A.O.E.M.: 4 Play

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A.O.E.M.: 4 Play Page 6

by Eve Vaughn

  “I don’t know if I can take any more,” she whispered, her body still recovering from her earth-shattering climax. She felt her juices drip down between her crack.

  “But we’re not finished with you.” Talh smiled. She thought he was going to touch her pussy, but instead, his fingers went straight for her ass. Trina tensed up. The few times she’d had anal, it had hurt like hell, so it wasn’t her favorite thing.

  “Relax. It will be easier for you that way.” The redhead smiled in reassurance as he ran his thumb over the tight bud of her ass.

  She forced her body to relax. Trina realized by taking on three partners at once, one of them was bound to want her ass, but she hadn’t really given it a lot of thought until now. “I… I’m not sure I like that.”

  “We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. If you want me to stop touching you here then say so and I will,” Talh promised.

  The stimulation of his fingers rubbing her anus didn’t feel bad. Actually it was beginning to feel quite nice. “Do you want me to stop, Trina?”

  She shook her head. She didn’t want him to stop touching her. He slid a finger inside her ass, making her body quiver. She gasped. They watched her as though trying to gauge her reaction. Oddly it turned her on to have three pairs of eyes watching her so intently. Trina raised her hips slightly allowing the finger to go deeper inside of her. So far so good.

  By the time Talh added another finger, her body began to respond to the anal stimulation. Perhaps she had never enjoyed anal sex before because no one had prepared her, going at her pace instead of just thrusting into her as though she had no feelings.

  When he added a third finger, Trina was so hot, she wanted to feel his cock inside her. “I don’t want your fingers. I want you,” she pleaded.

  “And you shall have me, my beauty.”

  Talh removed his fingers before pulling her close, with her back against him. She felt his cock pressing against the crack of her ass. His fingers were one thing, but his dick was quite another. She tensed up again. “Relax. Remember how good I made you feel? I’ll make you feel that way again. If it becomes unbearable, you only need to say the words,” he whispered against her ear.

  She relaxed as he’d instructed, crying out as she felt him slide the head of his cock inside her ass. Trina felt a slight discomfort, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as she’d imagined it would be.

  “See? It isn’t so bad, is it? The worst part is over. You were made for us. You will have no problem taking our cocks inside you.” Talh grazed the side of her neck with his teeth.

  He reared forward, sliding his full length inside her ass. It felt so good. She wanted to move up and down on the thick pole deep within her ass, but he held her firm with one hand while he fingered her clit. Trina thought she would die from the mind-numbing pleasure. “Your pussy is so wet. I think you need a cock inside it, don’t you think?”

  She nodded, surrendering to the seductive tone of his voice. Talh lay back on the bed, taking her with him. His cock never left her ass. Bayoh came forward then, covering her body with his. When he slid his cock into her dripping cunt, all she could do was moan at the sensation of her pussy and anal wall being deliciously stretched by such big cocks. She hadn’t thought it was possible for them to fit inside her because of their size, but somehow they did, and it felt good. Real good.

  Trina looked to Roar, who watched them. His fist wrapped around his cock. “Don’t you --” she began.

  “I will have my turn with you. I take as much pleasure in knowing how much you are enjoying this. I like watching the expression on your face as you shudder with pleasure.” Roar smiled at her, stroking his cock with his hands.

  His words brought out the exhibitionist in her. Knowing that one of them watched as the other two fucked her turned Trina on nearly as much as the act itself.

  Bayoh and Talh began to slowly pump into her pussy and ass, filling Trina with a desire so strong she felt she would die with pleasure. The scorching heat building inside her threatened to set them all on fire.

  Trina’s gaze locked with Roar’s. The intensity of his stare was just as arousing as being fucked. She wanted to taste him again, but in this position she knew it would be difficult. The next time they tried this, she wanted to take them all at once.

  “Yes! Fuck me harder,” she moaned, not able to get enough.

  The two men sandwiching her moved in an almost choreographed motion matching rhythm for rhythm as they slammed into her.

  “Trina, I could fuck your pussy all night,” Bayoh groaned.

  Talh nipped her shoulder. “This ass is so tight and snug around my cock I don’t think I’ll be able to hold back any longer.”

  “Don’t hold back,” she cried. “Give me everything you have. I need you all so much.”

  She moved with their cocks, until she didn’t think her body could take any more. Suddenly she stiffened. A wave of passion swept through her that was so strong she began to scream and couldn’t stop.

  “That’s it, baby, show us how much you like this.” Roar smiled, obviously pleased at her reaction.

  This had to be the most powerful climax she’d ever experienced. Her body shuddered and shook until she went limp from exhaustion. Instead of finishing inside her, like she thought he would, Bayoh pulled out and shot a greenish fluid on her belly.

  If she weren’t so weak after such a thorough fucking, Trina would have questioned what the hell was spewing from his cock. Instead she just stared as he sprayed the strange fluid over her. Bayoh collapsed onto his side when he finished.

  When Talh eased his way out her ass, she felt empty. He moved to position himself over her, and he too shot a greenish fluid from his cock. This time it covered her breasts.

  He moved aside, letting Roar take his place. The blond held his stiff rod in his fist, jerking it back and forth. Trina watched, unable to take her eyes off this action. She instinctively knew he was about to do what Bayoh and Talh had just done. She was right.

  Roar moaned as the greenish liquid fell over her chest. When he finished, he began to rub the fluid they’d spilled into her skin as though it were lotion. It almost felt as though they’d just performed some ritual with her.

  When Roar finished his task, he smiled at her. “Now you are truly ours. For life.”

  Chapter Seven

  “What would you like for dinner tonight, Trina?” Roar gazed over the menu with disinterest. He wasn’t particularly hungry for anything except for Trina’s pussy.

  “Hmm, I think I’d like the house salad. It’s much too hot for anything else.” She pushed the menu away from her, giving him a small smile.

  Roar knew he’d never get tired of watching this beauty. It made his heart race whenever she looked at him like that. He was sure Bayoh and Talh felt the same way. He glanced over at his two friends to see they were as enchanted as he was.

  Roar wondered what Trina felt when she looked at them. Did her heart beat faster when they looked at her? Did she melt on the inside with just one glance from any of them?

  Trina turned to look out the window, her expression pensive. Bayoh grabbed her hand in his. “What are you thinking?”

  She turned back around with a small smile on her lips. “I was just thinking I must be the luckiest woman in the restaurant. I’m sitting with the three most handsome men on the island. It’s hard to believe the three of you would want to spend your time with me.”

  “Why would you wonder about that? Surely you know what you look like.” Bayoh smiled at her. He brought her hand to his lips before letting go.

  “I know I’m not ugly, but looks aren’t what makes a person. This island is full of beautiful women. What I don’t understand is… I mean… why me?” The confusion in her beautiful brown eyes made Roar want to take her into his arms to assure her of her worth.

  He gathered from the little Trina had told them about her past that someone or a handful of someones had hurt her. What was wrong with the men in her homeland to no
t recognize just how special Trina was? Roar agreed with her that the island was indeed crawling with beautiful women, but had they merely been looking for a beautiful woman, they would have settled for Nika. No. Trina was special. He sensed an inner strength and beauty within her that shone through. Roar was sure Bayoh and Talh felt the same way too.

  Roar liked the way she moaned their names in the heat of passion, the way her ass jiggled when she walked, and her lovely face and body. Those were superficial things however. What he loved about her was her laugh, the way she smiled at them, the way her eyes sparkled when she told a joke, the wistful look that would enter her eyes when she spoke of her life dreams. Roar loved the whole package.

  He knew she was reluctant to give her heart to them because of her past, but the more time they spent together, the more determined he became to change her mind. “Trina, there’s more to a woman than just physical beauty. Yes, there are beautiful women on this island, but there were beautiful women on Laiocean. Where you come from, isn’t there such a thing as instant love?”

  She lifted a delicately arched brow. “You mean love at first sight?”

  Roar nodded. “Yes. If that’s what human call it. Love at first sight isn’t something common among our people, but it happens. It happened to us when we saw you.”

  The incredulous look on her face told Roar she wasn’t convinced. “But I don’t --”

  “You don’t feel the same way? This is just an island fling to you?” Talh asked with a knowing expression.

  Trina looked away momentarily before turning back to look at them. “Look, I was upfront with you in the beginning. I can hardly believe I’ve even done half the things I’ve done with you guys. I’m sure there are plenty of women out there who would return your love, no questions asked. I may not be that woman, but I already know how special you are. The obvious love the three of you feel for each other is a bond any woman would be pleased to share.”

  “But not you?” Bayoh asked.

  She hesitated for a moment, as though searching for the right words to say. “I don’t think I’m capable of loving anyone anymore.”

  The forlorn way she said it made Roar’s heart ache. He silently cursed the men who’d hurt her. Damn them all. If he or his friends had three seconds with any of the men who’d trampled on her heart, they’d be shreds. “Trina, just because a few men didn’t appreciate what they had doesn’t mean we would hurt you. Where we come from, women are given the utmost respect.”

  “I still don’t understand how it is you guys don’t mind sharing me with each other. I mean, when other men look at me, the three of you go berserk, but you don’t mind sharing with each other. I don’t understand this concept.” Trina picked up her club soda and took a sip before putting it back down on the table.

  Roar took her hand in his. “It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t grown up in our culture, but the best place to start is understanding our history. Our people have existed on another world long before humans. At one time women were plentiful among us. The Manani were more warlike then, and went by another name. Those who were in charge back then wanted to pillage our neighboring land. Our ancestors wiped our neighbors out. It turned out to be a big mistake, because the inhabitants of the land were the chosen people of the Ancient Ones. The Manani were cursed before being banished from that world.”

  Roar paused to take a sip of his gin and tonic. Trina’s eyes were glued to his. “What did the curse do to your people?”

  “Our females died, little by little until there were few left. Very few females were born. Our ancestors went back to the world they were banished from to plead with the Ancient Ones. They took pity on us, making it possible for three males, sharing the same soul sign, to be with one woman. Among humans and most other species, it only takes one male and one female to procreate, however, it takes three Manani males to impregnate one woman. Bayoh and Talh and I were bonded from our birth. It’s impossible to feel envy for one who is connected to your soul.”

  “It seems like the males of your tribe get the short end of the stick. Don’t any of you feel the need to have one woman apiece?” Trina asked with an incredulous expression on her face.

  “No. I suppose you can say it’s just the way we were created,” Talh joined in.

  “What made you come to Chimera?”

  Bayoh chuckled. “You’re very inquisitive tonight, Trina.”

  “Well, shouldn’t I be? I mean, shouldn’t I get to know the men I’m having an affair with?” She shrugged with a nonchalance that bothered Roar. He knew from the beginning Trina wouldn’t be easy to sway, but it cut him on the inside when she seemed so casual about their coming together.

  Roar sighed. “It’s more than an affair, Trina, but we will argue on the point later. The reason we came to Chimera is partly because of the women shortage but mainly because we could not agree on a mate. The three of us are the Alpha Triad. It’s not as hard for us to find willing females because of our status, but we’re not so different from humans in that we wanted to find a mate who would love us for what’s inside our hearts, and not for who we are. Sometimes it’s easy to be blinded by surface beauty, as the three of us have been, but one thing we did agree on was we wanted the total package. We saw that in you, Trina.”

  Trina’s tongue poked out to run along her lips. “When you speak like that to me, I almost believe you.”

  “Why shouldn’t you believe us? We only speak the truth.” Bayoh scooted his chair closer to her.

  “Well… just because.”

  “Why would we have any reason to lie to you?” Talh asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve long since given up on trying to figure men out.”

  “Well, tell us something about these men, Trina. What exactly have they done to make you this way?” Roar wanted to know what he was up against, feeling the unfairness of the situation. Why did they have to pay for others’ past mistakes?

  “To sum it up, I’ve been cheated on, lied to, hit, made a fool of, stolen from, used and that’s only to name a few. Let’s face it, guys. I’m a loser as far as relationships go.”

  “It doesn’t have to be like that, Trina. Love can be a beautiful thing if you allow it to happen. We came to Chimera to find a mate and not only did we find you, we found love. It’s too precious an emotion to let slip away. Those other men didn’t love you. If they did, they could never have treated you in such a shabby manner,” Bayoh said with obvious anger.

  It upset Roar to know what she’d been through. He looked over to see Talh with a similar thunderous expression. Roar grasped Trina’s chin between his fingers, forcing her to look at him. The sadness in her big brown eyes made him ache. He wished he could erase her pain. “Bayoh is right. Love is a gift. Where we come from, it’s not something one takes for granted.”

  “You make it sound so simple,” she whispered.

  Roar let go of her chin and caressed her soft cheek. “It is that simple.”

  The waiter appeared at that moment and took their food orders. When he left, Roar thought it was best to steer the conversation in another direction. Pushing her too hard would only make her retreat further in her shell. At least Trina seemed comfortable enough to confide in them. For now, that was enough, but eventually he and his friends would want more.

  Much more.

  Chapter Eight

  Trina laid on the beach, letting the sun caress her bare skin. She’d untied her bikini top when she positioned herself on her stomach. It wasn’t as though she needed a tan, but she liked the way the sun felt. This was the first time in four days when Roar, Bayoh, and Talh were not by her side.

  The three of them decided to get something to eat, but she wasn’t hungry. Besides, she needed a little breathing space. It was still hard to believe she was having an affair with three men at once. Their first night together after Roar made his little declaration, they’d taken her to the large shower and cleaned her body.

  When they finished the task they took her b
ack to bed where Roar positioned her on her knees before sliding into her pussy, which by that time was wet again. Bayoh stuck his cock in her mouth and she sucked him with wild abandon. Talh watched with a satisfied gleam in his eyes.

  This time when they finished, there was no green fluid. Roar shot his seed inside her pussy and Bayoh into her mouth. She’d never been one to swallow semen, but oddly, she wanted to ingest every single drop of Bayoh’s essence.

  Trina didn’t think she could take any more, but the three of them made love to her well into the daylight, fucking her in every conceivable position. She was surprised her body could contort in so many different ways. By the time they finished with her, she was so exhausted she couldn’t move.

  She woke up the next morning slightly sore but sated. From then on they never left her side. If she went to the beach, they were with her. They ate, showered, and did activities with her. Trina had to admit she enjoyed their company. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d had so much fun.

  On their third night together, they revealed their true forms to her. It scared her in the beginning, but they’d prepared her for what she would see before they showed her. Besides, there were so many mysterious things on Chimera, she wasn’t that surprised when her three lovers shifted into huge cats before her very eyes.

  They all looked like giant lions, but they weren’t quite lions. They had big shaggy manes and broad lion faces, but that was where the similarities ended. Their pelts were the shade of their hair, and they all bore markings in various shapes.

  Another odd thing happened -- when they shifted, they could only communicate telepathically, but she understood them. It was very weird.

  They wanted to screw her in their natural form. This took some convincing, but by the end of the night, she let them, and loved it. If anyone would have told her she’d be making love to three giant cats, she would have laughed and called them sick, but that was exactly what she did. They assured her that they would be in humanoid form most of time, but there would be times when they needed to shift.


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