Forbidden Call (New Breed Novels, Book 1)

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Forbidden Call (New Breed Novels, Book 1) Page 7

by Martha Bourke

  “Are you kidding me?” It was her.

  “Ana, I need to find out what you came to the condo to tell me.”

  “You do realize there are a fucktillion reasons I should tell you to go to hell?”

  “I know, believe me, I know. But, look, it sounded important.”

  “Hey, I don’t owe you anything. You got what you wanted. We’re not soul mates.”

  Aw, Christ. “Ana, please—”

  “Are you actually begging me, you soulless bastard?”

  “If that’s what it takes, then, yeah. I’m begging you.”

  “You know what? I should feed all your k’ul to the hungriest hellion I can find.”

  There was no click on the other end—just a loud noise he figured was the sound of Ana destroying her phone. She was either really pissed or really good at what she did. Probably both.

  Damn it. Now his fucked up mating was going to somehow end the race? Why didn’t he just listen to her? Listen. Wait a minute. He went in the desk and pulled out a pad of paper and a pen and scribbled out as much of their conversation as he could. Then he sat back against the pillows and started to study it. The most obvious thing was the number of times she had said soul. He remembered she had said it at the condo, too. That noted, he systematically went through and crossed out everything she said that seemed unimportant. He carefully rewrote what remained, trying to be as accurate as possible. He looked at what he’d written, then tucked the paper into his pocket.

  If he asked any of the brothers for help figuring it out, he would have to come clean about Ana.

  He would give himself a couple of days, but if he couldn’t do it on his own, he’d have to go to Richard. If Toltec had something new planned, there could be a shitstorm of ramifications. If coming clean meant that he was out, so be it.


  Victrixa Mata stood before a gathering of her entire body of warriors. All one hundred of them wore a glass vessel around their necks. According to her exact specifications, the unique vial pendants were less than an inch wide and slightly over two inches long, the glass was thick and the tops were made of a special steel alloy.

  She smiled. She had been allotted the largest regiment of shifters in Toltec for the new Initiative program.

  Her program.

  Not that it was precisely what she had presented to Toltec. No, it was about much more than simply streamlining their work with the mutants and what had become known as the shifter gene. The organization, she thought, was as short–sighted as it had always been.

  Victrixa looked out at her new soldiers and spoke. “I see that you are all wearing your vessels, as requested. Good. You are no doubt wondering why I have asked you here. From now on, you are no longer working for Toltec. You are working for the Initiative. This new program is top secret. If you share any information about its goals, members, or activities you will be executed. So if any of you have second thoughts about serving, you should leave immediately.”

  Victrixa paused briefly.

  “Now, everything you know from this point on belongs solely to the Initiative. All of you will be working in the field alongside the hellions. As you know, we have discovered that they are inclined to only take whatever k’ul they need. However, they will drain a shifter completely when given the chance. It is your job to ensure that they have as many opportunities as possible to do this. Once shifters are completely drained of their life essence, their souls, both of them, are set free. The nagual will be your target. The other is of no importance. You may let that pass to the Otherworld. You will need to be as discreet as possible. Not even shifters from other regiments will be aware of this important mission for which only the best of you have been chosen to take part.”

  Ana sat in one of the middle rows in the auditorium and looked around at the faces of the other warriors. Many of them were actually smiling with pride when Victrixa mentioned they were the ‘chosen.’ She thought she was going to puke.

  Victrixa smiled at her captive audience. Ana hated it when she smiled. The scar down the left side of her face was so tight she looked like some kind of deranged cartoon character.

  “Yes,” Victrixa continued, “you all have a right to be proud. But let me repeat that secrecy is of the utmost importance. So brag amongst yourselves, but to no one else. Now, the vessels around your necks have all been hand-made for a single purpose. Once a hellion has drained a shifter, the vial will transport the nagual securely without damaging it. The chain is long enough for you to keep your vessel out of sight at all times.”

  Ana took hers in one hand and looked at it. It was secured by an eighteen-inch titanium chain. It felt like a goddamn leash. This was insane. What the hell would Victrixa want with a bunch of naguals? She thought about SE. She knew that he was clever enough to figure out her message. But what if he didn’t realize she’d been sending one? She pushed him out of her mind. No, she was in this alone.

  She plugged herself back into Victrixa reality show just in time to hear them being dismissed. She buried herself in the crowd and disappeared.

  Richard walked into the sunroom and sat down in the wicker rocker. He loved moments like this. His mate was sleeping peacefully on the matching sofa with her book on her beautiful pregnant belly. She could always tell when he was watching her sleep. He started the countdown the second he sat down.

  “Richard?” she asked. “Oh, what time is it? I must have fallen asleep.”

  He walked over and sat on the end of the couch, pulling her feet into his lap. “Not late. You’ve been out about a half hour.”

  “Are you okay? You have that look.”

  “What look? I have a look?” he asked.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, okay. Listen, I’ve been thinking about what you said. You know, about the Goddess wanting me to use the telepathy because it was a gift. I think you’re probably right.”

  His female raised a brow. “Probably?”

  He sighed. “I shouldn’t have just stopped using it as soon as I learned how to block it out. I think I’m probably meant to hear things when I hear them.”

  Adriana smiled at him. “I knew you’d come around.”

  “I’m still not reading other people’s thoughts without their permission, only when it’s spontaneous.”

  She sat up slowly and rested her head on his shoulder. “You know something? You are quite a male.”

  “Why, thank you, female. Can I interest in some red raspberry tea?”

  “Yeah, actually. That’d be great.”

  Richard planted a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  Adriana settled back in against the cushions and picked up her book. She looked up again just in time to see SE walk past the doorway.

  “Hey, SE,” she called.

  He stopped and looked in. “Oh, Adriana.”

  “Come sit for a sec. Have some compassion for the vessel of life around here. I’ve hardly seen you.”

  She watched him come into the room and sit in the rocker. Something’s so up with him, she thought. But she couldn’t figure out why she was the only one who saw it.

  “I’m sorry.” He rubbed his face with his hand. “Things have been so crazy.”

  “Wanna tell me about it?” He did. She could see it in his face. She’d known him since she was eighteen. He used to be one of the most open shifters she knew. Why wouldn’t he be up front with her? Goddess, what happened to him? The obvious thing was Gabriela, but somehow she just didn’t think that was it.

  “You know what?” he said in a too-bright voice. “I wanna hear about you. God, you look amazing. I’m so happy for you.”

  “You’d better not let Richard hear you say that.”

  He barked a laugh. “You’re not kidding. Actually, I’d say he’s handling the protection instinct unbelievably well for the first New Breed to have a pregnant mate.”

  She nodded. “Oh, he is. But…”

  “But what?”

  Adriana look
ed into SE’s eyes. “It’s just…well, he hardly sleeps, he barely leaves my side. Even when he works with Reyn, he likes me on the couch in the study. He must be exhausted. I mean, this is what a regular male would be like right before the birth. What’s it gonna be like for him by then?” She didn’t mean to, but she started to tear up. Frigging hormones.

  Soaring Eagle walked over and squatted down next to the sofa. “Hey, he’ll be fine. Our bodies work differently than a civilian’s, that’s all. And it won’t be forever.” He gently wiped her tears away. “Are you nervous?”

  She nodded. “A little. We’re seeing a shifter doctor. She’s a general surgeon, but she takes shifter patients privately one day a week. Even she doesn’t know exactly what to expect.”

  That’s where she started to lose him. Damn. “SE, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I—I wanna tell you, Adriana, I do. Everything’s so mixed up in my head. I just need more time.”

  Richard came through the door carrying two hot mugs. He carefully handed one to Adriana.

  She pointed to the other mug with the coffee aroma. “I want that one.”

  “Nice try, Adri. Hey, SE, where you been?”

  Adriana looked into her mate’s soft gray eyes and saw the blue circle surrounding his pupils. Back up, SE, she thought.

  SE stood up. “Right here, papa. Keeping your chair warm.”

  Adriana exhaled as she watched Richard sit down in the rocker.

  Richard took a swig of coffee. “Ready to head out tonight?”

  SE grinned. “You know it. In fact, I missed dinner. I’d better grab something before I change.”

  God, Adriana had forgotten that smile. SE had such beautiful bone structure and amazing teeth. She suddenly felt very sad at finding herself surprised to see it. Goddess, he seemed so unhappy. She shook her head. Wow. Still five months to go and already mothering everyone.

  The crowd at Anarchy was so amped up on alcohol, drugs, and sex that they barely noticed the three huge men that entered the club. That is, until they started making their way through to the back. The clubbers parted like the Red Sea as SE followed Pax and Diesel to a table. Man, this place was so not his scene.

  Pax signaled the waitress. “I still can’t believe there was zero action out there again tonight. Something seems off.”

  “Yeah, well, there’d better be some action in here,” Diesel said, surveying the crowd. “Is it me or are the human chicks getting nastier by the night?”

  “Like you care.” Pax chuckled.

  When the waitress approached, SE looked her over from head to toe. She was wearing a leather bustier and matching skirt. He thought there was a possibility she might have even been attractive under all the goddamn spackle on her face.

  “Can I get you boys something to drink?”

  “Three Jacks,” Pax told her. “Oh, and I’d like to apologize in advance for my friend Diesel’s behavior.”

  The waitress smiled. “I’ll be right back with those,” she cooed.

  SE cocked his head and watched this little dance in wonder.

  “Why did you just apologize for him?”

  “Because after she brings our drinks, he’s gonna do her in that bathroom right over there.”

  “Gotcha.” SE suddenly realized why Dimitri had gone back to the manor instead of coming out with them. “What do you normally do while he’s getting his rocks off?”

  “Find a hot guy. But not here.”

  As he surveyed the room, SE immediately understood. Anarchy wasn’t what you would call elegant. Pax might be dressed like a warrior, but that was on duty. Off the job he was rivaled only by Dimitri in terms of style. He was a classy dude.

  “Here you go.”

  As the waitress put their drinks in front of them, Diesel stood up, winked at her and thanked her for the drinks. One look into his pale green eyes with their long dark lashes, and off they went.

  Unbelievable. SE took a sip of his whiskey, then looked Pax in the eye. “Listen—”

  The brother put up a hand. “Reyn told me about the female. It would’ve freaked me out, too. Let’s just forget about it.”

  “Thanks, brother.”

  “No problem. But if you ever do it again, I’ll give you such a come-to-Jesus you’ll hear angels.”

  He grinned and clapped Pax’s shoulder. “I think I’m gonna head out.”

  “I’ll come with.” Pax gave a nod toward the rear. “Back door.”

  SE followed him out into the alley and froze. Eyes immediately adjusting to the darkness, he started to look around.

  “Deuce around the corner,” Pax whispered.

  As they unsheathed their weapons, Pax gave a nod and gleamed to the end of the alley. SE rounded the corner and—what the fuck? There, in front of him, were one mutant and one shifter. It was like they were paired off or some shit.

  “Well, look what we have here,” SE said. “What, are you two eloping?”

  The hellion came at him, but he didn’t get ten feet before Pax sent his noggin flying across the alley. He nodded toward the roof, and gleamed out.

  Soaring Eagle turned to the shifter. This was perfect. If it had been the other way around, Pax would have mortally wounded the douche for sure. But SE just wanted incapacitation, at least for the moment. As the shifter moved toward him with a switchblade, SE moved out of the way so fast it was like he could see each thrust coming before it happened. He took one of his knives and sliced the motherfucker’s thigh. The shifter screamed, grabbed his leg and fell to the concrete.

  “What’s with the bromance?” SE growled. “Where’re your buddies?”

  The shifter leaned back against the wall of the club. It was clear he was in a shitload of pain. All he did was pant and stare up at him.

  SE kicked the shredded leg with his boot.

  The shifter howled. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Answer the question. Why are you out here alone with only one dirt bag? Where’s the rest of your regiment?”

  The fucker’s fish face was getting old. He gave the leg one more kick, but it was clear he wasn’t getting anywhere with this one. Damn it. He leaned down and broke the enemy’s neck in one quick, clean twist.

  “All clear.” Pax walked up behind SE. “I’m gonna head in.”

  “Roger that. I’ll search his shit and see you in five.”

  As SE did the pick-pocket thing, he wasn’t really sure what he was looking for. They never carried ID. He was just about to quit and stash the body when he felt something strange under the shifter’s shirt. He reached down and pulled out a glass vial.

  What the…

  He pulled the chain up and over the shifter’s head and took a closer look. What the hell use would an empty vial be to a Toltec shifter? Finders keepers. He slid the chain around his neck, pulled the body behind a dumpster, and dematerialized.


  SE knocked lightly on the door jamb of the study and poked his head in.

  “Hey, boss. Got a sec?”

  Reyn looked up from his work. “Sure. But unless losing a limb is on your bucket list, I wouldn’t use that word again.”


  “What’s up?”

  SE sat down across the desk from the HSIC. “I think Toltec’s got something brewing. I’m not sure if it’s just a new fighting strategy or what, but tonight Pax and I found a Toltec shifter out with one hellion. I know I’m new, but isn’t that way off from their usual protocol?”

  “It is. Shifters are their most valued commodity. Hellions are just pawns. Maybe they somehow got separated from their crew?”

  SE slipped the chain off his neck and laid the vial on the desk. “I also found this around the neck of the shifter.”

  Reyn looked down at the vial. “Fuck. Me.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much what I thought.”

  “You mind if I hang on to this? I want to get Richard’s take. Either they all got new chemistry sets for Christmas or we’re fucked.”<
br />
  SE nodded. Unless I can figure out that phone conversation. ’Course there was always the possibility that Ana really did want to feed his soul to a mutant. Christ knew he deserved it. He was only halfway to the main foyer when he stopped. Pax was standing next to the staircase and clutching antique banister so hard his knuckles were white.


  Just then, X turned out of the rec room, took in the sitch, and held his arm out to stop SE from moving closer.

  “Step back, dude.”

  “Jesus, X, we gotta help him!”

  “We can’t. It’s not safe. He’s phasing, and I don’t mean into his nagual. Pax can take on human forms. It’s excruciating, and he doesn’t have it totally under control yet. He almost took Reyn out the first time it happened. He doesn’t know where he is. If we touch him, he’ll panic. Dig?”

  SE watched in horror as the brother thrashed, his howls of pain causing a visceral reaction in the other two males. The only thing keeping him in place was X. The transition looked almost totally physical, which made no sense in SE’s mind. When shifters phased into their naguals, it was spiritual and all but instantaneous. But Pax was obviously suffering. There was visible movement under his skin as it stretched, trying to find its new form. Droplets of sweat ran down the male’s face.

  All at once, everything went silent. Pax stood up and SE realized he was staring at an exact replica of himself.

  Troy passed them on his way up the stairs. “Don’t worry. You’re not really part of the Order till Pax has cloned every pore on your goddamn body.”

  “Shut your hole!” SE heard his voice yell out of Pax’s mouth.

  Holy hell. SE didn’t even like looking at himself in the mirror these days, never mind facing a whole second him. He shook his head. Like that’s something the world needs. He turned to X. “How long does this last?”

  “Not long. He hasn’t learned how to maintain the form for more than thirty minutes or so.”

  When Pax wobbled and suddenly made like he was about to sit on the stairs, X grabbed him under an arm and SE quickly followed suit.

  “Let’s get him to a guest room,” X said. “He can sleep it off up there.”


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