My Best Friend's Dad

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My Best Friend's Dad Page 76

by Bella Winters

  Alex hooted with laughter. “You have no reason to be nervous,” he said, chuckling. He glanced over his shoulder at his sister, pouting in the backseat. “She’s the one who oughta be nervous,” he added. “Rob hates slobs.”

  Rebecca rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. “I knew this was a bad idea,” she muttered under her breath. “Where the hell are we going, anyway?”

  “La Casa Pasta,” Alex said.

  “Oh, I’ve always wanted to go there,” I said, both in a futile attempt to break up the tension between Alex and my best friend and out of genuine excitement. “I love Italian food.”

  Alex put his hand on my knee and squeezed as he smirked. “I figured,” he muttered under his breath.

  There it was – another one of those ambiguous remarks. Was he trying to please me, or was he making a fat joke? I could never tell with him.

  Rebecca yawned in the back seat. “Well, whatever this is, it can’t take too long,” she said. “I’m so tired I feel like I’m going to fall asleep in my fettucine.”

  “Don’t even start trying to get out of this,” Alex said. “You know how much Rob likes you.”

  “Guys,” I said. “I know you fight all the time – it’s like an Olympic sport for you both! But can you just give it a rest tonight? I really want to have a good time and I don’t think that’s going to be possible if you’re screaming down each other’s throats all night.”

  Alex squeezed my knee even harder. A delicious thrill shot up my back and I shivered. How was this night going to end? Would he drop me off at home, with Rebecca? Or would he take me back to his apartment? And once we were there…what would he do with me?

  “Relax,” Alex said. “Rebecca and I can play nice when we want to – think of whenever we’re alone with our parents!”

  I forced a laugh. The idea wasn’t funny to me, to be honest. I was starting to think this whole thing had been a mistake. How much longer could I juggle the two most important people in my life – how the heck was I going to pull this off without ruining my relationship with Rebecca?

  “Yeah, Molly, don’t worry about it,” Rebecca said. “We’ll be fine.”

  Alex pulled into the parking lot of a swanky restaurant and double-parked. He smirked at me before climbing out of the car and sauntering inside. Rebecca and I followed. I pulled at the skirt of my dress, trying to make it fit me the same way it had looked on the mannequin. The mannequin in the store hadn’t looked fat – she’d been beautiful, with curves like Christina Hendricks. But when I caught a glimpse of myself in a foyer mirror, I realized I looked awful.

  “This was a bad idea,” I said to Rebecca, as we waited for the maître d. “I’m really sorry if I put you in a bad spot.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said darkly. “Everything will be fine.”

  Alex was nowhere to be seen. Neither did I see Rob, Alex’s friend, lurking anywhere inside the plush red velvet and gold interior. The maître d showed Rebecca and me to a table, sniffing and looking down his nose at us. Another frumpy couple of virgins, I thought, trying to read his mind. He’s probably disappointed that we’re not hot girls.

  “This place really is nice,” Rebecca mused under her breath as she picked up a menu. “Where the hell did my brother run off to?”

  “I have no idea,” I said anxiously, glancing around for Alex’s handsome, tall, muscular frame. “I don’t see him anywhere.”

  Rebecca and I sat nervously for ten minutes before Alex and Rob appeared. They both had drinks from the bar in their hands, and Rob was red in the face.

  “He looks drunk,” Rebecca hissed. “What the hell, Alex?”

  Rob shrugged. “I ain’t drunk, baby,” he said. “Can I call you baby?”

  I suppressed the urge to groan as Rebecca rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever,” Rebecca said. “Sure. I don’t care.”

  Alex snickered. “See, sis? You’re pretty damn agreeable after all!”

  The table fell into a frosty silence. Alex was sitting across from me, with Rob and Rebecca on either side. I was disappointed – I hadn’t exactly been expecting him to grope me the same way he had at the bar that night, but I’d still sort of been hoping for that. I shivered at the memory of the intense pleasure seizing my body, making me helpless as orgasms ripped viciously through my wet pussy.

  “Well, how does wine sound?” Rob asked, eyeing Rebecca. “What do you girls like to drink?”

  Rebecca shrugged. “Anything,” she said dryly. “As long as it comes soon.”

  Rob laughed. “I think we can handle that. Alex?”

  The sommelier appeared and Alex ordered an expensive bottle of Syrah. I normally didn’t like red wines – they made me flushed, itchy, and sleepy from the first sip – but I’d never gotten drunk around Alex before, and part of me was excited to see if it would make the sex even more fun.

  “Molly, can you come with me for a moment?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow from across the table.

  “Don’t go,” Rebecca said. She glared at me. “Come on,” she hissed under her breath. “Don’t leave me alone with this creep!”

  “It’ll be fine,” I said. I was unable to resist the siren song of Alex and his charms, pulling me close like the mermaids pulled the ship of Odysseus. “I’ll be right back, I’m sure he just wants to talk.”

  I pushed my chair back against the plush carpet and stood up, wobbling in my high heels. I almost never wore shoes like this, but the woman at the shop had told me they’d make my calves and butt look fantastic. I wasn’t sure if the desired effect had come out, but at least I was a little taller.

  I followed Alex across the restaurant, into the narrow corridor where the bathrooms where. He put a finger over his lips, gesturing for me to be quiet as he led me inside one of the bathrooms and locked the door. The bathroom was nice – clean, and there was even a little couch to the side.

  “What are you doing?” I hissed quietly.

  Alex wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, kissing me intensely. He tasted like whiskey and spice and I melted in his arms, gently sucking his tongue and lower lip in the way I knew he liked. I moaned softly as Alex ran his hands down my back and squeezed my ass, sending pleasurable sensations racing through my body.

  “God, Molly, you look so hot,” Alex whispered. He trailed his hands down my body until they were on my thighs. Hiking my dress up to my waist, he ripped my new panties away from my body and threw the tattered material on the floor of the bathroom. I gasped as he slipped his hand between my legs and pulled it out, sniffing his fingers. He smirked at me and shoved his fingers into my mouth. Closing my eyes, I sucked my juices from his digits, savoring the musky taste of my own pussy.

  “Good girl,” Alex purred, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. Leaning forward, I kissed and bit his neck, sucking gently and moving down to the collar of his shirt. I put my arms around him and pulled him close as I kissed and nibbled, enjoying the salty taste of his own skin.

  Alex fondled and groped my breasts through my dress. My nipples were stiff and I was only wearing a thin bra of lace and sheer fabric. I’d picked it out in the hope of impressing Alex, and I tilted my head back and moaned softly as he tugged my dress away from my shoulders and lowered his head, suckling at my nipples through the thin material. Fire raced in my loins and I was shaking and quaking with lust and pleasure when Alex pulled his head away. The blood was pumping fast through my veins and I shuddered as Alex slid his hand between my legs once more and gently rubbed my pussy. I spread my legs, my heels braced against the floor. I was already feeling weak from standing so I leaned against the wall, letting it support me while Alex fingered me.

  “Do you want me to fuck you,” Alex groaned, leaning close and biting my earlobe as his fingers flicked over my hard clit. “Tell me you want me to fuck you, Molly.”

  I sighed with pleasure and moaned softly. “I want you to fuck me,” I said. “Do it right now, Alex.”

  “Turn around,” Alex

  “What? Why?”

  “Do as you’re told,” Alex grunted. “I’m going to fuck you from behind.”

  A nervous chill ran down my spine as I turned around and faced the wall, bracing myself with my hands. Alex spanked my butt and I cried out as pain mingled with the intense pleasure flowing through my body like honey. He spanked me again and this time, I leaned into it, maximizing the impact of his hand.

  “You’ve been a very, very bad girl,” Alex growled. He pressed me further to the wall, whispering in my ear. I could feel his hard cock poking my butt through the fabric of his pants. “And I’m going to fuck you now, just to show you how bad you’ve really been.”

  A shiver of anticipation ran through me and I shuddered as I heard the clinking and rustling of Alex fumbling with his belt and then dropped his pants. He grabbed me by the hips and pulled my ass out to meet him.

  “Arch your back,” Alex growled. “Give me full access to that wet pussy.”

  I did as he said. It was uncomfortable, especially in heels, but I managed to stay upright as I leaned against the wall and shoved my ass against Alex.

  I gasped as the head of Alex’s cock poked my butt. Shivering, I wriggled and tried to squirm away but Alex held me firm. As he entered me, I moaned slowly. It felt intense – even more intense than when he’d fucked me while he’d been on top. But it felt good, like he was going deeper than before, and I moaned again when he was buried deep inside of me.

  “Good girl,” Alex cajoled. He tangled his hand in my hand and yanked. I cried out – again, pain flooded my body and mingled with the intense pleasure and arousal that I felt. “You’re a very, very good girl, Molly.”

  “I thought I was bad,” I whispered.

  Alex spanked me again. With his cock inside of me, it felt even more delicious than before. Then he began to thrust in and out of me, grabbing my hips as it grew more intense. My breath was coming in short little pants and I moaned and arched my back even further. My thighs were shaking from the effort of holding myself up and I couldn’t keep from trembling as Alex’s cock fucked me over and over.

  “Oh my god,” I whimpered. Alex took one hand from my waist and I gasped when I felt his fingers stroking my butt cheeks. He parted my globes and dipped his fingers inside, gently rubbing them against my tight, puckered hole.

  “I want you to finger your clit,” Alex whispered in my ear. “Can you do that for me.”

  I nodded shakily and took one hand away from the wall, sliding it down my body until I found my clit. I’d never masturbated in the past – at least, not to orgasm. I always felt ashamed and stopped before it happened. But this was different – this was sex, and I wanted to please Alex. Whatever he told me to do, I’d do it. I found my hard little nub and started rubbing my finger across it, moaning loudly as my pleasure ramped up.

  Alex groaned and grunted as he slammed against me. His finger at my butt grew more insistent and I moaned as I felt the tip of his finger slide inside and disappear inside my most secret place. Moaning loudly, I bit my lip as my orgasm crested over my head like a tidal wave.

  “Oh my god,” I shrieked, tossing my sweaty hair as my orgasm broke inside of me. It was so intense that tears filled my eyes. Between Alex’s finger in my butt, his cock in my pussy, and my own self-pleasuring, it was easily the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. My lungs ached and suddenly I realized I’d been holding my breath. Gasping for air, I took my hand away from my clit and steadied myself against the wall.

  “Molly, baby, I’m gonna come,” Alex groaned. He thrust inside of me deeper than ever before and stopped for a second. Then I felt his cock start to twitch and pulse as he gushed cum deep inside of my waiting pussy.

  For a moment, we stayed locked together. Then Alex slid out and I exhaled shakily, wiping my hand on my thigh and pulling my dress down. When I turned from the wall to face Alex, I saw he was red-faced and sweaty, but grinning.

  “Wow,” I said softly.

  Alex whistled as he pulled up his boxers and pants. Then he walked over to the sink and washed his hands. “Not that I don’t love the smell of your ass,” he said with a smirk.

  I blushed hotly, then took his place at the sink and did the same.

  “That was bad,” I said, blushing even deeper. I picked up my torn underwear from the floor and threw them away. “What I am supposed to do about that,” I said, giggling. “I didn’t bring a spare pair!”

  Alex smirked. “Good,” he said. “I like thinking about you sitting across from me with your pussy exposed. Open your legs under the table and I’ll drop my fork.”

  “Eek!” I gasped. “You wouldn’t!”

  Alex grinned as he straightened his clothes. “You should wash your face,” he said. “You look pretty red. See you at the table, Molly.” Then he unlocked the bathroom door and sauntered out, whistling as he walked.

  I bent over the sink and splashed cool water over my face, enjoying the soothing sensation. That was so bad, I thought. It was the first time I’d done anything even remotely like that – it made Alex fingering me at the bar seem like elementary school antics. After I dried my face with a coarse paper towel, I headed back to the table with a big grin smeared across my face.

  “Where’s Rebecca?” I asked as I sat down. “Did she get up to use the bathroom?”

  Rob snickered. “From what I hear, at least one of them was pretty occupied,” he said, snorting.

  I blushed and looked down. “Really, it’s not like her,” I said, pulling my phone from my bag and checking it for a text or call. There wasn’t anything but a message from Dan, begging me to tell him how the double date went. I rolled my eyes and stuffed my phone back in my bag.

  “Well, even if she left, no reason why I shouldn’t enjoy a nice meal with you two,” Alex said, picking up a menu and yawning. “God, I’m starving. I really worked up an appetite today.”

  My blush deepened to a crimson red and I picked up a menu, scanning it for anything that looked good. I almost gasped when I saw the prices – I’d had no idea this place was so expensive. The cheapest option was still twenty dollars, and it was only plain pasta with vegetables. I felt guilty over Rebecca – I knew I should get up and look for her. But the more I looked at the menu, the more I realized I was completely starving.

  The waiter came to the table and raised an eyebrow at the sight of us. “Ready to order?”

  Alex grinned. “Sure,” he said. “Molly, go ahead.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “This was incredible,” I said, sopping up the last of the sauce from my veal parmesan with a piece of bread. “I can’t remember the last time I had Italian food that was this good.”

  Alex nodded. “They do it well,” he said. He cocked his head to the side. “Where the hell did my sister go?”

  I shrugged. “I was hoping she’d come back at some point, but maybe she just left and went home,” I said. Guilt stabbed me in the chest – deep down, I was pretty sure she’d left. I felt terrible. She’d told me not to leave her alone with Rob, but we hadn’t been gone for that long. What the hell had happened between them?

  “Rob, did Rebecca say…I don’t know, anything,” I asked, biting my lip. “Like, did she say she was tired or anything?”

  Rob shrugged. “I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention,” he said. He eyed me closely for what felt like the first time. “She’s an interesting girl, Molly.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “I know, we’ve been best friends for a really long time.”

  The waiter came back to ask if anyone wanted dessert. Truthfully, nothing sounded better than a plate full of overstuffed cannoli, but I knew I couldn’t stay any longer. When I declined, Alex picked up the check and soon, we were out in the parking lot. I tilted my head back to look at the stars – sometimes, on clear nights, I could actually see them despite being so close to the city.

  “So, you wanna come back to my place?” Alex asked, raising an eyebrow and smirkin
g. “I noticed you didn’t have any dessert, but I think I’ve got some ice cream or cookies or something.”

  My stomach rumbled and we both laughed.

  “I want to,” I said, my voice full of obvious longing. My pussy was still wet and throbbing from the fucking Alex had given me back at La Casa Pasta, but I also felt guilty. “But I really should go home. I’m kind of worried about Rebecca.”

  Alex snorted. “She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. Come on, it’s early.” He raised an eyebrow. “We can…I don’t know, watch a movie or something.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You really want me to come home with you?”

  “No, I’m fucking with you,” Alex said sarcastically. “Yes! I want you to come home with me,” he added. “Molly, come on.”

  “And…you want me to sleep there?” I asked skeptically. “I thought you didn’t do that, Alex. I thought you didn’t ask girls to spend the night.”

  Alex was silent for a long moment. He shrugged. “I don’t, normally,” he said. “But it might not be that bad.”


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