Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 3)

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Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 3) Page 4

by Ariana Hawkes

  “Please, Isabel, it’s very important that you listen to what I have to say.” His expression was beseeching, the hardness gone from his eyes. She looked at Kara. Kara had been dozing in the taxi, but she was fully awake now, her large eyes wide open, the whites flashing in the darkness.

  “I say go. It’d be good to get to the bottom of this shit. Maybe you’ll solve the mystery of Silver City, whatever it is.” Isabel kept staring at Peter.

  “Ok,” she said at last. She took her keys out of her handbag and gave them to Kara. Kara leaned forward and fixed Peter with her most evil glare.

  “You’d better not be pulling any shit though, mister,” she said. “Or you’ll have me to deal with.” Peter bowed to her.

  “I give you my word,” he said. He leaned into the taxi and before Isabel had a chance to protest, he lifted her out. The helmet was placed on her head and fitted under her chin, and he deposited her on the back of the bike. “Hold tight!” he yelled. Just in time, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and he roared off. He drove back the way they’d just come, fast. Isabel clung to him, her crotch pressed against his ass. She’d never been on such a big bike before. It was noisy and terrifying. Scenery whizzed by in a blur, and miles of road were eaten up in seconds. Peter was helmetless, having given her his own, and she wondered how he could stand to have the wind blowing so hard in his face. They turned onto the Black Peak road. Annoyance welled up in her.

  “Hey! There’s no way I’m going back into the woods with you,” she yelled, not knowing if he’d be able to hear her through the helmet. Quickly, he brought the bike to a stop. He turned his upper body and unfastened her helmet and pulled it off.

  “I wasn’t planning on taking you all the way in,” he said. “Just someplace where we could be private. Actually, this will do.” Isabel looked doubtfully at the dark, seemingly impenetrable forest on both sides of the road. Peter climbed off the bike and lifted her off as well.

  “This is a Harley!” Isabel said, staggering in her heels on the dirt and pine needles. She knew nothing about bikes, but recognized the famous winged logo and the front wheel that seemed to be stretching far ahead of the rest of the bike. The exhaust pipes gleamed in chrome and the bodywork was metallic turquoise. It was a beautiful machine, even she could see that.

  “What else would I ride in America?” he said, with a grin. Against her will, Isabel found herself smiling back. There was always something a little endearing about him. However, her smile faded when she thought about how furious she was with him for his recent behavior.

  “So what’s this thing you have to say to me, that’s so important you had to drag me all the way out here?” she said, more loudly than she’d expected to. “And I’m telling you, it’d better be good!” Peter frowned, confused.

  “It’s better than good, Bella. It’s the truth!”

  “Ok,” she said, shaking her head. “Whatever.” Peter put the helmet down on the back of the bike, and stood directly in front of her.

  “I’ve been away for a few days,” he said.

  “No shit!” she spat. Wow. She’d been even more upset about this than she’d appreciated. Peter’s gaze dropped to the earth.

  “I know you called me a couple of times and I didn’t answer. I am sorry about that,” he said. “The truth is that I had to go home, at short notice.”

  “To Romania?”

  “Yes. My family is sick.” He looked up and met her stare, and she was shocked at the anguish in his expression.

  “But, I don’t understand – your whole family? With what?”

  “Probably the best way of explaining it is that it’s a genetic disorder. It’s been decimating my family for years now. I thought we had some good news, which is why I went home, but we were mistaken.” Grief flashed through his eyes, sending a jolt of empathy through Isabel’s heart. “I’m very sorry that I didn’t contact you, but all my thoughts were with my family, and how they might all be saved.”

  “That’s understandable,” she replied softly. “So was the apparent good news a new medicine?”

  “Yes, something like that.” She frowned, knowing he was still being elusive, but also knowing that she couldn’t interrogate him about his family when it was obviously so raw for him. “Bella.” He reached out and took her hand. “I promise I won’t disappear like this without telling you again. I’m the kind of man who can only focus on one thing at a time. It also hadn’t occurred to me that you would be so upset by my absence, but I can see now that it has upset you, considerably.”

  “It did upset me, Peter,” she said. “It also worried me. In fact, it worried me so much that I drove all the way to your house to see if you were ok.”

  “You did?” He smiled.

  “Yes. I was worried you were unconscious in your house or something. Of course, when I got there, I couldn’t see inside because all the shutters were closed.” He nodded. She pulled her hand back. “But, can you imagine what I did find there?” Peter frowned.

  “No, what?”

  “A girl. A girl I’ve been getting to know over the past couple of weeks. Her name is Josie,” she finished, watching his expression as she spoke. She saw recognition in his eyes and then he laughed.

  “Josie! Well, well.”

  “What’s funny?”

  “I do know Josie. She’s a distant cousin.”

  “She was in your back garden. Sitting on your lounger!”

  “She was probably wondering where I’d gone as well.”

  “She’s from Ohio. How can she be your cousin when you’re from Romania?”

  “We’re talking a few generations back. A mutual family member put us in touch when I arrived in America.” Isabel thought about Josie and her voracious sexual appetite. She also thought about how oddly she’d acted at the mention of Peter when they were in the diner.

  “So, there’s nothing going on between the two of you?” Peter threw his head back and laughed.

  “If you mean, have we coupled, the answer is no!” He let out another roar of laughter, as if it was the most ridiculous thing he’d heard.

  “But she would like to?” He was silent for a moment.

  “She has a husband. And I hope, for her sake, that she stays true to him.” Peter glanced towards the forest. “Now, is there anything else you want me to explain?” Isabel’s anger surged again. As if he thought tonight’s antics were no big deal!

  “Yes, please enlighten me. What the hell made you think you could attack Jed? I mean, I think I know what the obvious answer is, but you had absolutely no right. No right at all!” Peter’s eyes burned pure amber, and his voice turned icy.

  “Jed knew you were mine, and he tried to take you, while I was away, and unable to protect my territory.”

  “Your territory?” Isabel yelled. “What?”

  “You are mine, Isabel.”

  “Hold on.” Isabel faltered. “Is this part of the game?”

  “You agreed to submit to me, which means that you’re mine. Jed knows this, so tonight I had to stop him. And that I will not apologize for!” The woods rang with the power of his voice. As she looked at him, something changed in his face. His features seemed elongated, his cheekbones sharp and prominent. She inhaled hard in fear. “Isabel, wait,” he said, and ran into the forest, out of her sight. She waited, straining her ears, but hearing only the creak of the bull pines, swaying in the breeze. A minute, maybe two, later, he jogged back. His eyes seemed human again, and his face was normal. She’d only imagined that he’d looked different, surely. He stepped close to her. The smell of his leathers, mingling with the familiar scent of him was intoxicating. She hadn’t stopped desiring him. Not one bit.

  “You’re mine,” he said, again. He moved closer, his lips inches away from hers. In her peripheral vision, she saw his hand lifting. It caught in her hair, and gave it a tug.

  “Ow!” she yelled, as much from shock as anything.

  “Mine,” he growled. Both his hands were now in her hair, settin
g her scalp on fire. He kissed her; a hard, biting kiss that left her lips bruised. She gasped, and, at the same time, felt the telltale ache of arousal between her thighs. “Never forget that!” The Wolf let go of her hair and started pulling her by the hips into the forest.

  “Stop! I can’t walk in these shoes!” Isabel yelled.

  “Good point,” he said, and instead he pulled her over to his bike, on the side further away from the road. He flung her over the seat, the force of it knocking the breath out of her. Another tug on her hair brought her head up, and he nipped at the side of her neck, while his other hand snaked up the front of her shirt, underneath her bra and closed on her breast with an unforgiving grasp. Isabel cried out, part pain, part arousal. He pinched her nipple with a hint of viciousness, rolling it between finger and thumb. Then he pulled her shirt and bra up, just above her nipples. She looked down at them, pink and vulnerable in the open air of the forest road. Her instinct was to pull her shirt down again, but she didn’t dare anger The Wolf any further. He muttered into her ear, words she didn’t understand, in a melodious tongue that reminded her of Italian, yet his words sounded angry. At the same time, he continued his assault on her breasts, squeezing and kneading at them, tweaking at her nipples until they were raw. Each painful pinch shot a direct connection with her clit, and the ache between her thighs had turned into a deep, thrumming pain, which could only be satisfied with one thing.

  There was the sound of a vehicle. It was far enough away that Isabel couldn’t tell which direction it was coming from. It grew closer. It was coming from the left, and would soon be passing them close by. Peter spoke a single word in a harsh tone and pulled her back, off the bike and down into a crouching position. A car sped by, its headlights on full, and almost level with her eyes, temporarily blinding her. Isabel blinked rapidly and watched the red taillights disappearing from sight, wondering who was driving themselves home to a nice safe bed, while she was being ravished by a maniac. As soon as they could no longer see the red glow, Peter pulled her up again into her previous position, while he stayed crouching down. He unbuttoned her pants and pulled both them and her underwear down to her ankles. His hand stroked her bare ass and he made a sound of satisfaction. Then, he grasped her ankles and pulled them apart. She stepped awkwardly, hindered by her clothes, but, eventually, by bending her knees wide enough, she managed to spread her legs to his satisfaction. He growled low in his throat. She squirmed, knowing his face was inches away from her wet, open pussy. He stood up and landed a slap on her left ass cheek.

  “Oh!” she yelled. His hand clamped over her mouth and she picked up a hint of her own scent on it.

  “Be quiet, Isabel. Don’t make a single sound, until I ask you a question,” he ordered. “You understand?” She nodded, as much as she was able to.

  “Good.” He took his hand off her mouth, and used it to slap her other ass cheek. He slapped the left again, and then the right. Each one was stinging, but not unbearable, and she could feel heat radiating from her ass. He continued to spank her, moving around from the very top of her cheeks, all the way down to the tops of her thighs, until every inch of her ass had been slapped, and the whole area was starting to feel sore. He stopped, and she sighed in relief.

  “I’m going to punish you for forgetting!” he said. Isabel drew in a sharp breath. The punishment hasn’t started yet? It sure feels like it has! His hand landed on her ass, right across the middle, and far harder than before. Isabel screamed. “I warned you, Isabel.” He rummaged in his pocket and brought his hand around to her face. There was something in it – some fabric. Before she could begin to think that maybe she should keep her mouth shut, Peter forced it between her lips and crammed it into her mouth. It was a handkerchief, or something similar, and she picked up a flavor of leather and engine oil. She gagged a little at the dryness invading her mouth and throat, and the awful taste, but it stayed put. “If you’re not capable of doing as I tell you, I have plenty of ways of making sure that you do,” Peter said, in a crooning voice. “Think about that.” He moved away from her, and she did think. She thought about the spectacle of herself leaning over Peter’s bike by the roadside, her breasts exposed and hanging down, the tender nipples seeming to glow in the darkness like fireflies. She thought about the gag in her mouth, and about her ass and pussy, bare and exposed, the breeze chilling her wetness, which seemed to be spreading more and more by the second. An insane, wild arousal overtook her, stronger than any she’d felt before, and she found herself willing The Wolf to spank her some more.

  Be careful what you wish for, was the next thought she was capable of, as a slap at least as hard as the previous one landed on her ass, and another, and another. She cried out, making almost no sound through the gag. Now, his slaps didn’t always alternate, sometimes hitting the same burning place twice in a row. She started to move from side to side, flinching away from the blows, trying to anticipate where the next one would go.

  “Keep still,” he growled, and hit her in a particularly sore spot. She couldn’t stand it. Her flesh screamed out and she let out a sob. The Wolf was undeterred, he gave her three more blows, identical in force and precision to the last one. Isabel’s eyes teared up and she gave into her urge to cry. Her ass was aflame, a single burning, throbbing spot. Her only thought was that she had to keep still and not move her hips from side to side, in case it excited Peter’s wrath even more.

  He stopped, when she was almost at breaking point. He pulled the gag out of her mouth. It was wet with her saliva, and her tongue felt thick and woolly. She worked her jaw, glad to be able to close her mouth again.

  “Have you learned your lesson, Isabel?”

  “Yes,” she lisped. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Such a stubborn one,” he crooned, and he blew on her ass. She wriggled; it was deliciously soothing to her sizzling flesh. Peter covered both sides of it with his cool breath. He spread her cheeks with his hands and blew all the way down, from her small hole, to her pussy. “And such a wet little pussy.” She sighed; the mere thought of him being inside her was making her muscles twitch and her clit throb out of control. Just then, there was the sound of another vehicle approaching. Peter pulled her off the bike and down to the earth again. The sound seemed to be fading away instead of coming closer, and Isabel started to stand up again, desperate for Peter to fuck her. “Stay down!” he hissed. He placed one hand on the back of her neck, and, with the other, he unzipped his leather pants and pulled out his cock. It was huge and rock hard. Isabel stared, surprised afresh at the size of it. Gently, yet firmly, he pulled on the back of her neck, drawing her closer. She lost her balance and tumbled forward, only catching herself at the last moment by clutching his thighs. Even through the thick leather, she felt the tautness of his muscles. His cock was now an inch from her lips, his intentions in no doubt. She opened her mouth and the tip slid in. She flicked her tongue over it and he groaned. It tasted kind of nice. She had always hated giving Jason blowjobs. It was a chore, delivered on birthdays, and as a bargaining tool. But this was different. She sucked a little and was rewarded with another groan. The pleasure he was taking from her was so sexy. Cautiously, she opened her mouth further and took more of him in. It was almost more than she could cope with. His hips made a little jerk and immediately, his cock filled her mouth. She coughed and he pulled back, allowing her to recover. She tried again, trying to relax, and let his cock hit the back of her throat. There seemed to be more space this time, but again she choked. He slid out, and back in again, and this time, she didn’t choke. The Wolf held her head, very gently, and thrusted in and out of her mouth. She salivated, lubricating him, and it became easier. She focused on her breathing, surrendering herself to the sensation. It felt so hot and dirty to have her mouth used like this, while she was on her hands and knees, outdoors, with her bare ass exposed to the air. Unthinkingly, she transferred her weight onto her left hand, while she brought her right hand down, between her thighs, and touched her clit. Her body
gave a jolt. With an effort, she cast a glance up at Peter, to see if he was angry that she was pleasuring herself. He smirked.

  “It’s ok. You can touch yourself,” he said. “But I want you to keep looking me in the eye.” Isabel complied with his order as best she could. Her clit was hot and swollen to her touch; her arm trembled as she kept her balance, and she struggled to keep eye contact with him as he gently fucked her mouth. It was so uncomfortable, so demeaning, and so hot that her arousal spilled over, and she made herself come, in a powerful, shuddering orgasm.

  As the final waves of her climax subsided, The Wolf clamped his hand over her eyes and came too, shooting his hot cum down her throat. She pulled back, trying not to insult him by choking.

  “Good girl,” he said, stroking her head like a pampered pet, and she found herself feeling grateful for his praise. He pulled her down onto his lap, so her back was against his chest.

  “That was incredible, Isabel.” He ran a finger over her lips. How can such a small mouth take so much of me in?” Isabel didn’t know either. An hour earlier, she wouldn’t have thought it was possible. “I don’t blame you for what happened with Jed, but I needed to possess your mouth. I hope you understand that.” She didn’t say anything; it seemed wiser to keep silent. Instead, she took one of his fingers into her mouth and sucked it. Peter stroked her breasts, cupping them gently this time, lightly circling the nipples. She sighed.

  “You’re insatiable, aren’t you?” He kissed the top of her head. “So sexy, Bella. You make me feel so fulfilled, and I haven’t even been inside you yet.” His fingers moved down from her breasts, over her belly, and slid inside her. She let out a louder sigh. He mumbled something into her hair.

  “What?” she said.

  “I said, god, you feel so good, but I said it in my language,” he said. “So soft and wet.”

  “Oh, she said, blushing. His fingers barely moved inside her, tiny flutters that gave rise to flutters of her own. She wriggled on his lap to give his hand better access, and he moved his hand in and out of her pussy, fucking her slowly, casually. She leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes, as her breathing became heavy.


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