Escape from Harrizel

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Escape from Harrizel Page 23

by C. G. Coppola

  I keep my voice strong. “What do you want?”

  “I’m sure he’s told you who I am.”

  “He might’ve mentioned it.”

  “Maybe you should say it,” he orders. “Just so I know you know.”

  My blood boils as I glance around the rapidly-thinning corridor. Time’s running out.

  “Who?” Mantis is getting impatient. “Who am I?”

  All he wants is to hear his name but I’m not giving him that satisfaction. “You? You’re just someone else who couldn’t beat Rox.”

  Mantis’ eyes grow wide, fierce with rage. For a split second I think he’s going to punch me until a familiar voice eases the tension with a casual, almost fruitful laugh.

  “She’s right about that,” Jace picks his thumbnail with a pocket-sized knife as he leans against the rail. The blade is made from same material as the sheets carried in transport—dried gibb.

  The two Kings glance to one another and, as if encouraged by each other’s presence, stand firm. But their focus drifts to Jace, who has started tossing the blade up and down, catching it effortlessly. He’s not even watching it, but watching them watch him, a casual grace to his actions.

  “Just having some fun,” Mantis holds his hands up in defense, smirking. “No harm in that, right?”

  “That’s a question you probably should’ve asked yourself first,” Jace catches the tiny knife and resumes picking his thumbnail. “Cause, uh… I know my answer. Chief?”

  The tall Indian appears behind Mantis like a brick wall, looming with warning through tight lips and flared nostrils. Glaring at Mantis and the Kings behind me, he tilts his head, a loud crack emitting from his neck.

  “Yeah… he doesn’t talk much,” Jace examines his hands, selecting a new finger to clean. He tosses Mantis a look. “But I’m going to say it’s a no.”

  “Come on guys…”

  “See, that’s the thing—we’re not your guys anymore. In fact,” and he looks to Chief for confirmation, “we never were.”

  The Kings exchange glances with uncertainty, especially as Chief withdraws a rounded blade that extends from his elbow to his fingertips. He grips it by the brown handle, a thin hunk of wood wrapped in brown twine. At the sight, the two Clansmen push back, eventually making off down the hall just as the remaining stragglers find their rooms.

  The tower is nearly empty.

  “Aw… well that wasn’t nice,” Mantis frowns before speaking directly to Jace. “Rox treating you okay? You know there’s always a place for you with the Kings.”

  “Sure there is,” he laughs, cleaning the nail of his middle finger. “But a dirt plot’s not really my thing.”

  “For the King of Hearts?” Mantis smiles coyly. “Never. Just as much pussy as you can handle.”

  Jace returns the grin, “Got that already. Thanks,” he pushes himself from the rail, to the other side of me. “I’ll send Rox your regards.”

  Mantis looks between all three of us and finally takes off down the open mouth of the hall.

  Before Jace can say anything, Chief motions to the door behind me. “You should get back in your room. Now.”

  I do as he says, sealing myself inside my bunker and withdrawing all the way to the window. I press my back to the wall and slink down to the ground. I have two Marowines saved but my hunger has abated. The lunch hour passes quickly and before I know it, the alarm screeches overhead, advising that it’s time to head back and Rebuild. I’ve only been able to nibble on half a Marowine, my stomach turning in knots for this moment. Will Mantis be waiting for me, ready to pounce in? Or will he send another King?

  A knock sounds on the door.

  My heart takes off as I walk toward it, trying to rationalize why a King would bother knocking, unless it’s to throw me off. But maybe Chief or Jace were able to notify Reid, let him know what happened. I cling to this hope, pulling back the crimson arch and holding my breath.

  Able offers a gaping smile. “Hi bestie.”

  I’m so relieved that I throw my arms around in his neck in a tight hug. “Hi!”

  “You know I’m not Reid, right?”

  Pulling back, I peek over his shoulder to the dimly lit tower thriving with a steady passage of bodies. Everyone’s headed back to work, back to Rebuilding. Soon we’ll all be in the same place, all outside, under the same gray ceiling. Exposed.

  “How about I walk you down?” Able offers to link his arm in mine. I accept and he leads us down the buzzing stairwell.

  “They told you?”

  “Are you kidding?” he laughs. “Oh yeah. Reid is not happy—I’ll say that.”

  “Not happy?”

  “You want the rated or unrated version?”

  “But nothing happened.”

  “Yet…” Able corrects. “Nothing happened yet. The fact that Mantis was at your door and his two idiot goons followed you there did not go over well with him. He would’ve come to get you himself but he’s overloaded with Jace and Tucker on the shipment of Arrivals that came during second common hour. They need to act quickly—from a recruitment standpoint—otherwise he would’ve been here.”

  “Sounds busy.”

  “To say the least.”

  We move quickly, along with the rest of the crowd, sliding down the stairwell as Tetlak shakes his staff in the air, circling in the Courtyard below. He glares up at us with his yellow eyes, demanding we move faster.

  “Sorry you have to play with the girls instead of the boys,” I toss Able an apologetic frown as we reach the ninth floor. “I’m sure you have better things to do.”

  “Then spending time with my best friend?” he scoffs, “No way. This is an assignment I don’t mind at all.”

  “So what are they doing now?”


  “Reid… Tucker, Jace…”

  “I believe Reid and Jace are with Jothkore.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Probably getting as much information as possible from the latest shipment. Location pick-ups, details of surroundings, injuries if there were any—anything that could assist in describing character.”

  “And then?”

  “Set a Scout on the notables—potentials and threats—and go from there. With a Scout watching twenty four-seven, you’re bound to know a little bit about a person.”

  “But don’t the Scouts have other assignments? Bartering with the Clients?”

  Able nods, spinning us down another floor. “Yup, that’s why they’ll send their own Scouts for that. They’ll hire their own assistants to take care of their assignments in their absence,” he pulls me closer, “everyone is working for everyone. Everyone is watching everyone. It’s all one big game and right now, we’re adding more players.”

  “Are we gathering food again tonight?”

  “Maybe,” we reach the Courtyard, passing Tetlak who glares our way, his focus unwavering. “He says there’s something important he needs to tell us. I think we’re going back to that tree place.”


  We pass through the open portcullis and out under the gray sky again, people drifting in separate directions now that Tetlak’s no longer urging them to move along. He remains inside, hassling the last few out.

  “Reid’s having everyone meet,” Able keeps his voice low. “All the Rogues again.”

  “Are the Scouts on board with the pills?”

  “Yeah. We’ve also warned a few Clients. I think Griffin was one.”

  “So tonight then?”

  “Yup. Beginning of Leisure Time. Someone will come get you.”

  “Able…” I clutch his arm. I’m not sure what I really want to ask or if I can face the reality of the question. “Am I… should I…”

  “Just keep yourself constantly surrounded. People know who you are so if he tries it again, we’ll be right there. It’s when you’re alone that you’re in trouble,” he leans in, making sure I understand this. “Don’t give him that opportunity.”

  I force a smile
and he gently withdraws his arm from mine.

  “You’ll be fine,” he smiles sincerely. “I’ll be nearby. We all will.”

  Able backs up, heading for the center part of the trench as I veer to my normal right. If it’s true, and they’re all nearby, then I’m not as vulnerable I had myself thinking. I resume my digging and try to concentrate on tonight and Sampson revealing everything to the Rogues. How will they take it? Will it explain a lot of their questions? And what are we planning to do about all the new Arrivals, the pills and Snatchings? My mind wanders with question after question as I lose myself to the monotonous digging.


  It’s break before Reminders.

  Able said someone would come get me. Is this how it’s going to be from now on? An escort everywhere? I’m lying on my bed with my eyes closed, waiting for the inevitable knock when images of the lady in the red bandanna flash by. Who is she? And why does she only come in my dreams? Shutting my eyes tighter, I try to will more of the scene when a quick two-pound knock sounds on my door.

  I sit up just as Reid walks through, his face hardened. “Tell me what happened.”


  “Did he touch you?” Reid moves toward me, his hands balled into fists. “Did he lay a fucking finger on you?”

  “What?” I’m surprised at the ferocity in his tone. “No.”

  “And what about the other two?”

  “No…” I gulp, suddenly uneasy with the rage emitting from him. “They didn’t—nothing happened. I’m fine.”

  He exhales, still unsatisfied as he begins pacing the room. He runs his fingers through his hair, bringing his thumb to his front teeth, gnawing on it.


  “I’m so sorry, Fallon,” he drops to the bed next to me, softly brushing my cheek. “Are you okay? Seriously?”

  “Seriously, I’m fine,” I take his hand in mine, dropping them to my lap. “So, Sampson is telling the Rogues tonight?”

  “They need to know as soon as possible,” he accepts the distraction, “we’ll lead them from the Auditorium—same as last time.”

  “And how’d recruiting go?”

  “Some leads,” he shrugs, “not as many as I’d hoped. We have a few Scouts out there so we’ll see.”

  “And the Kings are doing the same?”

  “This is their golden opportunity. Try and destroy us once and for all. Claim the Castle for themselves again. But they probably had the same luck. It wasn’t a big shipment.”

  “I thought Clarence would be doubling his quota?”

  “He will be,” Reid exhales, “and that’s why we need all the help we can get. The Castle’s about to grow in population and we’re not Rebuilding anything. There’s no room for that many people. We’re going to start going fast,” he falls forward, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. A quiet minute goes by before he speaks again. “We’re going to have to figure something out soon.”

  I’m overcome by the sudden urge to comfort him, to make him understand he’s not alone in this.

  “We will,” I squeeze his hand. “The Rogues will know tonight and from there, we’ll get a plan together. We’ve got Sampson on our side, Clarence, Jothkore even,” I say, but Reid just stares at the ground, his fingers at his temples. “Hey,” I force him to look at me, lifting his chin to mine, “we’ll come up with something. You’re not in this by yourself.”

  His eyes flicker between mine, searching for truth, wanting to believe me. Should he? He wants to hold onto the idea but seems unsure. No, it’s always been on his shoulders. It always will be. Still, he’s grateful for the possibility. He leans in but just as I think he’s going to kiss me, he stops, pressing his forehead to mine.

  “You know I won’t let them hurt you, right?”

  My breath catches. I lick my lips, wanting to taste his. “I know.”

  “Never,” he growls, pulling away just as the alarm for Reminders blares. He paces, gnawing on the tip of his right thumb, contemplating something. “We need to find out. We need to know what they’re doing.”

  “The Dofinikes?”

  Reid nods.

  “But even if we find out, what do we do? How can we stop it?”

  He paces again, his face hardening as the question he’s been asking himself this whole time consumes him further. I jump up to meet him, grasping him by the arms. He doesn’t realize it’s me at first and stiffens in response. But then he looks down, relaxing again.

  “Hey—we’ll figure it out.”

  He takes my hand from his arm and brings it to his face. Lightly, he kisses the center of my palm, setting my body aflame.

  “Reid…” I start as a light knock sounds at the door.

  He drops my hand with an apologetic look, pulling back instantly at the sound. Reaching for the door, he opens it to Tucker, Able and Jace walking in without an invitation, the three glancing around my bunker curiously.

  “All Rogues know to meet same as last time,” Tucker advises, keeping close by the door.

  “Scouts?” Reid asks.

  “A few have reported. Could be some possibilities,” Tucker shrugs, “we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “And the Kings?”

  “Already approached a few.”

  “Eager sons of bitches,” Able mumbles.

  “Sounds like they’re scared,” Jace laughs. “I’d be too.”

  “Scared… but productive,” Reid tugs his chin, “they’ll double their numbers overnight if we let them and I don’t believe in head starts. We’ll need more help. There are two more shipments tomorrow and I want all eyes watching.”

  Tucker nods.

  “Jace,” Reid turns to him, “have Moss and Cramp increase Clientele on all new Arrivals—double it if you have to. I want to know who they’re talking to, what they believe, what they’ve heard, anything that might determine their future as Rogue or King. We need to know this quick,” he snaps, “but I want knowledgeable, not rash decisions. Able,” he spins to him, “get me an estimation—accurate,” he stresses, “of extra tokens needed. Have it to me by tomorrow.”

  “You got it, Boss.”

  Reid turns to me, his hand out. “Ready?”

  I take it, allowing him to pull me behind him and into the buzzing corridor, Able, Tucker and Jace on my tail. We fly down the stairs and into the Auditorium, gliding easily through the larger than normal herd. Once Leisure Time is announced, Reid leads us into the West Wall’s entrance and through the Maze. We reach the final passage and find it teeming with Rogues. Most are quietly chatting while Rooney and Drenz laugh somewhere in the middle. But once spotting Reid, the Rogues instantly straighten, clearing a path for him—for us— watching silently as we pass through.

  At the very front, Sampson, Vix, Clark and Pratt wait against the wall. With Reid’s nod, Sampson opens the door, Vix leaving first, then Clark and Pratt, then the rest of us. I climb through, Reid behind me but he pulls me back, kissing my palm again. “Hey, I’ll catch up with you.”

  He disappears into the streaming line of Rogues behind us before I realize he’s left. Babeebs scatter overhead, lighting every few Clansmen but not him. He’s gone, lost to the shadows and there’s no point looking. But my hand is cold, my body, uncomfortable without the presence of his. My stomach lurches at the realization it’ll be a while before I can feel him again.

  Even if it is just his hand.

  We make it to Camp, all filing in and finding ourselves in the same positions as last time. Reid hangs back with Tucker and Sampson, exchanging quick words while Pratt and Able take either side of me.

  Reid nods once more to Sampson before resuming the center of the circle created for him, “Evening Rogues…”

  “Rox!” they holler in unison.

  “Lots to go over,” he rubs his hands together, pacing in the circle. “Lots to discuss but before we get to all that, there’s someone you need to meet—a friend of mine. Most of you have seen me around with him and an introduction is long
overdue. His name is Sampson,” Reid glances to him, returning his focus on his attentive Clansmen, “and I need you all to listen to him. We’re telling you this because things are about to get a lot worse. And it’s time you knew,” he nods to himself, to his Clansmen. “It’s time you know.”

  Reid steps back, exchanging places with Sampson. With three babeebs overhead, his silver hair glows golden, a widened circle of light casting around him. He stands effortlessly strong, commanding attention of the room as easily as Reid.

  “I’ve known Rox for awhile now, and consider myself lucky to call him a friend. If he’s shaped you to his own, I assume you to be men of honor. With that said, I trust I’ll be allowed to say my piece fully, without questions and without judgments, without vocalizing what I’m sure will be disagreeable opinions, until I am finished speaking. Your respect means a great deal and as no one has objected thus far, I assume my request is granted…” Sampson takes a heavy breath as he glances from curious face to face.

  He closes his eyes, finding the necessary words, which seem to fill him like toxic gas. But his anecdote, his window, is not here tonight. There’s no escape for him, no Harrizel sky to wash away the black truth of his words. We’re trapped. Just as trapped as we are in our closet-sized bunkers but when he speaks, his apology for this rings through his tone.

  “It started, you see,” his morose eyes open, gazing upon us, “back a long time ago…”

  Chapter Eighteen: Confessions

  “A Dofinike?”

  The question hangs, the room stunned silent from Sampson’s confession. I think it’s Harrison who asked, or maybe Able.

  “You know Jothkore then?” Chief asks, his tone purely curious.

  “Yes,” Sampson nods. “I told him the Rogues were in need of assistance. He started bringing you the food on my request.”


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