“Yes?” she asked curiously.
“I’m glad you brought it up, because I was scared stiff you were going to spring the nipple clamps and strap-on dildos and things on me one night and I’d have a heart attack.”
She grinned. “Oh baby. What about a sac ring?”
“Not on your bloody life.”
“So you’re into…?”
“Pleasure, baby. Naughty pleasure, hot pleasure, screamingly bad pleasure.”
He’d proved that once again that night, after Sam had left. Probably one of those screaming things Debbie had gone on about.
For sure, she’d been getting openly envious and awed looks from nearby neighbours ever since that first night Alan had taken her virginity in the backyard. Alan just grinned lazily when she’d mentioned it to him and walked with an extra swagger. Sam pretended to be outraged but his laughter was shining in his eyes.
SJ wasn’t impressed at all. He hid under Sam’s bed when things got a little rowdy between herself and Alan. She knew because Sam told her he’d found him under there looking really pissed off.
SJ liked a quiet life.
Now they walked along the street, turning into the park and sitting on the wooden bench by the lake.
Alan slid his arm behind her back and stretched out his long legs, crossing them at the ankles. Sitting beside him, Sophie rested her head on his shoulder and watched the ducks swimming past.
At that moment she was so content, so comfortable that she didn’t want it to end. In two short weeks she’d come to know herself as never before, and it was all because of Alan.
Two short weeks and she felt like she knew him better than own cousin. He not only did totally hot things to her, she’d managed to do the same to him. One day she caught him by surprise, pushing him back on the pillows and kneeling over him. He’d grinned and thrown out his arms in invitation. “I’m all yours, baby. Eat me up.”
Well, she’d licked him like an ice cream and sucked him like a lollipop. By the time she’d finished, he’d been screaming her name for a change.
She might not have personally experienced giving head before then, but she knew the mechanics of it. She was a bloody good researcher. The proof was in the screaming. And the begging for more. Which she’d happily done.
Hmmm, that was probably what Debbie had also heard.
But she knew more than just his sexual prowess. And he knew more about her.
Alan hated gardening. Sophie hated lawn mowing. So they compromised. He mowed the lawn and she weeded Sam’s veggie patch.
They argued about politics - who knew they were on opposing teams? - until frustrated, she dumped the dregs of his coffee on him and fled to her room, locking the door right before he could get in. Sam had laughed until he almost cried. Alan had snuck around to her window and unlatched the flywire with incredible stealth, while she huddled by her door with her ear pressed to it, listening for him in the hallway. By the time she realised he was in her room looking for revenge, she was begging for mercy. It wasn’t long and she was screaming his name, half in laughter and half in carnal heat. Knowing exactly what was coming, Sam had left the house before it got that far. The next day he had security screens put on all the windows. Sophie and Alan had found it hilarious.
Sophie loved horror movies. Alan loved corny comedies.
She loved animals. He said he couldn’t stand them, this while Marty’s toy poodle, Sugar, was licking his face while he watched TV, and SJ was on the back of the sofa behind him kneading his head.
She found out he donated regularly to the RSPCA. He said it was to atone for his sins.
She said he looked hot in uniform. He said she looked hot without clothes. She said he did, too. He agreed.
Sophie was good with budgeting. So was Alan. They were both saving to buy their own homes.
She loved being home. So did he.
She liked walking. He liked weight lifting and running.
She liked his friends. They liked her.
They liked sharing a shower. Sophie never knew it could be so much fun. Alan said it was conserving water. Truthfully, it was plain old down and dirty lust and they ended up spending more time in there than they would have if they’d been alone. Go figure.
She found out that Alan had shamelessly stolen those missing books and she punished him. By the time she was finished, he was begging for relief. Then begging her to do it all over again. So she did, oh boy, she surely did.
He was a lousy poker player, losing most of his matchsticks to her every time. Oddly enough, when playing strip poker (his idea) he kept winning. She accused him of cheating. He demanded she lose the panties and bra. When she refused he actually jumped the table and wrestled them off her. They never did finish the poker game. And it was surprising the table had actually stood up to what they’d put it through next. Who knew poker could be such naughty fun?
Alan was a great and fun teacher, true, but she was a quick and eager student. After all, she wasn’t a novice at knowledge, just on the actual reality of the act. Thank God Alan was the star of reality. Or stud, as he liked to put it.
In two weeks they’d laughed, lusted, talked and shared quiet times and opinions.
And she didn’t want to leave him.
At the thought, a heaviness crept over her. Two weeks. The day after tomorrow she had to go home and Alan hadn’t mentioned it once. To be fair, neither had she but still… “Alan?”
“Mmm?” Alan played idly with a strand of her hair.
“My two weeks are up.”
His finger paused then resumed playing with her hair. “Yes.”
“It - it’s been a great two weeks, hasn’t it?”
“Very.” He hesitated. “You’ve got a very successful career.”
“Yes.” Odd thing to say.
“But it’s one you can do from anywhere, right?”
Her heart leaped a little. “I guess so.”
“Mmm. I bet you’re looking forward to going home.”
“Well, I…yes. Yes, I guess I am.”
“Friends and family. Your home.”
“Yes.” She gazed out at the pond. Ask me. Ask me something. Ask me to stay. Because surprise surprise, she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him.
He didn’t say anything more, just continued to idly play with her hair, his gaze on the pond.
Of course he wouldn’t ask her to stay, why would he? Sophie looked sadly at the ducks. Two weeks holiday, that’s what she’d told him, and he’d been quite happy with that. There’d been no talk of more time, of anything else really. He hadn’t asked her to stay longer. Hadn’t even hinted. Wasn’t asking her.
Shit. She couldn’t ask him if he wanted her to stay, he wasn’t giving her any signals, he just continued to play contentedly with her hair.
Damn him.
“It’s been a fun two weeks,” he said quietly.
“Best two weeks of my life.”
“Mine, too.” Here it comes, he’s going to ask me!
“I guess reality hits us all.”
“I guess so. Though it doesn’t have to be, right?”
He chuckled, his chest moving against her. His yummy, scrumptious chest. “Not in your world. You can live those fantasies all day and all night if you want.”
“Without you.”
“Yeah, they won’t be as good, true, but at least now you know what having hot sex really feels like.”
Wow, talk about ego. Sophie scowled.
“Yeah, reality. It hits us all. Life goes on.” Alan stopped talking.
Life goes on? What the hell? If she didn’t want these last few hours with him be ones to remember, she’d give him a verbal barb to sting his ears.
No, she wouldn’t. Yes, she would. Maybe she should. Ah hell. Her scowl disappeared and she sighed. No, she wouldn’t. Regardless of the fact that he apparently could accept her going away as just another part of his life, she would always treasure it and maybe she could come bac
k, see him again. Though he’d probably have a girlfriend by then.
Some gym bunny.
God damn.
“Yeah, Soph?”
“I think we better go back and help Sam. He’s doing that garden all by himself.”
“He likes gardening.”
“No Alan, really.” Sitting up, she smiled brightly at him.
He studied her.
“I want to do something nice for him before I go.” Grabbing his hand, she dragged him upwards, not hard to do because after an initial resistance he let her.
Chatting about her plans for the future, she walked along holding his hand, laughing on the outside, crying on the inside.
He laughed, seemingly interested in her plans but never once mentioning their getting back together.
Alan had to work the next two nightshifts as part of his roster, so she had plenty of time to sit and contemplate the future. She kissed him goodnight, smiled brightly up at him and waved him off.
He was oddly quiet, watching her closely but saying nothing. Knowing Alan, he was attuned to her moods but he wasn’t going to push it and that told her that he wasn’t going to ask her to stay.
Damn him and the cop car he rode in on.
Sam was also working the nightshift, so it was just her and SJ sitting in the lounge, he eating her steak while she sniffled into the mobile phone.
“Oh crap, Ghost, I don’t want to go!”
“So don’t,” he replied.
“You don’t understand.”
“I’m trying.”
“He doesn’t want me to stay.”
“Have you asked him?”
“He hasn’t asked me.”
“Maybe he doesn’t know that you want to stay.”
“I don’t know if he wants me to.”
“Ask him.”
“Why not?”
“Cripes, Ghost, you’re such a man.”
“Guilty as charged, but what has that got to do with it?”
“I will be totally mortified if he runs screaming from me.”
“I gathered you were the one doing the screaming, and there was no running involved.”
“Oh my God, how did you know that?”
“Your cousin was cracking up while telling me on the phone.”
“Sam told you?”
“I’m your best friend. I rang up earlier today and he was just cracking up, couldn’t stop laughing. Once he found out who I was, he told me about your little conversation with Deidre.”
“Yeah. Her.”
She sniffed.
“Oh honey,” he said. “Why don’t you just ask him?”
“No. I can’t.”
“We’re going in circles.”
“Ghost, what if I ask him and he says he doesn’t want me to stay?”
“What if he says he does?”
“Why doesn’t he ask me himself?”
“Sophie, you are such a woman.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“I have no idea why I said that. I should know better.”
“I don’t want him taking pity on me, Ghost.” Sophie sniffled and hiccuped.
“Honey, you’ve taken big steps already. What’s one more?”
“It could be the complete destruction of my life.”
There was dead silence for a few seconds before Ghost cautiously drawled, “Oookay.”
“I’m serious. I’ll be shattered if he doesn’t want me to stay. I mean, it’s only been two weeks, right? Two wonderful, hot, sexy weeks, but maybe that’s all he wanted, all he’s happy with, he doesn’t want a sack around his neck, a chain around his ankle, a desperate woman panting after him clutching at any crumb he’ll throw at her.”
“Are you alone there, Soph?”
“Yes, why?”
“Thank God.”
“Don’t be such a jerk. I’m hurting here.”
“Sophie, stop this pity party and pull yourself together.”
She hung up on him. Arsehole! Just when she wanted to cry and be pitiful, he pulled the stern card. Tearfully she stared at the TV screen, not really watching the film playing.
Damn. Now she’d hung up on her best friend. That was low. First she called him to whine and cry and when he tried to talk sense to her, she hung up on him. She looked at SJ who was sitting on the armchair opposite the sofa, his head turned away in regal disregard. “Don’t you start.”
Picking up the mobile, she punched in Ghost’s number. He answered on the first ring. “Feel better?”
“Worse. I’m sorry. That was inexcusable. I don’t know what’s gotten into me.”
“Love hurts.”
“Love? What’s that got to do with it?”
“Honey, you’re in love It’s pretty obvious.”
Oh no, that wasn’t good. Love? Love who? She did a mental head slap. Geez, Alan! “Are you sure?”
“As sure as I can be considering I’m telling you.”
“Can one fall in love in two weeks?”
“Sophie Willow, have you been drinking?”
“No. I don’t drink. You know that.”
“I’m starting to wonder. Listen, you need to think things through. You alone all night?”
“Sam and Alan are working the nightshifts. There’s only SJ here.”
“Well, he’ll have to do. He doesn’t answer back anyway, which is a blessing, because right now you need to have a good hard think, Sophie.”
“I do?”
“Then ring me back.”
He sighed. “Soph, why are you so sad at leaving Alan?”
“Ummm…the sex is great?”
“Ring me back. You’ll know when.” Just as he hung up, she heard him mutter, “I hope.”
Flicking the mobile shut, Sophie looked at SJ. “Am I in love?”
SJ turned his head slowly to look at her.
“After just two weeks? Maybe it’s just a crush. He’s my first love - lover - and all that. It’s probably just a major crush and I’m going to make a huge fool of myself if I throw myself at his feet and beg him to keep me.” No way. No way.
No freakin’ way.
For the first time in her life she felt like a drink. A strong one. Going to the ‘fridge, she took out a Coke. No Diet Coke. She needed the strong stuff.
Chapter 8
Chin in hand, Alan stared out the car window at the traffic whizzing past. Would this bloody night never end? Could it go any slower? Then again, he didn’t want it to go any faster either, because that would bring Sophie’s leaving that much closer.
Having the last two nights that Sophie was here doing nightshift was downright shitty. It meant he couldn’t spend them with her, and he’d sleep during the friggin’ day which stuffed that up, too.
Mike glanced across at him. “You all right?”
He grunted.
Mike looked back out the windshield.
A hoon sped past and the next couple of hours were spent fining him, processing him, and impounding his car. Normally that put Alan in a great mood. Tonight he couldn’t give a rat’s arse.
Parked at a service station, he watched moodily as Mike strode across the parking lot holding two takeaway cups of steaming coffee. Taking the one Mike handed him, he lifted the lid and blew on the hot liquid.
“Tell me.” Mike’s deep rumble filled the car.
“Tell you what?”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t feel like talking.”
“Tough shit. Talk.” Mike looked at him, genuine concern in his normally cold eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Damned if he was going to talk about it, spilling his guts about things that were of no concern to the big lug, friend or not. “Sophie’s leaving.”
Shit, where had that come from?
“She’s going back to her home and family and friends and successful career and leaving me he
So much for keeping it all private.
“Huh.” Mike sipped his coffee.
“Thanks for the pep talk. It really helped.” Alan resumed glaring out of the side window.
“Tell her to stay.”
“Tell her? She wants to go home.”
“She say that?”
“She said she was looking forward to going home.”
Alan rolled his eyes. It was either that or start chewing hunks out of the dashboard. Or cry. Crying was for sissies, however, and his mother hadn’t brought up no sissy boy.
“Did you tell her how you felt?” The car rocked as Mike shifted his muscular bulk.
“And make her feel beholden to me? No.”
“For sharing hot, steamy sex and fantasises with her. Showing her how good it can be.”
Mike rubbed his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Hey,” said Alan, “you asked.”
“Yeah, I did.” Mike muttered something else that sounded suspiciously like, “God help me.”
Alan returned to glaring out the window.
Man, it hurt. Here he was, wanting her to stay and having to let her go. It had only been two weeks, two wonderful, magical weeks, and already he couldn’t imagine life without her.
It hurt. Just thinking of her leaving hurt. It was ripping a freakin’ hole deep in his guts, tearing out a hunk, leaving him empty and wounded and goddamn hurting.
“Jesus.” He closed his eyes. “Mike, I love her.”
“You don’t say.”
“What am I going to do?”
“Do? You claim her, boy. You love her, you want her, you claim her.”
“No wonder Maddy calls you a Neanderthal.”
“Yeah, and I have Maddy. Who do you have, smart arse?’
“If this is your idea of a pep talk, you suck at it.”
“Just saying it like it is.”
Silence fell between them again. Closing his eyes, Alan sighed. He couldn’t force her, he couldn’t, it wouldn’t be fair.
“Maybe I’ll visit her.” He opened his eyes. “Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. I’ll go and see her whenever I can.”
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