Tamed By The White Cowboy (BWWM Romance)

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Tamed By The White Cowboy (BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Westwood, Susan

  Gemma strummed a few bars on her guitar before she launched into the words of Sweet Home Alabama. The attendees sung along with her. Then she spoke between songs. She engaged the crowd so easily that he couldn’t see her doing anything else.

  But he was still mad at her. Hopefully he wouldn’t win, but then again, now that he knew he was in the running, he wanted people to like his food. Damn. This wasn’t fun.

  Damn Gemma for doing this to him. Why did she make him love her?

  Part of him wanted to run from the place because the mix of emotions roiling through him was too much. On the other hand, he couldn’t leave. He had to support Gemma and even Jessica. This was all a good cause, and they’d both agreed to take no fee so all the money would go to the right people.

  He didn’t know if Gemma had her own money or how much she had. She probably could have used the money for her journey, but she had a big heart.

  A big heart. That’s why she put his recipe into the contest. So someone could cook it and others could taste it and give feedback. He had to remember that she did it out of the goodness of her heart. He couldn’t be mad at her for that. He couldn’t base his feeling on what he assumed was the case, but what he knew was probably the case.

  He’d at least ask her before he got mad, but he didn’t think he could get mad at the angel that was currently singing.


  Gemma finished her last song, then smiled at the clapping audience. “Now I get to introduce the act you’ve been waiting all night for. She’ll just have to wait for a second while I wobble off the stage.”

  She shielded her eyes, looking for Brandon. If he could take her guitar, this would go more smoothly. She saw him approach the stage, and handed him the instrument. “Thanks,” she said with her hand over the microphone.

  “No problem.”

  She sensed he was happy to be helping her. Guess he hadn’t figured out about the recipe. She had a job to do first. She tucked her crutches underneath her, then stood in front of the microphone. “I’m happy to welcome the artist you’ve all come to see, Jessica Steele.”

  The crowd roared and clapped. Jessica smiled at her as she came on stage. She leaned down and spoke in Gemma’s ear. “Thanks. You’re really good.”

  Gemma floated off the stage, overcome at having a big star like Jessica Steele tell her that. Brandon pulled out a chair for her and her foot. She rested her injured appendage on the second one while she blew out a breath.

  “You were really good,” Brandon said.

  “Thanks. Good crowd.”

  “Thanks to Gemma for warming up the audience for me so well. You guys are so ready for me,” Jessica said.

  The crowd clapped. Gemma saluted Jessica, even though she didn’t think the star could see her.

  “She looks pale,” Brandon said.

  Gemma took another look at her. “Yes, she does. I wonder if she isn’t feeling well. She didn’t say anything, but I wouldn’t expect her to, to me.”

  “I guess she’s okay, since she’s performing,” Brandon said.

  “She’s a professional, she’d go on anyway. Her public awaited her. Helen said the tickets sold out within an hour of announcing that Jessica was going to perform.”

  “She’s that popular?” Brandon said.

  Gemma looked at him. “Do you live on this planet? I don’t even listen to country music, and I knew who she was.”

  He shrugged. “No television, and I’m not on the internet a lot.”

  “Well, she’s pretty big. Even with what happened to her financially, she’ll probably rebound quickly.”

  “You sound like a fan.”

  “Not a fan of her music, but her rise to the top. She did it her way,” Gemma said.

  “That would be Jessica.”


  Brandon kept eyeing Jessica, and he thought she began to look worse and worse. He thought she would end soon because her voice was faltering.

  “I think you’re right. She doesn’t look good,” Gemma said. “Not sure what we should do.”

  “Thank you, folks. You’ve been great,” Jessica said finally.

  She put her guitar on a stand, then walked off stage. Well, tried. Brandon was on his feet as she stumbled. He managed to catch her before she could fall. He carried her to her dressing room. Gemma was right behind him, moving faster than he’d ever seen her on her crutches.

  Brandon put her on a couch, and Jessica curled up, holding her stomach.

  “Ow,” Jessica moaned.

  At least she was conscious. Gemma whipped out her phone. “I’m calling an ambulance.”

  “Don’t bother,” Brandon said. “Too far away.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Jessica said.

  “Jessica, you’re pregnant. You should get this checked out,” Gemma said. Then she looked at Brandon. “Your truck?”

  “It’ll have to be. We’ll be cozy in the cab.”

  “Go bring the truck to the back door. I’ll wait with her,” Gemma said.

  He did as she said, then carried Jessica to it. He helped Gemma in, and they drove to the urgent care that was still open. Jessica moaned and held her stomach. “I bet I’m losing the baby.”

  “You don’t know that,” Gemma said.

  “It would be my luck,” Jessica snapped.

  “This is not time to feel sorry for yourself,” Gemma said.

  “You’re not very warm and fuzzy,”

  “No, I’m not,” Gemma said. “I’m a realist. You can’t borrow trouble. Just sit tight, we’re almost there.”

  Jessica groaned again.

  Brandon drove and listened to them talk. He had nothing to add. He just wanted to get there in one piece, so he resisted the urge to drive too fast on some of the still-snowy roads. A light dusting had fallen while they were in the bar. He let out a breath when he pulled into the urgent care. Gemma managed to slide her way out before he could, and went inside. She came back with an orderly pushing a wheelchair. Brandon put Jessica in the chair, and she was quickly wheeled inside. He parked the car, then hurried into the waiting room.

  Gemma was sitting with her foot up. She looked in pain.

  He sat next to her. “What’s going on?”

  Gemma bit her lip. Lines of concern crossed her forehead. That would be like Gemma to care about someone she barely knew. He took her hand, wanting to take away the worry. There wasn’t anything he could do for Jessica, but he could be a rock for Gemma. If she let him.

  “I don’t know. We’re not family, so they can’t tell us.”

  A nurse came out. “Did you bring in Jessica Steele?”

  “Yes,” Brandon said.

  “She gave me permission to let you know her condition. We think she’s miscarrying. We can deal with it here, but we would like to get her stabilized, then transfer her to the hospital.”

  “Can we see her?” Gemma asked.



  Gemma went first, as they would only allow one visitor at a time. Jessica looked pale on the hospital bed. She smiled weakly up at Gemma.

  “Hey,” Gemma said.


  “How you feeling?”

  “Not so great. They are pretty sure I’m losing the baby, though they are trying all they can to keep it in there.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Jessica shook her head. “I’m kind of resigned to it. And I got a call from my agent right before I went on tonight.”


  “Yeah, Tim McGraw wants to do a duet with me.”

  As Gemma had suspected, Jessica would land on her feet. Some people always did. “Wow. Tim McGraw? That’s big time,” Gemma said.

  “I’m pretty excited about it. Maybe a baby isn’t the best thing to have right now.”

  “Well, however it turns out, you’ll deal with it,” Gemma said.

  “True. They’re transferring me to the hospital so. I wanted to wish you luck on your road to stardom,” Jessica said.r />
  “Thank you so much.”

  “I don’t want you and Brandon to come see me. Helen will come down soon, and she’ll go with me to the hospital. I’ll be fine. I want you and Brandon to you have your last night together.”

  Gemma was warmed by the idea. She touched Jessica’s hand. “That’s so sweet. Why?”

  “Because I hope you guys figure out that you love each other.”

  Gemma looked away. “Even if he did love me, he wants his life back. And I have an appointment with an agent.”

  “Nothing says that you have to stay here. You can be with Brandon and still pursue your dream.”

  “I can’t leave him behind.”

  “You guys could work this out. Trust me. You’ll want someone who you can trust to be on your side. You’ll have plenty of people telling you what you want to hear.”

  “Brandon won’t do that. He’ll tell the truth.”

  “Yes, he will.”


  Brandon stood when he saw Helen enter the urgent care facility. She looked a little ragged, so he touched her arm when she approached.

  “Hi Brandon, how is she?”

  “I don’t know. Gemma’s in with her.”

  “She called me. They’re sending her to the hospital via ambulance. That’s all I know. I’m going with her.”

  “I could drive,” Brandon said.

  “No, I was given strict instructions to not let you come with us.”


  “She says that you and Gemma have unfinished business. That was all she said,” Helen said.


  “Oh and your recipe won first place.” She pulled out a blue ribbon from her purse. “I’ll send you the comments, but I wanted you to have this tonight.”

  He looked at the ribbon in his hand. Gemma’s doing and he had already decided to thank her. He had to get that cookbook published. If for no other reason than to dedicate it to her. It would not have happened without her.

  He could only feel grateful to her. He could also feel love, but that didn’t fit into her plan.

  “The dish was excellent. I never had anything like that. You have talent,” she said.

  He glanced up at her. “Thanks.”

  “Did you know she was doing this?”

  “Know that Gemma was putting my recipe into the contest? No.”

  “Are you mad?”

  “No. Gemma has a big heart. I can’t be mad at her. She wanted to help me with something.”

  “You should write a cookbook,” Helen said.

  That made Brandon chuckle. “I just might.” Then he had an idea. “Can I borrow some of those candles you use on the tables?”


  “Could you also give Gemma a ride to her car? It’s still parked at the bar.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think Jessica is leaving right away,” Helen said. “Here are the keys to the bar.”

  She handed him a set.

  “I’ll leave them in your mailbox. You can pick them up when you drop off Gemma.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Brandon had a plan.


  Gemma came out of Jessica’s room, confused. Jessica was sure that Brandon loved Gemma, but she wasn’t so sure. Besides, if he did love her, why wouldn’t he say it? Why wouldn’t he ask her to stay?

  Would she stay if he asked?

  The answer was not as clear-cut as it had been two days ago. She’d fallen for this cowboy. Fallen hard.

  Now he heart wanted something different from her head.

  Helen sat in the waiting room, but Gemma couldn’t see Brandon. “Where is he?”

  “He went home. I’m supposed to give you a ride. Let me check in on Jessica and I’ll be right out.”

  This didn’t bode well. He was mad at her. What a way to screw up their last night together. She plopped into a chair, waiting for Helen. Waiting for her fate. She’d probably pissed off Brandon pretty well this time.

  She’d be sleeping on the couch if she was lucky. She might even be sleeping on the floor. She sighed, then frowned. This time, her impetuousness was going to ruin something.

  Helen returned a few minutes later. “I’m ready. She isn’t moving for another hour.”

  “Ambulance on the way?” Gemma said.

  “Yeah, it’s coming from the hospital. They didn’t feel the need to fly her. She’s stable for now.”

  “You don’t mind driving me to the bar?”

  “Nope. Jessica will be fine until I get back.”

  In the car, Gemma asked, “How did she seem?”

  Jessica drove a small SUV. Gemma figured everyone needed all-wheel drive in Iowa.

  “Tired, but I think she’s excited about her opportunity with Tim McGraw.”

  “Yeah, I thought so, too. Guess she’ll land on her feet.”

  Gemma wondered if she would be that resilient after her heart broken from leaving Brandon. Would she land on her feet and continue with her dream? She had no choice. Otherwise she might as well drive back to New Jersey.

  “Jessica always will.”

  “Mm. That’s not a bad way to be,” Gemma said.

  “We made over a thousand dollars tonight.”

  Gemma hadn’t even thought about asking about the fundraiser. “That’s great. Have you made that much before?”

  “No, I think it was because of Jessica playing,” Helen said.

  “Stroke of luck.”

  “Yep. I do appreciate her willingness to play. And yours.” Helen patted her arm. “If you decided to stay around, you could have a permanent gig at my place.”

  Gemma thought about that. “I don’t see myself staying.”

  “Not even for Brandon?”

  “Not even for Brandon.” Helen pulled up to the bar. “Thanks for the ride.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Helen waited until Gemma had started her car. The Mustang seemed so low compared to Brandon’s truck. She pulled out and looked at the town as she drove through it. She’d miss many parts of it, including one sexy cowboy.

  How would she ever get past this hurt? This was worse than her last boyfriend not believing in her.

  She pulled into Brandon’s driveway, then parked the car in front of his house. She tucked the crutches underneath her, and looked up at the sky for a moment. The sky and the whole world seemed bigger out here.

  Gemma closed the door behind her, then entered Brandon’s house. He stood there in the hall with the blue ribbon in his hand, and she knew. At that moment she wanted to get in her car and drive to California.


  Brandon couldn’t sit still. He kept staring at the blue ribbon and pacing in his living room.

  He wanted Gemma to be here now. And then she was coming through the front door. Her doe eyes looking at him as if she expected him to be mad.


  “Hi,” she said. “I guess you found out.”

  He looked down at the blue ribbon. “I’m not mad.”


  He smiled at the ribbon. His heart was full to bursting at the moment. Could he tell her? Could he be vulnerable? “No. I know why you did it.”

  “You do?”

  He could see her visibly relax.

  “Yes, I do, and I can’t fault you. I’ve decided to get my ass in gear and get the cookbook published. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’ll figure it out,” he said.

  He liked that she smiled. He would miss that smile.


  She didn’t move.

  He didn’t move. He’d never been so nervous. As if this was their first time. This was the first time since he figured out that he loved her.

  But he wouldn’t tell her that. He wouldn’t hold her back. He couldn’t hold her back.

  “I looked at the weather report. There’s a storm due tomorrow late morning,” he said.

  Why was he talking about the weather?


  “So you’
ll want to get on the road as early as possible to get to some place with a hotel before it hits.”

  “Right. Good idea.”

  He still didn’t move. Nor did she.

  He stared at her across the room. He had to make the first move. “Gemma.”


  He dropped the blue ribbon on the nearest table, then strode to her. He took her in his arms. She dropped her crutches and put her arms around him.

  “Oh, Gemma.”

  He took possession of her lips. He knew he couldn’t stop this speeding train, so he might as well get on and have a good ride while it lasted.

  “Brandon,” she murmured when he stopped kissing her.

  He scooped her up in his arms and strode to the bedroom. She gasped when he entered it. He’d set candles up around the bed. The dog had been banished to the kitchen.

  “Oh, Brandon.”

  He set her on the bed as if she were fine china. Then he looked at her, really memorized what she looked like. He long black hair, her big doe eyes. That smile that just lit up her face. The way she told him exactly what she wanted in bed. He would miss it all. He would never forget this stranger who was his lover.

  “Come here, cowboy,” she said.

  He smiled. “I’m feeling a little constricted. Let me get my clothes off.”

  He unbuttoned his shirt, one button at a time, as she licked her lips. She didn’t take her gaze off of him.


  Gemma had never wanted someone inside her so badly in all her life. And he had the nerve to take his time unbuttoning his shirt. She sat up, reached for his pants and undid them.

  “I don’t want slow. I want quick and dirty. Hot monkey sex,” she said. “I want us naked and sweaty.”

  He chuckled. “Okay.”

  He ripped open his shirt and dropped his pants. She put her hand on his very erect penis and tugged him onto the bed.

  He tumbled, but didn’t land on her. He landed beside her. “Your turn.”

  “If I could stand, I’d return the favor, but I just want to be naked, at this point.”

  “My pleasure.”

  He helped her undress until they both were panting and naked.

  She nudged his shoulder so he’d be flat on his back. “My turn.”

  She straddled his legs and kissed up his thigh, just avoiding his penis. Then she kissed down his other thigh. She then licked his balls ever so lightly, her breath fanning across them. He twitched. She wanted to torture him, though she was just as turned on.


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