Dukes, Officers, & Scoundrels: A Clean Historical Regency Romance (Tales of Bath)

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Dukes, Officers, & Scoundrels: A Clean Historical Regency Romance (Tales of Bath) Page 1

by Kira Stewart

  Dukes, Officers, & Scoundrels

  A Clean Regency Romance

  Tales of Bath

  Kira Stewart

  Copyright ©2018 by Kira Stewart. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  And don’t miss the other Tales of Bath:

  Better than a Duke

  The Duke’s Rose

  Table of Contents



























  The Season in Bath was well underway. All of society had descended upon the fashionable spa town to partake of the famous healing mineral waters, and also to dance at the famous Assembly Room Balls.

  Isobel Channing was no exception. Her aunt and uncle had invited her to spend the Season with them in their Town House in Bath. Her cousin Emily was eighteen years of age, just six months older than Isobel, and the young girls were ready to be introduced into society.

  The local Regiment—the 56th Foot Guards—had been camped near the town for a couple of days, and now the streets were full of the red liveried officers, looking to impress the ladies. The Upper Assembly Rooms were full of the red coated officers that evening, causing quite a stir amongst the young ladies.

  It was the third dance the girls had attended in as many weeks, and at almost eighteen years of age, Isobel was the belle of the ball. With her mother’s fine golden colored hair and her father’s dark eyes, she already had many admirers, and many young gentlemen were eager to dance with her.

  Isobel was not a vain girl and she was admired as much for her genial nature, as she was for her beauty. Her father, a business man in the tea trade, had set his eyes on a fortunate marriage that would elevate his only daughter from the middle classes, into a higher social standing.

  He longed for his family to enter the realms of the upper classes. He was a snob, and although a wealthy man himself, he could not stand being looked down upon by his betters as a “man in trade,” and would do anything within his power to elevate his social standing. To this end, Isobel had been taught all the refinements that a young girl needed, and there were great hopes for her future. Indeed, one of the reasons her father had sent her to Bath, was in the hope of finding a fortunate match. Emily’s older brother, her cousin Charles, was well connected and counted amongst others the Duke of Marlborough, Edward Lennox, and his wife, Annabelle, as friends.

  Emily was a plain girl, the exact opposite of Isobel. Her hair was thin and mousey and never could keep a curl, and her eyes were neither blue, nor brown, but a nondescript color somewhere in between. However, the two girls had always got along together well and their differences had never yet caused ill feeling.

  There was a particular excitement in the air that night. As if attending the Ball wasn’t enough, there was to be an added attraction. Lord Sebastian Adick, the Earl of Lanchester, was in town and would be attending the dance that very evening. Charles had passed on this piece of information to his sister, and the two girls had spoken of very little else.

  “Do you think he will be VERY handsome Isobel?”

  Young Emily sighed, already in love with a man she had never met.

  “And do you suppose he is VERY rich?”

  Isobel, the more level headed of the two, laughed at her friend.

  “I expect Lord Adick to be a very fine gentleman indeed, Emily, but I shall not be so easily impressed as you. I have vowed that I shall marry only for love, and not for money. Although, the two together would be quite acceptable.”

  The two girls giggled.

  Still, Isobel could not help feeling a little excited at the prospect of meeting one of the most eligible men in the County and she dressed with extra care that evening.

  It was through Edward Lennox that the girls were first introduced to Lord Adick. On first impressions, Isobel was quite disappointed when finally introduced to the tall young man, who had recently inherited the title of the Earl of Lanchester, upon his great-uncle’s death.

  Although not an unattractive man, there was something about him that was not particularly satisfactory to the eye. The young man had been quite spoiled as a child and now grown, he was prone to be pompous and vain. He had a particularly unattractive trait of looking down his nose at anyone not of his equal social standing, yet Isobel’s beauty made her an exception. He also liked to get his own way. Sebastian Adick was not a man who liked the word, “No.”

  The young Earl was much taken by the charms and beauty of Isobel Channing, and gave a low bow as he held out a white gloved hand towards her, taking her hand in his.

  “Miss Channing. What an unexpected pleasure. One does not expect to find such beauty amongst such ordinary folk. Your face is the only one here I find fit enough to gaze upon. Excluding Lady Lennox, of course, but then she is a married woman and I cannot gaze too long upon her, or His Grace, the Duke, will surely be challenging me to a duel.

  The men laughed and Isobel smiled politely, feeling uncomfortable for poor Emily, who stood quite forgotten by her side.

  “Now my dear, I must circulate a little, but I will be back for my dance. Do not forget.”

  With a gentle squeeze of her hand, the Earl bowed again and was about to move on, when noticing poor forgotten Emily, Edward Lennox came to her aid.

  “Sebastian. We are almost forgetting the lovely sister of my good friend Charles here. May I introduce Miss Emily Wilkins?”

  The girl moved out of the shadow of her friend and nervously bowed her head in acknowledgment of the Earl, her cheeks flame red with blushing.

  Picking up the quizzing glass that was held around his neck on a fine gold chain, the young Earl placed it before his eye and looked the girl up and down, before giving a perfunctory nod of the head, and then turned once again to Isobel.

  “Do not forget, my dear. I shall return for my dance shortly. Now, if you will excuse me.”

  Emily and Isobel were left alone once again with her brother.

  Poor Emily was left almost in tears.

  “My goodness, how very rude. I have never met such a rude man in my whole life. Charles, you are my brother. You should be defending my honor. Challenge him to a duel or something?”

  “Be quiet, Emily. Lord Sebastian has a reputation for being a crack shot. I do not want to get myself killed over such vanity. The man is a pompous fool, which is plain for all to see. He not only slighted you, but every other woman here tonight, except Isobel, that is.”

  For the first time in her life, Emily resented her cousin’s beauty, feeling quite jealous.

  “Indeed, he certainly took a shine to Isobel. Well, I do not envy you one littl
e bit, Izzie. You can keep your Earl. I would rather have an officer any day of the week.”

  “Oh Emily, I did not care for that young man one jot. I found his manner most rude towards you. I do not think we shall see him again, for all of his sweet words. Now, dry your tears. I spy a group of red jackets. Let us take a walk and inspect the troops. Perhaps we may be lucky, and your brother might introduce us to an officer or two?”

  Placing her arm in her cousin’s, Isobel led the way to where the officers had started to gather, with Charles walking obediently behind.

  It was hard to be angry with Isobel, and it wasn’t the poor girl’s fault if she was so attractive. Both girls were soon giggling and whispering to each other, deciding which of the officers they found most handsome, and leaving poor Charles feeling like a spare part.

  He was relieved to see a face he knew in the crowd, and hurried across to where a group of young officers were standing.

  “Henry Woods, my dear chap. You have saved my life. Please, let me introduce you to my sister, Emily, and cousin, Isobel. They are both in need of dancing partners quickly, so I may be rid of their giggling.”

  The two men laughed, and as the girls stepped forward, there was a turning of heads and gentle murmurs of appreciation for Isobel.

  The girls were introduced to half a dozen young men, and Emily soon forgot the episode with the Earl.

  It was Emily who saw him first.

  “Who is that young man?”

  She whispered close into Isobel’s ear, so her brother wouldn’t hear and find reason to tease her. Following her gaze, Isobel turned around to see a tall, dark officer standing on his own and looking in their direction. Time seemed to stand still, as her heart skipped a beat. She had never seen such a beautiful man in her entire life. His deep brown eyes looked back quizzically into her own, as if looking for an answer in her gaze. Turning back to her cousin, she tried to hide her blushes.

  “I do not know, cousin. Perhaps your brother does!”

  “He is staring right at us, cousin. Is he not the finest man you have seen all evening, in fact, all of your life? I must know who he is.”

  Before she could stop her cousin, Emily was already enquiring with one of the other officers over the identity of the beautiful stranger. Isobel wished she wouldn’t. The startling young man made her feel quite uneasy.

  An officer called Mathers shouted to the young man to join them.

  “Jack, do not stand there on your own, man. Come and be introduced to the young ladies.”

  The young man stepped forward and gave a slight bow.

  It was hard to say exactly what made Jack Parnell so attractive, but he set both girls hearts’ a flutter, as he took their hands in introduction.

  His dark hair and eyes gave him an almost brooding and serious look, and yet when he smiled, his face became different again, a light shining inside the darkness.

  When he took Isobel’s gloved hand, she felt her heart beat a little faster. There was something pleasing about his face, and his eyes had a twinkle that made her blush when he looked at her.

  Isobel Channing had the same effect on a Jack Parnell, as he did on her. From the moment they were introduced, something stirred within his own heart.

  Whilst the introductions had been taking place, the orchestra had been getting ready for the first dance.

  “The ladies are looking to dance, Jack. What do you say?”

  Smiling, Jack Parnell held out his hand. Although intended for Isobel, it was quickly taken by Emily. She had already seen the way Jack had been looking at her cousin, and was determined not to be second best this time.

  His initial look of confusion turned to smiles, and he bowed graciously to Isobel, before escorting her cousin onto the dance floor, leaving Mathers to dance with Isobel.

  She found it hard to focus on the dance and enjoy the company of the young man, for Isobel’s head was full of Jack Parnell.

  But what of Emily? She was taken with the young man, too. Perhaps the handsome officer really did prefer Emily. Yet she had seen the way he looked at her, and somehow, she knew in her heart that it was destiny. Yet what did one look mean? She was being silly.

  When the dance finished, the couples returned to the other officers and Charles.

  Emily clung onto the arm of Jack Parnell, afraid he would disappear if she let him go. Isobel worried that her cousin was being far too forward with the young man.

  Emily, ignoring her cousin’s disapproving look, talked nonstop, whilst Jack Parnell stood quietly by her side, forever the gentleman.

  When the next dance was announced, the young officer looked across eagerly to Isobel, yet before he had chance to suggest they swap partners for the next dance, the group was interrupted by Lord Adick.

  “My dear, I said I would return to claim my dance, and here I am. I am at your service.”

  Before Isobel had the chance to refuse, the orchestra struck up for the next dance, and taking her gloved hand in his, Sebastian Adick, the sixth Earl of Lanchester, walked her eagerly onto the dance floor.

  The dance was a Scottish Reel and was luckily danced in a circle, where partners exchanged with their neighbors, until all of the couples were back in their original places. It left little time together for conversation, which Isobel was pleased about, as she could tell the Earl was keen to know more about her. As they danced the first set, she felt uneasy as he spun her around, his hand holding possessively onto her waist. There was something about his presumptuous manner that made her feel uncomfortable, and she wished the dance quickly over.

  “How are you enjoying this little dance, my dear? You must come to my next Ball at Thornton Manor. You will be my guest of honor.”

  Isobel smiled sweetly, his words giving her goosebumps. She didn’t want to be his guest of honor, but it would be hard to refuse such a man.

  Another arm twisted around hers as the dancers swapped partners. Isobel looked up. It was Jack Parnell.

  Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat, as his dark brown eyes looked searchingly into hers. Now she didn’t mind the hand at her waist, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. She looked away, embarrassed by his stare.

  “You perhaps think me forward, Miss Channing, but you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”

  Isobel blushed.

  “You dance with my cousin, sir. She is also beautiful, is she not?”

  She looked at him, the two held in a spell for a moment.

  “I had not noticed. There is only one face I see.”

  Isobel had never been spoken to so boldly, so openly by a man, and she did not know how to reply. When a thought sprang to her lips, it was too late. It was all change again and he was gone.

  When the dance had finished, the couples returned once again to their groups.

  Sebastian Adick held tightly onto Isobel’s hand, as he escorted her back to her group. Even wearing gloves, she could feel his hot clammy possessive hand on hers, and the feeling repulsed her. Emily and Jack walked ahead, she with her arm firmly hooked into his, determined she would not let this particular fish slip back into the sea.

  “Now, if you will excuse me, my dear, a game of cards awaits me. I will leave you ladies for the moment, but never fear, I will return for another dance before the evening is finished.”

  With a kiss of her hand and another bow, Lord Adick left to join several other gentlemen, who were congregating in the Card Room.

  Unhooking his arm from his dance partner, James Parnell also made his excuses and left. He did not kiss the waiting hand of Emily, much to her chagrin, but with a small nod of the head, he looked Isobel directly in the eye.

  “I hope I also may have the pleasure of a dance later this evening. Now if you will excuse me ladies?”

  Emily noticed the way Jack had looked at her cousin and pursed her lips in anger.

  “I see that you have made another conquest tonight, cousin.”

  Trying her best to look innocent, Isobel feigned surprise.

  “I am not sure what you are speaking of, Emily. Jack Parnell danced with you.”

  “But he wants the next one with you, cousin. I saw the way he was looking at you, and you at him.”

  Isobel shook her head.

  “You are wrong, Emily. Why, as a matter of fact, when we were dancing back there, we were talking of your beauty.”

  Emily looked cynical.


  It was only a small white lie. After all, she had spoken of her cousin’s beauty. The fact that Jack Parnell did not answer was by the by.

  “Indeed we did, cousin. And he did dance with you. He probably only directed his comment at dancing with me, so he could see you again and didn’t want to look too forward. Now come, let us be friends again and you can stop frowning at me. You will never find a husband with such a sour face.”

  The girl thought for a moment, before laughing.

  “Of course, Izzie, my apologies. I am being foolish. He did dance with me, didn’t he? And the Earl seems quite taken with you. Perhaps we will both have suitors by the end of the night?”

  Isobel felt bad about lying to her cousin, but what else could she do? She would discourage Jack Parnell if he made any advances towards her, and push him into the path of her cousin. It was the least she could do.

  It was silly to have feelings about a man she had only just met. He would be forgotten soon enough when the regiment left town.


  The orchestra had finished playing the first set, and was setting down their instruments, signaling that it was time for the refreshments to start.

  Arm in arm, the two cousins battled their way through the throng. Everyone had the same idea at the same time, and there was quite a crush to reach the room set aside for supper. Without their escort Charles, it was difficult to push through the sea of silk and satin, top hats and tailcoats—all desperate to secure themselves a seat at the tables set around the room. Otherwise, they would have to endure the discomfort of standing with a plate of food, whilst attempting to eat.


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