August Heat

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August Heat Page 4

by Lora Leigh

  He wanted to take them to Sunday school. He wanted to join the fucking PTA, for God’s sake. He could never do that comfortably as long as their lifestyle continued as it was. Besides, he wanted his wife to himself. As much as he loved his brothers, as exciting, intense, and filled with eroticism as their sex lives had been, he no longer needed that affirming bond that had saved them over the years. He needed Marly. He needed their children.

  “She could have said something.” Cade could hear the regret in Brock’s voice. “I should have let her know she had the freedom to do so.”

  Cade looked up as Sam snorted. “Come on, Brock, they love driving us crazy. You know it and I know it. And we love it. I’ve called the contractors and they’ll be out here next week. Let’s let them have their fun while they can. Then they can make it up to us for not trusting us as they should have. As soon as I show my sweet little honey what a bad girl she’s been, I’m sure she’ll do just that.”

  Cade hid his smile as he looked up from his sleeping son to his brother’s smug expression.

  “I think we should push them just a hair bit further.” He leaned back in the rocking chair, lifting Drace to his chest, his heart clenching at the gentle weight of his son resting against him. His hand smoothed over the baby’s back.

  “Yeah?” Sam would be all for the game.

  “How?” Brock was always more suspicious.

  “We make them ask.” Cade kept his voice low. He had no desire to disturb the baby’s slumber.

  Brock moved from the window until he could face his brother.

  “And we do this how?”

  Cade watched the other two men. The changes in them all in the past two years were amazing. They laughed. They even hugged sometimes. They had even found a way to discuss the events that had nearly destroyed them so long ago. They had healed. And it was the tender acceptance and fiery love of their plotting wives that had sealed the open wounds in their souls and allowed them to live again.

  “Easy.” Cade smiled. He had been planning this one all day. “We force it out of them.” He looked over at Brock. “You know what makes Sarah the wildest. Stop having mercy on her and playing with her. Let her know the game is being played in earnest now. If she wants something, she has to trust you enough to ask for it.” His voice hardened, as did his own resolve.

  He loved Marly more than he loved his own life, but like Brock and Sam, it bothered him that she hadn’t realized how he had drawn back from touching the other women, how he no longer needed any touch but hers. He didn’t like the thought that she felt she had to lead him through a decision this important. He wouldn’t allow her to play with their lives that way.

  “When?” Sam was, of course, the most amused by the whole deal.

  Cade shot him a chiding look. “You’re enjoying this too much, brother.”

  “Of course I am,” he chuckled. “I’ve not had this much fun out of Heather in months. It pisses me off she wouldn’t come to me, but I figure once it’s all said and done, she’ll realize the error of her ways.”

  Cade winced. He had a feeling if Sam wasn’t careful his little redheaded wife would be waving her gun under his chin. Damn, she could get mean when she wanted to.

  “Tonight,” he decided, rising to his feet to place Drace in his crib.

  The baby was spread out in innocent abandon, chubby little legs sprawled, his arms thrown back above his head. He refused to sleep on his stomach any longer. Cade drew a light blanket over the sleeper-covered body and swallowed past the knot of emotion building in his throat. His son. It never failed to amaze him that he was a part of anything so perfect.

  “Now.” He changed his mind as he smoothed his finger over Drace’s cheek once again. He was as perfect as his mother was. But unlike his mother, a hell of a lot easier to manage. For now.

  Chapter Five

  Heather knew trouble was brewing when the door to the living room opened and the three men walked in. Damn. Separately, they were too good looking for any woman’s peace of mind. But together they were dangerous. Tall, dark-haired, bodies built like sin and gazes as wicked as hell itself.

  Dressed in jeans, scuffed boots and T-shirts that showed their perfect muscles in stark release, it was enough to send her body humming. But when she looked at Sam, it kicked into overdrive. He was hard. They all were. But that hard-on was for her. She could see it in his eyes; in the way his gaze went over her body, lingered at her breasts, her thighs, then moved back to snare hers.

  They stopped just inside the doorway, arms crossed over their chests, staring back at them with cool, arrogant expressions. Confidence seemed to vibrate around them. Control. Resolution. Hell, she had a feeling her, Sarah and Marly were in a shitload of trouble now.

  Cade shook his head as he tsked at them softly. “Ladies,” he sighed patiently. “I can see we’ve evidently not been keeping you well occupied.”

  Heather’s brow snapped into a frown. Oh, she really didn’t like that tone of voice.

  “And you figured this out all on your own?” She almost winced at Marly’s confrontational tone.

  Cade shot his wife a chiding look. “Beloved.” His grin was wolfish. It made all of them nervous. “You are, I’ll assume, the ring leader in this little farce.”

  Marly snorted. “You know what assume does, babe. Makes an ass out of you and me.” The cliché was delivered with more than a little heat.

  Cade’s gaze flared with lust. Hell, Marly was going to be screaming louder than the rest of them would be.

  “Bad move, girlfriend,” Sarah muttered from Marly’s side.

  Brock’s brow lifted sardonically. Usually not a good sign. His gray/blue eyes were glittering with lust, a hint of anger, and a possessive glitter that should be curling Sarah’s toes.

  “Nothing to say, sweetness?” Heather’s attention was caught by Sam’s sardonically voiced question.

  Heather shrugged lightly, fighting the grin that curled her lips. Hell, it wasn’t like he would divorce her. Right?

  “Oh, I have plenty to say, hotshot,” she murmured as she let her gaze heat and drift over his body. He was one damned fine looking man, she thought. It never failed to amaze her just how she had managed to gain this man’s love. “I’ve just been practicing patience.”

  Sam grunted. It seemed he wasn’t buying that one.

  “You ladies ready to state your demands yet?” Cade asked them, his voice hard, his gaze hot as he watched his wife. “The game is getting old.”

  “Says who?” Marly was definitely fired up now.

  Sexual tension thickened in the room, making Heather shiver with the anticipation of what was to come. They had all settled rather well into married life. The sex was great, but the past year or so had been lacking in some of the kinkier aspects of sexual play between herself and Sam. She realized now that it wasn’t just something she had missed; it was something that had begun to fill her with a fear she had refused to acknowledge. The fear that Sam was growing bored with her. That he no longer needed her as he had before.

  That revelation caused her chest to tighten painfully. They did have, to an extent, exactly what they had been fighting for and they had been too frightened of the changes in their lives to see it.

  “Says me, Marly.” Cade moved into the room, advancing slowly on his wife as she became increasingly more nervous. “You should have known the game came with a price, baby.”

  Heather glanced at the other woman. Her eyes had widened in surprise. Punishment had normally been the exquisitely sensual torture of the three men driving her insane with pleasure. Heather frowned. Surely the men didn’t think they were going to resume the sharing to placate their tender feelings? After more than a year of shying away from it, Heather wasn’t about to allow it.

  She stepped in front of Marly, surprising them all.

  Cade stopped. His brows lowered ominously. He intimidated the hell out of her, but she wasn’t about to let him know it.

  “No sharing.” She was tired o
f the game herself. Her gaze went to Sam, desperation welling up inside her as she met his hard gaze. “I mean it, Sam. No more.”

  “Are you saying you didn’t enjoy it, Heather?” Cade asked softly, his voice suspiciously bland.

  Fear, pain, and not a little regret rose inside her. “You know we all did,” she snapped furiously. “But enough is enough, Cade August. It’s finished.”

  “It was finished over a year ago. You ladies were just too damned stubborn and determined to have it your way to notice it.” A spark of hurt, of anger, tinged his voice.

  “You didn’t say anything,” Heather argued forcibly. Hell, how were they supposed to know? They were avoiding the men during that time as much as possible.

  “Say anything?” Brock snapped. “Damn. Why would we? We weren’t trying to fuck you, Heather. That should have been enough.”

  Exasperation laced his voice but filled all their expressions.

  “Well, excuse me for not noticing you weren’t getting hard-ons for all of us.” Heather threw her hands up helplessly at that point. They were men. Dammit. She knew better than to argue with one of them. “It’s not as though you informed us of this bright idea at the time.”

  “Sam.” Cade’s voice was carefully controlled now. “Would you come collect your wife so I can drag mine from behind her? Might be a good time to prove you don’t need help handling her.”

  Sam’s throttled laughter had anger surging hard inside her. She clenched her fists, braced her body. She would be damned if she would be treated like a child.

  “Heather?” Cade caught her attention by simply cupping her jaw with his larger hand and turning her head to meet his gaze again. What she saw there had her stilling in surprise. Warmth. Kindness and caring, but the spark of lust that glowed there for his wife wasn’t there when he gazed at her now. “You will always be my sister. Always loved by me. Always a part of me, just as Sam is. Nothing, and I mean nothing, means more to us than your, Sarah and Marly’s happiness. No matter what you want. No matter your needs. If it’s ours to give, then it’s yours.”

  The vow, made so simply in a voice hoarse with emotion, had tears filling her eyes.

  “But Sam’s still going to make you think twice about playing games with us again.” His wolfish smile was followed by her gasp as Sam moved in from the side, gripped her arm and began to pull her away from Marly. Brock was behind him. Sarah was thrown over a broad shoulder as she gasped in surprise. When she protested, a large calloused palm slapped her vulnerable rear lightly.

  Heather wasn’t certain what happened to Marly. But the other woman was laughing. Not that she thought laughter was entirely appropriate under the circumstances.

  The look on Sam’s face was unnerving. His eyes damned near glowed with lust, with love and an intent determination. Heather had a feeling the holidays were definitely beginning to look up.

  Chapter Six

  Sam dragged Heather from the living room. She gave him just enough to appease her sense of pride. She wasn’t going to just lie down and let him have whatever he wanted. That might spoil him. Or her. She wasn’t certain which. One thing was for sure, he was a man unwilling to take no for an answer.

  He pulled her through the entryway and up the curving staircase. Each step was deliberately paced, as though he were holding onto his control by a thread. His expression, the few times he glanced back at her, was a study in sensuality. He wasn’t going to go easy on her. But quite frankly, she’d had enough easy in the past year to last for a while. She wanted her man back. Hard driving. Demanding. Dominant. She loved the gentle Sam. But she craved the bad boy sex he had seduced her with in the beginning.

  He pulled her into their bedroom, slammed the door behind them, then ripped her shirt from her back. She stared down at her bared breasts in surprise and shock. He had never ripped her clothes from her before.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it’s been to treat you gently? To show you how much I love you? How much you mean to me?” His low, hoarse voice had her eyes widening in surprise. Was he hurt? Had she hurt the one person she would rather die than to wound?

  “Sam?” She reached out for him, then gasped in surprise when he gripped her wrists, anchoring them behind her back before his lips lowered to hers.

  His kiss was pure carnal delight. His other hand gripped her jaw, forcing her mouth open for the smooth penetration of his wicked tongue. Once inside, he became rapacious. Starving. Bending her backwards as he pressed his jeans-covered erection into the hot vee of her thighs, his lips, teeth and tongue forcibly seducing her with lustful intent.

  Heather cried out, her fingers curling into her palms as she fought to rub the hard nipples of her breasts against the rough fabric of his cotton shirt. She moaned at the electric thrill that shot through them, arcing between her thighs, dampening her pussy further at the pleasure.

  He held her securely as he backed her through the room. Each step was rife with anticipation, building in sexual tension as she waited for the feel of the bed behind her legs.

  Heather had only a second to realize she was at the edge of the mattress before he pushed her down, his hands moving quickly to the snap and zipper of her jeans. Releasing them, he jerked the material down her legs then ripped her panties from her hips.

  “Look at you,” he growled as he stripped hurriedly, staring down at her, his face flushed, his lips heavy with sensuality. “So damned tiny my lust for you terrifies me at times. Each time I watch my cock burrow into you, I’m amazed you can take me.”

  There were times it amazed her.

  “Sam.” She was panting with excitement now.

  “I hope you’re ready for me, Heather,” he said softly as he freed the heavy, thick flesh of his cock from his jeans.

  She licked her lips nervously. He was raging hard. The plum-shaped head pulsed in demand, the skin over the steel-hard shaft stretched tight.

  “Turn over.” Her gaze flew to his as he muttered the order.

  She knew what he wanted. In that second, she was well aware that the bad boy she had missed so desperately was back. And he was back with a vengeance.

  “I haven’t…” She shook her head quickly. She wasn’t ready. She had stopped preparing herself for it when his lovemaking had become more tender, though no less hungry or demanding.

  He smiled tightly. “That’s when it’s better, baby. So tight and hot I know my head will come off when I shoot my come inside that sweet ass. When I hear you scream, because you don’t know if it’s pleasure or pain.”

  His jeans were discarded, his shirt thrown to the floor as he turned and removed the tube of lubricating gel from the bedside table.

  “Turn over, Heather. Don’t make me tie you to the bed.”

  She shivered at the demand. At the thought of being tied down.

  “Like that thought, do you?” Several silk ties were snagged from the drawer then. “Let’s see how much.”

  She fought him. She wasn’t about to give in without a fight. She struggled and cursed his easy strength as he dragged her up the bed, held her down and restrained her wrists to the slats of the headboard, spreading her thighs as he positioned himself between them. She was spread out for him, thighs spread, her cunt so hot and wet she could feel the juices lying thick along the tender lips.

  “Damn, I could almost come just looking at you.” He leaned forward instead, his lips covering a painfully hard nipple as Heather cried out, arching against him, helpless now, wary of the streaking excitement that flashed through her blood stream. She liked it. Liked being vulnerable, tied down for his pleasure.

  “Sam.” She bucked against him, so desperate for his touch now she knew she would go insane if he didn’t hurry and fuck her soon.

  “Uh uh, baby.” He raised his head, his lips wet from his ministrations at her breast, his eyes dark, ravenous. “It’s time to see what you’re tempting. Next time you play games with me, Heather, you’ll think of this.”

  Oh yeah. That was really going to s
care her, she thought. Then he pulled one of the toys that had gone unused from the table by the bed. Her eyes widened as he pulled it from its protective package.

  The thick, supple dildo was nearly as large as his cock. He smiled wickedly as her eyes widened.

  “I haven’t shared you all these months, Heather, for a reason,” he informed her silkily. “We made the decision. Me. Cade. Brock. No more sharing. Do you want to know why, baby?”

  She shook her head, her breath catching as he pushed several pillows beneath her hips, elevating her, lifting her to give him better access to the small entrance she knew he was determined to take now. After arranging her as he wanted, he squeezed a thick row of the lubricating gel on his fingers.

  “Yes, you do.” His voice was soft now, dangerous in its completely sexual intent. “I’m going to tell you anyway. Because when I do this…” His fingers tucked into her anal entrance. “And hear this…” He pushed two into her slowly, surely, as a long, tremulous cry tore from her throat. “I want to know it’s all for me.”

  Heather’s back arched as he filled the small opening with his fingers, stretching her, sending a fiery pleasure streaking through her body so destructive she feared she would never survive it. Her cunt pulsed, gushed, sending its slick juices to mingle with the lubrication he was applying to the small channel, making his entrance that much easier. But it had been a while since he had taken her there. She was unprepared, the muscles tighter, exquisitely sensitive.

  “Damn, Heather.” He grimaced with anticipation as she watched him. Watched as he tracked each move his fingers made in and out of her gripping channel. “Baby. It’s going to be so good.” He glanced up at her then, smiling wickedly as she trembled from head to toe.

  His fingers thrust inside her slow and easy, parting the muscles, stretching them, preparing her as she cried out at the heat and pleasure/pain assaulting her body.

  “It’s been so long,” he growled, his voice tight with anticipation. “I’ve been dying to burrow back inside your sweet little ass, Heather. Starving for it. I won’t wait any longer. And I’ll never wait again.”


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