The Red Eye (The Red Eye Romance Series Book 1)

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The Red Eye (The Red Eye Romance Series Book 1) Page 4

by Phillips, Avery

  “Miles,” I answered. “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “How’s everything going?” he asked, ignoring my sentiments. “Are you ready for the meeting?”

  “Almost. I’m just getting my nails done and then I’m good to go.”

  “Your nails?” Miles sounded perturbed. “Shouldn’t you be going over the files?”

  “Look, you were the one who told me that it was going to take a woman to win this contract, so if you wanted someone who knew the files inside out, you should have come yourself. As it is, I’m the one in New York, so you’re just going to have to trust me to know what I’m doing.”

  “I do trust you, Rebecca. I’m just under a lot of stress right now. This client is really important to me… to us.”

  “Well, you have nothing to worry about. I’m here and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure we win this contract.”

  “Good. Because Caesar and Krause fight dirty. If I know them, they’ll have sent in Grayson and his hotshot son Devon to woo Leeson. The only chance we have lies in showing Leeson that we have beauty as well as brains on our side. I’m counting on you, Rebecca. You can name it once you get back.”

  “Would you take me away?” I asked on a whim. “We could spend the weekend together without worrying about anyone finding out.”

  There was a noticeable pause before Miles replied. “Sure, sure. That sounds great. But hey, I’ve got to get going now. I’ve got a lot going on at this end. Keep me posted on everything that happens, and if you need any advice, call me, no matter what time it is.”

  “I will,” I promised. “Love—”

  I didn’t get to finish before he hung up.

  I looked at my phone, wondering if I should call him back, talk to him longer—I missed him, but my manicurist had finished one hand and was switching to the other, so I put my phone away to forget everything and relax.

  When I was finished at the salon, I finally made it to the hotel. I was absolutely exhausted, and there wasn’t much time before my meeting. So I thought a quick power nap was all I’d need to get back on my feet. As an aspiring lawyer, I was used to long hours and tight deadlines. When I was a student, I used to party all night before a test and still manage to ace it. I had every confidence that I could impress Leeson enough to get him on board as a client.


  When I walked into my hotel room, the first thing I did was walk over and collapse on the bed. It felt like a week since the last time I’d slept, and the plush, soft bed was just too inviting. However, I couldn’t risk falling asleep and missing my meeting, so I called to arrange a wakeup call before settling down to nap.

  It seemed as if I’d just closed my eyes before the phone rang with the front desk telling me that I needed to get up. I groaned and stretched. After my meeting, I was going to return to my room, lie down, and sleep as long as I could.

  I got up to open my bags, rifled through my purchases, and smiled at what I saw. I needed to get ready for the most important meeting of my life, and when they saw what I planned to wear, I was confident they wouldn’t know what hit them.


  I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, more than pleased with the version of myself staring back at me. Underneath a blazer that pushed the line of professionalism, exposing slightly more cleavage than necessary, I wore a push-up bra to make my breasts appear more ample. The skirt was inches higher than my usual, hinting at the tops of the stockings underneath, and I was wearing a pair of easy-access underwear.

  I had chosen high heels that lengthened my legs. The ensemble was a careful exposé of my sensual side. Whether Leeson was a breast man or leg man, he was going to be more than happy with what he saw, no doubt about it.

  After adding the finishing touches to my makeup, with bright red lipstick to match my newly manicured nails, there was no mistaking that I meant business. One last check to make sure that I looked as good from the back as I did from the front and I was ready to go.

  I grabbed my briefcase and headed downstairs. As I walked through the hotel reception, I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and it gave me the confidence I needed, to know that I was literally turning everyone’s head.

  Although Leeson’s office was within walking distance, I decided to get a cab. The last thing I wanted to do was twist my ankle attempting to walk in my brand-new heels. I barely had to lift my arm before a cab screeched to a halt right in front of me. I suppressed a smile. Clearly, the real trick to getting a cab in this city was to look incredibly hot and available.

  Giving the driver the address of Leeson’s office building, I fought to control the nervous twist in my stomach. Now that I was about to meet with the eccentric billionaire, I started to think about all the things that could go wrong. What if it was true about his womanizing ways? What if he hit on me to the point where he made me uncomfortable?

  What if Leeson took one look at me and thought that I was nothing more than an overdressed hussy, or a bimbo who couldn’t possibly cope with the demands of working for him? What if Miles had set me up for a fall, knowing there wasn’t a chance in hell we were going to win the account, leaving me to take all the blame? What if I was about to commit career suicide?

  “Here we are, miss,” said the driver, breaking into my thoughts. “That’ll be ten dollars.”

  I handed him twenty. “Keep the change.” I got out of the cab and looked up at the building that housed Leeson’s various businesses. If I’d needed a reminder of just how rich and powerful the man was, this was it. The skyscraper towered over me, every floor devoted to one of his many enterprises. Set in the most desirable location of New York’s financial district, it screamed of success.

  I took a deep breath to calm myself and smoothed down my skirt before stepping forward to go in.


  I could barely hear anything over the rush of blood in my ears and thunderous pounding of my heart. At last there was a ding of a bell and the doors opened to reveal a reception area larger than my apartment at home. The walls were windowed from floor to ceiling, revealing the most breathtaking view of New York I had ever seen. Palms sweaty and breathless, I made my way to the reception desk. I was more nervous than I’d ever been in my life, but none of that showed.

  “Rebecca Bevan,” I said. “I believe Mr. Leeson is expecting me?”

  The secretary smiled and nodded. “He is. He’s just with someone at the moment, but if you’d care to take a seat, I’m sure he won’t be long. Could I get you a drink of something?”

  “Sparkling water would be great, thanks.” I turned on my heels and headed to the comfortable sofa on the other side of the room. I looked at the magazines spread on the table in front of me, each featuring Douglas Leeson on the cover. I picked up an issue of Time and flicked through to the article about the billionaire. Written only a few months previous, it was all about Leeson’s latest venture to improve water supplies in Namibia.

  As I read about Leeson’s passion for philanthropy, I wondered whether I was taking the right approach with my outfit. However, any doubts I might have had were squelched when I turned to the next magazine. There was a gossip piece linking Leeson to no fewer than four famous women, all blessed with Hollywood good looks. From the numerous photos accompanying the article, it was clear that Leeson enjoyed attractive women, and there was little information about any genuine relationships. It seemed that what Leeson really enjoyed was being photographed with a woman on his arm, but when it came to his love life, details were sketchy.

  The door opened and I heard voices. I put down the magazine and looked up to see Grayson and Devon Caesar walk through the door, followed by Douglas Leeson. The three men were joking and laughing together, and I could tell by their faces that their meeting had gone well. I could feel my nerves welling up again, but when Devon looked in my direction, I refused to let him see that I was in the slightest bit upset or surprised.

  Slowly, I uncrossed my legs and arched my back a little, a
s if to say, “Enjoy the view, because this is as close as you’re ever going to get.” I was rewarded by Devon doing an obvious double take.

  Score one for Rebecca Bevan. I smiled, trying to hide it by tilting my head to the left.

  “If you could just wait a moment, Mr. Leeson will see you shortly,” the secretary told me, bringing me water in a bottle.

  “Of course.” I smiled, watching out of the corner of my eye as Devon and his father crossed to the elevator and pressed the call button. Grayson seemed very happy with himself, but he hadn’t reckoned on me. He might be one of the most powerful lawyers in New York, but what he had in experience, I made up with tenacity and a razor-sharp legal mind, wrapped in very attractive packaging. Perhaps this time beauty would win over brawn.

  Devon was still staring at me as the doors to the elevator closed to whisk him away. I allowed myself a moment of satisfaction. Even if I didn’t win the pitch, I’d managed to unnerve him, which was the least he deserved for lying to me.

  “Mr. Leeson will see you now,” the secretary told me. I stood up. I walked toward the door where Devon had emerged, knocked, and waited.


  I took a breath, pushed the door open, and stepped in to see the richest man I’d ever met in my life.

  I stepped into the room and was immediately in awe; I couldn’t help it. Leeson’s office was as spacious as the reception room outside, with walls made of nothing but glass from floor to ceiling. To one side, I could see that he had a golf simulator: fake green grass, with a movie screen in the back that simulated the ball and where it would travel when you hit it on famous courses all around the world. I suspected that the room was full of tech and other gadgets discreetly hidden to entertain himself and impress his business associates.

  Douglas Leeson was sitting behind an oversized desk worthy of a dictator or a statesman. It looked handcrafted, made of heavy, dark wood, and would’ve had to have been built in the room. As I came through the door, he stood up and walked round to meet me, and it felt like it took him a good ten minutes to get around the length of his desk. He extended his hand to me to shake.

  “Ms. Bevan!” he said. “How wonderful to meet you.” He took me in from head to toe, and when I accepted his hand to shake, he placed his other over mine, enveloping it in a warmth that surprised me. But from everything I had heard and read about Douglas Leeson, I didn’t get the feeling of being wickedly scrutinized that I was expecting. Yes, he was overtly checking me out, but he did it in a way that wasn’t disrespectful or slimy. I was… more flattered than not.

  “Mr. Leeson,” I replied. “Likewise.”

  “Please, please, call me Doug. Mr. Leeson is just so formal and stuffy. Besides, it’s what people called my father.”

  “Well, in that case, you must call me Rebecca.” I smiled, trying to remember to keep myself on guard.

  “With pleasure. Now where’s Hayley with those refreshments? I can’t abide having a meeting with nothing to drink.”

  As if on cue, Hayley pushed open the door, carrying a tray laden with coffee, tea, and some accessories. She set it in the middle of Doug’s desk and placed empty cups and plates in front of her boss and what I’d like to think of as his potential legal counsel before leaving.

  “Hayley knows how much I love being an accommodating host.” Doug picked up the coffee server. “Coffee?”

  “Thank you.” I nodded, trying not to be overwhelmed by the fact that I had a multibillionaire serving me coffee.

  “Please, help yourself to a pastry.” Doug passed me a plate of assorted muffins, Danishes, and cakes. “They’re simply divine.”

  Normally, I wouldn’t eat anything at business meetings. It can become a habit to just pick up what you see and put it in your mouth, not thinking about the way it’ll land on your thighs. But did that give off a negative impression? Did it somehow make me look antisocial? The last thing I needed was to offend him by refusing, so taking a bite on this one important occasion shouldn’t turn into a need for physical trainer.

  “Oh my God.” I couldn’t help but moan after taking a bite of the Danish. “You’re right. This is amazing!” The moment I said it, I wanted take it back. This was hardly the image I wanted to project, but damn the Danish was good. Doug smiled. My reaction was exactly what he was looking for.

  “Isn’t it just?” He nodded, munching on a Danish of his own. “I don’t know where Hayley gets them from, but the baker is an absolute genius.”

  “So.” I wiped my mouth with a napkin. “Mr. Leeson—”


  “Doug.” I blushed. “As you know, I’ve been sent here to explain to you why my firm isn’t just the best choice to handle your legal affairs, it’s the only choice.”

  “Do you have to?” He sighed.

  I was at a loss for words.

  Wait, what?

  “Look, I’m sure you’ve got a very professional pitch lined up, Rebecca. I mean, you’re sitting in front of one of the most influential businessmen in the city of New York, so of course you’ve done your research, thought about ways in which your firm can add value to mine, give me examples of what you can do for me that my in-house lawyers cannot, and I’m sure it’s all fabulous stuff, but put yourself in my shoes. I’ve heard it all before. When it comes down to it, once you’re dealing with the major law firms, they’re all pretty much the same. All very good at what they do, and all charge an extortionate amount to do it. I might as well put all your names in a hat on scraps of paper, and whoever’s name I pull out wins.”

  “You know,” I said, having to turn this conversation around, “now that you’ve put it like that, you’re right.”

  “Of course I am. That’s why they pay me the big bucks!” Doug’s tone was jovial, and I found myself liking him more and more. I was beginning to want this account so bad, not because it would make my career but because it would give me the opportunity to spend time with one of the most interesting men I’d ever met.

  “So what can I do to tempt you to choose us?” I leaned forward a little, knowing that Doug would get a good, solid view of my cleavage; didn’t hurt to try it, at least a little.

  “Let me take you out to dinner on my yacht.” He leaned back in his chair. “Let this old man enjoy the company of a beautiful young woman outside of the confines of the office. Let me get a feel for what you’re really like, see if you’re someone I can work with in the long term.”

  “You’re hardly old, Doug.”

  “Now, now, no false flattery here. I know I’m no spring chicken, and I’m fine with that. I might as well tell you here and now that I’m looking for a lawyer who will tell me the truth at all times, not just another yes man… or woman, in your case. I have more than enough of those. Could that be you, Rebecca?”

  I looked him straight in the eye. “Absolutely.”

  “So, shall I send my car round to pick you up at seven?”

  I smiled genuinely. “That would be great!”


  “What the hell just happened?” The elevator doors closed behind me. I’d just agreed to dinner with an incredibly powerful man, a man I was supposed to be discussing business with, yet I hadn’t said a word about Miles’ proposals.

  I might have blown it, yet it had to be said that Douglas Leeson was surprisingly attractive. The photos in the magazines hadn’t done him any justice. There was something reminiscent of George Clooney about him, and his down-to-earth approach had made me feel really at ease and comfortable. Whatever happened tonight, the dinner was going to be one to remember.

  Once the elevator reached the ground floor I stepped out, already planning the outfit in my head for that evening. The company credit card was going to get another beating, but it was for all for a greater cause.


  I stopped and turned on a dime after hearing my name to see Devon walking toward me.

  “Oh, it’s you Malcolm… or should I say Devon Caesar?”

  Devon studi
ed his shoes, with what looked like embarrassment on his face. “Look, I’m really sorry about that. I should have told you who I was right from the start.”

  “Yes, you should have.”

  “I didn’t lie completely, though. Malcolm is my middle name.”

  “Oh, so because it wasn’t a total lie, that makes it all right, does it?” I found myself tapping my foot like my mother did when I was in trouble.

  “No, I don’t mean it like that.” Devon shook his head. “Look, this really isn’t going the way I intended it to. Let me take you out to dinner and I can explain everything.

  “That’s very kind of you, but I already have a date.” I paused and gave him a slow, smug smile. It slithered slowly across my lips like a snake. “With Douglas Leeson.”


  When I got back to the hotel, I peeled off the layers of clothing that had done such a good job piquing Leeson’s interest, and I left them in a trail on the floor. I ambled to the big, comfy bed and flopped down with a relaxed sigh, mind abuzz with wonder. What just happened? I thought. I had only flown in to New York for an important business meeting. Now I found myself invited out to dinner by not just one, but two powerful men. Life was certainly taking an interesting turn.

  My phone rang with a recognizable ring tone, and I knew it was Miles. I picked up the device lackadaisically. For a moment, I considered hitting the Ignore Call button. It would serve Miles right if I left him to stew a bit and worry if his precious idea was going according to plan. I let out a breath once I decided to answer the phone. Annoying or not, Miles was still my boss.

  “What’s up, Miles?” I pushed up to a seated position, my posture reflecting my mood, kind of slouchy. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and stared at the wall in boredom.

  “How was the meeting?” Miles’ tone was curt, with not a trace of his usual flirtatiousness.

  “Weird.” I couldn’t think of another way to describe it. When I'm tired, I'm not as quick to the punch.


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