Neighborly Love_Accidentally Married Billionaire Romance

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Neighborly Love_Accidentally Married Billionaire Romance Page 10

by Ellen Hutton

  “Please don’t be mad” he said in his usual gentle voice.

  “I am not mad at you Stephen” I said, rolling away and searching for my clothes.

  The next couple of days were difficult for me because every change in my body gave me a reason to doubt and fear and wonder. I was increasingly petrified with each passing minute, waiting for signs that would tell me for sure that I had a baby growing inside of me. But no such sign came. My life slowly returned to normal.

  I was brought back to reality when Stephen winked at me from his seat. I smiled at him with my ‘come get me’ look and quickly returned my gaze to Dr. Anderson.

  My phone beeped just then. It was very silent, but just loud enough for me to hear, coupled with the vibration that practically almost frizzled my skin. I looked at it and saw that Stephen had texted me.

  “Hi,” he typed.

  “Hey” I responded.

  “So I saw you checking me out the last time, and I know that look. You want to come over to my place this weekend?” He put a smiley of love and kisses after his text.

  “Hmm. You are supposed to be learning right now, you know?” I responded, trying to get him to stop texting me in class.

  “Don’t tell me you are thinking about this class right now, Bea” he said. “I need some of those bee love bites you give me, darling” he was trying to get me hot, but all his texts were doing was pissing me off.

  “Okay, I’ll come to your place this weekend… but to study” I replied just to get him to stop.

  “Sure. There are many things I would like to study with you. I would like to feel your boobs… sorry I meant books. Damn I don’t know what my life would be like without you” he added a serious face emoji after that.

  “Pervert” I replied and looked up to find Dr. Anderson’s eyes on me.

  “It seems Miss Beatrice here has something revolutionary to share with us here… probably the sixth law of motion… or is that not what you were texting whatever Professor of Physics you are on the phone with?” He said, staring sternly and mockingly at me.

  The class laughed as I glared grudgingly at Stephen. He had a smile hidden in the shadows of the corner of his lips.


  I rushed home when class was done. It was one of the advantages of living really close to school. My phone was already full with many texts from Stephen wanting to know where I was. I knew he felt like he had to apologize for something, but I was not mad at him. I just wanted some time alone to myself. As I approached home, I made a mental picture of everything I had planned out for the day. I got an online job to complete some tasks daily and I also wanted to sneak into Kirk’s room and go through his stuff. I had a biting feeling beneath my skin. That biting feeling told me that I needed to know everything there was to know about my brother, Kirk. I could have just asked, right? But then I wanted to know even those things he wouldn’t tell me. I also wanted to know if he would ever lie to me. When I was done digging into his things, I would have enough information to tell anytime he lied to me when we spoke. It felt awkward. Even writing this feels awkward but that was how I felt at the time. Maybe I was the perfect definition of a creep, or maybe I was just curious. Maybe I wanted to know if Kirk was still my Kirk.

  I entered the gates and looked around for any form of life. There was none; just like I was expecting. Both cars were out of the garage, which meant that mom and dad had gone out… again, as expected. I let myself into the house and headed straight for my room. My laptop was alive in no time. While it booted, I stripped down to my bra and panties to feel more comfortable. I hated clothes more than I hate the fact that I had this damning obsession with my brother. The way I felt perturbed me. It was unusual, uncanny and in every sense of the word, annoying. But I could not control it. Just as the desktop screen came on, I typed the password into the box and chuckled because my password was four letters; Kirk.

  I checked for the tasks I was given and immediately got to work. They were basically easy and in thirty minutes, I was pretty much done. I thought I heard a sound from somewhere in the house but I dismissed it. There was no one home. Finally, it was time to go ransack through Kirk’s stuff before he got back. Before I left, I caught sight of my image in the mirror and stopped to look at myself. I saw a beautiful, young woman who could have the world at her feet if she wanted that. I stood just a little above five feet, with nicely shaped body. My breasts had grown quite big and my modest bra did a whole lot of work to contain them. My fair, milk cream tummy was what any girl my age would dream of. I had nice girly abs. My exercises were really paying dividends. My legs were slim and slender, just like my mother’s. As I stood there, thoughts of when I was younger filled my mind. My growth was slow and steady and I knew that I was still growing, albeit, not very noticeably. Just then again, I heard a sound coming from somewhere inside the house. This time it was much louder than the other time. Was someone home? Was a burglar in the house? Many thoughts ran through my mind as I waited for another sound.

  And then it became clear to me that mind was playing tricks on me. There was no one in the house. I was just worried about Kirk discovering that I checked his stuff. Before I could take the first step, I heard another sound. It felt like someone was moving something. And then another sound came once again, but this time, it felt like someone had hurt himself. The sounds became more consistent and I suddenly became certain that someone was indeed home. But who was it? Was it a burglar who thought no one was home? The noise seemed to be coming from the direction of Kirk's room. I had completely ignored the fact that I was still clad in just a bra and panties as I tip toed out of my room and made my way toward Kirk's. As I got closer, I saw one of Dad's bats lying on a shelf and so I inched closer and picked it. I felt the weight on my wrist as I gripped tightly. My heart was pounding hard as I was suddenly struck with the realization that I might actually catch a burglar in the house.

  My senses tried to kick back in and told me to call somebody. My phone was still in the room. I thought about going back because I did not know what I would do with the bat in my hand even if I did see a burglar in the house. I braced myself and kept all thoughts of fear away with my fingers wrapped tightly on the bat. My heart pounded with each step but I did not care. I approached the door and the sounds became louder and more interesting. Images began to form in my head but I was still very uncertain. I placed my hand on the door and tried to feel the sound. It was as if I could allow the waves of sound pass through the door, into my veins, and straight to my heart and ears. My breathing stopped, as did my heart beats. Could it be? I tried to listen closer but just then I applied too much pressure, and the door pushed open, causing me to stagger forward. I gasped.

  Chapter Four

  Right there on the bed, was a woman. And no, she was not a burglar. I had seen her before. The thoughts in my mind ran in circles as my eyes forced themselves to somehow comprehend the sight that was before them. Kirk was standing beside the bed, just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. I captured the picture in a rushed slide, observing every detail in that rushed second. The woman was completely naked! Oh my! She was stark naked on the bed save for the patterned socks that she had on. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and extended up to Kirk's stretched out hand that held it tight. Yes, she was kneeling on the bed with her ass facing Kirk, and he dragged her hair until her back was very much arced. Her terrified look was difficult not to notice as it was staring right in front of me. Her dangling but firm breasts were a beauty to behold no doubt. The redness of her skin, especially her ass cheeks told me the whole story in one glance. But all these were not what had my attention captured. It was my brother's cock that stood out proudly, glistening in the fluids of the beautiful woman kneeling on the bed. It was the biggest I had seen. Of course I had seen many in porn but I had never really thought that I would see such beautiful cock in my actual existence. His well ripped body was hard to take my eyes off. It was then that I realized how long it was since I even saw my brothe
r without a shirt. The last time that I saw him without a shirt was at Dad's friend's pool and I was quite little then. His firm chest connected well with his abdomen and led thoughtfully to the source of my fascination… his strong and mean looking tool of pure joy.

  "Beatrice... Get out!" I suddenly heard him say. His voice was loud. He shouted. My heart skipped and I ran out, but not before taking another look at his rod.

  In two seconds, I was sat on my bed, visibly shaking from both excitement and confusion. I had no idea what I was expected to do. I knew that it was wrong for me to have stayed as long as I did, staring at my brother and his girlfriend, naked. I could not het the images out of my mind. I quickly got up from my bed and locked my door. I did not want Kirk coming in. I did not know what I would do or say if I saw him. The hours continued to creep slowly until my parents came home. Kirk never did come to my room. But when mom and dad were back home and Katy too, I had to leave my room for dinner. It was awkward trying to avoid Kirk’s eyes while I ate. I could not look into his eyes because of how awful I felt. I had invaded his privacy and looked at his nakedness with brazen lust. Immediately dinner was done, I walked briskly to my room. And that was when I heard the knock. It was gentle. I knew who it was immediately.

  “Hey” He said as he walked in.

  ‘Hey’ I replied.

  “I am sorry you had to see that” he said.

  “I am sorry I barged into your room like that” I said. We were both speaking in low voices.

  “No, you have nothing to be sorry for. You had no idea that I was home, as I had no idea you were too. I guess we both planned to be home when no other person was and we ended up seeing each other.” He said.

  It was at that moment that I remembered that I was wearing only my panties and bra at the time I saw Kirk and the lady. My full maturing breasts that threatened to jump out then bra must have been in full view. I blushed.

  “Oh” I said.

  “Yes, so I guess we are even then. So you don’t have to wear that gloom in your face like you have killed someone. Are we good?” he asked.

  “Yes, sure, we are” I smiled. Finally, my mood had been restored. But it did little to change the fact that I had seen Kirk in all his naked glory and I Knew that my dirty mind was not going to let me be.

  The days continued their routine and my small dirty mind just could not stay off the thoughts of my brother. The shape and size of his dick filled my mind and I could hardly even concentrate on school. Stephen realized that I was distant but he had absolutely no idea what it was. I also noticed that I was not the only one who was overly excited that Kirk was home. Katy, my sister was also just as elated. Well, who didn’t like Kirk?

  One Saturday morning when my parents had gone out for a function, I was going to the store to get some groceries for mom. Katy and Kirk were home and I remember telling Katy that I would be back shortly. But as I waited for a cab, another car splashed water on my dress and I had to return home. I was infuriated. I went to my room and wanted to change but I did not find the dress that I wanted to change into. I could not find it and so I decided to ask Katy. But I could not find her. She was not in the kitchen as well. I knew something was wrong because I had not seen her leave the house. And then suddenly I heard a loud laugh coming from Kirk’s room. It was Katy’s.

  I walked stealthily towards the room. Her voice became tiny and soft, rhythmically enveloping my ears and leaving me transfixed at its texture, that I could hardly make out a single word that she said... until I heard a chuckle. She chuckled. It all of a sudden began to look familiar; the way I tiptoed toward Kirk’s room. Could it be what I was thinking? Could it be that Katy had somehow left the house and Kirk had brought his girlfriend in? I was confused as I continued to walk slowly.

  Chapter Five

  I was curious. I wanted to know what it was that made her laugh... or who it was? These questions left my thoughts floating on the Nile, lost at sea with no one to save it. But my stream of consciousness was sharply pinched when I heard something. It sounded like a whimper; a silent cry... but it was not of pain or anguish. It was more... subtle.

  I could not take it anymore. My knees lowered to the floor and I crawled closer to the door and peered in through the small opening. I saw nothing at first as my eyes adjusted to the frame. And then the images slowly began to form. I saw her bed, neatly made, which meant she had not even sat on it. The reading lamp rested on a small table just beside it and a magazine was atop it. Katy was still nowhere in sight. I could hear her deep breathing and then another chuckle. I could not see anyone else.

  I listened intently and held my own breathing. Fear of being caught nested in my vein, yet fascination crawled up close to my heart. What if Kirk was not even in the room and either of them had caught me in such condescending position? I contemplated getting up and moving away as the anxiety built up in me. My breathing was released now, but it was still lowered to the barest minimum. Just as I blinked my eyes, I saw Katy’s legs come into view.

  Their milk fair color perfectly accentuated their slim shape and contrasted well with the dark floor. Katy, my sister, had always been beautiful, and fascinatingly so too. She stopped right in front of her bed, and I realized that she was just wearing her dress... or taking them off. And she rested her bum on the bed and was looking straight at me. My legs turned cold and froze to the floor. I was unable to move or breathe. I had been caught. But she took no action that hinted that she saw me, so I was confused. I saw her eyes staring in my direction and I could swear she could see me... but she was not even looking at me. Then I realized the dark passage had shadowed my frame and while I could see her well lightened room, she could not see me, unless she looked purposely to find me. But she did not know I was there. Her eyes were a planet away... so distant. Her facial expression was inexplicable.

  "Oh Kirk, you are driving me crazy." She said. I heard her correctly... I was sure, and my heart sank.

  I stood up, brow beaten and went to my own room. I forced myself to cry, but I just wouldn't. The tears wouldn't come. Instead, I began to feel a sensation creeping up my veins and down my spine, settling into a moistness in-between my legs. Was I getting turned on by this? Watching my own brother have sex with my sister?

  And just then, I heard loud moans coming from that room. I knew that I should have gone into the room to confront them, but instead I was filled with curiosity. I walked slowly toward the room once more. I was more confident this time and looked into the open door. It was the most exasperating sight I had ever seen. There was Katy, with one leg on the bed, naked as the day she was born; getting her hairy pussy pounded by the long erected manhood of the man we both adored. A part of me started to pray that he was not my brother. But even if I could not see his face, I knew it was him. I knew his manhood. Its image from the other time was still plastered in my mind.

  Kirk stood solidly behind her, holding her waist, and she only looked back occasionally… maybe when he hit something deep inside her. With the way she screamed, I imagined she was in heaven and even if she stared right at me, she wouldn't see me. The clasping sound as their skins touched sent shivers down my spine and weakened my legs. I found myself getting excited as my anger quelled.

  I touched myself and played with my own feminine features as I watched the action that unfolded inside that room. When I heard Kirk’s groan, I also released my own liquid all over my panties. I rested for a few seconds and ran back to my own room to change into new clothes; different from the ones I previously had in mind.

  When I returned from the store that day, after stealthily moving out of the house, I acted like it was all normal and nothing had happened. I knew that I could try out my fantasies with Kirk now. After all, my own sister was fucking him. That night as I struggled to find sleep, thoughts of him and Katy filled my head and my adventures with Kirk to come. . I was brimming with horniness that I had never felt before. I gently moved my right hand to my breasts and started to fondle them through the ligh
t fabric of my night gown.

  I lifted my knees and allowed the hem of my gown fall down my laps till it nearly reached my groin. My left hand began to trace its way to my thighs and work all the way up till I could feel my soaked panties. I gently and rhythmically started to rub my pussy lips through my cotton panties and tried hard to muffle my moans. My eyes were closed and my lips parted as I whispered sweet words to myself. I imagined it was Morris saying those words and soon I could feel my excitement begin to heighten. My lips formed an O when I finally dipped my fingers into the elastic band and I could feel the friction of my growing pubic hairs while my middle finger touched the tip of my honey pot.

  I slid my finger down further till it brushed past my clit, giving me the most heavenly sensation. As I rubbed my pussy and fondled my nipples, my moans started to get louder and louder while my hip jerked faster. I soon felt my body begin to pump. My nectar juices splashed on my fingers, drenching my pink panties as my pussy convulsed in an exhilarating climax. Consequently I was quickly taken by the tender arms of sleep... and dreams of bliss.

  Chapter Six

  It had been a week and I had not said a word to Katy about what I saw. She saw my glances. Maybe she even read them. I envied her because she already had what I could only dream of. But was this all wrong? Why should a girl think such about her own brother? What had Katy done?

  I was stuck somewhere in between guilt and want. Kirk and I continued to speak but I was less talkative. I could not understand why he had to choose to go that personal with Katy but always talked with me like I was a child. The fact that he thought of me as a child annoyed me.


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