A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series)

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A Cold Day in Hell (The Hellcat Series) Page 22

by Hannaford, Sharon

  "Good evening, Master Julius," he said politely. "Lady Consort," he acknowledged Gabi, "and I assume this is the one they call Wolf?" he asked, looking to Kyle.

  "This is Kyle," Julius said.

  "He is the Werewolf who was born a werewolf?" Eliasz pressed, not happy with Julius's evasiveness.

  "Yes," Julius's reply was short.

  Eliasz's lips thinned slightly, and Klara's face grew stormy. Watching for reactions on the Princeps' faces, Gabi's gaze found Santiago's, and her pulse leapt as anger boiled through her. Nex's solid warmth reminded her how easily she could pull the blade and wipe the smug leer from his wretchedly handsome face. She forced herself to move her gaze onward, assessing the others instead.

  "We all know who he is, Eliasz," Oleksandra commented. "Let's move on. Cassandra, will you please read the first charge against Master Julius."

  The thin, blonde woman stood and looked at them with sad eyes. Gabi knew that if they were sentenced to death by the Princeps, this woman would be their executioner. Julius had explained that it was considered a kindness to allow her to take the life from a person, as it was a painless way to die. Her particular kiss of death was only offered to high-ranking Vampires and their immediate associates. The plebs were simply beheaded by one of the guards.

  "The first charge is the unlawful killing of another Vampire during a Master challenge. The charge is laid against Master Julius, his consort, and the packless Werewolf known as Wolf," she intoned.

  "Do you denounce this charge?" Oleksandra asked Julius.

  "Yes, my lady." His veneer of politeness was growing thinner.

  "Based on what grounds?" Eliasz asked.

  "On several, actually," Julius replied. "Firstly there could be no Master challenge, as Dantè had not officially obtained the level of Master." Mariska had apparently been unaware of this little fact when she laid the charges. "But even had it simply been a Clan leadership challenge," Julius continued before any of the Princeps could muddy the charges with this possibility, "Dantè was acting directly against Vampire law."

  "How was he doing this?" Faruq asked, sitting forward, the truth in Julius's words striking a chord with the Vampire lie-detector.

  "He and the Maleficus, known as Mariska, were summoning Demons from the Etherworld and building an army of Demons and Ghouls to attack my Clan and the humans of the City."

  The hall fell silent. Many Princep eyes turned to Faruq for confirmation of what they had never been told before. The Arabic man nodded slowly.

  "Of course, you may believe this yourself, Master Julius, but that doesn't always tell the full story." Klara spoke up for the first time, her guttural accent barely understandable.

  "If you think I am mistaken, you are welcome to question my witnesses," he said, indicating the rest of the group lined up nearby. "They include a representative of the Magi High Council. Perhaps her view of the circumstances would be more trustworthy than my own." His tone was mild, but his irritation was obvious.

  "Before we question your witnesses, are there any other grounds you are using to refute this allegation." Oleksandra spoke again, her expression knowing.

  "Yes, my lady." Julius's tone was a little less icy when addressing the grandmotherly Princep. "At the time that I killed Dantè, he was holding Gabrielle captive and had been torturing her with the help of the Maleficus. On those grounds alone I had the right to take his life, as Gabrielle was at that time my concubine."

  Gabi forced herself not to stiffen at the word. She didn't like the term, even though Julius had explained earlier that it meant something a little different in Vampire society; it just made her sound like his servile fuck-buddy. Movement caught her eye on the left.

  Benedict leaned back in his seat indolently. "If that is true, Master Julius, then you did indeed have cause to kill the Vampire known as Dantè," he drawled. "It's clear that the Dark Magus is ignorant of Vampire Law. Faruq has confirmed the truth of Julius's statements. I say we throw out this charge and move on. This is becoming a waste of my time." He flicked his hands at the rest of them as though the whole thing was boring him to death.

  "I agree." Fianna's lilting voice was stern. "This allegation is just a nuisance. In fact, I move that the Dark Magus be handed over to Master Julius to exact revenge for the pain and suffering caused to his City and his consort."

  "Let's not be hasty." Helene's clipped British accent interrupted Fianna and earned the English beauty a disdainful glare from the warrior. "There is still the more serious charge to consider before we go handing anyone over for retribution."

  "Master Julius, you and your Clan are accused of knowingly harbouring a direct threat to the safety of all Vampire-kind," Cassandra read from the sheet in front of her. "Do you have anything you wish to say in your own defence?"

  "Yes, I do," Julius confirmed in a strong, confident voice. "I contend that Gabrielle herself is not a direct threat to Vampire society. It is impossible for one Dhampir to kill or expose the whole of the Vampire world."

  "That is just semantics." Helene tried to brush aside the argument.

  "No, he makes a good point," said Fianna. It seemed that if the Irish woman hadn't been on their side before, Helene's rudeness might have just pushed her that way now. "It isn't the Dhampir herself who is the threat to us all; it is the secret of her creation that is the real danger."

  "He was still harbouring the secret, so the charge remains true," Helene argued.

  "Ah, but if the secret is the threat, how can we punish the Dhampir?" Benedict spoke again.

  "We're not discussing punishments yet," Klara reminded the group. "We must first deliberate guilt or innocence of the charges." It was technically against the law to have considered punishment before confirming guilt.

  "Perhaps we need to rethink the charges," Oleksandra put forward. "It is clear the Dark Magus was even less forthcoming with information than we originally realised. We may need to consider a lesser charge."

  "The Dhampir is a threat. The information she and some of those around her hold in their minds has the power to ruin us all." Akshita spoke up for the first time. "They know this, and that is why they have been trying to hide it."

  "Or they have been hiding it because they think they can quietly begin to build an army of their own." Santiago's voice was a sexy purr, making Gabi's skin try to crawl off her body. She felt physically sick hearing him speak and knowing what she did about him now, thinking of him using that voice to coerce young girls to do his bidding. She wasn't sure if the shudder that followed was from revulsion or fury.

  "That is something we can clear up immediately." Cassandra surprised Gabi by speaking up. "Master Julius, have you or do you intend to use your knowledge of Dhampir creation to beget your own unstoppable army?"

  "No, Lady Cassandra," Julius said firmly, "I do not ever intend to create another Dhampir, nor will I allow any other under my control to do so either."

  Eleven sets of Princep eyes turned to Faruq. He simply nodded. Julius spoke true, and there was no doubting it. In the instant of silence that followed this revelation, Julius spoke again.

  "If I may make a suggestion," he said. "We agree fully with you all that if the truth of Gabrielle's creation were to get out, there is the distinct possibility that it would lead to war among Vampires. It is with this in mind that we have already taken steps to ensure the protection of the information, not to claim it for our own uses." He speared each of them with a look as he continued. "If you decree that the secret is too dangerous for anyone to know, then it will be for you to order the destruction or mind-wipe of anyone who knows the truth. The secret of the creation of Dhampirs will be lost forever. However…"

  Gabi held her breath. This was the gamble; this was the only hope they really had of walking away with their lives and memories intact.

  "If you concede that the truth is only dangerous in certain hands, then you will agree with us that the secret, finally revealed after centuries of concealment, should not be lost." Julius t
ook a step forward towards the Princep table, and the guards behind the Princeps tensed. "Consider the fact that the day may come when being able to create Dhampirs could save us all. The ability to create loyal followers who can walk in daylight and pass as human is a powerful weapon. One that we may need if humans ever prove our existence and decide they would be better off without us in the world. If the secret is too great a threat, we will also lose one of our most powerful defences." The threat was unspoken but implicit: find them guilty and no Vampire would ever know how to create another Dhampir.

  An uncomfortable air rippled through the seated Vampires. They didn't like being threatened, but the implications were hitting home.

  "We don't believe this is in the best interests of Vampire society," Julius continued, pressing home his advantage. "We would prefer to offer the secret of Dhampir creation to the Princeps to protect and, should the need ever arise, to use. If you accept that the information is not intrinsically dangerous to all Vampires and find me and my clan not guilty of these charges laid against us, we are prepared to record the exact details of Gabrielle's creation on a script, and seal it in a vault protected by Magic, only to be opened by the blood of all twelve Princeps. There would have to be unanimous agreement among the Princeps that the need outweighed any possible consequence before the truth could be revealed."

  A murmur had started up in the hall as Julius's suggestion caused them to reconsider their initial stance.

  "What of the fact that you and some of your Clan, as well as some humans and Magi, already know this information?" Akshita asked, her quick mind already processing the possibilities.

  "We understand the need to protect the truth," Julius replied. "We would trust you to help us in that regard. Those of my Clan who are privy to the information will be unable to share that information with anyone. You all know well my ability; I will ensure that the secret never passes their lips. As for the others who know the truth, they are very well versed at keeping it hidden, as they have already done for nearly thirty years. If not for the publicity brought about by these allegations against us, the secret would still be perfectly safe."

  They all caught what he wasn't saying; the entire Clan and the City was in danger because the Princeps had allowed the rumours to run wild. They would need to clean up their own mess and ensure the gossip was stopped in its tracks.

  "I think we have heard enough to retire and begin our private deliberations," Oleksandra declared into the silence that followed Julius's subtle admonishment. "Unless anyone else has a question to ask the Master or his witnesses?" She threw a glance around at the others.

  "I would like to hear from the Dhampir herself," Fianna said in her lyrical Irish voice.

  "What would you like to know?" Gabi asked, glad to hear her voice come out clear and strong.

  "How do you feel about being the only Dhampir in existence?" Fianna asked. "Do you feel the need to create others like yourself? Do you feel alone in the world?"

  Gabi considered the questions before answering. "Yes, I do feel alone at times, but having the truth of what I am explained to me has helped in that regard. I no longer feel like an unexplained phenomenon. I am beginning to come to terms with what I am and what I need. But no, I don't feel any desire to create others like me. I am quite happy to be a one-of-a-kind."

  Faruq was nodding even though the others weren't really looking to him for confirmation.

  "You wouldn't share the secret for personal gain?" Helene sported a snide look of disdain as she asked the question.

  "No," Gabi replied firmly. "While some in the Vampire world may be unmoved by the plight of humans, I stand with one foot in the human world and one in the Vampire world. I was born to protect both, and all other innocents." She avoided looking at Santiago as she spoke those words. "I know the death and destruction that would affect both my families if my secret got into the wrong hands. I will give my own life before I reveal the secret to anyone who may use it unwisely."

  "She speaks true," Faruq said into the silence that followed her declaration.

  Helene and Klara appeared ready to continue her interrogation, but Oleksandra rose to her feet.

  "Then we have heard enough." She pinned the others with a stern glance to either side of her before turning back to the group standing in front of them. "Master Julius, do you have anything else you wish to add?" When Julius shook his head, she said, "You may return to your apartment. We will meet again tomorrow night. I trust you will continue to enjoy our hospitality in the meanwhile."

  Gabi didn't dare reply to that. Faruq would know the instant she spoke that something had happened. So she merely nodded agreement, along with Julius. The rest of the Princeps stood and took their leave, filing out of the room with Benedict bringing up the rear. Just before he disappeared through the door, he lifted his ever-present sunglasses and gave them a look, one that was the subtle equivalent of a round of applause.

  It was almost dawn when Xavier made his entrance through another secret door.

  "It's just me," he said as soon as his head cleared the door frame. A man who learned by experience; Gabi was impressed.

  Without being prompted, Athena stood and began the invocation to seal the room from prying ears and minds. Xavier was plainly tired; dark semi-circles marked the skin under his eyes like bruises.

  "You need to get some sleep, human," Alexander remarked. "You look ready to drop."

  Xavier smiled weakly. "I'm fine," he said. "Really." He was more adamant at Julius's raised eyebrows. "I have my day off-duty tomorrow; I'll catch up then. I promise."

  "What news do you have?" Caspian was less sympathetic to the man's plight.

  "You certainly stirred them up again. They only just retired to their rooms and only because their guards were starting to suffer with the onset of dawn." He stifled a yawn and rubbed his face wearily. "There are now five firmly on your side and calling to dismiss the charge. Fianna and Faruq are siding with Benedict, Oleksandra and Cassandra, and I sense that Thibault is teetering on the edge of joining them. He has begun arguing for the saving of the Dhampir secret. The rest are still for finding you guilty, though Eliasz and Lennert are wavering a little, I guess because they can see the sense in holding the secret. Unfortunately Eliasz will never go against Klara, though, and she is still strongly against you, as are the rest. Akshita because she firmly believes that the secret should be destroyed, but Santiago and Helene seem to have more personal reasons that they are reluctant to voice. Their arguments are weak, but their sentiment is strong."

  "What happens if the vote is tied?" Gabi asked, she couldn't remember if anyone had explained that yet.

  "The tie-breaker is chosen at random," Caspian said. "A bag containing eleven pure white balls and one with a small red dot is passed around. Whichever Princep draws the ball with the dot has the deciding vote."

  "Huh," Gabi huffed. That meant even if they were lucky enough to get Thibault on their side they wouldn't know until too late which way the vote would swing. Part of the escape plan hinged on being able to get out as soon as they knew the vote would go against them.

  Discussion turned to security detail for the day that was fast approaching. Julius wanted to stay awake again, but Gabi knew it wasn't a good idea. She adamantly insisted he rest in case they had to flee the following night. If they ran, Lord and Lady only knew when they would next get a chance to rest. All the Vampires had made use of castle feeders earlier in the evening, at Julius's insistence, so they would all be at full strength the following night, but he still refused to back down and leave her, Athena and Kyle to protect themselves. Their heated stalemate was broken when Caspian stood and, taking his life in his hands, got between the two of them.

  "I'll stay up," he said firmly, glancing from Julius to Gabi and back again as though he wasn't sure who the bigger threat was, or who he had to convince more. "I'm the oldest Vampire here. I have no trouble resisting the daysleep for one day. If I haven't got the strength to keep going with you
when you flee, I have places I can go to ground nearby. I'm quite well prepared to stay out of sight."

  Gabi could feel the conflict rage through Julius. As much as he'd been arguing with her, he knew the wisdom of getting his daysleep, but there were several reasons he didn't want to allow Caspian to stay awake with Gabi, not least of which was a soul-deep mistrust of the man. Gabi nodded at him as he wavered.

  "He's sworn fealty to you," she reminded him. "If he tries anything stupid, we'll kill him." She meant it. Neither she nor Kyle would hesitate to kill him if he proved that he was untrustworthy.

  "I meant what I said, Jul—Master," Caspian corrected himself. "I will protect her with my life. I swear it."

  Julius's eyes bored into the other man's for a moment, and then he nodded. "You'll have to forgive my lack of trust," he told the Spaniard as Gabi felt the room fill with the weight of Julius's power, "but I'm not yet willing to put her life in your hands without a little insurance."

  Caspian's eyes grew large as the weight of Julius's will came down on him. His mouth dropped open, and his hands fell slack at his sides. "You will protect Gabrielle's life with your own. You will not betray us in any way." Julius's voice brooked no dissension as his power pounded into Caspian.

  The other Vampire fell to his knees, his head bowed. "Yes, Sire," he breathed hoarsely, his compliance now unquestionable.

  Julius nodded curtly and withdrew the storm of unseen power back into himself. "Now I will sleep," he said shortly. He turned and strode towards the bedroom. "Get some rest, all of you," he ordered.

  Gabi was slower to turn and follow him, so only she noticed Caspian's look as he lifted his head and stared at Julius's retreating back. His eyes were cold and hard as diamond, his jaw set and his face immobile. A finger of ice shivered up Gabi's spine as a different side of Caspian showed itself, one she was sure would eventually cause them all grief. An instant later he caught her watching him, and the look was gone, as though it had never existed. He smiled weakly as he came to his feet in a fluid motion, visibly collecting himself.


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