Half Past Dead

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Half Past Dead Page 28

by Zoë Archer

  Mariana burst out laughing. “Yeah, I guess she does, but you know, librarians get a really bad rap. They’re not all disapproving matron types. You’d like my sister, Ella. She’s a librarian and she’s nothing like the stereotype. She’s boisterous and fun loving. She always has a smile and laughs easily. She was a real clown growing up.”

  “Sister, eh? Well, if she’s your sister, I like her already.”

  She liked the way he teased her but she knew there was some kernel of truth in his words. He had always made an effort to be nice to her friends from work on the rare occasions they’d mingled. Like those happy hour gatherings. He had been polite and encouraging to Claire, who was surprisingly shy around Simon and his military buddies.

  “I think she’ll like you, too.”

  “You thinking about introducing me to your family? This sounds serious.” His blue gaze glittered with an intense light and she was afraid maybe she’d assumed too much, too soon.

  She forced herself to shrug noncommittally. “You’ll meet them eventually, I’m sure. No doubt you’ll be dragged to one of the family gatherings at some point. There are a few each year where we all get together on the farm, and pick on one another for old time’s sake.”

  He took a minute before answering, which didn’t do much to reassure her. “Sounds like fun.”

  It was time to change the subject. Lifting one knee, she straddled him, leaning forward over his muscular torso.

  “So now that we’re both awake, what do you think we should do to keep ourselves occupied?” She sent him a daring smile, hoping he’d take her up on her blatant offer. She had confidence he would, judging by his state of arousal. She could feel him stir against her bottom. Oh yeah, he’d play along.

  “How about a little game?” The teasing tone of his voice warmed her once more.

  “What kind of game?” She was willing to try just about anything with him and she had no doubt he knew it.

  “What else? My favorite game. Simon Says.”

  “Oh, I like the way your mind works, sexy Simon.”

  One of his hands moved to her breast, cupping her with warmth and exploring fingers. “Sexy Simon then,” he agreed. “Sexy Simon says to lean closer so I can kiss these nipples that both seem to want my attention.” Their eyes met and fire leaped between them. “Do they, Mari? Do they want my attention?”

  “Yes, Simon.” Her voice was shaky already and he hadn’t done much more than touch her.

  “Well come on down here then, woman. Simon says.”

  She felt wanton as she leaned over him, following his orders. She had always enjoyed making love with him when he exercised his dominant streak, but this new, teasing, sexy Simon was something very exciting indeed.

  He latched on to her nipple with his tongue, swirling it around the eager peak with just the right pressure. He used his teeth gently, never hurting, always enticing, and the suction of his mouth felt oh so good. Then he switched to the other side, letting his fingers take up where his mouth had left off, sliding in the wetness left by his lips to pinch and tease.

  She moaned with pleasure and he drew back, releasing her nipple with a little pop.

  “You like that?”

  “You know I do.” There was a breathless quality to her voice she couldn’t control.

  He grinned at her with pure male satisfaction. “Are you ready for more?”

  She liked the new playfulness between them. “Bring it on, big boy.”

  His grin only widened. “Simon says bring that pussy up here.”

  She gave him a questioning look. “You want me to—”

  He cut her off by the simple expedient of grabbing her hips and lifting her over his chest. Damn, that man was strong.

  “Lean up on your knees, baby. Give me your pussy. Right over my mouth.”

  “You’re serious?” They’d never done this before. In fact, she’d never done it in this position with anyone, ever.

  “Oh yeah.” He gave her a mischievous wink. “I want a taste of you, baby. I want to fuck you with my tongue and have your cream dribble down my chin.”

  Her abdomen clenched at his earthy words and she responded to the urging of his hands, rising above him into the position he desired. She wasn’t sure about this, but the hidden temptress within wanted—no, needed—to do anything he asked. His dirty talk affected her more than she would have believed possible. If any other man had used such language with her, she wasn’t sure she could have responded. Coming from Simon’s lips? Those words were thrilling in a forbidden, very naughty way. He made her feel sexy, desired, and almost…wanton. Only for him.

  A moment later, his mouth rose to her core, his tongue exploring, licking through her folds and right up into her. He set a rhythm that made her groan, stabbing into her over and over again with his tongue in an imitation of what he would do later with his cock, if she had her way.

  She couldn’t hold it. Not one second longer. She shattered with a shaking moan as she came against his tongue. He made a sound that vibrated against her most sensitive parts, drawing out her hasty orgasm. After a minute or two, it plateaued, but didn’t fully dissipate. If their past history was anything to go by, she was in for one hell of a ride. He’d done this to her a few times before—brought her multiple orgasms, each one building on the last until she flew right up to the stars.

  Simon was, by far, the most talented lover she had ever had the good fortune to be with. This was especially true when he took his time…and they had the day all to themselves. She shuddered just thinking of what he could do in that time.

  When he came up for air, she was finally able to move away. He wouldn’t let her go far. He parked her over his chest, sitting lightly on her haunches, her legs spread for him, her core displayed for him to look at. And play with.

  His hands stroked from her hips to her pussy with tantalizing slowness. He watched her face, searching her reaction, then slid his gaze to her spread folds with heated intensity. That look alone was enough to make her cream.

  “Spread your legs a little farther for me, baby, and lean back. I want to see all of you.”

  She felt very vulnerable, spread out and open to him. She wouldn’t have done this for just anyone. This was Simon. He could have anything he asked of her. He was her savior, her protector, the only man she had ever loved. If she could bear to make herself vulnerable to any man, it was him. She complied, the straining muscles of her thighs shaking as she moved into the position he wanted.

  One of his big hands spread her open even farther. Then a broad, male finger slid into her channel, making her gasp. He set up a rhythm that picked up on her earlier climax and drove her passion higher. He didn’t let the pleasure dissipate. No, he kept her primed while he inspected her pussy, adding a second finger after a while that made her squirm in earnest. Then his thumb started to tease her clit and all hell broke loose. Again.

  “Simon!” She cried out as she peaked again and heard him chuckle. That masculine sound drove her higher. It told her he was enjoying making her squeal with pleasure and come for him.

  She came on his hand, moaning as she shook with satisfaction. It rose in a tide and never receded. He was definitely working her toward something bigger and better. She only hoped she would still be able to breathe when he finally got her to the destination he had in mind.

  Mariana gave over all control to him willingly and followed where he led. She knew enough about him to know he would make it worth her while. If there was one thing she knew Simon wanted, it was her trust. She had trusted him with her life already. Now she would trust him again, this time with her body and her pleasure. She knew she couldn’t be in better hands.

  When the shudders began to subside, he removed his fingers. His hands stroked over her skin, cupping her breasts and teasing the sensitive nipples, then lingering over her ticklish abdomen and down into her wet, eager, wide open pussy. He didn’t give her time to come down off the climax; instead, he built her toward another.

p; “Are you up for more, baby?”

  She nodded, entranced by the glittering need in his sexy blue eyes.

  “What would you say if Simon said to suck my cock?” His words dared her to be wanton and she responded in kind.

  “I’d say, what took you so long?” The smile she gave him was full of feminine mischief and sloe-eyed audaciousness. Her inner siren had come out to play.

  Her body craved the small respite and her mind wanted to even the score with her sexy tormentor. She wanted to bring him along with her on their path to ecstasy. She didn’t like for it all to be one sided, with him giving her everything and her selfishly taking it all. She wanted to give to him, too.

  “Then Simon says, give it your all, baby. Suck it down but don’t make me come. I want to come inside you.”

  “I live to follow your orders,” she teased with a roll of her eyes as she levered herself off his muscular body. For this, she wanted to be at his side, able to devote her entire attention to doing him right. He deserved no less after the two brilliant peaks he’d already given her.

  She licked the head, teasing at first, watching his reactions to check his responses. Hooded eyes followed her every move. She liked the power he gave her over his pleasure. It made her feel more in control and supremely feminine. Just what she needed after her feeling of helplessness leftover from the dream—a little give and take. He owned her pleasure but he’d given her some control over his.

  Wanting more, she opened her mouth wide and took him in. She loved the sexy groan that issued from his lips when she hollowed her cheeks and applied suction.

  “Oh, baby, just like that,” he praised, clenching his hands into fists at his sides, rumpling the sheets in his hands. The way the sleek muscles of his washboard abdomen rippled sent shivers down her spine. He really was the sexiest man alive. And he was all hers. A girl couldn’t get any luckier than this.

  She grabbed the root of him with one hand and squeezed, fondling his sac gently with the other. His grunts and groans were music to her ears as she applied herself to making him come. He’d told her not to push him that far, but she remembered his powers of recovery and amazing stamina. She knew it wouldn’t take him long to make a comeback even after she had drained him dry. He wouldn’t leave her hanging, and if she let him, he would give and give and never take even this small thing for himself.

  She loved him for it, but he had to learn that sometimes she wanted to be the one giving in their relationship, not just the recipient of his amazing talents. She sucked him long and strong, gauging his reactions with increasing pleasure. He tried to pull away once. She held firm and wouldn’t let him leave. Truth be told, he didn’t put up that much of a struggle and she figured she’d won this round. Feminine satisfaction filled her with a giddy sort of triumph and she redoubled her efforts.

  Mariana knew darn well how much he liked what she was doing to him. Inwardly she purred, knowing the sound would travel as vibrations down his sensitive length. He groaned her name as he came. He tried to pull away again, but she wouldn’t let him escape. She wanted everything he had to give.

  It had been so long. She remembered his taste, the unique saltiness of him. Of the few men she’d done this to in her life, Simon was the only man who made her truly yearn for the taste of him. He was her perfect match in every way.

  His breath came in great gasps and his eyes were squeezed tightly shut as she watched him come down from his explosive orgasm.

  “You’re a witch, Mari. A siren sent to seduce me. And you’re a little cheater. I told you not to do that.” His eyes popped open to find her, still sitting at his side, trailing lazy fingers over his rippled abdomen.

  “Come on, Simon. You know you liked it.” She smiled slyly at him, encouraging him to admit his delight.

  “Oh, I liked it all right.” He lifted up on one elbow to meet her gaze. “But it’s not what I told you to do. You disobeyed a direct order, woman.” The teasing tone of his voice reassured her that he wasn’t really mad at her. He was, however, in a playful mood, which could mean a lot of different things. Simon had always been an inventive lover. She couldn’t wait to see what he would pull out of his bag of tricks now.

  “It was in a good cause, sir.” She gave a sloppy salute as a grin split her lips.

  “I won’t argue that, Doctor. However, when Simon says to do something, in future you need to learn that he means it.”

  “Really?” One of her eyebrows rose in challenge.

  “Really.” She knew from the way he answered that he was amused by their banter. “I ought to swat your ass for disobeying me.”

  “Would you, really?” Damn, was that breathy, porn star voice really hers?

  Okay, so maybe the idea of a sexy spanking had run through her mind a few times, but she had never let anyone actually do it to her. She had never given up that kind of control to anyone. Of course, she’d never done a lot of the things Simon had introduced her to and she had loved every one of them. If there was anyone on Earth she could trust, Simon was the guy she could trust to explore all her forbidden fantasies. She was safe with him. He would never hurt her and he would listen and obey if she said she wanted to stop.

  “Is that anticipation I hear?” She saw his cock stir as one of his hands trailed down from her waist to her backside, cupping one rounded cheek. As she’d thought, it didn’t take long for him to rise to the occasion once more. The man was fit and had stamina to spare. That was a good thing in a warrior—and especially in a lover.

  His fingers tightened on her ass, then let go, only to come back in a stinging smack that made her jump. A high pitched squeal came from her lips that she hadn’t expected. Neither had she expected the slight burn of her flesh that made her want more.

  Oh, yeah. Simon knew her all too well if that one swat was any indication. She wanted more.

  “Well?” Blue eyes dared her as he sat up fully, facing her.

  She blinked up at him and purred playfully. “Please sir, may I have another?”

  Simon laughed outright and she loved the sound. He did it so rarely outside of their time together, it was a gift.

  “Just for that, wench…” He lifted her as if she weighed nothing at all and scooted to the edge of the bed. In an eye blink, she was draped over his knees, ass in the air. “You’re gonna get it.”

  “Oh, I hope so.” She squealed again when his hand came down in a playful swat.

  He didn’t really hurt her, just smacked her hard enough for a delicious burn to spread over her skin. And the way her rubbed her cheeks with that big, open palm before and after the light taps was even more rewarding than the naughty feeling being spanked gave her.

  It wasn’t something she would like to do every night, but as a change of pace, it certainly had its rewards. She had never been all that daring sexually. Not until Simon. He’d given her everything she had ever fantasized about and more. He seemed to know what she wanted even before she did and he always put her pleasure first. Nothing, it seemed, was too much to ask.

  Which was why she let him lead in the bedroom. This was a man who didn’t need an instruction manual to find his way around a woman’s body. No, Simon had probably written the damned manual.

  In all, he spent more time stroking her skin than actually spanking her. He took his time, letting his fingers stray downward, between her legs, to linger and tease. When she squirmed, so near the edge, he startled her back away from it with another little tap. He repeated this process a few times until she couldn’t control the moans that issued from her lips or the shivery sensations coursing through her body. She needed to come. Bad. And he had to know it.

  “So responsive, my dear,” he mused as he cupped her stinging cheek with one big hand. “We’ll have to remember this for the future. Maybe someday you can play naughty schoolgirl for me.”

  Just thinking about the scene his words implied made her thighs clench. She was so close!

  “Ah, I see you like the idea. I didn’t know you were qu
ite so kinky, Mari, but it’s a pleasure to find out. I’ll play any game you like. Anytime.” He leaned over to growl the last bit in her ear and she couldn’t help the shivers that went down her spine, straight to her pussy.

  “Simon! Please,” she gasped, wanting him. Waiting for him to push her over the edge again.

  His hand came down in one final swat and she cried out, coming hard. She wouldn’t have thought she could gain such satisfaction from being spanked, but Simon had always been able to pull things out of her response she never would have expected.

  “Now, are you going to disobey me ever again?” She heard the laughter in his voice as he leaned over her.

  “Every chance I get,” she whispered, still coming down from a blissful place.

  “Hmm. Maybe I ought to rethink my strategy.” He rubbed her ass one final time and lifted her to lie on her back in the center of the bed as she laughed with him.

  It was good to feel so carefree after the tense days they’d just spent. Especially after the years spent apart, years she had spent missing him.

  “Come to me, Simon.” She cupped his cheek as he laid her down, her gaze holding his. “Make love to me.”

  He stilled over her. “Who’s giving the orders here?” The words were playful, but his tone wasn’t. No, he’d gone serious on her, mirroring her mood and turning the needful moment into something much more serious.

  “I need you, Simon. I’ve always needed you.”

  Silence stretched. She had to dare. She had to give him what she thought he finally might truly want.

  “I love you, Simon. I never stopped loving you.”

  His reaction didn’t show on his face, but she saw satisfaction and relief in his expression as he moved over her. Without a word, he joined with her, sliding into her body and claiming her for his own. At least, that’s what it felt like. He began to move in a slow, steady rhythm that she matched eagerly.

  Something big was happening here. It was different than it ever had been before. The urgency was there, but ratcheted back to let the emotion pour over and through. She felt all the things she always felt when Simon was inside her—protected, cherished, cared for in a deep, lingering way. She felt something else as well, moving deeply between them, in the space of their souls.


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