My Best Friend's Dad

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My Best Friend's Dad Page 88

by Bella Winters

  Thomas gave me a puzzled look. “Escargot,” he said.

  I blushed. “Yeah,” I said. “But, um, I don’t know what that is.”

  Thomas raised his eyebrows in amusement. “Snails.”

  My jaw dropped. The delicious, buttery flavors in my mouth turned to ash and I spit some wine back into the glass.

  “Oh, June, I’m sorry,” Thomas said. He looked apologetic this time. “I assumed you know.”

  The blood drained from my face and I wiped my lips with the napkin, not even caring that I’d likely smeared lipstick all over my face.

  “Snails?” I gasped. “You fed me snails?”

  Thomas chuckled. “They were good, though,” he said. He smirked at me. “You were fine with it before you knew what they were.”

  I blushed. “It…was good,” I admitted grudgingly. “But that’s so gross! How can anyone eat snails?” I shuddered.

  Thomas speared another on his fork and popped it into his mouth. He gave me a devilish smirk. “Because they’re delicious,” he said. “And come on, you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy them.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “You’re right,” I said. “But I think I’ll stick with the baked brie.”

  Thomas laughed heartily. “Fine with me,” he said. “More snails for me.” He wriggled his eyebrows at me and I burst out laughing.

  The brie was heavenly, and thankfully it didn’t contain a single trace of escargot. I smeared some on a cracker and topped it with the fig preserves that had come with a tiny dish. Already, despite Katharine’s bitchy behavior and the discovery of escargot, I loved Daniel. I loved the posh opulence, I loved the attention to detail in every dish.

  Most of all, I loved being there with Thomas.

  When our lamb came, I couldn’t believe how delicious it was. Every bite seemed to melt in my mouth.

  “I’m glad you like lamb,” Thomas said. He took a small bite, then a sip of wine.


  Thomas shrugged. “It’s one of those things, people either love it or they hate it.”

  I laughed. “Whoever hates it just hasn’t tried the lamb here,” I said, raising my eyebrow. “It’s incredible.”

  Thomas nodded. “It is,” he said. “But I’m often prone to liking things that many people don’t.” He raised an eyebrow at me and I blushed.

  “Like me?” I giggled.

  “June, I can’t believe you think that way about yourself,” Thomas said. “You should know – you have so much to offer. You’re young, you’re beautiful – you’re obviously smart, you teach at the best public school in New York City.”

  I bit my lip. “I just feel so dumb,” I said. “And so young. It’s so cliquey at school! I thought everything would change, you know. I thought people would grow out of catty behavior.”

  “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they rarely do,” Thomas said. He shook his head. “My ex, Marlene…you’ve seen her. She still acts like the queen bee, like someone just elected her prom queen.”

  I narrowed my eyes. I didn’t know what to say – I didn’t know Thomas very well yet, and I felt like criticizing his ex would only make me look bad. So I just nodded.

  “You’ll be fine,” Thomas said. He grinned at me. “I’ve got faith in you, June. You’ve got no reason to ever feel like you aren’t good enough.” He leaned closer. “And besides, you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I blushed hotly. My panties were still soaked with my own juices, but I was feeling so overwhelmed – with the food, with Thomas, with the wine – that I could barely focus. By the time the check came, I felt like I was floating on air.

  Thomas paid, refusing to look at Katharine when he handed her his credit card. After the bill had been settled, Thomas stood up and offered me his arm. We walked out into the chill New York City evening and I closed my eyes, resting my head on Thomas’s shoulder as happiness flooded my body.

  The valet pulled up in Thomas’s silver Porsche and again, Thomas opened the passenger door for me. I knew that I should be thrilled – after all, I’d just had a wonderful time with one of the world’s sexiest men. But part of me was sad, too – I didn’t want the night to end. I wanted to stay with Thomas forever, smiling and happy by his side.

  And now that I knew how much he wanted me, I desperately wanted to have a passionate encounter with him.

  “I had a wonderful time with you tonight,” Thomas said. The Porsche rolled silently through the bright streets of Manhattan. I pressed my nose to the glass, staring at all of the bright young people who were just getting a start to their night.

  “I did, too,” I said shyly. “Thank you so much for asking me out.”

  Thomas grinned. “I’m glad you said yes.” He reached over and I shivered, thinking that he was going to slip his hand between my legs. Instead, he twined his fingers with mine and squeezed. The simple gesture somehow felt almost more intimate than when he’d been stroking my cotton-covered pussy back at Daniel.

  I squeezed back. Thomas lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my fingers, sending a blossoming warmth through my body. When he pulled up at my apartment complex, he unfastened my seatbelt and slipped his fingers under my chin. I blushed hotly as Thomas pressed his lips to mine. At first, the kiss was chaste. But then he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I moaned softly as the sensual, slick muscle wormed into my mouth. I was putty in Thomas’s arms as we kissed and I was barely aware of wrapping my arms around his neck and sliding closer to him.

  Thomas smelled musky and expensive, like three-hundred-dollar cologne. He nibbled on my lip and took my face in his hands, kissing me deeply. I moaned softly and gave myself over to him, tangling my hands in his thick, silver hair.

  “Mmm,” I purred, unable to control myself. “I want you so much.”

  Thomas chuckled against my mouth. The sensation tickled and I giggled. We kissed again, and Thomas nipped at my lower lip almost hard enough to draw blood.

  “I want you, too,” Thomas said. He slid his hands down my body. In Angela’s silk dress, I felt practically naked. My nipples sprang into stiff little pebbles as Thomas moved his hands over my breasts. Touch me, I begged silently. Touch me again, make me yours.

  “Oh, god,” I moaned, biting my lip and throwing my head back. Thomas’s hands felt hot through the thin layer of silk and I practically shoved myself at him, desperate and craving more of his touch.

  Thomas chuckled and pulled away. “I haven’t made out in a car since I was a kid,” he said. His silver hair was ruffled and he smoothed it neatly back into place.

  “I’ve never done that before,” I said softly. My heart was pounding in my chest and my skin felt hot and flushed.

  Thomas leaned over and kissed me gently. “I had a wonderful time with you tonight,” he said. “I’d love to take you out again soon.”

  I blushed. “I’d love that,” I said softly.

  “Have a good night, June,” Thomas said. As always, the way he said my name sent shivers crawling down my spine.

  “You, too,” I said softly.

  I felt like I was floating on air as I walked into my apartment building and began climbing the stairs. I was still in a magic spell from Thomas that hung around me like a rainbow fog, but it was slowly starting to fade. By the time I got to my front door, I realized how uncomfortably Angela’s shoes were pinching. I sighed and took them off, gasping when I saw my feet were swollen, red, and covered in blisters.

  Angela was waiting on the couch. When she saw me, she leapt to her feet and grinned.

  “You’re home late!” Angela exclaimed. She grinned lasciviously. “I take it that means you had a good time?”

  I flopped down on the couch, grinning. “It was the best night of my life,” I said softly. “I feel like I’m falling in love.”

  Angela grinned. “Good,” she said. “That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear.” She winked at me and together we burst out laughing.

  I had no idea what the future would hold,
but that night when I went to bed, I couldn’t stop thinking about Thomas and the way he’d touched me. I’d never experienced anything like it…and I’d do anything to make sure that I felt it again.

  Chapter Seven


  As I watched June’s perfect ass walk away from me, my cock was so hard that it ached. I could barely wait to get home – I desperately hoped Brett was asleep – so I could lock myself in my bedroom and jack off. June was intoxicating. Everything about her was fresh, lovely. I’d never been around such a naïve woman, but then again, I’d never met anyone as charming as June, either. In the jaded world of New York City, June was a fresh breath of air. She was magic, she was perfection.

  And I wanted to fuck her so hard that she wouldn’t be able to walk for a week.

  By the time I got home, Manhattan was dark. I handed the keys of my Porsche over to Ernesto, the valet of my building, then took the elevator to the penthouse suite. I’d known that I was going to be late, so I’d asked Hannah to watch over Brett. It was much too late for Isabelle – she normally got here at five in the morning, and I’d given Hannah three hundred bucks just to order a pizza and hang out with my son for the night.

  The foyer was dark.

  “Brett?” I called quietly. “You awake, bud?”

  Inside there was no sign of Brett or Hannah. I frowned, kicking off my shoes and unbuttoning the first buttons on my shirt. In the living room, the television was stuck on muted cartoons. I frowned. As I got closer, I saw Brett curled up on the couch, fast asleep with a throw blanket over his lap.

  Anger ripped through my body. As gently as I could, I shook Brett awake.

  “Hey, buddy,” I said. “Where’s Hannah? Why didn’t you sleep in your room?”

  Brett yawned in my face, sending a wave of pizza-breath over my senses.

  “Come on,” I said. I scooped him up in my arms and carried him down the hall, nudging his door open with my foot and carrying Brett inside. By the time I set him down in bed, he was practically asleep once again. After I tucked him in, I gently closed his door and started stalking down the hall. I had no fucking idea what made Hannah think it was okay to let my kid fall asleep on the couch and then leave. She’d had explicit orders from me to stay until I returned home. And even if some kind of emergency had taken place, she could have left a note! She could’ve called me!

  I pushed open the door to my bedroom. Hannah was lying on my bed, clad in a jade silk robe that barely covered the round cheeks of her ass. When she saw me, she gave me a sexy smile.

  “I thought you’d never come home,” Hannah said in a sleepy, purring voice. She stood up and stretched. The dark green silk parted, showing a black lacy bra and panties.

  “What the fuck is going on,” I asked, trying to keep my voice low for the sake of my sleeping son.

  Hannah pouted and walked closer, swaying her narrow hips. “I thought you’d be pleased,” she said. She stuck out her lower lip.

  I drew back my arm and slapped her across the face.

  “You fucking ignored my son all night,” I growled, grabbing the collar of the robe and pulling Hannah close. “You fucking let him fall asleep on the goddamned couch and then what? Stayed here, waiting for me? What the fuck were you thinking?”

  Hannah’s eyes filled with tears. She puckered her lips and tried to kiss me but I shoved her away.

  “No,” I snapped. “This is fucked up! You don’t get to try to seduce me, you fucking understand?”

  “Thomas, I love you,” Hannah said. “We should be together. I’ve always wanted to be with you, and now is our chance.”

  “You’re fucking insane,” I roared. “And you’re fired. Now!”

  Hannah crossed her arms over her chest. “You can’t fire me,” she snapped. “I could sue you for sexual harassment!”

  Up until then, I’d tried to keep my anger as contained as possible.

  “Fuck you,” I snarled in her face. “You think you could sue me and win?” I laughed hollowly, throwing back my head. “I could crush you in court,” I said. “No one would ever believe you.”

  Hannah’s face fell – I could tell that she knew I was right. Still, she tossed her long blonde hair over one shoulder and smirked.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Hannah said icily. “You know better than to do that, Thomas,” she added, spitting the last word like a curse. “You wouldn’t want that kind of publicity, and you know it.”

  I rolled my eyes and threw my hands into the air. “Get the fuck out of my condo before I call the cops and tell them you’re trespassing,” I said.

  Hannah sulked. She turned towards me and licked her lips. “Thomas…don’t you want me?” She put her hands to her breasts and rolled her eyes back in her head. I watched as she slid her hands down her body. Hannah was beautiful – almost all men stared at her – but somehow, I’d never felt attracted to her as anything more than a passing glance.

  “No,” I said shortly. “I don’t want you, Hannah. I want you to get your things and leave. And I want you know that if you ever try to trespass at my office or in my home, I will have you arrested on the spot.”

  Hannah blinked. It seemed like the severity of the situation was finally starting to sink in that thick, blonde skull of hers.

  “Now,” I said sharply. “Come on.”

  Hannah still didn’t move. Her feet remained firmly planting in the plush white carpet. When another second passed and she hadn’t moved, I grabbed her by the arm and began dragging her out of my bedroom.

  “Wait,” Hannah shrieked. “My clothes!”

  “Shut the fuck up,” I snarled. “If you wake Brett, I’ll make you regret it.”

  Hannah glared viciously at me as I dragged her towards the front door. When I got to the foyer, I wrenched open the door and dragged her into the harshly lit hallway.

  “Stay here,” I ordered. I slammed the door in Hannah’s face before stalking through the apartment and grabbing her clothes, shoes, and purse. When I returned to the hall, Hannah was standing there, leaning against the wall and smirking.

  “You think you’ve won,” Hannah said softly. “You think you intimidate me.” She threw her head back and laughed. “The truth is, you asshole, you don’t know anything about me.”

  “Good,” I snarled. I dropped her clothes and purse on the floor, taking satisfaction when the bag spilled all over. “Now leave.”

  Hannah gave me one last, lingering sulky glance before pulling her jeans on and grabbing her things. I stood in the door and watched as she got into the elevator and disappeared.

  With a sigh, I turned and walked back into my condo. Brett was standing in the hall, looking small and scared.

  “Dad, what happened?” His voice was trembling.

  “Nothing,” I said. “Don’t worry about it,” I added.

  “Dad, I’m hungry,” Brett said. “Hannah never ordered dinner. She just told me to watch TV until I fell asleep.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry,” I said. “She’s not coming back here. I fired her.”

  “Oh.” Brett frowned. “Are you okay?”

  I sighed. “Yeah,” I said. “I’m fine. Come on, let’s order a pizza.”

  Brett grinned and raced into the living room, jumping on the couch. After a few seconds, I smiled. This wasn’t exactly the end of the night that I’d wanted, and all thoughts of sexy June had been pushed from my head. But if it meant that I had a chance to finally bond with my son, I didn’t care. After all, Brett was the most important thing in my life. And I would’ve done anything to make sure he realized that.


  In the morning, I woke up and sat in bed for a long time, reading the paper. I could hear Isabelle and Brett chatting animatedly in the kitchen, and the whole condo smelled of bacon and soft-boiled eggs.

  When I finally got into the kitchen, Brett grinned. I grinned back – maybe this was for the best, maybe the departure of Hannah would finally mean that Brett and I would be close.

; “Hey, Dad, Isabelle brought a surprise,” Brett said. He held up a bunch of comics.

  “Oh, that’s nice, did you say thank you?” I raised my eyebrow.

  Brett nodded.

  “He was very polite,” Isabelle said. She smiled. “Would you like some eggs, Mr. Thomas?”

  I nodded, helping myself to a piece of bacon from the platter on the island. It was perfect – not too crisp, not too soggy.

  “Thanks, Isabelle,” I said. I took the plate she offered, neatly cutting the top of one soft-boiled egg and taking a bite.

  Brett smiled again. “Hey, Dad, can we go to the zoo this weekend?”

  “Sure,” I said. “Is Saturday okay? You want any friends to come?”

  Brett nodded. He put his dishes in the sink and then raced into the living room. Isabelle threw an affectionate smile towards him.

  “He’s growing up so fast,” she said.

  I nodded and reached for my laptop, pulling it closer. As soon as it booted, I opened my email and frowned. Sixty-three emails…a bit high for a Saturday morning.

  But when I saw the first subject line, my heart sank. It was from Hannah.

  “Urgent – Need To Discuss Last Night.”

  I groaned inwardly as I opened it and was greeted with a solid wall of text. Frowning, I leaned closer and began to read. As I scanned the page, my stomach twisted into a furious series of knots. By the time I was through, I was shaking with rage. That little cunt, I thought, slamming my laptop shut. She isn’t getting away with this shit.


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