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by Murder At Hazelmoor aka The Sittaford Mystery (lit)

  splintered from the outside to give the appearance of


  Pollock examined the latch of the window closely, uttering

  an ejaculation to himself as he did so.

  "You are right, sir," he said with respect in his voice.

  "Who'd have thought of that now!"


  Agatha Christie

  "Someone who wishes to throw dust in our eyes--and

  hasn't succeeded."

  Sergeant Pollock was grateful for the "our." In such

  small ways did Inspector Narracott endear himself to his


  "Then it wasn't burglary. You mean, sir, it was an

  inside job."

  Inspector Narracott nodded. "Yes," he said. "The only

  curious thing is, though, that I think the murderer did

  actually enter by the window. As you and Graves reported,

  and as I can still see for myself, there are damp

  patches still visible where the snow melted and was trodden

  in by the murderer's boots. These damp patches are

  only in this room. Constable Graves was quite positive

  that there was nothing of the kind in the hall when he

  and Dr. Warren passed through it. In this room he noticed

  them immediately. In that case it seems clear that

  the murderer was admitted by Captain Trevelyan through

  the window. Therefore it must have been someone whom

  Captain Trevelyan knew. You are a local man, Sergeant,

  can you tell the if Captain Trevelyan was a man who

  made enemies easily?"

  "No, sir, I should say he hadn't an enemy in the world.

  A bit keen on money, and a bit of a martinet--wouldn't

  stand for any slackness or incivility--but bless my soul

  he was respected for that."

  "No enemies," said Narracott thoughtfully.

  "Not here, that is."

  "Very true--we don't know that enemies he may have

  made during his naval career. It's my experience, Sergeant,

  that a nan who makes enemies in one place will


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  make them in another, but I agree that we can't put that

  possibility entirely aside. We come logically now to the

  next motive--the most common motive for every

  crime--gain. Captain Trevelyan was, I understand, a

  rich man?"

  "Very warm indeed by all accounts. But close. Not an

  easy man to touch for a subscription.'

  "Ah!" said Narracott thoughtfully.

  "Pity it snowed as it did," said the Sergeant. "But for

  that we'd have had his footprints as something to go on."

  "There was no one else in the house?" asked the Inspector.

  "No. For the last five years Captain Trevelyan has only

  had one servant--retired naval chap. Up at Sittaford

  House a woman came in daily, but this chap, Evans,

  cooked and looked after his master. About a month ago

  he got married--much to the Captain's annoyance. I

  believe that's one of the reasons he let Sittaford House

  to this South African lady. He wouldn't have any woman

  living in the house. Evans lives just round the corner here

  in Fore Street with his wife, and comes in daily to do

  for his master. I've got him here now for you to see. His

  statement is that he left here at half past two yesterday

  afternoon, the Captain having no further need for him.'

  "Yes, I shall want to see him. He may be able to tell

  us something--useful."

  Sergeant Pollock looked at his superior officer curiously.

  There was something so odd about his tone.

  "You think--" he began.

  "I think," said Inspector Narracott deliberately, "that

  there's a lot more in this case than meets the eye."


  Agatha Christie

  "In what way, sir?"

  But the Inspector refused to be drawn.

  "You say this man, Evans, is here now?"

  "He's waiting in the dining-room."

  "Good, I'll see him straight away. What sort of a fellow

  is he?"

  Sergeant Pollock was better at reporting facts than at

  descriptive accuracy.

  "He's a retired naval chap. Ugly customer in a scrap, I should say."

  "Does he drink?"

  "Never been the worse for it that I know of."

  "What about this wife of his? Not a fancy of the Cap-rain's

  or anything of that sort?"

  "Oh! no, sir, nothing of that kind about Captain Trevelyan.

  He wasn't that kind at all. He was known as a

  woman hater, if anything."

  "And Evans was supposed to be devoted to his master?''

  "That's the general idea, sir, and I think it would be

  known if he wasn't. Exhampton's a small place."

  Inspector Narracott nodded.

  "Well," he said, "there's nothing more to be seen here.

  I'll interview Evans and I'll take a look at the rest of the

  house and after that we will go over to the Three Crowns

  and see this Major Burnaby. That remark of his about

  the time was curious. Twenty-five minutes past five, eh?

  He must know something he hasn't told, or why should

  he suggest the time of the crime so accurately."

  The two men moved toward the door.

  "It's a rum business," said Sergeant Pollock, his eye


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  wandering to the littered floor. "All this burglary fake!"

  "It's not that that strikes me as odd," said Narracott,

  "under the eiremnstanees it was probably the natural

  thing to do. No--what strikes me as odd is the window."

  "The window, sir?"

  "Yes. Why should the murderer go to the window?

  Assuming it was someone Trevelyan knew and admitted

  without question, why not go to the front door? To get

  round to this window from the road on a night like last

  night would have been a difficult and unpleasant pro-ceeding

  with the snow lying as thick as it does. Yet, there

  must have been seine reason."

  "Perhaps," suggested Pollock, "the man didn't want

  to be seen turning into the house from the road."

  "There wouldn't be many people about yesterday af-ternoon

  to see him. Nobody who could help it was out

  of doors. No--there's some other reason. Well, perhaps

  it will come to light in due course."


  5. Evans

  -r H E ¥ found Evans waiting in the dining-room. He

  rose respectfully on their entrance.

  He was a short thick-set man. He had very long arms

  and a habit of standing with his hands half clenched. He

  was clean shaven with small, rather piglike eyes, yet he

  had a look of cheerfulness and efficiency that redeemed

  his bulldog appearance.

  Inspector Narracott mentally tabulated his irpressions.

  "Intelligent. Shrewd and practical. Looks rattled."

  Then he spoke:

  "You're Evans, eh?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Christian names?"

  "Robert Henry."

  "Ah! Now what do you know about this business?"

  "Not a thing, sir. It's fair knocked me over. To think

  of the Capting being done in!"

  "When did you last see your master?"

  "Two o'clock I should say it was, sir. I cleared away

  the lunch things an
d laid the table here as you see for

  supper. The Capting, he told me as I needn't come back."

  "What do you usually do?"

  "As a general rule, I come back about seven for a

  couple of hours. Not always--sometimes the Capting

  would say as I needn't."


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  "Then you weren't surprised when he told you that

  yesterday you wouldn't be wanted again?"

  "No, sir. I didn't come back the evening before

  either--on account of the weather. Very considerate

  gentleman, the Capting was, as long as you didn't try to

  shirk things. I knew him and his ways pretty well."

  "What exactly did he say?"

  "Well, he looked out of the window and he says, 'Not

  a hope of Burnaby today.' 'Shouldn't wonder,' he says,

  'if Sittaford isn't cut off altogether. Don't remember such

  a winter since I was a boy.' That was his friend Major

  Burnaby over to Sittaford that he was referring to. Always

  comes on a Friday, he does, he and the Capting play

  chess and do acrostics. And on Tuesdays the Capting

  would go to Major Burnaby's. Very regular in his habits

  was the Capting. Then he said to me: 'You can go now,

  Evans, and you needn't come till tomorrow morning.'"

  "Apart from his reference to Major Burnaby, he didn't

  speak of expecting anyone that afternoon?"

  "No, sir, not a word."

  "There was nothing unusual or different in any way in


  his manner.

  "No, sir, not that I could see."

  "Ah! Now I understand, Evans, that you have lately

  got married."

  "Yes, sir. Mrs. Belling's daughter at the Three Crowns.

  Matter of two months ago, sir."

  "And Captain Trevelyan was not overpleased about


  A very faint grin appeared for a moment on Evans'



  Agatha Christie

  "Cut up rough about it, he did, the Captingo My Rebecca

  is a fine girl, sir, and a very good cook. And I

  hoped we might have been able to do for the Capting

  together, but he--he wouldn't hear of it. Said he wouldn't

  have women servants about his house. In fact, sir, things

  were rather at a deadlock when this South African lady

  came along and wanted to take Sittaford House for the

  winter. The Capting he rented this place, I came in to

  do for him every day, and I don't mind telling you, sir,

  that I had been hoping that by the end of the winter the

  Capting would have come round to the idea; and that

  me and Rebecca would go back to Sittaford with him.

  Why, he would never even know she was in the house.

  She would keep to the kitchen, and she would manage

  so that he would never meet her on the stairs."

  "Have you any idea what lay behind Captain Trevelyan's

  dislike of women?"

  "Nothing to it, sir. Just an 'abit, sir, that's all. I have

  seen many a gentleman like it before. If you ask me, it's

  nothing more or less than shyness. Some young lady or

  other gives them a snub when they are young--and they

  gets the 'abit."

  "Captain Trevelyan was not married?"

  "No, indeed, sir."

  "What relations had he? Do you know?"

  "I believe he had a sister living at Exeter, sir, and I

  think I have heard him mention a nephev or nephews."

  "None of them ever came to see him?"

  "No, sir. I think he quarreled with his sister at Exeter." "Do you know her name?"


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  "Gardner, I think, sir, but I wouldn't be sure." "You don't know her address?"

  "I'm 'afraid I don't, sir."

  "Well, doubtless we shall come across that in looking

  through Captain Trevelyan's papers. Now, Evans, what

  were you yourself doing from four o'clock onwards yesterday afternoon?"

  "I was at home, sir."

  Where s home?"

  "Just round the corner, sir, 85 Fore Street."

  "You didn't go out at all?"

  "Not likely, sir. Why, the snow was coming down a

  Fair treat."

  "Yes, yes. Is there anyone who can support your statement?"

  "Beg pardon, sir."

  "Is there anyone who knows that you were at home

  during that time?"

  "My wife, sir."

  "She and you were alone in the house?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Well, well, I have no doubt that's all right. That will

  be all for the present, Evans."

  The ex-sailor hesitated. He shifted from one foot to

  the other.

  "Anything I can do here, sir--in the way of tidying


  "No--the whole place is to be left exactly as it is for

  the present."

  "I see."


  Agatha Christie

  "You had better wait, though, until I have had a look

  round," said Narracott, "in case there might be any question

  I want to ask you."

  "Very good, sir."

  Inspector Narracott transferred his gaze from Evans

  to the room.

  The interview had taken place in the dining-room. On

  the table an evening meal was set out. A cold tongue,

  pickles, a Stilton cheese and biscuits, and on a gas ring

  by the fire a saucepan containing soup. On the sideboard

  was a tantalus, a soda water siphon, and two bottles of

  beer. There was also an immense array of silver cups

  and with them--a rather incongruous item, three very

  new looking novels.

  Inspector Narracott examined one or two of the cups

  and read the inscriptions on them.

  "Bit a sportsman, Captain Trevelyan," he observed.

  "Yes, indeed, sir," said Evans. "Been an athlete all

  his life, he had."

  Inspector Narracott read the titles of the novels.

  "Love Turns the Key," "The Merry Men of Lincoln,"

  "Love's Prisoner."

  "H'm," he remarked. "The Captain's taste in literature

  seems somewhat incongruous."

  "Oh! that, sir." Evans laughed. "That's not for reading,

  sir. That's the prizes he won in these Railway Pictures

  Names Competitions. Ten solutions the Capting sent in

  under different names, including mine, because he said

  85 Fore Street was a likely address to give a prize to!

  The commoner your name and address the more likely

  you were to get a prize in the Capting's opinion. And


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  sure enough a prize I got--but not the 2, pounds oo, only three

  new novels--and the kind of novels, in my opinion, that

  no one would ever pay money for in a shop."

  Narracott smiled, then again mentioning that Evans

  was to wait, he proceeded on his tour of inspection.

  There was a large kind of cupboard in one corner of the

  room. It was almost a small room in itself. Here, packed

  in unceremoniously, were two pairs of skis, a pair of sculls

  mounted, ten or twelve hippopotamus tusks, rods and

  lines and various fishing tackle including a book of flies,

  a bag of golf clubs, a tennis racket, an elephant's foot

  stuffed and mounted and a tiger skin. It was clear that,

bsp; when Captain Trevelyan had let Sittaford House fur-nished,

  he had removed his most precious possessions,

  distrustful of female influence.

  "Funny idea--to bring all this with him," said the

  Inspector. "The house was only let for a few months,

  wasn't it?"

  "That's right, sir."

  "Surely these things could have been locked up at

  Sittaford House?"

  For the second time in the course of the interview,

  Evans grinned.

  "That would have been much the easiest way of doing

  it," he agreed. "Not that there are many cupboards at

  Sittaford House. The architect and the Capting planned

  it together, and it takes a female to understand the value

  of cupboard room. Still, as you say, sir, that would have

  been the common-sense thing to do. Carting them down

  here was a job--I should say it was a job! But there, the

  Capting couldn't bear the idea of anyone messing around


  Agatha Christie

  with his things. And lock things up as you will, he says,

  a woman will always find a way of getting in. It's curiosity,

  he says. Better not lock them up at all if you don't want

  her to handle them, he says. But best of all, take them

  along, and then you're sure to be on the safe side. So

  take 'em along we did, and as I say, it was a job, and

  came expensive too. But there, those things of the Cap-ting's

  was like his children."

  Evans paused out of breath.

  Inspector Narracott nodded thoughtfully. There was

  another point on which he wanted information, and it


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