Let's Scrooge

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Let's Scrooge Page 18

by R. L. Caulder

  “I feel like I’m not good enough for you!” I rush to say, and he freezes halfway off the bed. Only his head turns to stare at me, his eyes guarded.


  “Don’t you understand, Elias?” My bottom lip begins to tremble, and I lower my gaze to my wrists, where hideous, jagged scars mar my skin. “I can’t just turn this off overnight. This feeling of…inadequacy.”

  His face shatters. “I’ll forever hate myself for being the cause—”

  “I’m not bringing this up for you to blame yourself,” I interrupt, knowing that’s where his mind is going. Hell, I’m pretty sure it never left there. All of the guys still carry immense guilt over the past. I’ve caught their gazes more than once flicking to the scars on my wrists. They’ll often wake me up with tantalizing kisses across the raised, bumpy skin. Once, I even thought I saw Lucas crying when he thought I was asleep, but that was more than likely the trick of the light.

  “Peony…” Elias squeezes his eyelids shut, features scrunched in pain.

  “Elias…” I mimic his tone, lowering my voice a few octaves, and a fleeting smile appears on his face before he crushes it. Stomps on it like a bug he wants to watch die. “I’m not saying this to hurt you. I love you. I love you all. But it doesn’t change the fact that there are going to be days that I’ll wonder how I got so damn lucky. What I did to deserve you guys.”

  “It’s us who feel that way. And then we wonder when you’re going to smarten up and leave us,” Cassian says, stepping through the doorway. Karsyn and Lucas follow behind him, the former wearing a sheepish expression while the latter simply gives me an impassive once-over.

  “Sorry,” Karsyn apologizes with a grimace. “We were outside the door and overheard…”

  “No, it’s fine.” I extend my free hand for him to take, and he accepts it gratefully. “I want you all to hear this.” I make sure to meet each of their gazes, conveying my sincerity. Cassian’s is like fire, while Lucas’s is as cold as ice. Elias’s is pained, and Karsyn’s is concerned. “I love you all more than words can express, but depression doesn’t have an on-off switch. I can’t just turn it off like I could the TV. There are some days I’ll feel insecure and jealous and needy. That doesn’t mean I love you any less or don’t you trust you. I’m sorry I ever made you feel like that.”

  “Don’t ever apologize,” Lucas says, startling us all with the venom behind his words. For a brief moment, there’s a crack in his apathetic mask, a disruption in the tranquility he usually dons. “We love you more than life itself, Peony. We have loved you for years. It’ll haunt me every day that you have to bear the scars, both mental and physical, because of our past actions. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t. None of us can. The only thing we can do is move forward.”

  Karsyn offers me a soft smile. “When you feel insecure, we’ll remind you how beautiful you are and how much you’re loved.”

  “And when you get sad, I’ll say every cheesy joke in my arsenal until you smile again,” Cassian states.

  “And when you get jealous, we’ll remind you that you’re the only girl we see. The only one we care about,” adds Elias. “I already talked to Malcolm. What Meghan did was entirely unprofessional. She was fired a little bit ago.”

  My mouth drops open. “I don’t want the girl to be fired!”

  “Would you rather see her dead?” Lucas asks, and I honestly can’t tell if he’s serious or not.

  “She was going to be axed anyway,” Elias tells me gently, ignoring Lucas. “Malcolm discovered just after we left that she was stealing from the company. It’s why he could never balance his finance books.”

  Silence descends as we all take that revelation in. Well, I digest it, while my guys give me hungry, lust-filled stills that instantly make my core throb.

  But there’s one thing I need to know…

  “How did you find me?” I direct the question at Elias, though it’s Lucas who answers.

  “The bond,” he states simply, and I turn towards my red-haired lover. He places a hand over his heart, where a silver cord connects his soul to mine. “I followed it.”

  “And then he used magic to heal you!” Cassian adds, reminding me distinctly of an excited golden retriever puppy as he bounces on his hands and knees on the bed. Now that I think of it…

  What would their dog spirit animals be?

  I don’t think Lucas would be a dog. He’s too aloof and cold. Maybe a cat…

  “Wait!” I say as Cassian’s words finally register, pulling me out of my random thoughts. “You used magic to heal me?” I’ve been training Lucas, but he’s not nearly advanced enough to perform intricate healing spells.

  But if I expect my lover to appear sheepish or even guilty, I’m solely mistaken. He simply shrugs his broad shoulders, his sweater stretching tight over his taut abs. “Your nana is a great tutor.”

  “Enough talk about grandmothers,” Elias admonishes, his hand leaving mine to cup my breast. I inhale sharply as his smile turns devilish. My beautiful, charming Devil. “I think it’s time that we prove our love for our girl again, wouldn’t you say, boys?”

  Oh, fuck yes.

  Chapter 6


  In a matter of seconds, my red sweater is tossed over my head and two very different hands are fondling my tits through the lacy material of my bra. My eyelashes flutter shut as I become overwhelmed by the sensation.

  A third pair of hands reaches for the waistband of my leggings and drags them down my legs, leaving me in my panties.

  “Isn’t she gorgeous?” Lucas queries, moving to sit at the edge of the bed, watching with rapt fascination as Cassian and Elias continue to palm my breasts. “Karsyn, take those panties off.”

  Karsyn doesn’t argue as he pulls them down my legs. Once they’re off, he immediately grabs my thighs and forces them further apart. From where Lucas sits, he has a front row seat to…everything. I want to feel vulnerable, but there’s so much tenderness in his gaze, so much love, that instead, I merely feel wanton. Needy. Greedy. These men give me everything, and I want it all.

  “Let me see those perfect tits, boys,” Lucas instructs, and Cassian and Elias each remove a breast from my bra cups. Elias’s finger, calloused from the year he’s spent at the mechanic shop, begins to circle my nipple, causing it to pebble even further. In comparison, Cassian’s ministrations are more brutal as he plucks and twists at my achy nub.

  “You’re so fucking perfect, Peony,” Elias whispers as he lowers his lips to the top of my breast, his tongue snaking out to lick around my nipple. Cassian reaches to unclasp my bra and toss it away, and I find myself entirely naked, at the mercy of these four incredible men.

  “Why don’t you touch yourself, Peony?” Lucas phrases it as a question, but I know him well enough to hear the unspoken demand. My chest heaves as I bring a finger to my throbbing cunt and begin to swipe it through my juices.

  “Fucking hell,” I hear Karsyn breathe, but I don’t remove my eyes from Lucas’s as I circle my clit.

  “Wet her nipples,” Lucas instructs Cassian and Elias as he pulls his rock-hard cock from his pants. He begins to stroke himself, base to tip, as the two men move to do what he told them to.

  Elias’s teeth graze the sensitive nub as he pulls it into his mouth, while Cassian immediately begins licking my nipple with wild abandon, his mouth like fire. I bring both of my hands up to thread my fingers through their hair—Cassian’s buzzed short and Elias’s like silk.

  The two very different treatments on my aching breasts have my back arching, and I release Cassian’s head to play with my clit once more.

  Elias sucks my entire breast in his mouth, his cheeks hollowing, and Cassian continues to lick my tit like it’s a fucking ice cream cone, my nipple coated in his saliva. My hand moves faster over my clit, seeking friction, when Lucas’s strident voice rings out, stopping me instantly.

  “Wait.” He doesn’t yell, but then again, he doesn’t have to. Lucas has a way
of innately commanding the attention of everyone in a room with just a few curt words.

  I whimper when both Elias and Cassian move away from me, sitting back on the bed.

  But before I can cry, can scream, can zap their asses, Karsyn is hovering over me, his glorious body on display and his cock already hard. I take a moment to survey his muscular body, all of that golden skin and golden hair, as he does the same to me.

  “You’re so beautiful, Peony,” he whispers as he presses his lips to mine. I reach a hand out to cup his face, reveling the way his scruff feels against my palm. His blond locks have gotten longer, but I love running my fingers through the soft strands. Love the way they look around my fists as I take control.

  I do that now, grabbing a fistful of his blond hair and deepening the kiss. I open my mouth to him, and he deepens the kiss eagerly, his tongue tangoing with mine. Sparks dance in my bloodstream as his cock prods my wet entrance, and in answer to his silent question, I lift my hips.

  “Fuck, I love you, princess,” he breathes, his voice both pained and awed as he slides into me. I gasp as he stretches me. Even after all of this time, I can never get used to my men inside of me, the fullness I feel.

  “Kar…” I begin to whimper as he kisses down my throat and to my breasts, still not moving.

  “You’re so tight. So good.” He sucks on my nipple as finally, his hips begin to move. His long, hard cock thrusts in and out of me as he continues to suckle on my breast. I throw my head back, my long, white-blonde hair spilling around me, as Karsyn fucks me into the bed.

  A hand gently touches my chin and turns my head, and I greedily, hungrily accept Elias’s kiss.

  My mouth is wrenched away from Elias as Karsyn pulls me up, so I’m on my knees before him with his cock still inside of me. I feel something cold touch my ass crack, and I know without looking that would be Cassian with a bottle of lube.

  Karsyn pauses his relentless thrusts so Cassian can reach a hand between us and collect our shared juices. He then places one finger inside of my tight hole, breaching the wall of muscle.

  My body automatically clenches around the intrusion, but Elias simply grabs my hair again and pulls my lips into a searing, possessive kiss. The kiss reinforces everything the guys just told me. That they love me. That they care for me. That they’ll spend the rest of their lives trying to make me happy.

  When Cassian adds another finger, scissoring them apart, I break my kiss with Elias to say breathlessly to my musician, “I can do you later.”

  Cassian is my only lover who enjoys being pegged. I know he’s bisexual and has been with both guys and girls, and I also know that he enjoys having things in his ass. It’s not a pressing need or anything, and he’ll be content without it, but I love pleasing him. So once in a while, during playtime, I’ll use a strap-on on him. And then afterwards, he’ll fuck me to within an inch of my life, showing me with his body how much he loves and appreciates me.

  “No, baby.” He gives me a bruising kiss before removing his fingers from my ass. “Today is about you.”


  “Trust me.” His lubed-up cock presses against my ass cheek, and I release a whimper, suddenly desperate for him to impale himself in me. For both of my men to fill me to the brim. I can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks next. “I’m enjoying this immensely.”

  “Immensely,” Lucas drawls, but I can no longer see him with Karsyn in front of me. “That’s a big word, Cass. You should be proud.”

  “Fuck you.” Cassian’s voice turns into a groan when he lines up with my hole and slowly slides inside of me. Karsyn’s hands tighten on my waist as Cassian pushes himself in, inch by painful inch. I nearly cry out at the feeling of being too full, but then they begin to move.

  As always, we slide into a rhythm easily. When Karsyn thrusts in, Cassian slides out, and vice versa. Soon, I’m bouncing in between them, my head twisted to the side to remain locked in a kiss with Elias.

  Hands grab my tits, twist my nipples, rub my clit, but I don’t look to see who’s touching me where.

  All I know is that I can feel myself rapidly approaching an orgasm, and I desperately want to fall, knowing these men will catch me.

  It’s like a volcano erupts, lighting all of my nerve-endings on fire. I explode with a scream, my pussy walls clamping down around Karsyn’s bare cock and milking him for all he’s worth.

  “Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” His hips jerk erratically as he empties himself inside of me, but before he can leave me, Cassian pushes me forward until Karsyn is lying on his back and my breasts are dangling over his face. He doesn’t hesitate to grab one into his mouth as Cassian continues to fuck my ass.

  He pulls out just before he comes, shooting hot liquid all across my back and ass cheeks.

  “Fucking hell…” I breathe as Karsyn reluctantly slides out of me and Cassian collapses on the bed. I roll onto my back, my breaths sawing in and out me. Elias is there a second later, his large hands cupping my breasts as he slips inside of me, his cock entering much easier than Karsyn’s had with our juices still sliding down my thighs.

  “You okay with this, baby girl?” he asks as his fingers tighten on my thighs.

  “I love you, Elias,” I whisper, cupping his cheek, knowing he needs to hear this.

  His eyes close as a dreamy expression flickers across his face. “I love you more than anything,” he breathes before he begins to move.

  Unlike the frantic lovemaking I just experienced with Cassian and Karsyn, this is slower. Sweeter. His large, pierced dick slides in and out of me as my breasts bounce. He grabs one in his hand, hovering over my body to kiss me senseless.

  “I’m gonna come,” I warn him as his finger begins to circle my clit. His other hand continues to abuse my tender breast, tweaking my nipple and pulling it to the point of pain.

  “Come for me,” he demands, and I explode around his girth. No, I don’t just explode. I leave Earth entirely and travel through the galaxy, past the moon and Jupiter and Saturn with its rings. I simply float, my weightless body orbiting around the sun. Elias. Right now, he’s the sun I orbit around.

  Through it all, he continues to fuck me, and I quickly find myself approaching a second—no, third? Fourth?—orgasm. Tiny, gold squiggles explode behind my eyelids as I ride out wave after wave of pleasure.

  “Lucas,” I whisper as Elias pulls himself out of me, collapsing onto his back beside me. His cock is already hard again, and I can’t help but drool a tiny bit as he begins to stroke himself.

  But then Lucas is standing up from where he’s been sitting on the edge of the bed, and my attention is consumed by my red-haired god.

  He’s still dressed, though his cock springs free of his pants, the tip leaking with pre-cum and his piercing glinting in the dim bedroom lighting. His eyes travel over my messy, sexed-up hair to my sweaty skin to the cum leaking from my pussy lips. None of my guys use condoms, and I think they’re secretly hoping that they’ll impregnate me. Possessive, alpha fools.

  “You’re tired,” Lucas says softly, though his gaze sharpens with primitive hunger.

  Unlike the others, Lucas isn’t a fan of taking me in a group setting. He much prefers to watch and then have me to himself afterwards. But today…

  Today is different.

  I know it, and he knows it. I’ll never make him do anything he’s uncomfortable with, but there’s so much need in his eyes, so much want, that I know he won’t be able to stop himself.

  “We can leave, man,” Cassian says, though his hand still fists his dark cock. I swear these men are insatiable.

  “No,” Lucas says slowly, carefully, almost as if he’s testing out that one word. And then, with more force, he repeats, “No.”

  He methodically removes his sweater and then shoves down his pants and boxer-briefs until he’s naked.

  He’s the leanest out of all of my men, but his body is a work of art. My eyes are glued to the defined planes of his chest, before following that delectabl
e, kissable V leading to my favorite body part…a body part that is currently hard as rock.

  He crawls across the bed until he’s leaning over me, planting chaste, tender kisses to each corner of my mouth.

  “I never want you to feel sad, Peony,” he whispers, too soft for the other men to hear. “I never want you to feel inadequate or unloved. I know that a lot of these insecurities stem from—”

  “Don’t.” I grab his face between both of my hands. “Don’t think about that. Think about the here and now. What do you feel?”

  Instead of answering with words, he squeezes his eyelids shut, and I’m suddenly bombarded with the sheer brilliance of his feelings. They flood my system, an overwhelming amount of love and respect that leaves me breathless and shaky. I can feel how much he loves me, how much he adores me, how the thought of losing me makes him scared beyond his wildest imagination.

  And in response to his feelings, I lift the barrier around our bond and allow him to sense the extent of my love. I allow all of my men to feel my love for them, as bright and as steady as the stars in the sky. One may die, but there will always be a thousand more. It’s infinite, just like us.

  Lucas and I maintain eye contact as he thrusts inside of me. My legs lift of their own accord to wrap around his tapered waist, my heels digging into his muscular ass. His breath leaves him in shallow gasps as he makes love to me.

  His hand moves to my over-sensitive clit, and he plucks it like one would a string on a violin. I feel adored and treasured beneath the gazes of all four of my men, their love filling me to the brim and then exploding out of me.

  Lucas comes inside of me, and I follow him soon after, my body shuddering through the aftershocks of pleasure. When he finally pulls out of me, I’m covered in sweat but utterly sated.

  Lucas cuddles me on one side, and Cassian quickly claims the other, their muscular arms wrapping around my waist like the lap bar on a roller coaster.

  “I love you,” I whisper as sleep threatens to claim me. “I love you all.”


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