Angel of Distrust

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Angel of Distrust Page 29

by Tabitha Barret

  She nodded and followed him over the edge of the cliff.

  “What happened to the big chap?” he asked as he helped her down a steep slope.

  She shrugged. “He didn’t find what he was searching for. He won’t be a problem anymore,” she said quietly.

  He raised his eyebrow at her. “Who was he?” he asked.

  “A Celestial Warrior who thought I had killed an innocent angel, a friend of his. He wanted revenge,” she explained.

  He frowned at her. “Did you kill his friend?”

  “Yes, but he wasn’t innocent and it wasn’t on purpose. He’s currently in more trouble than I am. If Heaven finds him, they will imprison him. If my angels find him, they will kill him,” she explained.

  He nodded slowly as he processed her statement. “I would pity him, but I’m not that forgiving. Did he hurt you?”

  “He almost succeeded in killing me, but I stopped him,” she said simply, not wanting anyone else to know what had really happened.

  “You truly are a wonder,” he smiled.

  She grinned at him and allowed him to guide her down the rocky terrain. “I need to find Haydn. I need to make sure he’s okay,” she said in a rush.

  Viktor shook his head. “There’s no time. The storm is moving fast and we’ll never make it. I saw him before I left. He was alive but in rough shape. He’s not able to move and it would take too long to carry him. Once the storm is over, you can deal with him,” he said rationally.

  She was upset that Haydn was alone, but Viktor was right about the storm getting closer. It would take a few days for him to heal and it would take too much energy to move him. He was capable of calling for help if he was brave enough to ask for it. He had survived this long without her; what was a few more hours?

  She focused on following Viktor down the cliff while keeping an eye on the lightning. Without her powers, she didn’t want to think about how much a lightning strike would hurt.

  “Hurry. I spied a small cave while I was climbing. We should be able to make it,” he shouted above the thunder bomb. The storm was progressing faster than they anticipated.

  She crouched down and jumped to a ledge below her. She watched Viktor shimmy across the ledge to the far side. The sky lit up and she could suddenly see how far off the ground she was. She flattened herself against the rock wall behind her and tried to get her fear of falling under control.

  “How much farther?” she yelled.

  “It will require a little more climbing than I thought,” he replied as he reached for the next ledge.

  She carefully followed him and waited for him to help her down to a boulder a few feet down. The boulder was small and only fit one person. She would have to make it down to the flat area below by herself to give Viktor enough room to maneuver. Closing her eyes, she dropped to the ledge, but misjudged the distance and almost slid off. Her feet were dangling over the edge and she clawed at the ground to keep from going over.

  “Anjali!” Viktor shouted as he scrambled to where she was.

  He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to her feet. He put his hands on her arms to steady her, but his hands lingered a little longer than necessary. She looked up and saw his worry and concern for her.

  “You scared me,” he said as the corner of his mouth turned up a bit.

  “Sorry,” she smiled meekly.

  He chuckled, but his face fell as he continued to gaze at her. “I wasn’t just talking about your fall. I meant that you scared me when you were missing. I was afraid of what that angel would do to you. I imagined him doing all sorts of terrible things,” he said. The anger were clear and sharp in his voice. He lifted his hand and brushed her jaw with the back of his knuckles. “I know that I shouldn’t be with you, but every time I look at you, my resolve crumbles a bit more.”

  He closed the gap between them and he leaned down to place his lips against hers. This time, he didn’t hold back. He took her into his arms and kissed her passionately. Her body was pulled tightly against his so that she could feel every part of him. She opened her mouth and let him deepen the kiss.

  His kiss was powerful and all consuming. Her senses were overwhelmed from being so close to him. She moaned into his mouth, prompting his hands to move slowly up and down her back.

  Her skin was on fire but she wanted more. “The cave,” she groaned into his mouth.

  He immediately let go of her, understanding her need. He looked over his shoulder, trying to locate the opening he had seen.

  A booming thunderclap echoed off the side of the cliff and rolled down into the jungle below. The skies opened up and let loose a torrent of rain. Anjali squealed when the rain hit her and instantly soaked her makeshift outfit.

  “There,” Viktor said, pointing to a dark spot in the rock face a few feet below them.

  She silently followed him though the rain impaired her vision. She did everything within her power to keep up with Viktor and maintain her balance so that she didn’t fall. She held her breath when she was forced to jump to a group of jagged rocks leading to the small landing in front of the cave. She ducked inside a narrow fissure and hoped the cave was large enough for them to wait out the storm.

  Chapter 12

  Viktor dragged Anjali through the small opening of the cave and she fell onto the uneven rock floor. She got to her knees and tried to get air into her burning lungs. She had never been much of a climber, but the climb down the mountainside had been a challenge. She was grateful to have her energy back; otherwise, she would have never made it.

  She shook out her hair to expel the excess water and settled into the cramped space. Though the space was narrow, it was long enough from them to lay across and high enough to stand up. She wiped the rain off her face and tried to get comfortable. The wind was howling and whistling as it blew across the fissure but it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the thunder. All in all, it was a decent shelter for the foreseeable future.

  Looking up, she saw the desire on Viktor’s face. He definitely hadn’t forgotten about their kiss. He knelt down in front of her and wiped the rain from her cheeks.

  “You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen,” he purred.

  “You’re just saying that because the rain washed the sand out of my hair,” she laughed.

  He shook his head slowly as his eyes remained locked on hers. His lustful gaze made her core clench and her body shiver. Though she still couldn’t remember him, she reacted to the look of pure need in his bluish-purple eyes.

  “I thought you wanted to give me up,” she whispered. She had trouble forming thoughts as he slowly closed in on her mouth.

  He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. “I was a fool,” he said, taking her lower lip into his mouth and sucking on it. He lightly bit it, sending shock waves through her body. All she could think about was touching his warm skin.

  She reached out and fumbled with the bottom of his shirt, unable to pull it off him.

  “Eager, are we?” he chuckled. He leaned back and slowly pulled his shirt over his head, giving her time to memorize the hard plains of his chest. Her mouth watered as she imagined running her hands through his dark chest hair.

  He gave her a wickedly sexy smile and pulled her against his firm chest. She looped her arms over his head and rested them against his shoulders so that she could kiss him. Her tongue explored his mouth, but she wasn’t happy yet. She needed to touch him. She quickly pulled away and moved her hands to his chest. She bit her lip as she dragged her nails down to his stomach and back up again. The groan that escaped his lips was intoxicating.

  She tangled her fingers in his dark chest hair, while leaning in to kiss the side of his neck. She ran her teeth up his neck until she reached his earlobe. She sucked on his earlobe and licked up the side of his ear.

  “Very eager indeed,” he moaned.

  She nipped at his neck and pushed him onto his back.

  “If I were eager, you would already be inside of me. I’m just expressing how much
I want you,” she smirked.

  His breath caught in his throat and he gasped at her comment. “I shall not confuse the two again, my love,” he replied as he wet his lips. “I like this bold side of you.”

  “If my hands were free, I would show you just how bold I could be,” she said seductively. She straddled his legs and tossed her hair over her shoulder so that she could lean down to kiss his chest. He was surprised by her actions, but seemed to enjoy her take-charge attitude.

  She popped the button and unzipped his cargo pants until his hard length was free. He gasped and threw his head back, but immediately lifted his head to see what she would do next. Running her cheek back and forth over his velvet skin, she watched his reaction. Locking her eyes on his, she dragged her tongue over his moist head, eliciting a deep growl from his throat. She repeated the movement until his body tightened and bucked beneath her.

  “Darling, the sight of your mouth on me is enough to finish me off, but the sensation of it will kill me. My shy wallflower has certainly learned a few tricks, but I beg you to go easy on me. I haven’t taken a lover since my memories of you came back to me,” he said, his voice strained from trying to maintain his control.

  She smiled and nodded, understanding his plea.

  Standing up, she struggled a bit with her shorts, but managed to kick them off. “I promise to make that sexier in the future,” she winked.

  His eyes were focused on her dark curls as he licked his lips. “I think if you take your clothes off any sexier than that, I will keel over from a heart attack,” he stated.

  She smiled and knelt down to straddle his hips. Shimmying closer, she poised herself over his thick erection. “You might have to help me,” she smirked.

  He nodded absently and took a deep breath. He held up his hand to stop her for a moment before leaning forward and pulling away the safety pins holding her dress together. “I want the full effect of seeing your magnificent breasts swaying while I make love to you,” he smiled.

  Releasing her breasts from the coarse material, he quickly leaned in, licked one nipple, and moved to suck on the other.

  She threw her head back and groaned when she felt his hot mouth on her cold skin. She looped her arms over his head again and pulled him closer. He was driving her need higher and higher with each flick of his tongue against her sensitive nipples. Pushing her hands into his dark hair, she tugged on it until he lifted his face to see her. She swooped in and kissed him, making him gasp. “Any more of that I will come before we start,” she chuckled.

  “I will remember that for later,” he winked before placing a kiss on the top of each breast.

  He reached down and grabbed onto her waist to guide her where she needed to be. Once she felt him at her entrance, she braced her hands against his chest and slowly lowered herself onto his hard cock.

  Groaning, his hands found her breasts and lightly squeezed them. She slid down his shaft and pulled herself up only to pause. When his eyes questioned what she was doing, she quickly dropped down his shaft until he filled her core. Viktor’s teeth snapped shut and he let out a yell that echoed through the cave. Not giving him time to breathe, she rose higher and dropped down on him again and again. His silent yells and groans told her that he was lost to the sensation.

  She felt him grab her hips when he was finally able to breathe and open his eyes. He pulled her against his lap and used the solid floor as leverage to thrust his hips up to meet her. The sharp movement caught her off guard and made her body tense up. He repeated the motion until she was close to finding her release. His hand left her hip and traveled down her stomach until his thumb dipped through her curls to find her nub. She had to hold on to his back to ground herself while his thumb rubbed against her nub and he continued to push himself inside of her.

  Throwing her head back, she screamed when her orgasm rippled through her body. He moved his hand to capture her nipple and scraped his calloused thumb over her stiff peak. The sensation added to her climax until her entire body shook and she was thrown over the edge a second time.

  Viktor abruptly sat up and claimed her mouth. He kissed her passionately and held her in his arms. He lavished attention on the crook of her neck before kissing down to her breast. He took her other nipple into his mouth and sucked on it while slowly thrusting his hips up. His erection was deep inside of her making his thrusts so intense that her thighs quivered. Time and space held no meaning. All that existed was Viktor touching her everywhere. His hands were grabbing her ass, making sure that her body stayed close to his. With each thrust, she whimpered for more until she wasn’t able to remember her name.

  One final thrust made her body clench, causing Viktor to let out a garbled yell. Her orgasm was so strong that she wasn’t able to move for a solid minute.

  Viktor watched the beauty in his lap lean her head back and make the sexiest noises he had ever heard. The woman baring herself to him was so different from her other incarnations, yet just the same. This version of her was uninhibited in her desire and wasn’t shy about being pleased. He knew everything about her from every lifetime, except for this one, yet he still knew how to please her.

  She had been demure upon their first encounter in 2018 B.C.E. when they lived in Susa, the capital of the former Akkadian providence. She had been the daughter of a trader and he was in the service of the military. She had come to the capital with her father to sell their copper to the tradesmen. He had been on leave after a particularly nasty skirmish in the Northern provinces and needed time to heal. He had sustained an injury to his leg that he was content to nurse with alcohol and the company of the local women, who were all too eager to treat his wound and any other part of him that needed tending to.

  He had been limping along his usual route with his friend Mica when he spotted the most beguiling chocolate brown eyes he had ever seen. She had been shy back then, not like the hellion currently panting in his lap. He was so affected by her kind eyes that he had stumbled into a crowd of men who were arguing in the market about the price of wheat. They immediately turned on him and began yelling and swearing at him. It took so long to untangle himself from the altercation that he had lost sight of the beautiful woman. He told Mica that he refused to leave the street until he saw her again. It took a week of sleeping behind the butcher shop and wandering the streets for hours without rest before he found her. He had nearly knocked her down when he ran to speak with her. Her father, a large, burly man, had threatened him and yelled at him to leave his daughter alone, believing he was a vagrant. It took many attempts to explain that he was in love with the woman, who went by the name Aliana at the time. Once her father understood that he wasn’t insane and had amassed a decent fortune that would help him provide a home for Aliana, her father gave his blessing.

  Aliana had been distant in the beginning, though he did his best to be gentle and patient with her. Over time, she came to adore him. She was sweet and timid for the most part, but there were times when her temper would get the better of her. It was during those times that he saw someone else staring back at him, just as he had seen in the jungle when he had spied Anjali fighting Demyan. Her eyes would turn black and the wind would stir, but nothing more would happen. Looking back, he was grateful that Aliana hadn’t possessed Anjali’s power, though some of her other incarnations had. He wasn’t sure if he would have stayed with Aliana during their first lifetime together if he had seen her display of power, even if he internally balked at the thought of ever walking away from her because of a little black magic.

  Watching Anjali’s long hair fall over her shoulders and across her lovely breasts, he couldn’t help but think of Aliana, Yazmin, Ming Na, Clara, and all the other faces she possessed during their many lives together. They all looked different and acted in their own unique way, but underneath the façade was the same brilliant smile and alluringly sexy gaze, as well as the wicked way her body reacted to him once she gave herself over to his touch. He loved every version of her and was excited by the
minute changes in her personality from life to life. It gave him something to look forward to whenever he began his search for her during his new life. Even the black eyes that would terrify braver men were always a welcomed sight because he knew his love could take care of herself.

  As Anjali slowly regained her senses, she pouted at him.

  He laughed at her strange reaction to a mind-blowing orgasm. “What’s the matter, darling?” he chuckled.

  “We need to get out of the cave as soon as possible. As much as I would love to stay like this, I need to find Haydn and get off this island,” she sighed.

  He nodded, knowing that he would gladly sacrifice their safety for just a moment longer with her body wrapped around his cock, which was why he allowed himself one moment of bliss. She would call him a scoundrel, and she would be right, but he needed one last time with her.

  Her full lips were bright red from their kisses and the blush on her cheeks was very inviting, but he had to stop himself before he fell even further into her arms.

  “I don’t trust the one who kidnapped you. I believe it best that we get to my ship and find someone to release you before you try to reason with your angel again,” he frowned.

  She seemed torn about leaving Haydn to his misery, but she finally nodded and accepted his plan. He watched her slowly get to her feet and steady herself. Her hair was tangled and wild, and her breasts were swaying every which way. He felt pride in seeing her so sated.

  Sighing heavily, he pushed himself off the cave floor and helped her dress. He pulled out a piece of rope from his bag and began the difficult process of covering up her splendid breasts as he desperately tried not to touch them. It would only cause his resolve to crumble even further if she remained naked.

  “You should get some rest. I’ll stand guard and wake you once it’s safe to head out. My ship is only a few miles from here. We should make it before midday, as long as the storm passes quickly,” he said, walking toward the entrance. He closed his eyes and reveled in the cool mist that helped to tame his overloaded senses.


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