A.O.E.M.: 4 Play

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A.O.E.M.: 4 Play Page 9

by Eve Vaughn

  We understand you’ve been hurt in the past, but not everything will be smooth in life. There will be people who will hurt you, but that’s when you have to get back out there and live again, otherwise you let the people who’ve hurt you win. We love you with every fiber in our beings, but we also deserve someone who will return that love, so we will leave the decision up to you.

  We are leaving Chimera tonight. Meet us at sunset on the beach at the spot where we first met. We’ll be waiting. Otherwise you’ll never see us again. Whatever you decide, your happiness is important to us, and we wish you the best in all your endeavors.

  Love, Roar, Bayoh, and Talh

  Trina dropped the letter. They were leaving? Just like that they would walk out of her life after all that talk about being life mates? So she’d been right. They’d already gotten bored with her. She just didn’t think it would be so soon.

  No. They hadn’t abandoned her, but given her a choice, Trina reasoned with herself. She shuddered as she thought about the night before. It still hurt her to think of what had occurred. They’d made her feel cheap and used, but she had a better understanding of why they did it. Maybe it was the only way to get through to her thick skull, but did she dare give herself to them? Could she entrust her heart to these men she’d known for less than a week?

  There was no one she’d felt so strongly for before. Not Tim, Kwan, Larry or any of the other losers she’d dealt with. What about the life she’d left behind? Could she walk away from it all?

  What exactly do you have to go back to?

  She had no job, her so-called best friend had betrayed her, and she didn’t have any family. Trina was alone in the world, so why not take a chance on love? Why not run to the security they offered?

  The inner struggle tore her apart. The thought of yet another heartbreak scared her so much she started to shake. Trina dragged herself out of bed and headed for the shower. She could still smell their scent on her, and her pussy twitched. She missed them.

  After showering she went to the seaside grill to get some breakfast. Every time she looked up from her meal, she expected to see them, but didn’t. All around her were happy couples laughing and mooning over each other. Unable to stand it any longer she left the restaurant.

  On her way out, she bumped into Morel. “Trina. I’m glad to see you again. Where are your mates?”

  “They… they’re leaving tonight.”

  A frown marred his blue face. “Without you?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe.” She shrugged.

  “I don’t understand. Didn’t they mark you? If my understanding of the Manani is correct, once they mark a female as their own, they can’t claim another woman, unless their mate dies.”

  They would walk away when they risked going unmated for a very long time, possibly for life? She also knew, from what they’d revealed to her earlier that week, that they could not retain their leadership positions among their people if they went unmated.

  They were willing to take that chance on her?

  The men she’d dealt with before would have taken what they wanted without a care for her feelings. The fact they risked so much touched her heart in a way she didn’t think possible. They must love her an awful lot if they would give everything up for her.

  “Umm, Morel, I have to go. Good luck again.”

  “Wait!” He halted her as she turned to leave.


  “I just wanted to thank you for talking to me yesterday. If we hadn’t talked, I would probably still be here on the island feeling miserable. I leave tonight. Perhaps I will see your mates on the plane ride off the island.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope everything works out for you.”

  “I hope so too. Goodbye, Miss Trina, and may all your dreams come true.” He took her hand in his, squeezing it in a reassuring gesture before letting go.

  There was that phrase again. If she took the chance maybe this time she could have her happily-ever-after. On the other hand, her dreams coming true could also turn into her worst nightmare.

  Trina was torn.

  * * *

  “The sun has set. I don’t think she’s going to show up.”

  Bayoh sounded as dejected as Roar felt. The pain emanating from his friends was so strong he could almost touch it.

  “I think you’re right. We’ve been here for over an hour. That should have been plenty of time for her to show up.” Talh sighed.

  Roar had been so sure Trina would show. How could he have been so wrong? One of the things that had attracted him to her in the first place was the inner strength he’d sensed. He now saw that her heart was too crippled to love again.

  “She’s been marked, so we can choose no other mate. We will have to step down from our positions of course.” Bayoh raked his hand through his dark hair. His tail drooped, switching back and forth in a half-hearted motion.

  “I don’t give a damn about our positions. It’s Trina I want.”

  “I wasn’t implying our positions were more important, Roar. I was just stating a fact. It tears me up inside to find the one woman I know I can’t live without, only to find that I have to. I don’t know about the two of you, but I don’t know how I’ll make it through the rest of my life without her. I suppose I can only pray my life won’t be too long on this world, because without her, I feel like I have no reason to live.”

  Roar could see the glistening of tears in Bayoh’s eyes, and wished he could offer words of comfort, but he too hurt. This hurt was so deep, he could barely breathe. “Let’s go. Our plane will be leaving shortly, and I’m sure the car is waiting to take us to the airport.”

  The three of them began to walk away, from the beach, away from Chimera, and away from Trina.

  They didn’t walk more than a few feet when Roar could have sworn he heard someone call out his name. He turned around, with Bayoh and Talh following suit. They must have heard something as well.

  Roar’s breath caught in his throat as he saw a vision in white running toward them. “Roar, Bayoh, Talh. Please don’t leave without me.”

  Trina dashed toward them laden with baggage. Tears streamed down her face.

  Without hesitation, Roar ran toward her, hoping his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. Bayoh and Talh ran by his side, each of them as eager as he to reach the woman of their hearts.

  Trina dropped her baggage and ran toward them.

  When they were only a few feet away, she leapt into Roar’s waiting arms, which he immediately wrapped around her waist, squeezing her tight. His mouth descended upon hers. The sweet taste of her, just as good as he remembered, sent shivers up his spine. Roar’s cock stirred. He took his time exploring the warm, delicious cavern of her mouth. Roar loved her so much it literally hurt when she wasn’t near.

  Trina moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. Roar could feel her soft breasts pressing against his chest. Her tongue thrust forward to meet his, tasting and savoring him.

  The cool, floral scent of her perfume triggered an uncontrollable burst of lust in his loins. Roar wished he had time to lay her on the beach and fuck her senseless, until she never had the desire to be away from them again.

  Roar had never been more scared in his life, but seeing her racing down the beach almost soothed the brief ache he’d felt. He didn’t want to let her go, but knew his friends were just as anxious to hold her. When he pulled away from her, Roar brushed her cheek with the back of his palm to assure himself she was real. “Don’t ever scare us like that again, or we will give you the spanking of your life.”

  Trina wrinkled her nose, a mischievous gleam in her dark eyes. “Is that a promise?”

  “You saucy wench, come here.” Bayoh gently pulled her back and turned her around to face him. Trina eagerly went into his arms. Roar watched as their tongues danced to the syncopated rhythm of the ocean waves. Bayoh ran his hands along the sides of her curvaceous body.

  Trina pulled back and nuzzled Bayoh’s neck. “I missed you so much.�

  “I missed you too, my lovely Trina. I thought we wouldn’t see you again. I wished my life to be short, because without you in it, life wouldn’t have been worth living.” Bayoh brushed a tear from the corner of her eye.

  “I’m sorry to cause you pain.” Trina caressed Bayoh’s stubble roughened cheek.

  Talh stepped closer to Trina. “Do I not get a kiss?”

  Trina disengaged herself from Bayoh’s arms and turned to Talh. The redhead lifted her in his arms, his palms cupping her round bottom. She dug her fingers in Talh’s fiery locks when their lips met.

  Just watching Trina kiss his friend with such passion and love made Roar’s cock so hard he could barely think. He couldn’t wait to get her back to Laiocean.

  Talh gave Trina a long, leisurely kiss. She pushed against his chest, laughter in her eyes. “Put me down.”

  Talh didn’t look as though he wanted to, but did. Trina then pulled Roar and Bayoh closer to her so the three of them were within her embrace.

  “You came,” Roar sighed, feeling as though things were right in the world once again.

  “I’ve been a fool. What you three told me earlier is true. Love is about trust, and life is about taking risks. Although I was scared to trust again or take this risk, I knew I’d be miserable without you guys. Living without your love was more than I could take. Thank you for taking a chance on this broken woman. Can you forgive me for putting us all through this?”

  Roar knew he spoke for his friends when he said, “We could forgive you anything. We would never hurt you. When you’re sick, we will be there to heal you. When you cry, we’ll be there to dry your tears. When you are happy, we are happy with you. We love you, Trina Davis.”

  A tear slid down her lovely brown face. She was so beautiful it ached to look at her, and she was theirs. Forever.

  “I love you, Roar, Bayoh, and Talh. Let’s go home.” Trina looked up, encompassing them all in her smile.

  Roar’s heart soared at how easily she’d used the word home. His eyes locked briefly with Bayoh’s and then Talh. He could tell they were just as happy. They grabbed Trina’s bags and headed toward the waiting limo.

  The sun had set, ending their vacation on Chimera, but this wasn’t an ending for them. This was only the beginning. Their dreams had come true.

  Eve Vaughn

  Eve Vaughn has enjoyed creating characters, and making up stories from an early age. As a child she was always getting into mischief, so when she lost her television privileges (which was often), writing was her outlet. Eve likes to read, bake, make crafts, travel, and spend time with her family. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband and pet turtle. She loves hearing from her fans, so feel free to contact her at [email protected] or join her yahoo group by sending and email to [email protected].




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