Reality Check

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by Sophie Martin

  Reality 2

  Reality Check

  When Jiminy Jones went to spy on Dominic Sawyer he didn’t think his actions through. He only wanted to check if the private investigator was a trustworthy human that could help Jimmy find his brother. But as Dominic accidently gets dosed with Jimmy’s mating dust, the two men get in a lot of trouble.

  Dominic's learning of the existence of paranormals is just the beginning of their journey. A rescue mission for Jimmy’s brother, meeting Tyler and his men and then finding out Jason’s father is a god, all of it leaves Jimmy and Dom not nearly enough time to explore the feelings that start blooming in them.

  Can the two men defeat all obstacles on their path and start a relationship? Will Dominic turn into a crazed monster? And what about becoming addicted to the mating dust? The trials are many but Dominic and Jim will work together to find their happily ever after.

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 49,866 words


  Reality 2

  Sophie Martin



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2015 by Sophie Martin

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-779-4

  First E-book Publication: January 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For all those who supported me and believed in me. Thank you.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author


  Reality 2


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Dominic entered his apartment tired and wanting nothing more than to have a nice, hot shower. He didn’t even bother with going to his bedroom first. He went into the bathroom and started the spray, letting it warm up while he undressed. He stepped under the stream of hot water and sighed with pleasure. If he never had to spy on another cheating spouse, it would still be too early.

  Dominic had left the military several months prior and taken a temporary job as a private investigator, helping a family friend in his business. Unfortunately, as Dominic soon learned, a PI’s main job was taking photos of cheating spouses. It wasn’t glorious, it wasn’t exciting, and it could be downright boring and disgusting. After a few mere months, he was ready to quit. The only thing preventing him was the fact he had nothing better to do.

  Dominic dismissed his gloomy thoughts as he finished washing his tightly cropped hair and exited the shower. He shot a fast look into the bathroom mirror and saw that his olive-skinned face wore a big scowl. Nothing new there. It seemed to be his permanent expression of late. Dominic grabbed a towel from its rack and left the bathroom, drying himself on the way. His apartment wasn’t big, two bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen that opened into a dining-slash-living room. It wasn’t big or fancy, but it was his and he liked it. He went straight to his bedroom, intending to grab some jogging pants.

  As soon as he passed the door, he sensed something weird with the room, though. He scanned the room quickly but didn’t seen anything unusual or out of place. Still he’d always had good instincts and right now they screamed at him that someone was in his room. There weren’t many places where a person could hide in the room. Dominic didn’t show that he noticed something amiss. He knew the best way to catch whoever was watching him was to behave as normal as possible and then surprise them when they let their guard down.

  Dominic outstretched his arms above him and stretched his tired muscles. Sitting in the same position in a car all day while following another cheating bastard made him rather stiff. He closed his eyes and reveled in the loosening of his muscles as he stretched. He felt his towel sliding down, but it didn’t bother him. If the person watching him thought he was defenseless because he was naked, all the better for him. His towel slid another inch or so down, and that’s when Dominic noticed something else that was odd. He was half-hard. Now that he thought about it, he was this way since he entered his bedroom. Dom was really surprised.

  It wasn’t that he had any erectile problems or anything, no. His equipment worked just fine, thank you very much. But the truth was, he hasn’t been using it all that often, lately. He tried to think back to the last time he jerked off. Was it a month back? Six weeks? He wasn’t sure. Dom wasn’t one for random hook-ups, and not being a very social person—understatement of the century—he didn’t see a chance of a relationship in his near future. So he was restricted to self-pleasuring, and since his sex drive wasn’t
all that big…Dominic frowned at those thoughts.

  The towel slipped down to the floor and a sharp intake of breath came from the small space between his wardrobe and wall. Dominic ignored it, pretending not to hear anything. He bent to pick his towel up and threw it on a chair in the corner. He then walked casually to the closet as if to retrieve his clothes. He avoided looking straight into that tight space where somebody was hiding, not wanting to alert the person he was on to them.

  As soon as Dominic was in front of the closet, he shot out his arm, grabbed the invisible intruder, and yanked hard, spinning around at the same time and taking the person with him. The person was very light and they both flew several feet and landed on the bed.

  Dominic pinned the squirming intruder to the bed underneath him. As they were, the stranger’s chest was flat on Dom’s bed while his knees rested on the floor. Dominic rested half on top of him, hips to hips pinning the intruder’s top half to the bed. Dominic took a deep breath to release some of the tension from the struggle while still staying in focused. He looked down at his captive and…

  “What the fuck! Are these wings?”

  * * * *

  Jiminy Jones was in deep trouble. Well, that wasn’t news, really. He’d been in trouble since his brother’s disappearance. Then his friend Tyler went to help him looking for Jim’s twin Timiny, and disappeared himself. When he finally got back in contact with Jim, he had some terrifying news. It looked like Tim had gotten kidnapped by human traffickers and sold as a slave, and the same thing almost happened to Ty. Fortunately Ty got then rescued by a mysterious man and went to live with him. But they discovered the hard way that Ty wasn’t any good at spying and investigating, and neither was Jim.

  Jiminy’s next move was to contact a paranormal private investigator, but his trouble didn’t end there. As soon as he found the guy, he learned that the man was tangled in some very complicated case and wouldn’t be able to help him for at least six months. Jiminy couldn’t wait that long.

  He’d felt urgency creeping up his back in the form of a cold shiver. He and Timiny weren’t paranormal twins for nothing. They had this mysterious twin bond everybody kept talking about. Jim knew Tim didn’t have much more time left. He needed some professional help and he needed it now. When the paranormal PI gave him the business card of his acquaintance, with whom he had worked cases before, Jiminy was hopeful.

  Still, he never had much luck, so he shouldn’t have been surprised when he learned that said acquaintance was currently in a hospital and somebody else was helping out with investigations. It was the hospitalized man’s family member, so Jim, who was getting desperate right then, decided to take a risk. He wanted and needed the man’s help, but first he needed to learn what kind of person he was.

  That’s how he found himself breaking into Dominic Sawyer’s apartment and hiding in a dark corner of his bedroom. Jiminy wanted to observe the man in a familiar environment, wanted to get a feel for him, to see if he could trust him. He had to wait a few hours for the owner of the apartment to come back from work. What he didn’t expect, though, was to see the man buckass naked. He couldn’t have contained his gasp if his life depended on it.

  The man was magnificent. He was tall, probably six three or close to it, he had a toned body with a swimmer’s build, and his cock… It was half-hard and slightly jutting out of its nest of dark curls. Jim felt his eyes growing huge and his mouth salivating. His fingers actually itched to touch and explore the beautiful body before him. The man started moving toward him—or more probably toward the closet—and Jim had an insane urge to reach with his hand and touch that hot, damp skin. He didn’t get a chance.

  As soon as the man was maybe a step before him, he shot out his hand with the speed of an attacking snake, grabbed Jiminy, and pulled him out of his hiding place. The bigger man’s strength was so great that they whirled, almost flying through air before they landed on the bed. Jiminy face-planted into soft bedding and cursed himself silently for his stupid ideas.

  He wasn’t the most cautious person in the world, he knew that. He was impulsive, acting without thinking more often than not. It was his brother who balanced him. Timiny was the quiet one, the thinker. Jim was hotheaded and his rash actions had landed him and his twin in trouble more than once. Tim would more than probably have dissuaded him from the spying-on-private-investigator idea. But Timmy wasn’t there. He was lost, caught by some paranormal human traffickers, and Jim was the only one that could help him. Now, lying pinned to the bed by the most handsome man he’d ever met, Jim wished more than ever to have his brother back.

  The man kept him immobile, his body hot where it touched Jim’s bare skin. Jiminy was so surprised by what happened that he didn’t even start to struggle. It wasn’t until he heard the private investigator speaking that he realized what deep shit he’d landed himself in this time.

  “What the fuck!” exclaimed the man “Are these wings?”

  * * * *

  When Jimmy decided to pull the whole spying stunt, he knew he’d need all the extra advantages he could get. After all, the man he was about to spy on was a private investigator, so he should be able to recognize when someone had broken into his apartment. That was why Jim decided to use his fey powers.

  Fey were magical creatures and, as a race, had lots of different abilities. Unfortunately, the Jones brothers did not belong to the most powerful of their kind. They were pixies, which meant they were on the bottom of the totem pole. They were also very young for fey, so while older pixies could gather a considerable amount of power, Jiminy and his brother had barely any. Jim could, with some effort, make himself invisible. But he wasn’t very good at it. He had to stay as still as possible once he did, preferably in a dark corner, somewhere where light would not shimmer on his glamour and ruin it. Also, as their magic was directly connected to their wings, pixies, especially young ones, had to have their wings unrestrained while casting glamour.

  That was why Jim found himself squashed into a tiny space in Dominic Sawyer’s bedroom, not wearing any shirt. And that was why said Dominic Sawyer was asking him about those wings. And that was the reason Jim was starting to panic. Because pixies’ wings were not only directly connected to their magic, they were also directly connected to other things, and when people got too close to a pixie’s wings, things could turn ugly and fast.

  * * * *

  “Um, yeah. Could you please not touch them?” Jimmy mumbled, the sound somehow smothered by the bedding he had his head plastered into.

  “What the fuck, man? Why would you glue wings to your back? And how do you move them? And more importantly, what the hell are you doing in my apartment?”

  Jim felt his wings flutter. They always did when he got nervous. And right now, he was more than nervous. He was on the verge of panic. Let him not touch my wings, he prayed silently. Please, please, don’t touch my wings. Aloud, he said, “It’s kind of a long story. Could we possibly have this conversation in a more comfortable position?” He didn’t have much hope the man would agree, but it was still worth a shot.

  “Not gonna happen,” answered the man, confirming his suspicions. “Now, tell me, why did you break into my apartment, hide in my bedroom, and were spying on me?” His voice was deceptively calm but got more angered with the last sentences. “Who the hell are you, and what do you want? And what’s with these wings?”

  He finished, and suddenly Jiminy felt all his fears confirmed. The man touched his wings. Jim couldn’t hold back a sigh, followed by a moan.

  “Wow,” said Dominic as if to himself. “They’re soft. Like silk. And warm. Not cold and scaly or stiff like I thought they would be,” he continued, still caressing the edge of Jim’s wing between his thumb and forefinger. Then he started moving his hand along the top edge. “And it has this…” The man’s voice started wavering slightly and he started speaking in short, interrupted sentences. “This shimmer. It’s like a glitter, but not. It’s…What’s happening to me?” he asked suddenly. Ji
miny could hardly answer him.

  It was true that pixies’ wings were directly connected to their inner magic. But what was a less known fact was that their wings’ primary purpose was to attract possible mates. When stimulated by simply being stroked, the wings produced a substance that was commonly and incorrectly known as fairy dust. It indeed looked kind of like the fine, powdery dust covering butterflies’ wings but it was pearlier, shimmery, and had way more power.

  The fairy dust, when in contact with a human or paranormal’s skin, entered through it into the bloodstream and worked as an aphrodisiac. It wasn’t that bad for a human. The only thing they got was a minor reaction to their libido. It was almost like getting a strong dose of pheromones but it didn’t have the druglike effect it had on paranormals.

  For a paranormal, though, fairy dust could be extremely dangerous. Once the dust was produced and it got into a person’s bloodstream, it turned into a powerful drug. Sure, it had all those incredible effects, but as any drug, it was addictive. Being more powerful than any other known drug, it was also much more addictive. Some could get hooked from just one dose

  The main idea was for the pixie to attract as many prospective partners as possible, then try and dust them. If the person was incompatible, they used a small spell and rendered them useless as a mate. There was also the other side of the coin. If the pixie chose their mate, their one perfect life partner, they could mate with them properly, thus making them even stronger when they were regularly dusted, and by completing mating with the fey, they got immune to addiction as well.


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