On To Richmond

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On To Richmond Page 49

by Ginny Dye

  Carrie had to know one thing. “How in the world did you know about the tunnel, Moses?”

  Moses shrugged. “I was listening when I shouldn’t have been listening,” he said with a small smile. “I’ve found out it can come in handy sometimes. Your father took Robert up to your bedroom one day when your mama was real sick. I was taking up a bucket of ice to you. I wasn’t even sure myself why I snuck down that day to listen to them. I knew he would beat me within an inch of my life if he found me. But for some reason I just had to go.” His heavy brow creased. “I heard your father tell Robert the mirror was the entrance to a tunnel that ran all the way to the river. That your great-granddaddy had put it in to be ready for Indian attacks.”

  “But why didn’t Father ever tell me?” Carrie cried.

  Moses shrugged. “I reckon you’ll have to ask him that. Anyway, I heard a scraping noise and knew the entrance must be opening. Then I heard your father say sometimes the handle sticks on the outside.”

  “There’s a handle on my mirror?” Carrie asked in amazement.

  “Evidently. Anyway, next he said the handle on the inside always worked.”

  “But why did he tell Robert?”

  “Because he knows Robert loves you. He figured he would be the one to take care of you if he couldn’t,” Moses said simply.

  Carrie’s eyes filled with tears. How wonderful that would be. Then she shook her head. Dreaming was useless. Especially now.

  Moses continued on. “I was hoping to get to you last night.” Briefly he explained his floundering in the woods. “When I realized I wasn’t going to make it on time to get you out through the house, everything your daddy said came pouring back.”

  Carrie looked around where they were sitting. “How in the world did you know how to find the entrance?”

  “I didn’t,” Moses said with a grin. “All I knew was that it broke out onto the river.”

  “But Moses,” Carrie protested. “The river bank goes a long way. How in the world did you find it?” She looked back over her shoulder and saw absolutely no evidence of a tunnel entrance. She jumped up and walked over for a closer look. If she looked closely, she could see a slight break in the brush. She pushed it aside and could just see the outline of a wooden door. She shook her head in amazement. “How…?”

  Moses’ voice sounded over her shoulder. “Let’s just say I agree with Sarah about the power of prayer. I ain’t never prayed so hard in all my life. I was walking along, knowing that with every second that passed you were in more and more danger. All of a sudden, it was like that pile of brush there was calling my name. I didn’t even ask questions for once. I just walked over and there it was.”

  Carrie stared up at him. She didn’t know what to say. At some point all of this would sink in, but right now it was hard to believe she wasn’t living a dream. A single gunshot in the distance jerked her back to hard reality. “Sam! Opal...” she breathed. Suddenly she squared her shoulders. “I can’t just leave them, Moses. I have to go back.”

  Moses took her by the shoulders and swung her around to face him. “You’re not doing any such thing, Carrie Cromwell. I don’t reckon God showed me that tunnel to make sure you were free, just to have you turn around and walk right back into the middle of trouble.” His voice was stern.

  Carrie gazed at him. As much as she hated to admit it, she knew he was right. Her eyes filled with tears. “What if they hurt them?”

  Moses shook his head. “I don’t think they’ll hurt anybody. They might scare them, but it wouldn’t do them any good to hurt them. They’ll probably need their help getting all the food.”

  Carrie groaned again. “How in the world are they going to survive when the soldiers leave and all the food is gone?”

  “They’ll manage,” Moses said firmly. “And if I know the captain, he won’t take it all. He’s a good man. Hates slavery. He’s not going to leave them to starve. They’ll plant again, Carrie. They’ll be fine.”

  Carrie wasn’t sure she believed him, but believe it or not, she was forced to accept she could not do anything to help them right now. “What next?” she finally asked with a small smile.

  Moses frowned. “We’ve got to get you to Richmond. How is the question.”

  Carrie stared out over the water. “I probably wouldn’t make it on foot. It sounds like there are lots of troops in the area.”

  Moses nodded. “We can walk back together to find my horse, but I’m not at all certain she is still there.” His voice was troubled.

  Carrie thought hard. “They will take all our horses, won’t they.” She could hardly bear to think of Granite in Union hands.

  Moses nodded. “Probably,” he said regretfully.


  Moses looked thoughtful. “Probably not today. They are more interested in food. They’ll bring men back to gather the food. Then they’ll probably help themselves to the animals. Most of the other plantations had turned them loose. We found them wandering in the woods.”

  “Everyone else is gone?”

  “Sure looks like it.”

  Carrie shook her head. “Why didn’t Father let me know?” Then she pushed such futile thoughts out of her mind. She must deal with the present. She was quiet for several minutes as she thought. Now that some of the terror had passed, she was able to think more clearly. Obviously God wanted her out of here, or he wouldn’t have allowed Moses to find the tunnel. She just had to figure out what came next.

  “You think this tunnel leads to the barn?” she asked.

  “I wondered the same thing. I don’t know for sure, but it would make sense. Animals were just as important then as they are now.” He paused. “Why?”

  “Granite is in the barn. With any luck they won’t let him out. It’s obvious how valuable he is.” The plan took shape rapidly as she talked. “I’m going to wait here until it’s dark. Then I’m going to figure out a way to get to the barn. When I do, Granite and I are going to clear out of here.”

  “You’re going to ride right past Union soldiers?” Moses demanded. “Are you crazy?”

  Carrie shrugged, her courage returning. “I know parts of this plantation no one else does. With any luck I’ll make it.”

  “And if you don’t?”

  Carrie smiled up at Moses’ tense face. “And what if you hadn’t been able to find the tunnel?”

  “But I did!”

  “Exactly. But not because of anything you did. God showed you that tunnel. I guess he can help me get out of here, too.” Her voice and mind were calm now.

  “But what if it doesn’t work?” Moses protested.

  “You got any better ideas?” Carrie asked.

  Slowly Moses shook his head. “Let’s go look for that tunnel to the stable.” He turned to head back inside.

  Carrie reached out her hand and stopped him. “I’ll find the stable. You have to get back.”

  Moses straightened abruptly, his eyes flashing. “I’m not going to do any such thing. I aim to stay with you until I know you’re safe.”

  Carrie’s voice was firm. “That’s ridiculous, Moses. And you know it. You’ve done all you can for me now.” She took his rough hand and smiled up at him. “You risked your life for me. Thank you,” she said softly.

  “It was the least I could do,” Moses growled.

  “So now we’re even,” Carrie said. “If you don’t get back to those soldiers, everything you have worked for is going to be lost. Sitting with me all day and holding my hand are not going to change whether I make it or not!” She made her voice stern even though her own doubts had begun to crowd out some of her confidence.

  Moses sighed. “There is a stack of candles just inside the door. Make sure you take plenty with you.”

  “I will,” Carrie promised. Then she looked up at him intently. “When you get back North, tell Rose I love her and miss her. Aunt Abby, too. Tell them I believe we will be together someday when this horrible war is over.” She paused. “I would like to think I could
come back to the plantation, but my heart is saying my job here is done for now. I have a feeling I will be in Richmond for the rest of the war with Father.”

  Moses looked troubled. “That may not be for long, Carrie.” Briefly he filled her in on the actions of McClellan’s army. “Richmond is their next target.”

  Carrie nodded. “I’ll face that when I have to,” she said firmly. “First, I have to get there.” She stretched up and kissed Moses on his strong cheek. “I love you, Moses. Thank you for everything.” Then she stepped back. “You have to go,” she said urgently.

  Moses looked down at her for several long moments. Then he pulled her close in a warm embrace. “Be careful, Carrie,” he said in a broken whisper. Then he turned and began to run easily along the river bank.

  Carrie watched him until he was out of sight. She wiped at the tears rolling down her face then turned and disappeared into the tunnel.


  As soon as Carrie entered the tunnel, she noticed the box of candles and matches Moses had talked about. She picked a candle up and stared at in wonder. Who had put it there? Her father? Her grandfather? Her great-grandfather? Quickly she struck a match and then lit her candle. Then she picked up a huge handful and stuck them in her dress pocket. Thank goodness she had not undressed for bed last night. Her present situation would be even more ridiculous.

  She reached behind her and pulled the door to the tunnel firmly shut. Once it was closed, not even a shred of light seeped around the edges to reveal its presence. Whoever built this tunnel had been a master craftsman. Carrie stared at it for a long moment, wondering at the skill and labor it had taken to build what she had walked through this morning. She still could not believe she had never known of its existence. Had her mother known? She and her father would have much to talk about when she reached Richmond.

  That thought was enough to pull her back to the present. First she had to discover if there was a tunnel that led to the barn. If there wasn’t, she would find another way to sneak there once it was dark. She had already decided she would not leave Granite. Besides, he was probably her only way out of there. She stood still and tried to envision where the barn was from the end of the tunnel. Finally she shook her head. All the many twists and turns of the tunnel had made her lose all sense of direction. She wasn’t even sure where the tunnel had come out on the river. The only thing she was sure of was that the door would be off the right side of the tunnel. She would begin there.

  Carrie raised the candle high so it would cast the greatest amount of light. Then she began to creep down the tunnel, her eyes glued to the wall for anything that would reveal the presence of another tunnel. An hour later she was startled when she heard a muffled shout above her head. She moved to extinguish her candle and then realized how silly she was being. No one could possibly know she was down here.

  She frowned as she realized she was once more under the house. Part of her longed to stay and see what she could discover. The realistic side of her said she needed to concentrate on nothing but finding the door to the stable - if one existed. Only then could she think of something else. She turned around and began to retrace her steps, moving even more slowly this time.

  She had gone barely a hundred yards when she stopped suddenly. She held the candle closer to the wall and peered at it intently. Was that a faint outline in the bricks? She knelt down to get a better look and ran her hands lightly over the wall. She could just barely discern a crack in the bricks. But where was the handle? She rocked back on her heels and stared at it then ran her hands along the outline again. There was simply no handle. Suddenly she felt one of the bricks shift slightly under her hand. Carrie held her breath while she shook the brick and then gasped when it came loose in her hand. She laid it aside and leaned closer, holding the candle to the hole.

  “The handle!” she breathed triumphantly. Suddenly she laughed. “My great- grandfather was a genius,” she whispered admiringly.

  Carrie stood and pulled at the metal handle. The door opened slowly but easily. Still, there was no way of knowing if this tunnel led to the stable. For all she knew, it could lead elsewhere. There was only one way to find out. Stepping into the gaping hole, Carrie continued on. She lit another candle, stepped into the hole, and pressed on.

  The tunnel made three turns and then ended abruptly in front of her. Carrie stared at the ladder set into the wall just in front of her. Where did it lead? What was on the other side of the door above her head? For all she knew, she could walk right into a group of Union soldiers. How could she determine where she was.

  “I believe that’s one of the finest horses I’ve ever seen.”

  Carrie gasped and shrunk back as a voice sounded just above her head. She recognized the captain’s voice immediately.

  “Looks like a slab of granite, Captain. A mighty fine slab of granite.”

  Carrie didn’t recognize the second voice, but she was relieved to know it wasn’t the fellow named Clyde. She didn’t want him anywhere near her horse.

  The unidentified voice continued. “You would look mighty fine riding that horse, Captain. Since Miss Carrie Cromwell wasn’t here to greet you, I reckon she would want to extend some of that famous Southern hospitality and give you her horse.”

  Carrie clenched her teeth to keep from crying out.

  The captain’s voice, when he answered, was amused. “I think you’re right, Joe. It would be a shame to let a fine animal like this go to waste. I want you to tell the other men the barn is off limits. Tomorrow afternoon, once we’re done cleaning this place out, this beautiful Thoroughbred will carry me away from here.”

  “You’ll be the envy of everyone,” Joe said admiringly.

  “I’m afraid you may be right. Here’s hoping I can hold on to this animal when some of our many generals lay eyes on him.”

  The captain laughed, and then Carrie heard him slap something.

  “Well, old man, you take it easy in here. We’ll clear out of here tomorrow.”

  Not if I have anything to say about it, Carrie thought fiercely. Slowly she unclenched her fists as the footsteps above her faded away. She had discovered valuable information. The men were indeed planning on spending a night there. And the barn would supposedly be empty of soldiers. So far everything was going her way. Carrie forced herself to breathe evenly and considered her options.

  By her best calculations, it must be around ten o’clock in the morning. She had decided she wouldn’t make her move until almost midnight. By then most of the soldiers should be sleeping, and she would be able to catch any guards by surprise. That left fourteen hours to fill. Confident now no one could hear her when she was in the tunnel, she decided to move back into the house and see if she could determine what was going on.

  She turned and retraced her steps until she reached the main tunnel. Carefully she used the brick that had concealed the tunnel to prop the heavy door open. She didn’t want to have to repeat her initial search. Pulling against it firmly, she satisfied herself it was secure and then set off toward the house. Just then her stomach growled loudly. Carrie shook her head and pressed on. She would just have to be hungry until she reached Richmond. It was a small price to pay for her freedom.

  She was even with what she knew was her father’s office when she finally heard voices. Carrie strained to hear what was being said. Whoever it was, the voices were very low. She had to press her head almost into the bricks before she could make out the quiet words.

  “Where in the world you figure Miss Carrie got off to?”

  Carrie clapped her hand over her mouth to keep from crying out in delight. It was Sam! They must not have hurt him too badly. She could imagine the perplexed look on his kindly face and the worry darkening his eyes. He had taken seriously his job of caring for her. She longed to reveal her presence but knew she couldn’t.

  “It’s like that girl just disappeared into thin air,” Opal said.

  Tears filled Carrie’s eyes as she realized both
her friends were safe. The soldiers must have put them in the office while they searched the house. Sam’s next words confirmed her suspicions.

  “I sure wish I could get up there in her room and look for myself. Must be somethin’ magic up there that took her away. I heard her in that room myself, not two minutes ‘fore them soldiers came stomping up on the porch.”

  Carrie smiled. It had indeed been magic. All these years she had known deep in her heart that the beautiful mirror held secrets. But never in her wildest imagination had she envisioned the secret she had discovered. Gratitude toward her great-grandparents rose in her like a wave. She knew there had been no more Indian attacks after they had completed the house. The tunnel had simply been there for years, a hidden extension of the house. When it was needed, it was there, patiently waiting to be put to use.

  “I believe Miss Carrie is okay, Sam. We may never know how, but somehow that girl got away. Why, she’s probably riding into Richmond right now.”

  Carrie smiled, sank down, and leaned back against the wall. In spite of everything, she was suddenly very tired. Two nights of no sleep and the anxiety of the last few days had caught up with her. She leaned her head against the wall and closed her eyes. She would rest here, close to her friends. If anything else happened to them, she would know about it.

  The sharp slamming of a door jolted her awake. Heart pounding, she realized she must have slept. But for how long? What time was it? Her immediate thought was to follow the tunnel back to the river so she could look outside and determine the time of day. A sudden voice held her where she was.

  “I say we bring him in here, Captain. If he really is from around here, these slaves will know him.”

  Carrie leaned forward anxiously as Clyde’s voice erupted just on the other side of the wall.

  “You’re making too much out of this, Clyde,” the captain protested. “Moses explained what happened. Adams had someone with him when we stopped him. They were hiding in the woods. Moses was still in the store gathering food when we took off. When he came out, the two men jumped him and tied him up.”


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