Henry and Sophie

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Henry and Sophie Page 4

by Grant Eagar

  “How much pray-tell did her father give you?”

  “A thousand pounds, quite a handsome sum for a tailor such as me, though it’s all gone now.”

  The corners of her mouth turned up and she said, “Just promise me before you throw yourself at another girl's feet like a love sick fool, you’ll consult with me first. As a friend I feel I can counsel you in such a fashion as to protect your dignity and save you further grief.” Before Henry could answer she strode away. He looked after her open mouthed.

  ANGELICA GLANCED UP from the table where she was writing. She looked around and thought she’d heard something. She shook her head then went back to writing in her journal. Suddenly she felt a hand covering her mouth. She let out a muffled scream until she heard a woman’s voice. “Angelica, please just whisper and I’ll remove my hand. I feel we have important matters to discuss.”

  Angelica looked up at a girl with a mask on, dressed completely in black. “What are these matters in regard to; and what are you doing in my bed chamber at this time of night?” whispered Angelica.

  Sophie raised an eyebrow and whispered, “You prefer I come here in the daytime? It’s regarding Henry David. I'm sure you know why I’m here; now what do you have to say for yourself?”

  Angelica offered a wan smile. “All is fair in love and war.”

  “You thought if you cornered Henry he’d offer you his hand in marriage? Wasn’t that a bit heavy handed?”

  Angelica put her pen down and closed her journal. “I thought about the reward versus the risk and considering who he is, I thought the risk acceptable. I felt if he actually loved me he would get past my papa and I would have him. If he didn't care for me papa would pay him well to be rid of him. I didn’t realize one punch would put him out, but I considered it a form of serendipity and took what I felt was due me.”

  “You mentioned the notion of risk and reward.” Sophie then offered a mischievous smile. “Henry is a dear friend; I’m the risk you never considered. Now hand over half of what you took from Henry.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Sophie removed her riding crop from her boot, smiled broadly, and wacked the table with it. “Then this will become much more pleasant for me and much less pleasant for you.”

  Angelica scowled then reached into her desk and took out a stack of bills. She divided the amount then handed the bank notes to Sophie. “Are you satisfied?”

  Sophie said, “I’m not laying claim to Henry, but I do expect you to treat him with some respect, all I ask is fair play. He may act like a rake but he’s a naive boy; as I’m sure you’re well aware.”

  “Are you satisfied?”

  Sophie shook her head. “Not quite, now bend over the table.” Angelica’s eyes widened and she glanced towards the servant’s rope in alarm. “It can be the riding crop or my hand, you choose.”

  After five swats Angelica said, “Is that a spanking? Put your back into it.”

  Sophie rubbed her bottom then gave it another swat. “Well with such a gargantuan arse I would be surprised if you could feel anything.”

  “Well missy, jealousy of my arse is unbecoming so get on with it.”

  “It is quite the glorious arse if I do say so. It’s truly a wonder.” Sophie then gave her three harder swats. “That’ll show you.” Angelica just laughed so Sophie gave her four harder swats.

  Angelica moved her bottom back and forth. “When next I want someone to gently massage my bottom I’ll get in touch with you. What a weakling. Now get the spanking over with.”

  Sophie gave her a half dozen more swats then walked to the open window to leave; turning back to the smirking Angelica who rubbed her backside, and said, “Don’t you worry, I’ll find out who you are and you’ll learn what a proper spanking is all about.”

  Sophie said, “If you can find me, then until we meet again. I look forward to our time together. She then disappeared over the ledge.


  A Night at the Theater

  After another day working in the tailor-shop Henry entered the older, seedier part of London. He walked into the rear entrance of the penny-theatre where his mother performed. The crew prepared for a bawdy version of hamlet. Henry seldom attended the theater, but since this was the opening night of a new play he wanted to encourage his mother. He walked back into the makeup room. The room consisted of a series of vanities with oval mirrors in a line. He found his mother; she was dressed in a red satin gown and applied makeup. He bent over and kissed her cheek; smudging her thick face paint.

  “Don’t do that, it’s hard enough to look decent for the jackals without my makeup being a mess.”

  “Hi Mum, you look lovely. Are the Jackals you’re referring to the customers or the critics?”

  She winked at him. “The critics of course; all the customers want is some bawdy songs and a bit of romance and they’re happy as pie. The critics on the other hand demand high theatre, songs which have a melody, a plot to the story and actors that can actually act.”

  Henry smiled at her. “So the first night you perform for the critics and then after that you perform for the tastes of your customers? How hard can it be?”

  She leaned over and said conspiratorially, “If only fooling the critics was that easy, but you never know when the vultures are going to show up. You always have to be on your guard. They’re however easy to pick out in the audience, they’re usually the ones with a scowl painted onto their faces with their arms folded.” She then went back to applying a grotesque amount of face paint. After she was done she said, “So how do I look?”

  “You make a lovely Ophelia. You shall win all their hearts, but don't you think it's time to consider the part of the queen?”

  She leaned over and whispered, “I can take a hint, and I’m not blind.” She then grinned. “You may not want to tell anyone you’re my son. You're starting to age me. I can’t have an eighteen year old boy if I’m twenty five.” She then stood to go.

  “Mum break your neck and leg and all that. I’m sure you’ll do fantastically.” He hugged her and she walked towards the stage.

  After she had left Henry picked up several make up brushes and some ribbon and devised an invention to quickly apply makeup. He would pull on the ribbon and it made the brushes spin.

  A minute later a dancer briskly walked in, pushed him aside, and sat down next to him. She had on red clown's pants with white spots, a white corset with red spots, a curly red wig and top hat. She cleared her throat several times. Finally she tapped his shoulder. “Are you collecting brushes for some reason?”

  “Oh sorry, I’m a bit of a tinkerer and I’m devising a tool to quickly apply makeup.” He used the ribbon to spin the brushes back and forth. He glanced at her and noticed she did not appear impressed. He stopped the spinning and handed her a makeup brush. “Sorry.”

  She applied face paint to her face, painting it white with black clown’s eyes. She wore a huge red nose and a thick ruffle around her neck. She attempted to paint her torso white with red spots to match her corset. She turned to Henry and said in a husky voice, “Hey kid, aren’t you getting a bit old for entering the actress’s boutique?”

  Henry smiled and tried to avoid staring at her cleavage. “Mum -er Kathryn likes me to visit her on opening nights. I hope you don’t mind.”

  The girl said, “Suit yourself, so how do you avoid starring at the girls while they’re putting on their makeup?”

  He smiled mischievously. “How do you avoid staring at me?” She didn't laugh. He went on, “It's all about not appearing to enjoy the show more than is proper. Most girls want a little attention, just not a leering baboon.”

  She said, “I understand, now could you make yourself useful and help me with the body make up.”

  Henry took a brush and painted her torso and arms white then to dab red spots to match her corset. “I’m trying to be a gentleman, but you’re making it difficult.”

  She smirked. “You are enjoying this I can tell. I can se
e through your nonchalance.” She then handed him a tube of black lipstick. “Could you apply this to my lips?”

  “Can’t you apply your own lipstick?”

  “With this nose, I can't see my lips in the mirror. Anyway applying the makeup will be much easier for you.”

  After he had applied the lipstick she grinned and raised her hands high then moved her torso and hips back and forth jiggling her breasts. “Henry, how do you like my dancing? Is this entertaining for you?”

  He recognized her voice and realization came to him. “Sophie?” He averted his eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  She stopped dancing. “I have business here and decided to test you to see if you’d recognize me. There are several in the audience whom I don’t want to recognize me. You were so busy trying not to look at my breasts you never looked at my face. Now you know who I am, you don’t want to look at me?”

  With some effort he focused at her face and said, “You do get a measure of satisfaction in tormenting me don’t you.”

  “It’s all part of who and what I am so get used to it.” She touched up her face paint then turned to him, “just to let you know I won't be seeing you later; I have a part to play and some business to take care of. When you see me with a gentleman, don’t fret too much.”

  He touched her arm. “You’re Sir Thomas’s daughter and going out onto the stage dressed like that? Is this the behavior of a proper young lady whose father is a leader in parliament? If you were discovered this would be scandalous.”

  “Oh my goodness, scandalous you say? Well who do you think dropped me off tonight? Dear ole dad. Now you’re being hypocritical. No one knows who I am and I think you’re becoming possessive, which is quite flattering if a bit annoying so quit it. Or not, I think it’s kind of nice.”

  As she put on the rest of her costume, they could hear the applause and laughter of the acts. “How can you just sit in here and not see the show?”

  “The issue is what you want to get out of the experience. Most people want to be entertained, while I just want Mum to do her best, and I gauge that by the laughter and the applause. Anyway, having me in the audience makes Mum nervous.”

  Sophie arose and asked, “Do I look like a temptress clown?” He nodded enthusiastically and she poked him. “You don’t have to be so happy. Thank you for helping me with my makeup.” She then leaned over and gently kissed him. She walked to join a group of clowns waiting to go on stage. She turned and came back, “oh I forgot.” She pulled a wad of bills out of her corset which she had taken from Angelica. “This is to help you finish your flying ship.” She then quickly hurried away to join the clowns.

  Henry looked at the bank notes in surprise and pulled out his wallet and deposited them. He moved his chair close to the curtain and listened to the crowd, the occasional jeer, the laughter when the clowns went on and the boos when they refused to take off their clothing. There was a loud thud as one of the more enthusiastic customers was rendered unconscious and dragged out and thrown into the street. This brought more cheers than the actual performance. When they left the stage Henry gave a sigh of relief. He hoped Sophie would return, but instead she went into another room, changed into an evening dress, then left with an officer through a back door. Henry saw them leaving and considered calling after her, but thought better of it. Once again he had the warm, happy feeling from the kiss and the anguish of watching her leave with someone else.

  After the last encore his mother returned then sat down next to him with a dark expression and began removing makeup from her face. “Who thought of making a parody of Hamlet? Seriously, it’s a tragedy? The writers should be shot. In fact after I'm done here I mean to hunt them down and shoot them myself.”

  Henry knew when she was like this it was best to leave her alone. “I heard a great deal of laughter and some sincere applause. I think the show has potential.”

  She gave him a severe look. “Potential, I have been damned by faint praise yet again. Why don't you just say the play was terrible? Customers don't pay for potential; they pay to laugh till they puke.”

  He considered her for a moment then touched her arm. “Mum, I've been thinking of a way to liven up your show a bit. You could have a variety show every so often. You can use it to discover new talent and the variety will add some interest. In fact I thought of bringing one of my inventions.”

  They were interrupted when several bouquets of flowers were brought in and placed on her vanity with a note of congratulations. The corners of Henry’s mouth turned up when he noticed his grandfather’s handwriting. She read the card then smirked and beamed. She picked out a red rose out of the bouquet and smelled it while twisting it in her fingers. “I'll give your suggestion some thought, but if there is blood and carnage like most of your inventions I’ll disown you.” Her eyes then brightened. “Wait, blood and carnage sells tickets. Okay, I'll throw something together and we'll see what happens.”

  “You will disown me again?” he asked.

  She tousled his hair and kissed his forehead. “It has been months since I disowned you, now get out of here before someone thinks we're related.”


  A Flight of Fancy

  A week later-

  Henry lay on his back in his grandfather’s barn. He had a wrench in one hand and held a control cable in the other. After attaching the cable he moved the rudder back and forth without much effort. He had taken the basic craft and modified it to increase its creature comforts. The larger custom boiler and motor not only created steam to power the craft, but they also heated the cockpit and provided tea for up to four passengers. Of course with the larger boiler and the more powerful engine, the flying machine also traveled much faster and could stay aloft for hours on end.

  He turned to Matilda who held a skin panel and asked, “Why is a dog like a tree?” She shook a flower. “Because they both lose their bark once they're dead.” - She shook her flower head and hid it with a leaf. “My joke was not pathetic, it was great.”

  “I agree with Matilda, that joke was awful.”

  He gazed up and noticed a pretty face with green eyes and auburn hair staring down at him through the control cables.

  “Hello Henry,” said Sophie with a grin. “Hiding in the barn are we, I figured I'd find you in here.”

  He quickly sat up and banged his head on a strut. He let out several oaths then crawled out from under the ship and held his head while he stood.

  She reached for his head. “How dreadful! You’re going to have a bruise and a bump. I’m sorry I startled you.” She pulled out a handkerchief, wetted it, and pushed it against his head. “You should be more careful.”

  He offered her a wan smile. “Obviously considering my questionable choice of friends, I never know when they’ll sneak up on me. Now what trouble has brought you all the way out here to my workshop?”

  “Her eyes widened in a way he didn’t quite grasp the meaning of. She gestured to a man standing outside next to a carriage.

  Henry glanced at the gentleman and mumbled, “Where do you get these hacks?”

  She gave Henry a pleading look as the man approached. “Henry this is my beau, Captain Johnson. After I told him about your inventions, he wanted to come and see what you were up to.”

  Henry said, “I thought your beau was-” she poked him in the side and he forced a smile and shook the man's hand. “Captain, I’m pleased to meet you.”

  Johnson, a redheaded man in his early thirties gave Henry a curt nod and then a patronizing smile, he said, “So you’re Colonel Scott's grandson, I had no idea he had a grandson.” He then glanced around the barn at an array of partially finished inventions. “So you spend your time working at the tailor shop and tinkering here in the barn? Considering whom your grandfather is, I'm not entirely surprised. Yours is quite a bit different avocation from most young men of breeding. Are not most boys your age in boarding schools, universities or better yet assisting with the war effort?”

Henry glanced at Sophie and she gave him an encouraging smile. Turning to the officer he said, “I work for a living the best I can. I was never much for boarding schools having seen the inside of several for short periods of time.”

  Sophie squeezed Henry’s arm. He felt an electric sensation and he reddened. “Henry, since you’re making modifications to your flying machine; I wondered if we could go up for a ride in your ship.”

  Johnson said, “My men have seen you flying about; they say your ship is fast and unusually quiet. I'm anxious to climb aboard and see what the ship will do. If she proves out well, the air-guard may be interested in purchasing her from your grandfather.”

  Henry glanced at the patched together, multicolored airship and smiled. “She is fast enough, but keeping her in the air is the problem. Doesn't the air-service have sixty ships? I don't see how this one can be of any-”

  “Henry, this was my notion. Let’s not over think the situation. It’s a lovely day for a ride in an airship, so may we get on with the flight?” asked Sophie.

  “Oh well, I need to test the ship out again anyway, if each of you could grab a wing and help me pull the beast out of the barn,” said Henry. After they had pulled the ship to a small grass airstrip, he supplied them with goggles and parachutes. He climbed into the pilot’s seat and Johnson attempted to take the seat next to him. “Sorry old chap, you’ll need to sit in the back, weight, balance and all that. The ship is a bit nose heavy. Sophie, you’ll need to sit up front.”


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