Henry and Sophie

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Henry and Sophie Page 17

by Grant Eagar

  She kissed him. “That's a brilliant plan.”

  An hour later a carriage pulled up and out stepped the countess dressed in a bright red uniformed dress. Alongside her stepped out several other officers.

  “Here comes the countess, why am I not surprised?”

  Riana glanced at him. “You know that woman?”

  Henry sighed. “My dancing with that woman started all this mess.” Riana gave him a look of confusion. “At the ball Sophie wanted me to dance with the countess to get the game underway as she put it. That is what led to my capture and I presume her capture as well.

  Next a bearded figure stepped out of the carriage. The guests were led into the hanger.

  “There she is,” said Henry. “I helped fit that suit and I have seen her in this disguise before. I am confused; why is she is still in disguise. She doesn’t appear to be a captive. Are you certain she was taken against her will? I think we may owe the men at the dock an apology.”

  Riana put her hands to her temples and concentrated, she grunted in frustration.” I'm normally happy to rid of her memories, but now there are so few of them left they are precious. I’ve found if I focus on her memories they become my own. I have done this by playing all the songs she knows on the piano and drawing some of her favorite pictures. I'm sorry, but I can’t think of anything here.” She was silent for a while.

  Henry slapped his forehead and said, “She is pretending to be an inventor to gain access to the count. This is all a grand charade. The question is how can we assist her without getting in her way?”

  “Something I can remember of her training may help, make a slow reconnaissance of the area, gather as much information as possible then wait to act, when it’s time to act, act decisively. May I suggest letting Sophie take the lead and we’ll simply stand in the back ground and wait for our moment.”

  “Excellent notion my dear, though I don’t think she planned on making it out of this alive. She is going to kill the count and she’ll then be shot.”

  “Not if I can help it,” said Riana.

  When the sun set they dropped out of the tree and slowly began a circuit of the area. They found an open door to the hanger and looked inside. Henry gasped at what he saw there. A crowd of several hundred ladies and gentlemen formally dressed. Henry and Sophie mixed with the crowd of honored quests. Some were French and German but many more were English.

  There was a hush and a bell sounded. A door opened in the ceiling seventy feet off the ground and a golden throne like chair was slid onto the platform accompanied by music. The count sat on it and waved to the crowd as it descended. When it was thirty feet off the ground the music stopped and a middle aged gentleman stood. He removed his top hat and bowed to the crowd then lifted both hands high above his head. “Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for honoring me with your presence here tonight. Before you sits the greatest weapon on earth. I give you Goliath. My weapon stands sixty feet tall with a mammoth locomotive engine in its heart; which drives three metal wheels which are twenty feet in diameter and crush whatever is in their path. The great engine also drives a generator which delivers the wrath of the gods, high voltage electricity to a wondrous crystal sphere with a translucent liquid of my own invention. The liquid stores the power from the generator until it glows blue with the intense power it holds and it then begins to spark in anticipation.”

  He stopped for dramatic affect then went on. “When the beast if fully charged, I say beast for there is no other apt description. When the beast is fully charged the power is unleashed through these eight ruby crystals like great eyes of some monster. Out of these crystals come flashes of lightening which annihilates all who stand in my way to glory and triumph.” He then gestures to six more Goliaths under construction. After these are completed I’ll be unstoppable, soon Britain will be mine.”

  This speech was greeted with wild cheers and applause. Henry glanced at the crowd and it appeared to him they were pagan zealots paying homage to a demonic god, and the count was the high priest. “I dare say he’s a fine performer, he would work wonders in mum's theater. So what do you suggest?”

  “You sneak aboard Goliath and see if you can start it up. We’ll use it to make our escape.”

  “Excellent notion, I'm on it. I think it is a bit daring, but it could work,” said Henry.

  “I'm a new born, I'm figuring things out as I go, cut me some slack. And if this doesn't work out ... she kissed him. “Wish me luck.”

  He slowly made his way through the crowd until he reached the stairs which were used to climb aboard Goliath. They were guarded by half a dozen soldiers; He glanced at them and considered how he was going to get past them. They cheered wildly and paid him no attention. He circled the weapon and slipped between the wheels and stood looking up at the machine's underbelly. Now how to climb aboard the ship without being discovered. He placed a foot in a spoked wheel then reached for the next spoke in the wheel when he felt a cold metal barrel of a rifle in the back of his head.

  “What do you think you’re doing? No one is allowed in here,” barked a tall skinny guard.

  Henry slowly turned and regarded the man. “Pardon my impudence, but after the counts description of this marvel I just wanted to see it for myself. Isn't it truly a modern wonder?”

  The man lowered his rifle. “It is a wonder, but please move along. The guests are not permitted in this area.”

  “Sorry for the misunderstanding.” Henry tool a step and when the man glanced away Henry jumped onto his back and attempted to choke the man. The man steeped backward jamming Henry into the metal hub of the wheel several times. The pain in his back was excruciating. When the man stepped forward to ram Henry into the hub once again Henry raised his legs and kicked with all his might and ran the man's head into the axle. He then collapsed unconscious. Henry quickly removed his clothes and changed into the uniform.

  THE PLATFORM WHICH held the count slowly lowered until they could make out who else was on it. There stood half a dozen guards, the countess, and Sophie. Sophie took a white handkerchief out of her breast pocket and wiped her forehead and the back of her neck.

  The count addressed the audience, “I would like to introduce the latest addition to our family, a noted scientist Professor Leonard Shilling.” This was accompanied by polite applause and Sophie raised her hand to acknowledge the crowd. The count then added, “One more round of applause for the good professor or should I call her Sophie Thomas, a spy masquerading as a scientist!” He then took Sophie's beard and hat off. There was a gasp from the crowd and Sophie was grabbed by two guards and a pistol removed from her jacket. “Any last words to say before you are shot for spying? You could have been part of this glorious cause, but you chose to fight against us instead. This will be a lesson to all of what happens to those who betray the count.”


  Henry and Goliath

  Sophie said, “As I await my death, I can at least feel confident I've served my country well. I'm not a low down dirty traitor.”

  Lady Toulouse said, “How dare you speak of us so? We are faithful to the cause of conscience and peace. Now show the count some respect.”

  Sophie gestured at the count. “This buffoon killed your husband, stole his invention and has destroyed thousands of lives all in pursuit of power. Well, I promise you there will come a day of reckoning. This hunk of tin will one day meet its match. Anyway you’re a very poor dancer considering you being a countess and all and that dress accentuates your gargantuan arse.”

  The countess colored, “Poor Dancer?! Gargantuan arse. Is this any way to plead for your life? Well I was the one dancing with Henry not you. What a pathetic ploy, did you not think I would see right through that?”

  Henry looked at the scene and felt a knot in his stomach; he regretted joking about Riana being Sophie's replacement, the recollection felt like acid. He quickly climbed up to the control room and began taking in the controls.

  Riana strode up to the count. “S
top! Stop! Please don’t shoot her! I have valuable information.”

  The count looked at the two women in shock. “My god, he was able to duplicate you after all. How incredible.”

  Riana glanced at Goliath and Sophie gave a nod. “I'm the real Sophie Thomas, this is an imposter.”

  The count turned and looked at her in surprise. “Imposter? We are ready to shoot her and you claim she's an imposter? She’s wearing a man's suit and a beard obviously she’s an imposter.” The crowd gave a nervous laugh.

  “No-no you don't understand, this is not Sophie Thomas, I am.” She slowly walked up to Sophie and stood next to her and Count Von-Friedrich and the crowd stared at them in surprise.

  “They are perfect twins.” said the captain of the guard.

  I've never seen two more perfect twins.” said one of the officers.

  The count smirked. “We will test their great knowledge of our secrets. The one who knows of our plans will die. Both girls glanced at each other then at the count.

  Sophie raised an eyebrow and shook her head. “Seriously count? After a threat like that you expect us to tell you what we know? Let me see, you plan on taking over the world, moving out of your mother's basement, finding a girl desperate enough to marry you Aka Countess Toulouse.” She glanced at the countess then added, “And hopefully take a bath; being the pig you are? Now are not these your secret plans?”

  Henry who had watched this from the control room moved the lever forward and the great machine shuddered then moved. “He yelled into a microphone. “All who desire to live best drop your weapons and leave this building immediately. Henry aimed the electrodes at the solders.

  The count raised his hands and yelled, “Fools don't listen to him shoot; if you die it will be a glorious sacrifice for my cause!” They dropped their weapons and fled. Henry put the great machine into forward motion and it started to belch black smoke then he engaged the gears and the wheels moved slowly at first then the machine broke the ties which held it.

  “What are you going to do?!” yelled Sophie.

  “I'm going to get rid of this nightmare once and for all. I am going to send it to the bottom of the ocean where is belongs.” He then pushed the throttle to full and the machine moved toward six more Goliaths which were under contribution. Henry aimed the great electrode and released a torrent of electricity which destroyed everything in its path. Soon all which remained of the other weapons was rubble. He then directed Goliath towards the count’s munitions storage and the barges he was building which he also destroyed. He then directed Goliath towards the ocean.

  WITH THIS DISTRACTION Riana pulled out a pistol and put it to the countess's head. “Step back or I will blow her bloody head off.” The counts three remaining guards stepped back.

  The count said, “Go ahead and shoot her, see if I care, infatuated women who are willing to do my bidding are plentiful, I daresay there are half a dozen who could take her place tomorrow if I asked them.”

  The countess said, “Don’t listen to the blubbering fool. Let us be reasonable.”

  “Shoot them both and bring the spy to me.”

  When the guards did not respond the count grabbed a pistol out of a nearby soldier’s holster and shot both women.

  Riana and the countess fell to the floor. Sophie knelt down next to Riana and held her tight.

  The countess with blood coursing out of her mouth grabbed the fallen pistol and aimed it at the count. “You bloody bastard I gave you everything and you treat me this way. She then shot him three times.

  He looked at her in shock and then smiled. “You cannot kill me, I’m a god, I'm immortal, I’m invincible.” He then attempted to raise his pistol, but he could not move his arm. He turned to his officers. “You incompetent fools, how was a mere boy able to walk in here and take my glorious weapon? There will be a court martial, I’ll kill you all.” The smile slowly left his face as a red stain blossomed on his chest. He glanced down with a look of shock then feel over dead. The guards stepped away from him and seeing the English soldiers pouring into the hanger they raised their hands in surrender and the crowd cheered.

  “Is there a doctor present?!” yelled Sophie. Several surgeons approached them and began treating Riana and the countess.

  ONCE OUTSIDE OF THE building Henry was confronted with mass confusion as soldiers ran pell-mell everywhere. There were also British soldiers and French resistance fighters swarming up the beach capturing the soldiers of the count. He directed the machine out onto the beach then slowly approached the ocean; first the water was up to the hubs where it kept slowly moving, a half mile out into the ocean Goliath disappeared below the waves. Henry jumped and swam towards the shore. There was a great explosion and the water shot up hundreds of feet into the air. The water continued to churn and Henry looked back at the caldron as he swam for shore.

  AFTER EXAMINING RIANA one of the doctors turned to Sophie and said, “I'm sorry miss, but she is done for she’s been shot right through the heart.”

  Sophie leaned over and kissed Riana on the forehead then after a minute she sat up and her eyes widened. “No, no her heart is on the right side. I think she’ll survive.”

  He pulled out his stethoscope and listened to her chest. “You are right there is a faint beating, lift her up onto the table and we'll have to operate immediately.”

  Riana weakly opened her eyes. “Go ahead and let me die. I was not meant for this world. It is only justice.”

  “Stop the babbling, you're going to live, I lost one sister years ago, I will not be losing another,” said Sophie. She turned to leave. Riana took her arm. “Where are you going?”

  “To save Henry of course, someone has to rescue the bloody fool. He’s not much of a swimmer.” She then turned and ran. She reached the beach and removed her jacket and pants then ran out into the water. After she had swam for a ways she saw the steam rising from the ocean where Goliath had gone down. She struck off in that direction. She found him where she thought he would be floundering about. She grabbed him by the shirt collar and towed him back to the beach. After dragging him up onto the beach she pumped his chest to get the water out of him then blew air into him. He coughed up some water and looked up at her. “You even try to kiss me after I’m dead, how peculiar. Do you have no respect for the dying?”

  “Don't be so melodramatic. You were not dead; I was just trying to give you some air.”

  “It sure felt like I was dead and it felt like a kiss.”

  “It is grand to be noble, but may I suggest next time jumping off the contraption closer to shore. You're not that good of a swimmer.”

  “I’m not saying I minded the kiss, I thought it was quite nice. Perhaps we could try it again.”


  A Refusal of Marriage, Priscilla

  A week later Henry set up a boiler in the back room of the tailor shop He set up three of his new sewing machines then he showed the seamstresses how to use them. Since they had been modified as weapons he also showed them how to quickly swivel while sewing a hem on a dress and take out a rogue with a few well placed shots.

  At noon Henry was once again given a card of introduction and strongly encouraged to visit the estate of Mister Robert Reynolds, a silver merchant. Henry scowled as he rode his horse up the cobblestone lane. He rubbed the neck of the animal and said, “Sebastian, I don’t know which is more dangerous, speaking with a girl’s father or being kidnapped by enemy agents.”

  The horse raised an ear and whinnied. “Okay, okay I realize much of this is my fault, but you don’t have to remind me. I understand unlike most fortunate souls, I do not have to wait until eternity to experience god’s wrath; it follows me around like a cloud. It wouldn't hurt for you to show a little sympathy for my plight.” The horse then nickered in a mocking manner.

  He arrived at a modest estate which overlooked the ocean. Henry cautiously dismounted and slowly made his way towards the great porch, after a few steps he noticed a shiny green air ship. He had
seen this model in a flying magazine and he thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a look. He slid under the ship and looked at the flight controls.

  An hour later he was still at work rebuilding the actuator when he heard the clearing of a throat and looked up into the face of a very stern red headed young woman. “Henry, the appointment was for twelve noon and it’s now one pm, you’re late. May I ask what you’re doing playing with my father’s flying machine? You were supposed to come meet with him regarding ... uh ... matters, not playing with his toys.”

  He quickly sat up with a trained eye for anything he might be impaled upon. “Priscilla, I’m deeply sorry, I saw the beautiful machine and I couldn’t pass it by without stopping and giving it a once over.”

  She examined the mechanisms scattered about on the ground. “A look? You’ve taken his bloody ship all apart; father’s is going to be furious, and considering your reputation you need every possible advantage to put you in his good graces.” She then grabbed his arm and dragged him into the house where his hands were cleaned from the grease and grime and his suit straightened. He was then sent up to her father.

  Henry felt a cold sweat, what was the worst that could happen? He glanced at a mirror as he walked along a hallway towards the master study. He still had a hint of the bruise he had received from his encounter with Angelica. He offered a silent prayer. He had learned from his last encounter with a jilted young lady that the beasties could be so sweet and kindly until you told them there was not going to be a marriage; then their fangs and claws came out.

  The maid who led him gave him a knowing sneer and pointing at the door to the study with a nod of her head and she quickly disappeared around a corner. Henry entered the chamber and gave a slight bow to a small bald headed man who stared out the window. He turned and considered Henry with an icy stare. “Young man, I’ve sent my card every day for a week why has it taken so long for you to show your face? Do you only go to work once in a fortnight?” He then looked at his watch. “You’re an hour and seven minutes late.”


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