Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance)

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Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance) Page 9

by Betty Shreffler

  I leaned against the wall, watching her, and as I did, I recognized the sensation warming my chest. I was already falling for this woman. Some might think emotions have timelines, but they don't. They develop at their own pace and she had my heart on full-speed. It would have taken an incredible woman to build what she did and to overcome the loss she suffered. I understood why it was hard for her to let me in, why it was difficult for her to make plans. Every step forward was a risk she'd suffer the same fate of a broken heart.

  As strong as she was, she was equally vulnerable. She opened her heart to me, but that meant opening wounds from her past as well, yet she'd done it. She let me in, and I knew I'd do anything to stay with her, to have all of her.

  I walked up behind her and covered her body with mine as I reached up and stroked the face of the horse she lingered over.

  "This is Merlin. He's my baby, my first horse. Darrell bought him for me."

  It was the first she'd mentioned her late husband. I knew it was a difficult step forward for her. I tucked my arm around her and rubbed along her waist as we both stroked Merlin's soft coat.

  "He picked a beautiful horse."

  One tear slid down her cheek, yet she remained calm. "He did."

  I took hold of her hand and held her close to me. I leaned against her ear. "I don't feel like I need to replace him in your heart, because I know it's big enough for both of us."

  She lowered her head. I turned her in my arms and wiped away the single tear running down her cheek. "Amy, I'm not going anywhere. I want you in my life."

  Her soft, blue eyes looked up at me, and I could see the grief and adoration in them. "I want you in my life, too."

  It had been two days since I'd seen her and I was already going through withdrawals. She was busy with work. One of her client's horses had gone home and the very next day, a horse on the waiting list arrived and it needed a lot of care. I knew how important her work was to her and wasn't going to get in the way. On the third day, I received a text from her that she was free.

  I planned the whole evening. Dinner at a nice restaurant and then I was taking her to a country music bar where a popular new band was playing. I fully intended to wine and dine her and make love to her before the night was through. I couldn't wait to have her in my arms and to kiss those full, soft lips. I pulled up to her house and saw a bag sitting on the steps. She'd packed an overnight bag and that small gesture pleased me. I looked around and didn't see her nearby. I knew where she was, though.

  I walked into the barn and she was standing outside the stall of her new arrival. Of course, she was checking on him and giving him attention. I came behind her and wrapped my arms around her.

  "Hello, beautiful." I kissed her neck and she giggled beneath me. "Who's the newcomer?"

  She stroked the face of the brown thoroughbred in front of us.

  "This is Catapult." She moved us to the left. "See his hind end?"

  The horse had a large gash on his upper hind leg.

  "What happened?"

  "Got stuck and freaked out, put a broken chunk of wood right through his hind leg. Now he's skittish and won't go near the owner."

  "He seems fine around you."

  "Well, you know, I have a knack for working with horses who have suffered from trauma and Andrea may have given him a light sedative."

  She gave me a coy smile, and I chuckled at her. "C'mon, gorgeous. I'm ready to take you out and have you all to myself for the night and hopefully morning."

  Her cheeks flushed, and I knew she was looking forward to this night as well. I took her hand as we walked out of the barn. As she locked up, I grabbed her overnight bag and placed it in my saddle bag.

  She held tight against me as I drove her to the steakhouse in the city a few miles from town. She filled me in on everything she'd done the last two days. I watched her light up as she discussed the progress with the horses. Damn, she was beautiful. Her blue eyes radiated with life when she talked about the horses. I knew I needed to get out and ride with her the first chance we got.

  I didn't have much to share. I told her about the current house my staff and I were building. It was half-finished at this point. After full stomachs, I paid for dinner and gave her a long awaited kiss before letting her get back on my bike. I squeezed her tight ass as she turned to step onto the back and she smiled and eyed me with those sweet, seductive eyes. I grew hard just thinking about being inside of her.

  When we arrived at the country bar, music flowed out each time the door opened. I took her hand and led us to the bar. After ordering a couple beers, we found a high-top table to sit at and listen to the music. I rubbed along her back, wanting to feel her in my hands. She leaned toward me, and I claimed her lips and slid my tongue in to meet hers. I grazed her cheek and held her face in my hands. I was falling hard for this woman.

  My eyes shifted to the dance floor. "C'mon." I nodded toward it as I took her hand and pulled her onto it with me.

  I'd missed him, really missed him. I was anxious all day hoping I could see him tonight. When I texted that I was free and he told me he was taking me out, I spent the rest of the day as giddy as a school girl. When he arrived, the butterflies I'd become familiar with flapped in my stomach, and my entire body warmed at the simplest touch of his hand.

  I laid my head against his chest as we danced to the slow song. He held me tightly against him and I realized I didn't want to be anywhere else in the world, but right here with him, in his arms. He was incredible. He made me feel incredible. He made me feel wanted and sexy, and, even in the moments where it was painful to look forward without looking back, he'd comforted me. He'd been patient with me. I wanted more of him. As scared as I still was, I wanted more of him.

  He kissed my forehead, and I stared up at him, knowing he'd planted a seed in my heart and it was growing.

  The music switched to a more upbeat tune and several other dancers joined the crowd. It turned into several rows of line dancers. I laughed and smiled at the big, handsome cowboy kicking his boots and turning next to me. He winked and smiled and kept to the beat. After the dance, I fell into his arms, giggling and smiling. We walked to the bar, and I squeezed his sexy backside. He grabbed my side and pulled me into him.

  "I loved watching your sexy ass dance out there."

  He kissed my cheek and held me close at the bar as he ordered more drinks.

  "Couple shots of whiskey." He leaned into my ear and squeezed my ass. "My girl's feelin' a little frisky." He licked and nipped at my ear and sparks of electricity shot through me. I looked up at his beautiful hazel-green eyes. The heat of his stare warmed between my thighs. He reach his hand up and grazed my bottom lip.

  "I love when you look at me that way."

  I grinned. "What way?"

  He leaned in close. "The way that tells me you want me deep inside of you, claiming that beautiful body."

  The shots were set on the bar. I peeled my eyes and steaming hot body away from his hungry gaze. I downed the shot, and he chuckled next to me.

  "Guess I was right." He took his shot and kissed my cheek. His hand grazed my backside.

  "I'll be back, gorgeous."

  He left, headed for the restroom.

  I ordered another beer for each of us. A tall, brown-haired man appeared next to me, startling me. I looked over at his glossy brown eyes. He looked like he'd had a few too many drinks and smelled like it, too.

  "Hey beautiful, wanna drink?"

  "I'm with someone. Already ordered a drink."

  He glanced around the bar and waved the beer in his hand. "I don't see him around."

  She made me so aroused, I could hardly get the piss out. I walked back out to the bar, ready to take her home and love her into the night. My chest tightened when I saw another man talking with her. I waited a moment, watching the encounter, figuring out if she knew him or not. She took a step back and looked around. She seemed uncomfortable. Whether she knew him or not, she clearly didn't want his company. He was
probably some tool trying to make a move on her.

  I slid in behind her and put my arm around her waist. Her body instantly relaxed.

  The tall guy with decent muscles glared at me with irritation in his glossy, drunk eyes. Yeah, he was trying to make move on her.

  "Sorry bud, she's taken."

  Drunk arrogance dripped from his mouth. "She doesn't look taken to me. I don't see a ring on it."

  She moved farther into my chest and arm. I rubbed my thumb along her waist. My patience was quickly waning.

  "Look bud, you're drunk. Take a walk before this gets ugly."

  "Ugly? I don't see why this needs to get ugly. I was trying to have a chat with the pretty lady here and you interrupted us."

  The douchebag was starting to piss me off. "She's not interested." I leaned into her ear. It was time to go before this ass made any more of a fool of himself. "C'mon, gorgeous. Time to go." I turned her body with mine and then pain rippled across my cheek and jaw. I stumbled back a step, more out of surprise than the throbbing in my face. Amy squealed next to me, her body going tight against mine. The asshole's fist just barely missed her. I moved her out of the way and slammed my fist into the guy's face. Blood splattered out of his nose.

  The guy clutched his face and stumbled sideways against the bar counter. I nodded to the bartender.

  "He needs cut off."

  The bartender nodded. "I saw what happened. We'll get him out of here."

  Wrapping my arm around Amy's shaking body, I kissed her cheek and led her out of the bar with me. Outside, she turned to me and examined my face.

  My swollen cheek was tender to her touch. I held her hand in mine and kissed it as concern filled her eyes. "It's okay, baby. I'm fine. Not the first time I've had to deal with an asshole like that. You okay?"

  She was slowly gathering her composure. "Yeah, I'm okay. I don't like that he hit you."

  I smiled at how sweet her concern was and then kissed her softly. It warmed my chest to see how much she cared.

  After helping her onto my bike, I drove us back to my place. She laid her head against my shoulder and hugged me tight the whole way home.

  I grabbed her bag and walked her into my house. After she got a look around at my remodeled ranch, she went to the kitchen and dug out a bag of frozen peas. She pulled me to the couch and made me lay down as she held the frozen bag to my cheek.

  "Your home is beautiful. Did you remodel it yourself?"

  I rubbed my hand over hers. "Yeah, I redid the kitchen cabinets, flooring, counters. Remodeled the bathroom, painted and put down hardwood floors in the rest of the house. Added the French doors out to the deck and built the deck, too. Had some help with the deck, but everything else I did."

  Her eyes roamed over the house, bright with intrigue. I could see she was impressed.

  "You're incredibly talented."

  I pulled her down onto the couch with me and grinned.

  "I like to work with my hands."

  Reaching over my head, I set the frozen bag onto my wooden end table and then wrapped my arms around her and slid my hands over her ass. I pulled her against me as I kissed her deep with the fire burning inside of me. I lifted her tight little body over mine, setting her on my hardened erection. She wiggled over it, pressing against me.

  Arousal rumbled out of my chest and lips at her warmth. "Amy, you don't know what you do to me."

  Her eyes fixed on mine as she unbuttoned my flannel shirt. I leaned forward, helping her take it off. Raising my under shirt over my head, she let it fall next to the couch. She pressed her warm hand against my chest and lowered me.

  As she lifted her shirt and bra over her head, my tongue caught in my throat. I admired her beautiful breasts as she leaned down and undid my belt and opened my jeans. I raised my hips, and she pulled my jeans and briefs lower over my hips. My erection sprung free, and her eyes widened as she admired it.

  Arousal swept over her face, and she licked her lips. My cock jumped at the sight of it, and she glanced at me. Her eyes stayed glued to mine as she took hold of me in her warm hand and stroked me in her fist, before filling what she could in her mouth. Her warm, wet tongue touched my head, and I nearly came right then.

  I couldn't stay focused on her eyes. My head rolled back, and my hips raised instinctively, trying to put as much of me in her mouth as she could take. Her mouth was cruel and delightful, sucking me hard and pulling the orgasm from my abdomen into my groin. The blood left my brain, and all I could do was feel. Feel her mouth and tongue working its way over me, thickening me and making me helpless with aching need.

  My orgasm came, strong and fierce. I fisted her soft hair and held tight as it burst out of me. Her mouth clung to me, taking it all. She licked the tip clean and pulled back and looked up at me with sweet, curious eyes. I knew she wondered how she did. She had no idea how fantastic that had been. I was putty in her hands. I'd do anything for this woman, anything to keep getting loved like that.

  I pulled her half-naked body over mine and held her close to me. I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and stroked her soft cheek.

  "That was incredible." I kissed her softly and rubbed my hand along her back as I stared into those tender baby-blues. "You're so beautiful."

  I claimed her mouth with mine and squeezed her ass, pulling her tight against me, letting her feel the heat building. Now, it was my turn to love her. I lowered her onto her back and leaned one leg over the couch as I brought my head down and licked and sucked at her nipple. It hardened in my mouth. The way her body responded to me, thrilled me, arousing me further.

  I leaned back and watched her eager, lust-filled eyes follow me as I unbuttoned her jeans, slid them off her hips, and tossed them to the floor. Lowering myself, I kissed over the tiny, satin fabric covering her. Her head arched back as the heat of her sex warmed beneath me. I pushed aside the fabric and felt the hot wetness below. She was soaked and swollen and I loved it. I teased her, swirling my finger in circles around her clit. A needy breath escaped her lips.

  Pulling my hand away, I used it and my other to pull the satin from her hips. A hungry growl escaped my mouth when I looked down and saw she'd trimmed her delicate folds. I grabbed her hips and yanked her toward me. A sinful smile spread over her lips. I leaned down and claimed her, licking and twirling and suckling at the sweet nectar that was Amy.

  His mouth was magic. His lips devices for cruel and erotic pleasure. His tongue ravaged me, and all I could do was fist the couch and cry out his name as my orgasm swept over me. I lay there on his couch dizzy, light-headed, and grinning from ear to ear. His mouth left me and trailed kisses up my inner thigh and then across my stomach, to my breasts until he was lying above me, tucking me into his arms.

  I touched the cheek that was red and slightly swollen from the hit he'd taken to protect me. He gazed down at me. I could see it in his eyes, a mixture of satisfaction and affection. It left me feeling my own mixture of adoration and trepidation. I wanted this man—wholly—heart, body, and mind, but fear kept me from giving into it entirely. What if I lost him, too? I couldn't bear it. Brock had brought incredible pleasure, love, and happiness back into my life. The harder I fell for him, the worse the fear of losing him consumed me.

  The last two days, I had struggled with letting things go any further at all, but the need to see him and have his touch snuffed out my thoughts. Now, having him lay above me after giving each other the intimacy we had, my heart and mind were on a battlefield, both willing to fight to the death. I wished I could shut off my mind and aid my heart, but it wasn't possible. I had to face my fears if I was going to move forward with him.

  Looking down at her loving, tender eyes, I wanted to tell her I was falling in love with her, that whatever shell of a man I was before her was nothing compared to what I was now with her. But like the horses she trained, she was skittish and had been traumatized. The last thing I wanted to do was push too hard, too soon. I could see it in her eyes. She still held fear in he
r heart. The only way I knew how to drive away that fear was to give her undeniable love.

  I wrapped his flannel around me as I watched his naked backside walk to the fireplace and put logs into it. His body was firm, solid, hard muscle. As he worked, his back muscles flexed. I had to close my mouth before the drool started to seep out. The ink on his arm added to his already enticing sex appeal.

  "What's the tattoos?"

  "This one here," he pointed to it, "I got after my grandfather passed. He taught me to always be the best man I can be, to leave behind a legacy and to take care of the ones I love. The tattoo was for him."

  I couldn't deny he just kept getting better. I was right all along when I'd thought he was carved from a golden skinned statue and that magic had brought him to life.

  "This one," he pointed to the other that crawled over his arm and shoulder, "was an idea I had after my fresh start from a bad breakup."

  My stomach coiled. "What happened?"

  "I caught her sleeping with another man."

  I was relieved to see no emotion filled his face when he spoke of the tramp who'd cheated on him. He stood from the now burning fire and my eyes fell to his torso and admired the flickering light of the fireplace dance over the indentations of his abs and delectable package. He grinned at me as he passed by. I leaned over the couch and watched him walk to his room. He returned with a blanket and stopped by the fridge and grabbed a bottle of wine and two mason jars.

  He laid the blanket by the fire and set the wine and jars on the floor next to it. He glanced over at me and curled his finger for me to come to him. I didn't waste time. My legs scrambled to get off the couch and take me back to his waiting arms. He laid me down beneath him and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, trailing his fingers over my skin. Sparks of warmth filled me everywhere his fingers caressed.


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