Wanderer's Song

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by P. E. Padilla

  Wanderer’s Song Glossary

  Following is a list of unfamiliar terms. Included are brief descriptions of the words as well as pronunciation. For the most part, pronunciation is depicted using common words or sounds in English, not IPA phonetic characters. Please note that the diphthong ai has the sound like the English word Aye. The zh sound, very common in the language Alaqotim, is listed as being equivalent to sh, but in reality, it is spoken with more of a buzz, such as szh. Other pronunciations should be intuitive.

  Abyssum (a·BIS·um) – the world of the dead, Percipius’s realm.

  Aeden Tannoch (AY·den TAN·ahkh) – a boy who was trained to be a highland clan warrior but found that life had other things in store for him. The hero of the story.

  Aesculus (AY·skyoo·lus) – the god of water and the seas.

  Agypten (a·GIP·ten) – an ancient nation, no longer in existence.

  Aila Ven (AI·la ven) – a woman of small stature who joins the party and lends her skills in stealth and combat to their cause.

  Alain (a·LAYN) – the god of language. The ancient language of magic, Alaqotim, is named after him.

  Alaqotim (ah·la·KOTE·eem) – the ancient language of magic. It is not spoken currently by any but those who practice magic.

  Animaru (ah·nee·MAR·oo) – dark creatures from the world Aruzhelim. The name means “dark creatures” or “dark animals.”

  Arcus (ARK·us) – the god of blacksmithing and devices.

  Arlden Tannoch (AR·li·den) – a warrior of Clan Tannoch, Sartan’s friend.

  Aruzhelim (ah·ROO·shel·eem) – the world from which the animaru come. The name means “dark world,” “dark universe,” or “dark dimension.” Aruzhelim is a planet physically removed from Dizhelim.

  Bhagant (bog·AHNT) – the shortened form of the name for the Song of Prophecy, in the language Dantogyptain.

  Bhavisyaganant (bah·VIS·ya·gahn·ahnt) – The full name for the Song of Prophecy in Dantogyptain. It means “the song of foretelling of the end,” loosely translated.

  Braitharlan (brah·EE·thar·lan) – the buddy assigned in the clan training to become a warrior. It means “blade brother” in Chorain.

  Brausprech (BROW·sprekh) – a small town on the northwest edge of the Grundenwald forest, in the nation of Rhaltzheim. It is the hometown of Urun Chinowa.

  Broken Reach – a rugged, unforgiving land to the southeast of the Grundenwald. There are ruins of old fortifications there.

  Chorain (KHAW·rin) – the ancestral language of the highland clans of the Cridheargla.

  Clavian Knights (CLAY·vee·en) – the fighting force of the Grand Enclave, the finest heavy cavalry in Dizhelim.

  Codaghan (COD·ah·ghan) – the god of war.

  Cridheargla (cree·ARG·la) – the lands of the highland clans. The word is a contraction of Crionna Crodhearg Fiacla in Chorain.

  Crionna Crodhearg Fiacla (cree·OWN·na CROW·arg FEE·cla) ) – the land of the highland clans. It means “old blood-red teeth” in Chorain, referring to the hills and mountains that abound in the area and the warlike nature of its people.

  Croagh Aet Brech (CROWGH ET BREKH) – the name of the highland clans in Chorain. It means, roughly, “blood warriors.” The clans sometimes refer to themselves simply as Croagh, from which their nickname “crows” sprang, foreigners not pronouncing their language correctly.

  Dannel Powfrey – a graduate of the Hero Academy at Sitor-Kanda. He is a scholar who meets Aeden on his journey.

  Danta (DAHN·ta) – the goddess of music and song. The language Dantogyptain is named after her.

  Dantogyptain (DAHN·toe·gip·TAY·in) – the ancestral language of the Gypta people.

  Daodh Gnath (DOWGH GHRAY) – the Croagh Ritual of Death, the cutting off of someone from the clans. The name means simply “death ceremony.”

  Darun Achaya (dah·ROON ah·CHAI·ah) – father of Fahtin, head of the family of Gypta that adopts Aeden.

  Dizhelim (DEESH·ay·leem) – the world in which the story happens. The name means “center universe” in the ancient magical language Alaqotim.

  Dreigan (DRAY·gun) – a mythical beast, a reptile that resembles a monstrous snake with four legs attached to its sides like a lizard. The slightly smaller cousin to the mythical dragons.

  Drugancairn (DROO·gan·cayrn) – a small town on the southwest edge of the Grundenwald Forest.

  Dubhach (DOO·akh) – the old tattoo artist for Clan Tannoch. His name means “gloomy” or “dark.”

  Erent Caahs (ERR·ent CAWS) – the most famous of the contemporary heroes. He disappeared twenty years before the story takes place, and is suspected to be dead, though his body was never found.

  Fahtin Achaya (FAH·teen ah·CHAI·ah) – a young Gypta girl in the family that adopted Aeden. She and Aeden grew as close as brother and sister in the four years he spent with the family.

  Gentason (jen·TAY·sun) – an ancient nation, enemy of Salamus. It no longer exists.

  Gneisprumay (gNAYS·proo·may) – first (or most important) enemy. The name for the Malatirsay in the animaru dialect of Alaqotim.

  Great Enclave – a nation to the west of the Kanton Sea and the Hero Academy.

  Greimich Tannoch (GRAY·mikh TAN·ahkh) – Aeden’s close friend, his braitharlan, during his training with the clans.

  Grundenwald Forest (GROON·den·vahld) – the enormous forest in the northeastern part of the main continent of Promistala. It is said to be the home of magic and beasts beyond belief.

  Gypta (GIP·tah) – the traveling people, a nomadic group that lives in wagons, homes on wheels, and move about, never settling down into towns or villages.

  Heaven’s Teeth – the range of mountains to the east of the Kanton sea, in between that body of water and the Grundenwald Forest.

  Ianthra (ee·ANTH·rah) – the goddess of love and beauty.

  Izhrod Benzal (EESH·rod ben·ZAHL) – a powerful magic-user, one who has learned to make portals between Aruzhelim and Dizhelim. The dark god S’ru has an agreement with him so he is second to none in authority over the animaru on Dizhelim.

  Jehira Sinde (jay·HEER·ah SINDH) – Raki’s grandmother (nani) and soothsayer for the family of Gypta that adopts Aeden.

  Kanton Sea (KAN·tahn) – an inland sea in which the island of Munsahtiz, home of the Hero Academy, sits.

  Khrazhti (KHRASH·tee) – the High Priestess to the dark god S’ru and leader of the animaru forces on Dizhelim, only second in authority to Izhrod Benzal, by order of her god.

  Koixus (KOYK· sus) – an animaru, one of two assassins utilized by Khrazhti to try to kill the Gneisprumay.

  Krukestan (KROO·kes·stahn) – a small nation due south of the highland clan lands of Cridheargla.

  Maenat (MAY·nat) – an animaru, one of the two assassins utilized by Khrazhti to try to kill the Gneisprumay.

  Malatirsay (Mahl·ah·TEER·say) – the hero who will defeat the animaru and save Dizhelim from the darkness, according to prophecy. The name means “chosen warrior” or “special warrior” in Alaqotim.

  Manandantan (mahn·ahn·DAHN·tahn) – the festival to celebrate the goddess Danta, goddess of song.

  Mellaine (meh·LAYN) – goddess of nature and growing things.

  Miera Tannoch (MEERA TAN·ahkh) – Aeden’s mother, wife of Sartan.

  Munsahtiz (moon·SAW·teez) – the island in the Kanton sea on which the Hero Academy Sitor-Kanda resides.

  Osulin (AWE·soo·lin) – goddess of nature. She is the daughter of Mellaine and the human hero Trikus Phen.

  Pach (PAHKH) – in Dantogyptain, it means five. As a proper noun, it refers to the festival of Manandantan that occurs every fifth year, a special celebration in which the Song of Prophecy is sung in full.

  Percipius (pare·SIP·ee·us) – god of the dead and of the underworld.

  Promistala (prome·ees·TAHL·ah) – the main continent in Dizhelim. In Alaqotim, the name means “first (or most important) land.”

  Raibrech (RAI·brekh) – the cl
an magic of the highland clans. In Chorain, it means “bloodfire.”

  Raisor Tannoch (RAI·sore TAN·ahkh) – a famous warrior of Clan Tannoch, companion of the hero Erent Caahs.

  Raki Sinde (ROCK·ee SINDH) – grandson of Jehira Sinde, friend and training partner of Aeden.

  Rhaltzheim (RALTZ·haim) – the nation to the northeast of the Grundenwald Forest. The people of the land are called Rhaltzen.

  Ritma Achaya (REET·mah ah·CHAI·ah) – Fahtin’s mother, wife of the Gypta family leader Darun.

  Ruthrin (ROOTH·rin) – the common tongue of Dizhelim, the language virtually everyone in the world speaks in addition to their own national languages.

  Salamus (sah·LAHM·oos) – an ancient nation in which the legendary hero Trikus Phen resided. It no longer exists.

  Sartan Tannoch (SAR·tan TAN·ahkh) – Aeden’s father, clan chief of the Tannoch clan of Craogh.

  Slizhk (SLISHK) – one of Khrazhti’s generals.

  Solon (SEW·lahn) – one of the masters in Clan Tannoch, responsible for training young warriors how to use the clan magic, the Raibrech.

  Srantorna (sran·TORN·ah) – the abode of the gods, a place where humans cannot go.

  S’ru (SROO) – the dark god of the animaru, supreme power in Aruzhelim.

  Surus (SOO·roos) – king of the gods.

  Tere Chizzit (TEER CHIZ·it) – a blind archer and tracker with the ability to see despite having no working eyes. He is Aeden’s companion in the story.

  Trikus Phen (TRY·kus FEN) – a legendary hero who battled Codaghan, the god of war, himself, and sired Osulin by the goddess Mellaine.

  Tsosin Ruus (TSO·sin ROOS) – the Prophet, the seer and magic-user who penned the Song of Prophecy and founded Sitor-Kanda, the Hero Academy.

  Tuach (TOO·akh) – one of the masters in Clan Tannoch, responsible for teaching the young warriors the art of physical combat.

  Urun Chinowa (OO·run CHIN·oh·wah) – the High Priest of the goddess Osulin, a nature priest.

  Vanda (VAN·dah) – a modern god, claimed by his followers to be the only true god. It is said he is many gods in one, having different manifestations. The Church of Vanda is very large and very powerful in Dizhelim.

  Voordim (VOOR·deem) – the pantheon of gods in Dizhelim. It does not include the modern god Vanda.

  Thank you!

  Thank you for reading Wanderer’s Song, the first book in the Song of Prophecy series. Please consider taking a moment to post a review where you purchased the book. Reviews are important in helping other readers find exciting books and help authors to continue to write them, as well as providing valuable feedback for the author. Your honest review would be very much appreciated.

  If you would like to get information on upcoming books, such as book 2 of the Song of Prophecy series (Warrior’s Song), please visit my web site at pepadilla.com and join my mailing list.

  I also appreciate any comments I receive, so please feel free stop by my web site and comment on the site itself or to send me an e-mail at [email protected].


  I would like to thank my editor, Jessica Nelson, who went above and beyond with this book and the crazy time schedule I proposed.

  About the Author

  A chemical engineer by degree, air quality engineer by vocation, certified dreamer by predilection, and writer by sheer persistence, USA Today bestselling author P.E. Padilla learned long ago that crunching numbers and designing solutions was not enough to satisfy his creative urges. Weaned on classic science fiction and fantasy stories from authors as diverse as Heinlein, Tolkien, and Jordan, and affected by his love of role playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons (analog) and Final Fantasy (digital), he sometimes has trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy. While not ideal for a person who needs to function in modern society, it’s the perfect state of mind for a writer. He also writes young adult fantasy/action & adventure under the pen name Eric Padilla, and lives in Southern California, though he would like to be where there are more trees.


  [email protected]

  Also by P. E. Padilla

  Adventures in Gythe:

  Vibrations: Harmonic Magic Book 1 (also available as an audiobook)

  Harmonics: Harmonic Magic Book 2 (also available as an audiobook)

  Resonance: Harmonic Magic Book 3

  Tales of Gythe: Gray Man Rising (also available as an audiobook)

  The Unlikely Hero Series (under pen name Eric Padilla):

  Unfurled: Heroine is a Tough Gig (Unlikely Hero Series Book 1) (also available as an audiobook)

  Unmasked (Unlikely Hero Series Book 2) (out at the end of 2017)

  Undaunted (Unlikely Hero Series Book 3) (out early 2018)

  Boxed Sets (with other authors):

  Myths & Magic

  Witches of the Elements Series:

  Water & Flame (Book 1)




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