Dukes, Officers, & Scoundrels: A Clean Historical Regency Romance (Tales of Bath)

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Dukes, Officers, & Scoundrels: A Clean Historical Regency Romance (Tales of Bath) Page 4

by Kira Stewart

  All day, Isobel had felt sick. In the end, she had wanted to stay at home, but her father would have none of it.

  She did not want to dance with the Earl, but it would not be her choice. If Jack Parnell was at the Ball, would she even be allowed to speak with him?

  She felt uncomfortable in her new dress. She felt as though she was a prize cow being shown off by her father, to be sold to the highest bidder. It just wasn’t fair. Emily, on the other hand, was as excited as could be and squeezed her cousin’s arm playfully.

  “Oh Izzie, isn’t this wonderful? And just think, I will soon be dancing with the most handsome man ever.”

  As the carriage drew up to the doorway, the music from inside could already be heard. It was a beautiful night—the moon full and the air still warm from the afternoon sun.

  The Duke and Duchess were on hand to greet their guests.

  Roberta and Henry Channing gushed their thanks as they were introduced, bowing and curtseying low.

  “Your Grace, this is indeed an honor.”

  Lady Annabelle Lennox smiled at Isobel.

  “Well, my dear. You are here at last, and you look simply stunning. How are you feeling?”

  At the Duchess’s kind words, Isobel almost burst into tears. Noticing her discomfort, Annabelle Lennox took the girl by the arm and proceeded to walk into the Ballroom.

  “My dear, whatever is wrong? I thought that you would be looking forward to tonight?”

  Isobel told her story to the Duchess, and how her parents were keen to push her into the path of the Earl of Lanchester.

  “Well you know, my dear, no one can force you to marry against your will. Now, let us see if we can find your Mr. Parnell. I made sure to invite him. Do not worry, I will see that you have some time with him, and I will try and keep the Earl from your side, as long as I can. True love will find a way, you know.”

  The girl smiled sadly.

  “You say that, but it all seems so hopeless.”

  “Trust me, my dear. I was married to a man I did not love, before I married Edward. He was a kind man. He even saved my life, but I did not love him, Isobel. It was through him that I met Edward, his distant cousin. We fell in love when he came to stay with us, but I could not dishonor the man who had saved my life. I had given my vows until death did us part. Edward was quite a wild young man at that time, yet he had a good heart and I could see that. I fell in love with him the moment I first set my eyes on him. He felt the same way, but the course of true love did not run smoothly. My husband and Edward argued and he left. It was only after poor Henry fell ill that I tried to contact Edward again. He was living roughly and his father, the Duke, was threatening to disinherit him. I met up with Edward, but it was as if he was a changed man. I did not recognize the Edward Lennox who I had fallen in love with. But it was true love that saved us in the end, Isobel. My visit helped him see what he really wanted and he changed his ways. After Henry died, we met again and our love was rekindled. The rest is history. We have now been married for two years, and I am the happiest I have ever been. My life has not been an easy journey, Isobel, but I have learned so much along the way and I finally have my Happily Ever After. I pray the same for you.”

  The Ballroom was beautiful, full of flowers and sparkling chandeliers that cascaded splinters of light around the darkened room. The men and women looked so fine, so elegant, but the beauty of the room was lost on Isobel. She looked only for one face. The room was drab without him.

  Two dark eyes looked out at her. She sensed him, moments before she saw him, as if a familiar melody had started playing within her head. She had worried that she would not feel the same way when she saw him again, yet her heart raced madly, the moment his eyes locked upon hers.

  And then she panicked. What if he didn’t feel the same way?

  As they approached, his eyes never left hers.

  “Here is the young man we have been looking for, Miss Channing. Now, I have to greet the rest of my guests. I suggest a walk on the terrace at the front of the house. It is much quieter there, and you can get there easily through the doors at the end of the Ballroom. Now quickly, before you are missed.”

  Without speaking, James Parnell took hold of Isobel’s arm, and they quickly followed through the Ballroom and onto the terrace, where she left them alone.


  The air felt cool on Isobel’s skin and she shivered slightly.

  “You are cold?”

  Isobel shook her head.

  The trees swayed slightly in a light breeze and the two figures cast long, moon-lit shadows across the terrace.

  “I did not know if you would be here tonight.”

  Jack laughed, his voice trembling slightly.

  “I almost didn’t make it. There was some mix up at camp and the general wanted to see me with some new orders, but then at the last minute, he changed his mind and I was allowed to come after all.”

  “Sebastian Adick!”

  “Oh that man. Why mention him?”

  Isobel shrugged. She wasn’t sure of anything factual, besides, she did not want to talk about the Earl. The night was too beautiful.

  “It is of little consequence. You left quickly that night at the Assembly Rooms. I didn’t know when I would see you again.”

  “Orders again, I am afraid. But that is in the past. Let us talk about the present and our future.”

  Suddenly, Isobel felt shy, not knowing what to say.

  The young man moved closer, and now faced her, and she could feel the heat rising from his body.

  “When I saw you for the first time that night, Isobel, I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. But I was wrong.”

  The girl looked puzzled.

  “Tonight, you have taken my breath away. I was watching for you to arrive and when I did, I saw all the heads turn towards you. I thought it not possible, but you look even more beautiful tonight.”

  His hand found hers, and gently, he entwined her fingers with his own.

  “I have thought about little else but you since that night, Isobel. Even the other men have been teasing me about you. My heart is an open book I am afraid. Could I ever hope that you could feel the same way about me?”

  Lifting her head, she looked deeply into his eyes.

  “Oh Jack. I too have thought about little else since that evening. I have hardly dared hope that you would feel the same way. It is strange … I hardly know you, and yet, I feel so close to you, as if I have always known you.”

  The young man held her closer and she could feel the heat of his body against her own. She could feel the beat of his blood, as if it were her own.

  The soft scent of roses sweetened the air all around them—intoxicating and heady. It was a perfect moment, and one that was only interrupted by the song of a nightingale singing its sweet notes high above them in the trees.

  The sound of footsteps brought them back from their reverie. Other couples had decided to take in the air on such a beautiful evening and they were no longer alone.

  “Come, my love. The orchestra has started. Let me have this first dance with you.”

  Taking her hand, Jack led Isobel back inside. The orchestra was just starting to warm up for the first dance. It was to be a Minuet, and they joined the other couples on the dance floor.

  For a while, they were lost in their own world. Nothing in the world existed, except the young couple and the music around them. Everything else seemed insignificant, seeing only each other, brown eyes burning into brown.

  It was Jack who first noticed them standing on the edge of the dance floor. Lord Adick stood with Mr. and Mrs. Channing, all watching as Jack danced with their daughter. And from the looks on their faces, they were not pleased.

  The Earl, in particular, did not look happy and Jack could feel his beady eyes watching them as they moved along the dance floor. He hated to break the spell.

  “I see one of your suitors is waiting eagerly for you, Isobel.”

She noticed her parents first. Their grim faces said it all. They did not want her to dance with an officer, not when an Earl was waiting in the wings.

  Then she saw Sebastian stood by their side, already conspiring with her father, no doubt to win her round. Her heart sank. Whilst she was dancing, she was safe from both her parents and Sebastian, but once the dance finished, they would pounce on her like wolves.

  “Oh Jack. Let us dance forever. I wish this moment would never end and that I could always be in your arms. Say that you will be here forever.”

  Jack Parnell glanced warily across the Ballroom to where his rival was standing.

  “I promise.”

  His eyes stared steadily into hers and she trusted his words.


  The dance was over, and as soon as the final strains of the orchestra were fading into the night, Isobel’s parents quickly gathered around their daughter, pushing Jack to one side.

  “Isobel, you must come with us now. We have been talking with Lord Adick and he is expecting the next dance. Come, let us not keep him waiting.”

  “But Mama, Papa, wait a moment. I would like you to introduce you first to my friend, Mr. Jack Parnell.”

  Stepping forward, Jack gave a low bow and stuck out his hand towards Mr. Channing. The old man raised his eyebrows, ignoring the outstretched hand.

  “I see you are an officer in the 56th Foot Brigade, sir. No doubt you will be moving on very shortly. Now, if you will excuse us.”

  Isobel opened her mouth to protest, but her father had already moved away.

  “Come, Isobel.”

  Her mother took her tightly by the arm.

  It was no use. Not wanting to cause a scene, Isobel reluctantly allowed herself to be taken away, but not before turning back towards her love.

  “I will see you later, Mr. Parnell.”

  Jack could only stand and watch, as Isobel was escorted away by her mother. It was no use arguing with her parents; it would serve no purpose and only antagonize.

  The young man frowned, because there had to be a way.

  Sebastian Adick was not a man used to waiting. Tapping his foot in irritation, he had been eying the couple dancing, and his patience was already tried. Once he had set his mind on to something, he did not give up, and he was determined not to be the loser in this game.

  “Miss Channing, at last. You did promise the first dance for me. Had you forgotten? Never mind. You are here now and I shall claim the next. I have spent the time speaking with your parents, and we have already agreed that they will accompany you on a visit to Thornton Manor.”

  Releasing her arm, Isobel’s mother pushed her daughter forward.

  “What do you say to the Earl, Isobel?”

  The last thing poor Isobel wanted to do was talk to Sebastian Adick. Looking back, there was no sign of Jack. He had gone and she felt strangely abandoned. Why could he not just whisk her away? Instead, she was trapped between her parents and a man she did not care to talk to, let alone dance with.

  “Well, Isobel, what do you say?”

  Her father spoke sharply.

  “It is a very kind invitation, indeed, Papa.”

  The Earl bowed.

  “It is nothing, my dear. Now, allow me to claim my dance.”

  Isobel almost backed away as he reached for her hand, and if he noticed the look of disgust on her face, then he preferred to ignore it.

  She felt cold, almost frozen, as he escorted her to the dance floor, her movements stiff and deliberate. She could not look the man in the eye, and yet, he persisted.

  “Have I done something to offend you, Miss Channing? You do not seem so pleased to see me this evening, and I had been so looking forward to seeing you.”

  “I am a little tired, that is all, sir. You must excuse me this evening. I am starting with a headache.”

  “You seemed well enough when you danced with that officer, my dear. Now come, smile for me. Show me that you are happy in my company. Any other young girl in your position would think it a privilege.”

  “Then if you would be so kind, sir, you must dance with another. I do not feel well and I cannot dance with you, sir.”

  Pulling free from his arm, Isobel ran from the dance floor and across the Ballroom, leaving the Earl alone on the dance floor. His shock soon turned to indignation. How dare the girl treat him in such a way … how dare she embarrass him like this.

  The Earl wasn’t the only one shocked. Mr. and Mrs. Channing had watched the whole scene, horrified that their daughter could have thrown away such a fortuitous match.

  Roberta Channing flew to the Earl’s side in a panic.

  “Oh sir, pray forgive my daughter. She is young and quite impetuous. Let me speak with her. It is only that she is overwhelmed by your attentions, sir.”

  The Earls face twitched, white with anger, his pride hurt.

  “Madam, I am not used to being embarrassed in this way. Everyone was watching. Your daughter is making quite a fool out of me. She danced well enough with that young officer tonight!”

  “Oh sir, you must forgive her. You see, this is her first Season, and for a man such as yourself to show her such attention. She is quite overwhelmed by you, sir. And she holds you in very high esteem indeed.”

  “She does?”

  “Oh yes indeed, sir. When she is alone with us, she speaks of nothing else. I fear that the excitement of the evening has been a little too much for her. That is all.”

  Although angry, the Earl was easily flattered.

  “I must admit, madam, that your daughter’s behavior tonight has given me great cause for concern, especially after my generous invitation. Still, as you say, she is young. I may overlook this matter, but only if you speak to her and I am allowed to claim my dance this evening.”


  Isobel escaped through the doors of the Ballroom and onto the terrace. Several couples walked in the warm evening air, but wanting to be alone, the girl rushed from the terrace and down into the gardens below. She wanted to run as far away as possible from Sebastian Adick, and when she had run enough, she stopped and began to cry. It seemed all so hopeless. The Duchess was wrong. True love would not find a way after all. How could it, with her parents and the Earl standing in her way?

  The tears fell thick and fast.


  His voice was soft.


  Soon, he was at her side and she was in his arms.

  “Oh Jack. What are we to do? My father will never accept you, and I fear he has already promised me to the Earl. What are we to do?”

  Jack Parnell held her tightly in his strong arms.

  “Oh my love, I have been thinking all evening. There is only one thing for it. We must elope. I have enough money saved and we can head for Gretna Green. We could be married before the week is out. Now, what do you say? Will you come away with me tonight?”

  Isobel’s heart beat fast. Everything was happening so quickly.

  “But how should we live, Jack?”

  “Once we are married, I shall write to a distant cousin of my mother’s. He is the Duke of Leicester and bought me my commission in the Army. I hardly know the man. My mother died when I was young. She was his favorite cousin and I am sure he will help us. I know I am only an officer now, Izzie, but I hope to be promoted to major before the year is out. That shall be enough for us to live on for a start.”

  The young man had thought everything through. They could catch the early morning mail coach to Scotland. They would be away, before anyone was awake. Hopefully, it would be too late for anyone to stop them before they figured out where they had gone. It would take two to three days to get there and they could stay at the Coaching Inns along the way.

  All Isobel needed to do was to pack a few items of clothing and to sneak out of the house unnoticed and meet him at four in the morning, just before dawn. It all sounded so simple.

  The girl trembled in his arms. She was afraid, but agreed to meet him as
he said.

  “Now, my love, you must go back to the Ball and pretend everything is all right. Do not let anyone suspect what you or I are planning. Do you promise? Not a word to anyone, even your cousin.”

  Isobel nodded.

  “Then wipe your tears and go back inside, my love. I will be waiting for you. Until then.”

  With a final kiss on her hand, he released his hold, and stepped back into the trees.

  “Until then, my love.”


  Isobel took several deep breaths to steady her nerves, before she had the courage to return indoors. Her hands were shaking, as she stepped back through the doors and into the Ballroom. Her mother rushed towards her as soon as she entered.

  “Izzie, where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you. Your father is most annoyed by your behavior. You must come with me at once and make amends with Lord Adick. How could you disgrace us in such a way? Now, you must come and apologize at once, and this time, you must dance with the man.”

  Everything around her felt like a dream. She did not care as her mother took her hand and led her back to where the Earl was waiting, talking to one of his men. Her secret protected her from the outside world. She didn’t even care when Sebastian Adick took her hand for the promised dance. Instead, she smiled graciously at him.

  “I am glad you managed to see sense, my dear. Now you must not feel overwhelmed in my presence again. You had your mother quite worried; she wondered what had happened to you. Where have you been all of this time, Miss Channing?”

  The lies came easily.

  “I am sorry, sir. I was indeed a little overcome and needed some air, that is all. I stood on the terrace for a while.”

  “That is quite interesting. I looked for you myself out there, my dear, but could not find you.”

  Isobel thought for a moment.

  “I may have wandered into the garden for a while, sir.”

  His hand suddenly tightened on her arm, as he swung around to face her.

  “Were you in the garden alone, Miss Channing?”


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