Master of Desire

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Master of Desire Page 33

by Multiple

  “Oh,” Amy said, “I wanted to get a whole outfit.”

  “An outfit?”

  “Yeah, you know, an outfit. For BDSM stuff.”

  Robin interrupted before it became too obvious that they had no idea what they were talking about.

  “She was thinking about getting a collar, some stilettos, a bustier, and maybe a whip. You know, if you have any that are interesting.”

  She had managed to say it with a completely straight face. The salesperson looked at Robin, and then looked at Amy again.

  “Are you sure you’re not together?”

  After that, things went smoothly. Amy bought a studded collar that felt strange around her neck. She wasn’t even used to wearing necklaces, so the skin there was sensitive to everything that touched it.

  She bought heels that were higher than any she had ever worn before. They were certainly taller than Amy’s usual kitten heels. When she looked herself from the mirror, she had a moment of realization.

  That’s why people wear these things.

  Her ass was pushed out, her legs looked long and taut, and she couldn’t help but show off her breasts. Amy looked like an entirely different person, and she wasn’t even done buying things yet.

  The bustier topped things off, cinching in her curvy waist but flaring at her hips. Even Robin couldn’t stop staring at her boobs once she had been all tucked in. The cups just nearly covered her nipples, and Amy felt like she was spilling out of them. Were girls like her supposed to dress like this? Were they even allowed to be a part of these super exclusive sex clubs?

  Amy tried to push the thoughts aside.

  But the real coup de grace was the whip. Amy felt it in her hand, she knew it was the one. It hit her palm with a satisfying thwack. Looking at herself tapping it against her thigh, jutting one hip out as she balanced on the unsteady heels, it seemed like she could really do this.

  “We’ll take all of it!” Amy yelled.

  Then she blushed and silently handed the salesperson her credit card. The big numbers flashing on the register only dampened her excitement a little.

  Chapter 3

  Friday morning Amy shoved her new outfit into a gym bag. Her heart thumped as she moved the flimsy things. Was she really going to do this? It seemed like such a good idea at first, but now is she really going to go there tonight? To a sex club?

  Amy took a deep breath. What other choice did she have? People were getting cut left, right, and center. As one of the youngest in the department, no one would blink an eye if she were fired.

  Breakfast was off the table. Amy was too nervous. It took all of her effort to keep her shaking hands steady while she drove to work.

  The day seemed to take forever. Even talking to Robin over lunch didn’t make it better. All Amy could keep thinking about was that evening. She couldn’t keep her head on straight, and her editor even chewed her out when she turned in a subpar article. Her mind just wasn’t in the words. It was somewhere else.

  After rewriting the article, calling some contacts, and starting a new round of research, it was time to go. Amy drove over to Robin’s place, and they got ready for her transformation.

  “Nervous?” Robin asked.

  “Why would you say that?” Amy said. She forced a small smile.

  “Because I heard how Bouier ripped you a new one. That’s not like you. You were always his favorite on the staff.”

  Amy’s stomach churned.

  “Yeah well. Everyone has off days.”

  Robin turned around. She had been busy making a frozen pizza so that Amy would have something on her stomach before going out to be whipped, spanked, or whatever they do in sex clubs.

  She pointed a spatula at Amy.

  “Look, just because you got yourself into a mess, doesn’t mean you should be pissy with me. I’m on your side,” she said. Robin turned back to the pizza and the oven. “As crazy as that is.”

  Amy looked down and dropped her head into her hands.

  “Yeah, I know. Sorry,” she said. “It’s just...”

  “Shhh…” Robin placed a shot of tequila in front of Amy. She placed the whole bottle next to it.

  “Drink this. You’ll need it.”

  Soon, Amy was full of confidence. Fueled by a stomach full of tequila and pizza, her doubts faded away. Amy downed a second shot and slammed the small glass on the table.

  “Let’s do this!” she yelled. “Let’s get me all tarted up!”

  Robin laughed. “I think you’ve had enough of this,” she said and took the tequila away. “Okay, let’s get this started.”

  Amy pulled her clothes out of the gym bag, and piece by piece, she pulled them on. Now it was Robin’s turn. She pulled out a giant case of makeup.

  “Welcome to my battle station,” she said.

  The box had types of makeup that Amy had never even heard of. Primer? Pore filler? 4D makeup? It seemed like Robin had gone through the whole box by the time she was done. Robin even did Amy’s nails. Finally she brushed and smoothed Amy’s long hair so that it laid smoothly over her shoulders.

  Before she turned the chair around, Robin looked appreciatively at her work.

  “Now, don’t ever say I don’t love you,” she said and started to swirl the chair.

  Amy stared at her reflection. Who was that? The girl in the mirror looked perfect. Her skin was even, her lips were plump, her hair wasn’t flying all over the place. Amy wanted to cry but she didn’t want her mascara to run.

  “Robin!” Amy threw her hands around Robin’s waist and squeezed.

  “Hey, hey! If you smudge that foundation, I’ll kill you,” Robin said.

  Then there was a beep in Amy’s purse. It was her alarm. Time to go. She threw on a long coat and ran to the car. Amy didn’t even have enough time to second-guess herself, because all she knew was that she couldn’t be late.

  When they finally made it to the driveway of The Sanctuary, Amy’s heart began to race. It took a long time to reach the front, where a large man was standing. He looked completely uninterested in her as she stepped out of the car.

  “Text me!” Robin yelled as she pulled out of the driveway. Then, just like that, Amy was on her own.

  Chapter 4

  “Hello, uh, I’m here for the meeting tonight?”

  Amy looked at the man. He didn’t look at her.

  “Is this The Sanctuary? J sent me,” Amy tried again.

  This time, the man’s eyes met hers.

  “Code,” He said.

  “Pamplemousse?” Amy said. Thank goodness for her high school french.

  “Keys,” he said. He held out his hand. Amy dropped them in his palm.


  Now Amy took off her coat, revealing the outfit she was wearing below. The man couldn’t stop his reaction now. His eyes swept from the tips of her toes all the way up. He smiled. Was he amused, or did he approve? Either way, he said nothing and just took her coat.

  He opened the door to the mansion and Amy walked in.

  “Enjoy your night, Ms. Lopes,” the man called.

  The door was closed before Amy could ask how he knew her name. Now she was alone in the dark. In the distance, Amy could hear the faint thumping of music, but she couldn’t tell where it was coming from. She walked blindly forward in the dark.

  With the combination of her tall heels and racing heart, this was no easy task, but soon the music got louder. She was headed in the right direction. There was another large, heavy door, and it opened in front of her.

  The first thing Amy was hit with was the loud music. It felt like the speakers were vibrating the entire room. As she kept walking, her eyes adjusted to the dark and her ears were not so shocked by the volume of the music. That’s when things got even stranger.

  Now that she could see, Amy made out the dance floor. She had expected it to be filled with women like the ones in her videos, but everything was totally different. There were people of all shapes and sizes.

  A short wome
n with thick thighs was dancing with a tall muscular man. She had cellulite, but no one seemed to be gawking. No one said that she should cover herself up and leave. Next to that pair, an older looking man with a pudgy stomach rubbed his ass into the crotch of a skinny younger man. The younger man pushed his groin against the other man, and seemed to be quite enjoying himself.

  That’s when Amy realized she was probably overdressed. Sure some people were wearing head to toe latex, but others were dressed as if this was just another day at the mall. A few other women wore bustiers, but they had been partying long enough that their nipples peeked over the edge of their cups. They didn’t mind, and Amy couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  At least they were clothed. Amy noticed a man with thick curly hair. He wore nothing but a hard, chubby, dick and a smile. Still, when he walked up to friends they threw their arms around his shoulders. Amy guessed that there probably was no dress restriction here.

  “Hey,” a girl called out to her.

  She looked around Amy’s age and she wore a suit jacket with her lacy underwear. She noticed Amy scoping her out.

  “Look, I didn’t have time to change after work,” she said and struck a pose. Amy’s eyes lingered on her flat, toned stomach. “You do what you can.”

  The girl gave Amy a once over and stuck out her hand.

  “Hi, I’m Mimi. And you are obviously new here. What’s with that get up?”

  Amy folded her arms over her chest, which only pressed her boobs up further.

  “I’m A…Shirley,” she said. “Hi.”

  Amy looked down and away, hoping that Mimi would just walk away. Instead, she felt a hand lift her chin up.

  “Well, aren’t you the cutest little sub?” Mimi said.

  “Sub? I’m not…”

  “Sure, sure.” Mimi waved away Amy’s disagreement. “Of course you can be whatever you want to be. But before you can be anything, we’ve got to take care of this.”

  Before Amy could protest, Mimi got to work. She took off Amy’s stilettos, grabbed her whip, and opened her bustier a step. Mimi dug her fingers into Amy’s hair and shook, so that the long hair was in wild curls again.

  Mimi took a step back, and did one final thing. She gently pulled the collar away from Amy’s neck.

  “Since you say you’re not a sub, you shouldn’t be wearing this. And if you were, you should never put it on yourself. That’s your Dom’s job.”

  “My Dom’s job?” Amy asked.

  “Yeah, silly. Now let’s go dance!’

  Mimi pulled Amy out onto the dance floor. At first, Mimi couldn’t get her to move. She was barely moving her feet to the music. Then Mimi grabbed Amy and swung her around.

  “Come on! Do you think anyone is staring at you? Just look at these guys!”

  Now that she was on the floor, Amy could see things even more clearly. Some of these people weren’t just dancing. She saw cocks bulging through pants. The thinnest bit of fabric was the only thing stopping it from being straight up sex on the dance floor.

  Mimi was right. People were too busy getting it on to worry about her terrible dance moves. As Amy started to dance, her anxiety slipped away. She moved her hips, swinging her hair to the beat.

  “That’s it!” Mimi yelled.

  Amy hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. Even in college, she was anxious. All of the other girls were much prettier, so she couldn’t relax at the club.

  But now, Amy was just dancing. The music was so loud that it was pointless to speak, but they didn’t need to anyway. Mimi and Amy danced with one another until Amy’s forehead was covered in sweat.

  She panted.

  “I think I, I’ve got to go,” she yelled into Mimi’s ear.

  “You don’t have to leave yet!” Mimi yelled back over the music. “There are some rooms in the back. You can relax there!”

  She pointed in the direction of another large, ornate door.

  “Go rest!” Mimi said. “I’m going to stay here, but call me if you need anything!”

  They hugged and Amy snaked through the grinding couples to leave the dance floor. It was amazing how quiet things were once she got out of there. Amy walked in the direction Mimi pointed out, but now that she was all alone the familiar anxiety returned.

  She pushed the door open to reveal a lounge. Instead of blaring, the music here was light. People were sitting on velvet couches and ottomans, chatting instead of dancing. At first, Amy was too shy to speak to anyone. She ordered a cold water, and stood awkwardly, playing with the condensation on the glass.

  A woman with short blonde hair called out to her.

  “Hey, you!” she yelled. When Amy hesitated, she continued. “Yes, you!”

  The woman patted the seat next to her. As Amy came closer, she realized that there was a man kneeling at the woman’s feet.

  “Hello kitten. I just saw you over there looking so delicious and confused, and I just had to call you over.”

  “Oh, yeah? I guess I’m that obvious…”

  “Yes, but it’s cute,” she said. The woman pointed at the man. “That’s Maddix and I’m Cordelia.”

  “I’m Shirley,” Amy said.

  “So Shirley, what brings you here?”

  “Ah,” Amy paused, playing with her glass. “I just moved to the area. I used to go to another club…”

  “Another club?” Cordelia perked up. “Ooh, what club? I might know it!”

  Amy’s eyes opened wide.

  “Oh you don’t know it!” she said quickly. “It was so tiny. Anyway I moved here and I heard this is a great place. So I just had to come. Have you ever met the owner?”

  Amy was out of breath by the time she finished, but it seemed like Cordelia had forgotten about her question.

  “You mean J? Yeah, everyone knows J! You haven’t seen him?”

  Amy shook her head.

  “No, I’ve just been dancing all night,” she said.

  “Oh, then you haven’t seen the exhibition room.”

  “The exhibition room?”

  Cordelia pointed to an open archway. Amy couldn’t see anything going on in there, but she saw spotlights in the distance.

  “Yeah, I’m sure J is busy doing a scene right now. You should go see him. He even taught me a thing or two.”

  Cordelia patted Maddix on the forehead. He smiled around his gag.

  “Well, don’t wait around here!” Cordelia shooed Amy away. “You want to see the good stuff, don’t you?”

  Amy put down her drink and started walking in the direction of the archway. As she walked, the noises from the room began to grow louder. It was hard to tell over the sound of the crowd, but Amy was almost certain. Had she heard someone scream?

  Chapter 5

  At first, there was nothing to see. Just crowds of people milling around. The darkness made it hard to see, but every now and again Amy would catch a glint of metal in a collar or earring. She made her way through the crowd, pushing to where the spotlights were brightest.

  Out of the darkness, thick fingers wrapped around Amy’s arm.

  “Hey you!”

  Amy turned around to see a tall man. He wore leather pants and his stomach flopped over the edge of them. He looked at Amy with a cruel smile.

  “You’re going to be my sub tonight,” he said. He pulled at Amy, and she almost fell off her feet.

  Suddenly, Amy regretted coming to The Sanctuary. She tried to pull away from the man, but his grip only tightened on her skin.

  “No!” Amy yelled. “Leave me alone!”

  A few heads turned, but most people ignored them. Maybe they assumed that they were together. Amy didn’t know where the man was pulling her, but she knew whatever he had in mind probably wasn’t going to be her cup of tea. She clawed at his skin, leaving drops of red blood behind.

  “You bitch, I should….”

  “Mimi! Cordelia! Someone! Help me!” Amy yelled.

  The man covered her mouth, but it was too late. Amy saw Mimi pushing through the
crowd. And she wasn’t alone.

  There were some men who looked like bodyguards, all suited up unlike everyone else. Then there was him. As he walked, the crowd parted.

  When Amy’s eyes locked with his, it felt like time slowed down. Even in the darkness, everything seemed crisp about him. His white pressed shirt against his brown skin. His dark hair, closely cropped to his head. His green eyes that lingered on her.

  By the time he stood in front of her, Amy could see that he towered over the man who wouldn’t let her go. He looked down and a frown came to his lips. In the next instant, he grabbed the man’s hand and pulled it away from Amy. The man groaned in pain.

  “Why are you hurting me, J?” The man pointed an accusing finger at Amy. “This bitch is the one that scratched me!”

  J? That was J? As in the owner of The Sanctuary?

  J bent the man’s hand backwards, bringing him to his knees.

  “You know the rules, Allan,” he said. Amy was surprised by the deep rumble in his voice. “You can’t make anyone do anything they don’t want to. That’s not how this works.”

  He turned to the bouncers and made a hand movement.

  “Take care of him.”

  J turned to Amy and brought his hand to the red bruise that was forming on her arm.

  “Are you all right, Ms. Lopes?” he asked.

  His touch stung, but it was cool. Amy found she wanted him to linger there, holding her.

  “Ms. Lopes?”

  “Ah, how do you know who I am?” Amy asked.

  “I know everyone in my club,” he said.

  Amy blushed and looked away from J. Could he see right through her?

  J’s hand slid down Amy’s arm, squeezing her hand and brazing her fingertips. Her skin burned where he touched her.

  “The truth is, I’d love to give you a tour, but I’m already late for something I have to do,” he said.

  J turned to Mimi and smiled.

  “Take care of her for me, ok?”

  “Yeah, I won’t let her do anything I wouldn’t do,” Mimi said. She threw her arm around Amy’s waist and hugged her close.


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