves.

  Mandy let out an “Eeep,” and jumped behind Zane.

  Grandma frowned. “What’s with her?”

  Casey said, “She’s worried you’ll shoot her. Zane needs a temporary music studio. Would you mind if he used this?”

  Grandma placed her hands on her hips. “Not if I have to hear screaming guitars and drums at all hours of the night. I need my beauty rest.”

  “Nope.” Zane held up his hands. “I’ll use headphones. Not that you need it, but you won’t miss a wink of beauty sleep.”

  Grandma puffed up a little at that. “Well, then I guess it’d be all right. But if I catch wind of any drugs or wild sex parties going on in here, I just might shoot someone. Is that clear, Zane Steele and whoever you are hiding back there?”

  Zane nodded as Mandy poked her head out from behind his back. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Fine. Then I’ll get back to my gardening.”

  Once Grandma was gone, Mandy couldn’t hit the door fast enough. “I’ll go tell the driver we’re going to unload here. I still think you should reconsider Montana, Zane.”

  After Mandy left, Casey headed for the door too. “My grandmother’s hearing isn’t all that great, so feel free to have all the wild sex you’d like.” Casey tamped down the tiny tinge of jealousy she had no right to feel about Mandy and Zane sleeping together. What was wrong with her? Ever since Zane had shown up she’d been slightly off-kilter.

  Zane beat her to the door and slipped in front of her. “Mandy is Kip’s granddaughter. He asked if I’d help her learn the production side of the music business. She’s actually got a good ear. There’s nothing going on between us.”

  “Maybe you don’t think anything is going on, but Mandy’s halfway in love with you.”

  “She’s Kip’s granddaughter, I’d never . . .” Zane’s forehead creased as he processed the thought. “Is she?”

  “You poor man.” She patted Zane’s shoulder as she slipped past him. “Having someone that pretty who’s head over heels for you must be some burden to bear.”

  Zane stopped her retreat when he said, “I think you’re even prettier, Casey.”

  No matter how much his words eased the wounded ego Tomas and now Beau had left her with, she feared he’d be a cheater too. “Nothing personal, but you’re not my type.”

  “Really?” Zane moved closer and whispered, “Because Gloria said I was just your type.”

  Darn her matchmaking aunt. “Physically, you definitely qualify, but I’m talking about our lifestyle and value differences. You travel the world and run around with the rich and famous. I’m a single mother who lives in a one-stoplight town and who caters to the rich and famous. You’d be better off with Mandy.” She turned to leave but he lightly clasped her arm and stopped her.

  “I put great weight on physical attraction.” He leaned closer until his lips were just a breath away from hers as he stared deeply into her eyes. “And good kissing. You’re probably a terrible kisser, right?”

  Zane’s gaze was hypnotic. He had a way of instantly churning her up like no one else. She hated to admit she’d lain in bed the night before wondering what his sexy lips would feel like on hers. “Have other women actually kissed you after that terrible line?”

  “Never tried it before. Normally when a woman’s lips are parted invitingly like yours are now, and her heart races so fast I can see it pulsing in her neck, like yours is doing, I don’t waste time with a pickup line. I just go in for the kiss.”

  When his gaze slid to her mouth, her whole body threatened to combust.

  She swallowed hard and reminded herself to stay strong. And to breathe. “Zane, I can’t . . .” As her mind searched for coherent words to discourage him, he laid a soft kiss just in front of her ear that sent a quiver up her spine.

  He whispered, “No rush. I can be very patient when I want something badly enough.”

  Loud beeping from the truck backing down Grandma’s drive broke whatever spell he’d held her under. When she leaned away he released her this time. “I need to get to work. Call if you need something.”

  “I can’t.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I don’t have your number.”

  “Oh. Right.” Rattled by their almost-kiss, she had to think for a second to come up with her own number. How pathetic was that? After she gave it to him she made a hasty retreat back to the hotel. Why did Zane have to be so good looking? Resisting him for two long months wasn’t going to be easy.

  Zane put his phone away and walked to the back of the truck to help unload his things. Going slow and letting Casey warm to him at her own pace was going to be tough. Especially when she seemed to be as physically attracted to him as he was to her. Unless he was reading her all wrong?

  Maybe he was. Casey telling him Mandy had a thing for him came as a complete shock. He’d better have a talk with Mandy and figure that situation out. Make sure she understood they’d never have a relationship. Mandy, being Kip’s granddaughter, was someone as off-limits as a best friend’s baby sister. But he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

  As Casey said, Mandy was a very pretty woman and could probably have any man she wanted. She’d find someone else. He’d just let her down nice and easy.

  But he had no idea how.

  Since Casey had pointed it out, she’d probably know how to help him fix it too. Maybe after they unloaded his things he’d find her and ask for her help. Over dinner. Might be the perfect way for her to agree to a sort of date.

  Yeah, that might just work.

  Still smiling at the prospect of a date, he hauled electronic equipment into the guesthouse. When he returned for more, Caleb, Ty, and Eric appeared on the porch. Just what he needed, three more sets of hands. “Hey, guys.”

  Caleb said, “Hi. We came by to see if you wanted to go help us find the whiskey, but you look kinda busy.”

  Zane couldn’t let them go on their own, but he needed to get his stuff unloaded. “Yeah. Any of you want to earn twenty bucks? I could use some help here. If there’s time after we get all this inside I’ll go with you guys to the mine.”

  All three bobbed their heads.

  “Great. Just try not to drop anything, please.”

  When Mandy reappeared and smiled at the boys, Caleb’s and Eric’s eyes grew wide. Seemed they weren’t too young to appreciate a pretty woman. “Mandy, th
is is Eric, Caleb, and Ty. They’re on the payroll now and here to help.”

  “Great.” Mandy tilted her head. “Follow me, guys.”

  Like two little ducks, Eric and Caleb fell in line behind Mandy as they walked to the truck. Ty, oblivious to Mandy’s beauty, had found a rock that held his interest for a moment, but then he slipped it into his pocket and caught up.

  With the extra help unloading, Mandy left it to the guys and started setting up the equipment. When the truck was finally empty and gone, the boys wanted Mandy to show them how everything worked. Zane had almost forgotten how cool all his toys were to someone who’d never seen them, so he indulged the boys’ curiosity and let them mix some music of their own.

  Caleb was a natural and caught on right away, while Eric and Ty had more fun playing with the drums and the synthesized guitars.

  After they’d goofed off for a few hours, Casey’s grandmother stuck her head inside. “You boys need to go eat and then I’ll be over to watch you.”

  Caleb rolled his eyes. “We can watch ourselves. Mom is only going to Brewsters.”

  “Talk to me when you’re twelve. For now get your butts home.”

  Did Casey have a date?

  Before Zane could ask, Mandy asked timidly, “What’s Brewsters?”

  Casey’s grandmother smiled for the first time since he’d met her. “It’s a bar on Main Street owned by one of my sons. It’s Blitzed Bingo night. Once a month my granddaughters make it their girls’ night out, and I get stuck with these three little hooligans, and Eric’s sister, Haley. You should go too.”

  Mandy didn’t seem quite as afraid of Ruth after the boys had explained earlier that she wasn’t really as mean as she appeared. Mandy smiled and said, “Sounds fun. But I need to work tonight.”

  Casey’s girls’ night threw a wrench into his plans to ask her out, but it was Friday night so maybe he’d check out Brewsters for himself. The teenage girls he’d been trying to avoid weren’t old enough to be in a bar, so he should be safe. “You don’t have to work tonight if you don’t want to, Mandy.”

  She waited until the boys had shuffled out behind their great-grandmother and then said, “But you’re going to work, right?”

  “Nope. I’m taking the night off.”

  “Mr. Workaholic is taking a night off in the middle of songwriting?” Mandy cocked her head. “Has the world gone mad?”

  “Aren’t you always telling me I need to relax more? Take time for myself? That’s what I plan to do tonight at Brewsters. But first, let’s go next door and eat.”

  “Fine, but I bet you don’t last two hours before you’re back here doing your thing.” Mandy sighed before she stood and grabbed her phone.

  Mandy was quiet as they walked back to the hotel, which was rare for her, so he asked, “Everything okay?”


  She was definitely mad at him. But for what, he wasn’t sure. Luckily they were at the hotel already so there was no time to ask. Maybe she suspected his attraction to Casey, but that he wouldn’t apologize for.

  The boys were already seated in the kitchen’s nook when he and Mandy joined them. She smiled at them and asked, “What’s for dinner, guys?”

  Dax, watching a news channel on the TV high in the corner, pulled his attention from the screen and called out, “Pigs’ feet and brussels sprouts.”

  That sent the boys into a fit of giggles as Dax slid some sort of fancy chicken-and-rice dish in front of them. It smelled awesome. Just as Zane was about to dig in, Casey appeared in a cute sundress and sandals. “Okay, guys, I’m off. Be good for Grandma, please.”

  Mandy said, “It’s a little early to go to a bar, isn’t it?”

  Casey shrugged a bare shoulder. “Not in Anderson Butte. As soon as happy hour is over, the bingo gets started. Tough to get a table if you don’t get there early.”

  “Huh.” Mandy’s head suddenly whipped up. “Turn the TV up. There’s my grandfather.”

  Zane’s fork stopped halfway to his mouth when Kip said, “I’m here to clear up the rumors surrounding Mr. Steele’s recent misstep. I’d like to read you a brief statement, and then I’ll take just a few questions.”

  What was Kip doing? And why hadn’t he called first? It could only be damage control.

  His stomach sank. Was his cover-up about to be exposed?

  Worse, was it about to be exposed in front of Casey and her kids?

  Zane pushed his full plate away as Kip began speaking to the press. “I have just been informed that all the charges have been dropped in return for Mr. Steele completing community service. Mr. Steele wants to apologize to the bar owner and the patron with whom he had a misunderstanding the evening before last. What started out as innocent fun took an unexpected turn. Zane deeply regrets his behavior.”

  Kip left out the part about him/Nick “volunteering” to go to rehab.

  Casey’s expression turned to stone as she watched Kip’s news conference. Zane hated that the little progress he’d made with her had probably just been eradicated. If only he could tell her the truth.

  One of the reporters called out, “Records show Zane is out on bail. If he’s so sorry, why isn’t he here to apologize in person?”

  Kip began packing up his papers. “Mr. Steele is in an undisclosed location at this time, to write music and reflect on recent events.”

  Another reporter said, “‘Undisclosed location’ sounds an awful lot like rehab. Is that where Zane is? Is that how you got the charges dropped? In return for a stint in rehab?”

  Before Kip could answer, Casey picked up the remote and switched off the TV. “That’s enough of that. Finish up your dinner, guys. Grandma is on her way.” Casey laid kisses on the top of the boys’ heads. “Be good for her, please. I’ll be back early. Goodbye.”

  After the boys mumbled their goodbyes around their food, Casey tossed the remote on the counter. Mr. Steele, I’d like a word, please.” Without waiting for his reply, she walked out the back door.

  He didn’t like the sound of the clipped “Mr. Steele” in her voice.

  Zane slowly stood, unable to make eye contact with the kids. He hated they’d just seen that—even though he wasn’t the one responsible, they thought he was.

  He found Casey outside, pacing back and forth on the lakeshore, waiting for him. “Sorry about that.”

  She stopped and faced him. “Mandy called you a fugitive earlier. Are you supposed to be in rehab? Because I want nothing to do with any illegal schemes—”

  “No!” He held out his hands in defense. “I’m not supposed to be anywhere. I’m here until this blows over, that’s all.” He wanted to tell her the truth so badly. But if she told Ryan, he’d probably have no choice but to let the cops in LA know that the man in rehab, and who’d falsified a driver’s license, was Nick.

  She shook her head and started up the hill. “Well, you just proved my earlier lifestyle differences point. And I think now you can see why I’m not thrilled to have you around my kids.”


  He caught up with her. “It’s really not what it appears to be, Casey. You can’t believe everything you see on the news. And as you saw, all the charges were dropped.”

  She glanced his way. “With enough money, I suspect celebrities like you can make a lot of things go away.”

  She was right. It was futile to argue his point without proof. Now he could only hope that Nick behaved himself and stayed hidden so Zane would have the chance to gain back her trust. Why he had such a compelling need to show her he wasn’t the man she thought he was eluded him. But it had become his new mission in life.

  When they approached the bar, he picked up his pace and opened the door for her, letting the aroma of greasy sliders and beer wash over him. It reminded him of all the little dives he’d played before he hit it big.

  She stopped and crossed her arms. “I’m meeting my sister so . . .”

  He wasn’t welcome. That came through loud and clear. “Got it. Have a fun ev
ening. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight.” She disappeared inside, so he let the door swing closed and headed back to the guesthouse. Looked like he was going to work on a Friday night after all.

  For the first time in his life, the thought of songwriting held no appeal.

  When he walked into the guesthouse, Mandy was there, messing with the equipment. Maybe it’d be a good time to have that talk.

  He stuffed his hands into his front pockets. “Hey.”

  “I knew you’d be back.” She looked up and smiled. “I was just pulling up what we were working on before you had to leave.”

  He flopped onto the couch and propped his feet on the coffee table. “I’m really not in the mood to work tonight. I think I’d just like to chill. Alone.”

  “What’s wrong, Zane?”

  “Casey is upset with me about her kids seeing Kip’s news conference. Now I have to figure out a way to convince her I’m not like my brother.”

  “You’re nothing like Nick. But why would her opinion mean that much to you? You’ve only known her for like two days.”

  He sat up and leaned forward. “I know. It’s the weirdest thing. I’ve never felt such a gut-level attraction to any other woman before.” Man, he hoped by telling Mandy the truth he wasn’t hurting her too much. But he wanted to be honest.

  Mandy’s eyes shifted from his to the sheet music lying on the console. In a soft voice she said, “Yeah. I know exactly how that feels.” She slowly gathered her things and then stood. “So, I’ll leave you alone to stew. Goodnight.”

  “See you tomorrow, Mandy.”

  After she closed the door softly behind her, he laid his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. He was batting a thousand in the “disappointing people” game. The look in Mandy’s eyes made him feel like he’d just kicked a puppy.

  Casey searched the crowded, loud bar for her sister. She spotted Meg in line getting drinks before happy hour ended, so Casey slid into one of the last empty booths to wait. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as she ran that news conference through her head again. She needed to come up with some sort of damage control to tell her kids over breakfast in the morning. Damn Zane Steele that she had to do that.


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