A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series)

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A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series) Page 13

by Hannaford, Sharon

She raised an eyebrow, the one that didn't hurt so much. "The windshield took two bullets, and neither of them got through. The car itself hit a solid wall of rock doing at least forty miles an hour, bounced off and tumbled over a hundred feet down a bank, and was still in one piece. Either I had twelve guardian angels on duty today or that car is the toughest thing on four wheels that I've ever heard of."

  He allowed a tight grin. "Actually it is something of a prototype. I have a friend who specialises in cutting-edge protective technology. She'll be very pleased to hear how well it performed today,” he finally admitted.

  "She," Gabi growled before she could stop herself.

  Julius's grin turned slightly smug, and Gabi cursed herself.

  "No need to worry," he assured her. "We’ve known each other for a very long time. We’re merely friends, and she owes me a favour or two. This one was mutually beneficial, though, as she wanted a real-world test for her new brainchild. Having your car coated seemed like a good option."

  "So you knew there was a chance someone was going to take a shot at me?" Her voice had gone up an octave.

  His smile died in an instant. "No," he assured her quickly, "this was completely unexpected. The armour coating was a precaution. You have been shot at while chasing rogues, and had a car wired to explode in recent months. You seem to attract danger, you know."

  Gabi sighed. Yes, she knew. And her insurance company was going to initiate divorce proceedings against her if she didn't stop wrecking cars soon.

  Derek returned then with a bottle of water, some tablets and a basin with water and a washcloth. As he got within arm’s length of her, Razor lifted one huge paw and swiped at him, growling warningly. Derek flinched away just in time to avoid being slashed. A little of the water sloshed from the basin. While Julius was tolerated by the big cat since the Master Vampire's blood had brought him back from death's door, that tolerance didn't extend to anyone else, especially Werewolves. Gabi put a calming hand on Razor, and Julius took the tablets and the basin from Derek.

  "Some coffee too, sweet and strong," he ordered the other man.

  Derek bristled for a moment, but looking at Gabi on the sofa, her hand on Razor's back beginning to shake with reaction, he turned and left the room without comment.

  "You don't need to order him around like a servant," Gabi said in a low voice.

  Julius ignored her and handed her the pills and water; then he placed the basin on a side table and squeezed out the washcloth. Julius was aware of Derek's infatuation with her, had known how serious it was before she had, in fact. He felt no need to be polite to the man and held off being rude simply to appease Gabi.

  Once she'd swallowed the tablets, he crouched in front of her and wiped at the blood over her eye and in her hairline. Gabi was surprised at the colour of the water the first time he rinsed the cloth. More blood than she'd thought. She could hear and smell the coffee percolating now. Julius finished cleaning her face and then, without warning, sliced a fang across his thumb and held it to her mouth. Her first reaction was to clench her teeth, to keep herself from greedily sucking in the blood that called to her like a drug. Then she realised she was being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn. She needed to be in peak form. She couldn't show weakness, not right now. Pain and shock were clouding her mind as well as affecting her body.

  She still had Julius's thumb in her mouth when Derek returned with the coffee. She automatically pulled away, wiping at the corner of her mouth, feeling like she'd been caught doing something illicit. Julius's jaw clenched, but he didn't say anything, merely handed Derek the basin and took the coffee from him. He put the steaming mug on the table near her. She bit back a groan as Julius's blood began its job of repairing the damage inside her body. For the first few minutes the pain would multiply a hundredfold; then it would begin to ebb. She braced herself, burying her fingers into Razor's thick, furry coat.

  Julius guided her head back to lie against the sofa. "Breathe, Lea," he reminded her, taking her other hand and kissing it.

  Voices at the door helped distract her from the pain. Rory had returned. Derek showed him into the sitting room.

  "Sire." He nodded to Julius. "There's no sign of anyone else. It seems it was a lone gunman. The SUV has been collected. They said to tell you it was being taken straight to the factory for assessment."

  "What did you find out about the shooter?" Julius asked.

  "Male, Caucasian, Ross couldn't tell height or hair colour. He was wearing a cap and ran off before Ross could get a decent look at him. The most disturbing thing?" He posed the sentence as a question.

  Julius raised his eyebrows.

  "He was human."

  "What?" Gabi was stunned.

  "He knew what he was doing. From the marks on the ground, he was using a very high-end sniper's rifle complete with bipod." His eyes shifted to Gabi. "I got a look at the car when they brought it up. If the windshield hadn't held, the first bullet would've been in Hellcat's head."

  Julius went absolutely still.

  "Sire, if I didn't know better, I would say that this was a professional hit."

  Gabi's mind was in a flat spin. "That doesn't make any sense," she declared. "Who would employ a human to kill me? You don't think someone associated with Jason—" She bit off the sentence as pain seared through her knee.

  "Thank you, Rory, you can return to normal duty for now." Julius dismissed the man.

  Derek was hovering in the doorway, his face pale.

  "It's possible," Julius said, answering her question, "but seems unlikely. He didn't have many human associates, and those that he did have weren't there out of love or loyalty. Someone would have to feel very passionate about him to try to exact revenge like this." He was still standing utterly motionless, so still that it was eerie. "The Doppelganger maybe, but you said she genuinely seemed appalled at his actions once she knew what he'd been doing."

  "I don't think she's in any state to arrange something like this," Gabi said, flexing her knee and shoulder to test the rate of healing. "Last I heard, she was almost catatonic and being cared for in a respite. Even if she had the will and mental capacity for it, she doesn't have any access to funds. A professional hit man wouldn't be cheap."

  "Whoever it was, they knew where Gabi lived," Derek put in. He'd taken a seat on another sofa and was warming his hands around a cup of coffee. "You must have enemies who would want her dead, anyone who knows she's Dhampir and that she could increase your power level." His tone was accusatory; Gabi waited for Julius's explosion.

  "That's as likely a scenario as any other," Julius surprised her by agreeing. "Using a human means that they could sneak the shooter in without me being aware of him."

  "But the same could be said of anyone else as well," Gabi interjected. "I've been a Hunter for the SMV for years. I'm bound to have eliminated a few rogues with mates or friends who could be out for revenge."

  "Whatever the case, we're going to have to put off dealing with it until we've settled matters with the Princeps," Julius said, his body relaxing slightly. "Whoever is out to get you here won't be able to follow where we're going tomorrow night. In fact, if you disappear now, right after the accident, he may think he's accomplished his task and crawl back under whatever rock he came out of. That might well be the last we see of him."

  Gabi thought he was being hopeful, but she didn't argue with him. The blood high was wearing off, and she was suddenly tired. She dragged her sorry excuse for a body upright, her knee was holding her weight but still achy. She claimed her mug of coffee and headed for the door, Razor a half step behind her.

  "I'm going to wash up," she told them. "Derek, you know where the guest room is; make yourself at home.” She shot a warning look at Julius. "Play nice while I'm gone." Then she headed for the sanctuary of a hot shower.


  They were gathered in the new entertaining lounge at the mansion. It was brighter and airier than the original, but it still held a pool table and comfortab
le seating areas. A poker table had been added to the mix, and Gabi wondered who the poker enthusiast was; she hadn't seen anyone play. The bar was modern and simplistic. Nothing like the last one, it was all glass and steel and lights in a striking black and white design, accented with bright red bar stools. Fold-back doors still led out to an outdoor area, but the built-in barbecue was gone, and a roll-out, sun-protected roof had been installed. Modern, shag pile rugs lent some warmth to the smooth, tiled floor, and striking artwork drew the eyes away from the discreetly placed flat-screen TVs. Gabi couldn't fault the decorative elegance of the room, but somehow she missed the cosy, old-world comfort of its predecessor.

  The others who'd been invited to witness Caspian's oath of fealty to Julius were arriving in ones and twos. It was a small select group, mostly Vampires Gabi knew, at least by sight if not name. The ceremony, Alexander had assured her, would be short, but was considered very, very binding. Caspian was officially joining Julius's Clan tonight, and as such would be subject to his rule. If he did anything to jeopardise Julius's safety or the safety of any other Clan member, his life could be forfeit.

  Oh, and there was one other little event happening tonight. One she wasn't sure she was entirely comfortable with. Tonight Julius would be declaring her his consort. He'd broached the subject with her that afternoon. She knew he hadn't meant to put her on the spot, and probably felt as uneasy about the whole thing as she did, but he'd made some valid points once he'd explained the meaning of the term in Vampire speak.

  Without some kind of ceremonial connection to a specific Vampire or Clan, she would officially be fair game for anyone who wanted to mess with her. Her association with Julius and his Clan wasn't enough to protect her, not even if she was in a sexual relationship with him. She had two choices: she could swear fealty, like Caspian was about to, and essentially hand her life over to him and the Clan, or he could declare her his consort, and she'd be considered untouchable without bringing his wrath, and the whole Clan's, down on them.

  It wasn't a partners-for-eternity kind of declaration, but it was difficult to annul, and there had to be justification. If she were to take up with another man while being Julius's consort, it would be considered treason, and she could be dealt with by the Princeps if it was brought to their attention. It was a big step, kind of like getting married, only worse. She knew she wasn't ready for it, and so did Julius, but circumstances didn't give a shit about either of their feelings. While she wasn't as concerned about her own personal safety, she knew she could never risk allowing another Vampire to control her; the chance of them forcing the secret of her heritage from her was too great.

  She'd been careful not to dress any differently than she would normally have, though it felt like she should be wearing something formal. She was in jeans and a black, cashmere sweater, her only jewellery the ring that gave her control of the ward at her house. She'd even consciously avoided putting on make-up; she wasn't going to treat this like a major life event. If she did, she might not be able to go through with it. She hadn't even told Kyle about it. She knew he'd try to talk her out of it, and she wouldn't take much convincing. She'd tell him afterwards, when it was too late to change her mind.

  Another Master Vampire had been invited to witness both ceremonies. He’d flown in earlier in the evening and was on his way from the airport now. Alexander didn't seem too enamoured with the Vamp, but Julius knew him and trusted him enough for the job of witness, though no further than that. He’d have a small retinue with him, but only one would accompany him into the mansion.

  Gabi looked around the room, signalling Alexander with her whiskey glass for a refill. Liam and Nathan were both here already, as was Fergus. Jonathon was on his way. He’d had a Werewolf emergency to deal with first. Patrick was the only Werewolf invited. Kyle had to sit this one out, as he was not officially under Julius's protection. Official Clan business was closed to outsiders. If Gabi hadn't accepted Julius's 'proposal', she would've had to sit out Caspian's oath too. Patrick was overseeing the arrival of the visiting master, and would arrive with him.

  Julius and Caspian would be the last to arrive, so it was falling to Alexander to greet and introduce the visitor. Although Alexander looked calm and was bantering irreverently with Liam, Gabi could see the tension in his eyes. The Vampires all tensed a half second before she heard the footsteps. Alexander appeared at her side in a rush of air. He handed her a fresh drink and moved slightly in front of her to greet the newcomers who followed Patrick into the room. She could feel his power before he came through the door. He was an old one; his power a dark vortex, tightly controlled and well trained.

  "Master Dragos," Alexander said, his voice carefully neutral as the Vampire stalked into the room. Patrick moved off to one side to take up a position near the door. "Well met, and welcome to Julius's home." Alexander inclined his head slightly, but not enough to be called a bow.

  "Alexander," the newcomer acknowledged the official greeting in an imperious tone.

  Gabi had to cover a bark of laughter with a cough, pretending to have choked on her drink. Gods alive, they could've warned her.

  The Vampire was of medium height, passably good-looking and appearing in his mid-thirties. It was his pitch-black hair, slicked back, and the black cloak complete with red lining that did it. All he needed was the two silly, pointed incisors poking out like a Vampire rabbit. If anyone said the name Dracula, she'd be snorting whiskey out her nose.

  "This is Gabrielle," Alexander said, turning slightly towards her and shooting her a warning glare. "Julius's soon-to-be consort." The Vampire's eyes narrowed as his dark eyes raked her from head to toe. Gabi bit the inside of her cheek to tamp down the hysterics and inclined her head the same way Alexander had done. This Vampire was important to them tonight; she absolutely could not offend him before he'd performed his function.

  "Master Dragos," she said, proud of herself for managing to sound almost respectful. "I'm very pleased to meet you. Thank you for agreeing to bear witness to our joining this evening." She repeated the words Julius had taught her earlier. He'd carefully explained the formal rituals and wording, and reminded her several times that both ceremonies were considered sacrosanct in the Vampire world—until she pointedly reminded him that she'd grown up among Magi, who could put any other species to shame when it came to sacrosanct ceremonies. She could behave with decorum when circumstances demanded it. Gabi chose to ignore his dubious look.

  "Miss Bradford." His accent was heavy. He rolled his 'r's and drew out the 'a' in her name. Eastern European, thought Gabi, though she didn't know enough about accents to pinpoint an exact country. "It is an honour to meet you. Your father's reputation is still spoken of in our community. I have heard that you are trying to outdo him." He smiled, though the sentiment didn't make it to his eyes, and he looked more sceptical than honoured, but Gabi continued the polite charade.

  "Well, I try my best to keep the City safe," she hedged, not about to get into a conversation about her father with an unfamiliar Vampire.

  "Is there anything we can get you?" Alexander asked, stepping back in front of her protectively.

  Gabi had to restrain the urge to shove him out of the way. The rest of the Vampires would not be introduced; Julius had explained that in Vampire hierarchy only those who were of a similar stature would be introduced to a Master.

  "A glass of strong red wine would be appreciated," he answered. He flicked his head at his hanger-on, and the other Vampire meekly went to take up a position against the wall near the window. This Vampire had the weak and nonthreatening act perfected, but Gabi could sense that his power level was also high, not Master level, but up there with Fergus, and stronger than Alexander. At the thought, her eyes found Fergus's. He nodded almost imperceptibly. This polite power-playing was expected, but it set Gabi's teeth on edge.

  "Of course," Alexander said, nodding at Liam, who zipped behind the bar. "Please make yourself comfortable. Julius will be here in a few minutes."

bsp; At eleven p.m. to the second, Gabi heard Julius's and Caspian's footsteps, calm measured paces down the corridor. Her chest suddenly squeezed tight, robbing her of breath. What was she doing?

  The bright lights and modern decor of the room seemed utterly incongruous to the almost antediluvian ritual that was taking place in the confines of its walls. Caspian was bare chested, dressed only in a loose-fitting pair of dark, harem-style pants. His bare skin, glistening with a faint sheen of oil, reminded Gabi of the pale, reddish brown hue of her favourite teak coffee table. He was well muscled for his apparent age, his biceps defined and a shadow of a six pack across his abdomen. Dark hair covered most of his upper chest before arrowing down towards his navel. He caught her assessment, and his eyes narrowed with smugness. She barely resisted rolling her eyes; assessment wasn't necessarily appreciation, but few men realised that.

  Only she, Alexander and Dragos stood near Julius and Caspian in the centre of the room. The rest melted into the shadows against the walls. Gabi felt the biting wash of Julius's power, and Caspian stiffened. Contrition replaced the smugness, and he lowered his eyes to the tiled floor. He had balls, Gabi had to admit, pushing his luck in front of all of them: Alexander to Julius's right, she to his left and Dragos standing to the right of Alexander. Julius pulled his power back, containing it once more, but displeasure was clear in his bearing.

  "Not a good way to start the relationship, Caspian," Gabi thought. She still wasn't sure if the Spaniard was playing some kind of game with them. Her gut said he was, but if that was true, then he was one of the best liars she'd ever come across. The ritualistic words had already been spoken by both Caspian and Julius. Only the final blood offering remained, then Caspian's oath of fealty would be official.

  "Kneel, Caspian," Julius said. He was holding a braided silk cord in his hands.

  Gabi had finally found out what the strips of silk that resided in his top desk drawer were for. The answer was much less exotic than she'd anticipated. The cord was braided from three different coloured silk strips: black, dark blue and gold. All of his Vampires present tonight were wearing an identical cord somewhere on them.


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