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by Melissande

  It simply was. That had been a lark.

  This seemed...serious. Primly she recalled deportment lessons she'd long ago abandoned and perched on the seat, then swung both legs inside at the same time, knees carefully together.

  The door shut.

  Sam chuckled.

  "Go to hell," she muttered.

  "I have far better destinations in mind."

  Putting herself completely under his power… She grasped the door handle. Belatedly she realized her clothes had departed with the chauffeur. She closed her eyes.

  "Poor Dani," Sam said. "Here." He brought a tumbler to her lips, and in it she smelled the wood smoke tang of well-aged Scotch.

  She reached for it.

  He withheld it. "Pull your coat out from under your ass, then place your hands on the seat beside your hips. From now on, what goes inside you comes only from me."

  What goes inside you. He meant food or drink, surely, but his words conjured images of his hard shaft thrusting inside her. She was already so wet for him, her core aching for him, her lips dying to fit themselves around his shaft, her tongue ready to lick over every inch of him until—

  "Coat. I want that bare cunt on the leather."

  Her nostrils flared.

  But she complied. Her nipples were bullet points now.

  "Hands by your sides."

  She did as he asked.

  He set the glass in a holder, then produced a black silk scarf and draped it over her eyes.

  She sucked in a breath.

  "Your other senses will be magnified when sight is removed," he said as he tied it behind her, then trailed his fingers down her throat, over her collarbone, drifting down between her breasts.

  The button of her coat flicked open. They were still sitting in the car. She'd been so focused on him she hadn't noticed whether or not there was a privacy screen. And how smoky was the window glass? Could passersby see her sitting here, eyes covered, coat barely clinging to her nipples...

  "Open your legs."

  An indrawn breath. Who could see? She couldn't help a moan. Or the undulation of her hips, rubbing her pussy against the leather.

  One hand clamped on her thigh. "Be still."

  Then the whisky scent again, right under her nose, the glass gliding over her lower lip, teasing her to open.

  She parted her mouth. Licked her lips while her breath seized.

  He was right. Everything smelled more strongly—the whisky, his scent, the rich leather…

  "Good girl," he murmured, and let the liquid slide over her tongue, down her throat. She swallowed once, but there was too much and she began to choke—

  Quickly he withdrew it, but not before a thin stream trickled down her belly and over her pubic bone, down over engorged flesh and a clit that was straining… She felt the drops tickle her flesh, and she wanted so badly to make them roll inside, but he'd say be still...

  She moaned. An uncontrollable jerk of her hips sent the whisky into her slit—

  The sting was a whip to her lust. She let her head fall back, open to him, craving... "Please..." she breathed.

  "Jesus Christ," he said roughly. "I knew it. I knew you would be—" One hand covered her left breast and squeezed, then ever so slowly let go, as if he was having trouble restraining himself, too.


  His fingers dug into her mound. "Master."

  She was so crazed for him she would have called him King George if he'd asked. "Master…" She dragged out the syllables with a moan.

  Again the inner shiver. She curled her pelvis upward, trying to meet his fingers with the emptiness that was dying for his touch.

  "You will have to pay for this, you know."

  "I don't care," she said.

  He slid his long middle finger inside her, and they both groaned. She could feel herself start to come from that one simple touch.

  He withdrew his finger with aching slowness, then slicked her juices over the skin below her nostrils before moving on to her lips. "Smell yourself. Smell how badly you want this."

  She did. She could. She curled her tongue around his finger and tried to suck it in.

  "That's two."

  "Two what?"

  "Two of whatever punishment I decide to render. The lash of a flogger across your beautiful white ass? Two hours splayed over a punishment chair? Two men you have to service?"

  Every word sent a shudder of anticipation through her, an electric charge of sheer, lascivious greed.

  "I'll have to think," he said with a smile in his voice. "But for now, we must get on our way to our destination. Drive, Henry."

  "Yes, sir."

  Oh god. That voice did not seem to be coming from a speaker but right through the cabin of the car.

  Which meant Henry had seen it, all of it.

  Her thighs started to close, but Sam stopped her. "No. You are available to anyone I choose. Whenever I choose. Keep your ankles together, but your knees will be wide open." Instead of waiting for her to comply, he drew her knees apart, spreading her pussy wide. Her arousal perfumed the air.

  Her fingers curled at her sides, her nails scraping over the leather. She wanted to touch him. To say okay, this was hot, but fuck me now...

  "Poor Dani," he chuckled. "It's a long ride. Let me give you a little relief."

  She tensed, eagerly awaiting his mouth, his tongue, his hands...something told her she wouldn't get him to penetrate her yet, however badly she wanted it.

  "Not yet. First, turn your hands palm up beside your hips."

  Sulkily she complied.

  Silk slid with a whisper over her right thigh and right wrist.

  Then he bound them together, sliding the scarf beneath her thigh, then threading it up and tying a firm knot.

  She couldn't move her hand. She opened her mouth to protest.

  "Not a word, or the car stops now."

  She closed her lips. Struggled a little, but it didn't help.

  "Your body belongs to me now, Dani. Remember that."

  She bit her bottom lip. Her nipples puckered into tight pearls.

  He chuckled softly, then began on the other side, first trailing the silk over her throat and down beneath her breasts…a lazy dance over her belly, then sliding down, the feather edges teasing her slit.

  She inhaled sharply. Pushed upward, seeking more.

  "Be still."

  Pelvis curled in longing, she felt a ripple begin inside.

  "You don't come until I tell you." A sharp smack on the inside of her thigh warned her.

  Instead, she moaned for release. Willed him to touch her again…anywhere.

  "When we get there," his voice was a dark, low promise, "I will bind you more. You will stop struggling, Dani, and you'll feel better."

  She didn't know how that could possibly be. Her fingers clutched…curled into tight, craving fists.

  He sighed. "Of course. For you, all must be proven." But there was a tender note in his voice. "For now, open your mouth."

  She hesitated, but in the end greed won.

  Something hard slipped inside her lips, not human. Not flesh. She swirled her tongue to investigate. No bigger around than a finger, the tip of it flared, then tapered. As she slid it inside her mouth, she reached his fingertips.

  And didn't resist the urge to lick them.

  "Dani…" His tone went husky. "Get it wet."

  He began to withdraw it, but she clamped her teeth down.

  He pinched her thigh, and she opened her mouth. He withdrew whatever it was.

  Teasing circles over her nipples…a slide into her navel and out, making her half-crazy to get it lower. Then she felt something nudging at her slit.

  "Tilt your hips,” he ordered. "Widen your knees."

  She complied, and he slipped it inside. She rotated her pelvis and to her surprise, what was inside her began to vibrate. "Oh god," she moaned.

  Abruptly it stopped. She struggled to force it back.

  "Unh-uh. Not yet. Don't be so gree

  She couldn't help herself, though. Her hips rocked back and forth, and every movement thrust the sex toy inside her again, pushed the flared, flat end of it tight against her clit.

  But the vibration, maddeningly, popped on and off.

  “Be still,” he said sharply.

  "I can't, damn you."

  "I will gag you if you continue to forget that you speak at my pleasure.”

  She swallowed. Bit her lip.

  “Everything, Dani. Every move you make is at my command. Learn it now or learn it later at your peril. I warned you. I own you."

  He did not. She could stop this right now.

  But however much she wanted to rebel against his control, she wanted far more to see where this would lead.

  Where he would take her.

  Her pussy clenched tight around the tiny vibrator inside her, and she forced the rest of her to remain completely still.

  "Good girl," he said.

  Then he did something to start the vibrator again, this time in a fast, steady beat. She opened her mouth to say thank you, to moan, to scream... With intense effort, she remained still.

  Except when her body overloaded on sensation. The beautiful little device vibrated the edges of her labia while it shivered inside her. With the slightest of changes to the angle, she could feel both. She pressed her mouth closed—hard—to keep from saying anything.

  But she couldn't keep her pelvis still.

  A finger touched her just above her clit, just where her slit began.

  "It's all right. This is new to you. You can let go. Fuck it, baby.”

  He pressed lightly into her flesh, then slid two fingers inside her folds, straddling the device, and helplessly she started to come. She couldn't care less who was watching. She was nothing but need…agonizing need. He curled his entire hand over her pussy, clasping her in an unmistakable mark of possession, and she shot over the edge, crying out and reaching, reaching... "Sam—"

  He pulled away his hand.

  Damn it, he couldn't expect her to just stop here.

  "Master…" she pleaded. "Please...I need you." She strained at her bonds, wanting so badly to touch him.

  He shifted her to her back and came down between her legs, his big, hard shaft pressing into her from behind his fly.

  She curled her fingers into her palms, but she was helpless to touch him. "Let me touch you…please…"

  Instead he thrust against her and shoved the little vibrator, turning it on again, while the cloth of his pants rubbed her sensitive lips and she was seconds from coming—

  He tore himself away. Yanked her up to sitting. Jerked the vibrator out.

  "No! Don't—"

  "Silence!" he barked. And put distance between them.

  She could hear his breath heaving, while her own heart thudded. Her head was a mess, a riot of emotions tumbling over and over, confusing her, scaring her—

  "You tempt me, Christ, how you tempt me..." he groaned.

  She shook her head wildly. Strained at her bonds. Kicked sideways, wanting to hurt him for making her lose control like this. "I hate you. Take me back." But instead of a command, it was a naked plea.

  "If we stop…" His voice had lost all amusement. "You know my terms."

  I will be gone forever.

  "I don't care." Screaming need whipped anger into fury. Damn him, he couldn't—

  "Stop the car, Henry." His voice was hard. He yanked at the knots over her wrists, tore the silk from her thighs. Reached across her and shoved open the door. "Get out."

  Chilled air washed over her bare breasts, her heated, wet pussy. "What? You can't—"

  "Get. Out."

  She'd never heard him like this, so coldly angry at her. "Sam, you can't—"

  He pushed at her back. "You heard me. I told you the price."

  She yanked off the scarf that was blinding her. "How can you expect me to just…" She opened her eyes. Stared into his very hard blue ones. "It's…absurd. No woman would ever—I couldn't— I would never seriously—"

  His face closed down on her, just shut down flat. The hard angles she'd adored were stone now. His jaw flexed. "It doesn't matter. I'm done, Dani."

  She gasped. "Just like that? I don't do what you want one time, and you're done with me?"

  "Those are the rules. Your rules. The Game is over. You lost."

  "Well, screw you then." Hurt and needy and furious, she gripped her coat as she slid across the seat and placed her feet on the ground, finding refuge in icy dignity.

  "Please ask him to get my belongings," she said, summoning all the cool politeness she would give a stranger.

  As though her heart wasn't aching nearly as much as her body.

  She stood outside and stared around her at the open space, the trees alongside the road. She had no idea where she was, but she couldn't…she just couldn't let him…she was scared and sick and suddenly very, very lonely…

  Why on earth did she want to cry?

  She would not. She never cried.

  But you want to because he's…amazing. Because no one has ever made you feel like this. Maybe no one ever will.

  Then abruptly he was there with her, behind her, sliding his arms around her, closing her coat so she would be warm. He buried his face in her nape, and she felt him shudder.

  As she was trembling. She was cold. So cold. "Sam…"

  His arms wrapped her more tightly. She shuddered into his embrace. Wanted to crawl inside him.

  After a long, charged moment, she quivered, then spoke. "I don't know how to do this. I've never…" She shook her head hopelessly. "Given up. Given…in."

  "I know." He spoke into her nape, making her quiver in longing. "But you need to, Dani. You will love it. You will." He exhaled a warm breath against her spine. "I promise. And I… You need to," he repeated.

  Because he needed this as well, she realized.

  "It will be okay," he soothed. "I won't let you get hurt, I swear it." His mouth closed over her nape, and she felt him hardening behind her. "I can make you come, Dani, in ways you never imagined. I can make you come a thousand ways, make you crazy and happy and…" He fell silent, but his silence was so full of promise…

  I can make you come a thousand ways.

  He offered her a new adventure, one she would never have tried with anyone else, she realized. She drew in a deep, steadying breath. "Show me."

  He went very still. "What did you say?"

  She pushed her ass against his groin and felt him respond. As though he couldn't control it, he pushed into her, his iron-hard shaft between her cheeks.

  Her nipples puckered, and inside, she went liquid. "Show me," she whispered.

  He picked her up with more gentleness than she'd ever felt from him, and he entered the back seat of the limo, keeping her in his lap as he shut the door.

  He stripped away her coat, leaned over her. Sank his teeth into her bottom lip.

  And slipped his finger inside her as she laid splayed over his lap.

  She grunted and sought to lock his finger inside, to suck him deep and never let go.

  "Drive on, Henry," he said, as he took her mouth and fucked her pussy with his fingers while his hard dick throbbed agains her hip.

  "Yes, sir," replied Henry.

  But she didn't worry about Henry this time, too busy trapping Sam's hand against her and rocking her clit hard against his thumb, letting her head fall back as he nipped his way down her throat.

  Two fingers, then three slid inside her, and Dani moaned. "Fuck me, Sam. Please, oh, please, oh—"

  Her fingers grasped him, worked him out of his fly. Stroked him, over and over as he thrust between her hands—

  She came with a scream as he shot come all over her fingers, and she took his love juices and slathered them over her pussy and rubbed herself until she started coming again—

  The car rolled to a stop.

  The door opened.

  She was spread over his lap, her breasts bare, her nipples
hard and proud, her legs splayed, her pussy wet with longing…

  "Dios, amigo," said an unfamiliar voice. "You bring us a feast."

  Before she could react, the door behind her opened. A stranger leaned over her, and unfamiliar fingers slid inside her pussy, taking the juicy leavings into his hand and smearing them up her belly and between her breasts.

  Then quick as lightning, that man tugged a hood over her head, one lined with fur that left only her mouth and part of her nose open, and he fastened it around her throat.

  She gasped. Froze.

  Quickly Sam kissed her. "It's okay. I've got you. Please just…surrender, Dani."


  Normally she would never consider doing any such thing.

  You need this.

  She was spinning so far outside herself, so crazy wild and oddly…free.

  He was waiting, she could tell, and he wanted this badly.

  So, she thought, might she.

  So she let go, didn't fight how she felt, so loose and…tantalized.

  Sam clasped at her for a moment as if he would never let her go, and she curled into him.

  But then he arose with her in his arms. Set her on her feet, though he remained behind to steady her.

  And cupped her ass in one hand.

  "Gentleman, I have brought us a present." He parted her legs and brought her elbows behind, displaying her like the feast the other man had named her.

  "Welcome, bella," said one and traced a finger over her left breast and down her belly, dipping into her pussy. He swirled the finger inside her, then withdrew, sucking his finger loudly enough she could hear. "Deliziosa."

  She couldn't help her moan of longing.

  A second hand traced tauntingly over her right breast, then squeezed her nipple.

  She gasped. So erotic, being touched when she didn't know where it was coming from…or when.

  Or who they were, these men who played with her body.

  A third smoothed his palms over her ass and drew her away from Sam, pulling her forward until she could his feel warm breath wash over her clit. "I want to eat her now, mon frère."

  Her knees went weak.

  Sam caught her. "All in good time," he said. "She must be prepared first."

  Then he walked her forward, again her elbows back to thrust her breasts forward, her legs parted as his muscular thigh slid between hers with each step, his pants leg brushing the inside of her thighs, her bottom constantly being rubbed against him while so many touches drifted over her body that she couldn't possibly tally how many there were.


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